Pumpkin Pie Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Matcha Powder, Natural Flavours
Clove, Creamy, Nutmeg, Pumpkin, Sweet Potatoes, Cinnamon, Cloves, Graham, Sugar
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 0 min, 45 sec 6 oz / 165 ml

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From Matcha Outlet

Despite its unique name, pumpkin pie tastes very similar to sweet potato pie. It is sweet on the palate and when combined with the enriching hints of exotic Matcha, becomes more balanced and delectable on the palate. Pumpkin Pie Matcha can be adapted to suit the occasions of young children because of its sweet beckonings and also the occasions of adults because of its delectable taste. This understated delicious snack can be an excellent choice as an in between meal snack for those who are not afraid to experience true adventure. It’s surprisingly sweet taste both delights and enriches the palate with unexpected pleasure.

This delectable snack can easily hold its own in an assortment of refreshments on any table. With its bright colored appeal and interesting taste, Pumpkin Pie Matcha brings wonderful surprises to any culinary offering. Although it may be understated, this exceptional Matcha treat always over delivers its special flavor to its avid takers. It forms the perfect habit for those looking for a mid morning or mid afternoon snack to delight in as they watch the time silently go by. Pumpkin pie Matcha is unforgettable because of its hidden promises and surprisingly great taste on any palate.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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114 Tasting Notes

806 tasting notes

latte style this morning :D I just can’t seem to get enough pumpkin tea this month :D

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15544 tasting notes

Oh man…so i initially wasn’t totally crazy about this matcha, but I appear to have found my sweet spot. A 2:1 ratio of pumpkin pie to french vanilla matcha and I am laughing all the way to crazy town. Seriously! The vanilla makes the pumpkin just a little sweeter and adds a creaminess that when combined with the spices is A-MAY-ZING! Love it! Bumping the rating a little even though it’s the combo with french vanilla to make it supercalafragilistically wonderful!


I found this to be just super spicy & not really pumpkiny. Hmmm wonder what I can find for vanilla to kick it up.


you might be able to try adding cheesecake matcha if you have that… hmmmm


I do! I’ll give that a try.


if you try it let me know how it goes :) I haven’t tried mixing those two yet, though i do often mix the cheesecake with other flavours

Kasumi no Chajin

there is the french vanilla matcha too. Just a thought.


Kasumi – yeah that’s what i used :) I think tattooed_tea was looking for a substitute because she doesn’t have that in her cupboard at the moment.


My eldest daughter drinks this one by the bucket full. I gave her two larges for Christmas and she has almost finished them off!

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3486 tasting notes

I am mostly ordering and trying matcha for my daughter, who works at night and is trying to drink a lot of green tea plus she needs energy and to be alert but not jittery, and for my husband, who is terrible about not eating a good breakfast and needs energy for a long day. For this reason, the flavors I am choosing first are really flavors I think they will like rather than what I would choose for myself, although believe me, my turn is coming!

My daughter loves fall because she loves EVERYTHING pumpkin! She makes pumpkin pie, pumpkin cookies, and pumpkin fudge. She buys pumpkin doughnuts and pumpkin spice coffees. She even toasts pumpkin seeds. So a natural choice of matcha for her is the Pumpkin Pie Matcha! I don’t think I even noticed on the website until I saw Alphakitty’s review, and as soon as I saw that I knew my daughter had to have it!

You can find it here:


I ordered the small size and got the basic grade of matcha because I also got the robust level of flavor, so I thought that grade of matcha would be fine.

This time I got the tin. Matcha is a very fine powder, and they recommend keeping it in the refrigerator or freezer.

Naturally, I have to try it first! Again, I want the flavored matcha for lattes or smoothies so the big decision was how to make a pumpkin pie drink without adding coffee, because that is the only kind I really know.

I decided to make the matcha and add it to heated milk for my first attempt. I figured if i didn’t like it as a hot drink, i could always pour it over ice.

The dry matcha did not have as much aroma as I had anticipated thought had a pleasant smell. I had expected to open the pouch and be greeted by CINNAMON whopping me upside the head, but there was just a pleasant smell of light spices and pumpkin.

This time I didn’t use the Bamix immersion blender, but just whisked the matcha in a small cereal bowl with a kitchen whisk. I had tried making it that way with the first matcha I ordered, which was the mocha one, and it worked great! I don’t have a sifter – I just looked at the powder and since I didn’t see any lumps I figured it was okay. I poured on the hot water, probably only one ounce, and whisked with my plain metal kitchen whisk and used the “M” shaped motion they describe. As soon as, and i mean AS SOON AS, the hot water hit the matcha, the robust flavor showed itself in a rich aroma swelling into the air. Yes sir! This is a nice mix of pumpkin pie spices, but the pumpkin is there, too! I got a lovely froth completely covering the surface of the liquid. Even though my plain kitchen whisk works, I eventually want to get a bamboo whisk and a whisk stand, just because I enjoy the doodads and paraphernalia!

I added the ounce of matcha liquid to a ten ounce cup of hot milk and stirred in one teaspoon of raw cane sugar because I want a pie experience! It is hard to believe that this tiny amount of matcha is going to flavor that whole cup of milk.

And oh my goodness, my daughter is going to be very happy! This tastes like liquid pumpkin pie. It is so rich, yet this is skim milk. I feel like I am drinking a whole milk, calorie dense beverage.

As a hot milk drink, it was also very satisfying and I am hoping it is going to keep me going as we do a big clean up today. I wondered if I would need to add some real canned pumpkin to it to give it enough flavor, but it isn’t necessary! I can’t wait for my daughter to try this! I already told her about it and she is pretty excited! She had never heard of matcha before now, and is diligently googling all the health benefits.


Isn’t it SO SO yummy! I love this one (I love them all though) … Red Leaf’s powder is very fine – if you had to get away without sifting RL is the match to do it with!


Yum I want this one too! Gosh my list is getting bigger and bigger. Love the review :)


The hardest thing about Red Leaf is that I can’t pick what to get next! I can’t wait for my daughter to try this.


LOL that is true! But now they have sales which sometimes makes the choice easier :)


This one is so delicious! I was really surprised by how spot-on the pumpkin taste is.


I’ve been waiting for a sale matcha that I couldn’t resist in order to try out Red Leaf, especially since I’ve never done matcha before. But this is one that I would be tempted to just up and order anyway, especially since it’s fall and pumpkin time! Well I’ll get around to the matcha someday. :)

Daisy Chubb

Do you think more than “Robust” flavour would be too much of the “spice” and overtake the pumpkin flavour? I really want this one for fall, but I want to make sure the pumpkin is there, not just the spice. What do you gals think? :)

Daisy Chubb

(Although ashmanra, I would totally add canned pumpkin for an extra special latte anyways ;) )

Autistic Goblin

mmmm…pumpkin :D


I want this too!


Daisychubb: I love the level of spice I got, and I think increasing the level would be great, too. This doesn’t have the hot burn of too much cinnamon you can get when a company overdoes it, this is nicely balanced and I think if you increase the flavor level it would still be great. I did buy a can of pumpkin to add as part of my experimenting. I am completely new to tea lattes and smoothies so I wanted to try it lots of ways, but I love warm pumpkin pie so I especially wanted this as a hot drink, while the mocha I wanted as a cold drink. This is fun, but choosing my next flavor is almost hopeless. There are so many I want to try!

Daisy Chubb

Thank you! That’s very helpful :D On the nest order it goes ^^


Looks like it’s next up for the sale after the results of the poll this week…

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807 tasting notes

Pumpkin Pie Matcha

Buy it here: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/pumpkin-pie-matcha.html

I really don’t know how Red Leaf Tea is making any real profit here with their Free Matcha Program – See link here – http://www.redleaftea.com/free-matcha/
but I tell you what I sure have profited from this program – my matcha stash is growing! As long as I don’t suck it all down or send out so many samples that its gone before it has a chance to grow lol.

I have to admit it is hard not to share the wealth and it is hard not to want to drink nothing but matcha all day long. I have kept myself going easy on matcha though because I do prefer matcha shakes, smoothies, and lattes and the fact is I don’t need all those calories nor do I want to have to keep going to the store to buy more stuff to make all that with. So I have allowed myself one sometimes two matcha per day.

So I got my latest shipment – again Red Leaf Tea delivers on their super fast shipping! Now I am located only two states away from them but still I would bet doughnuts to dollars that they would get your shipment to you at light speed regardless where you are located! Mine arrived in the characteristic two days!

So here I sit with five new matcha flavors!! WOO HOOO and I only paid a little over thirty dollars for all of them due to the added promotion they have going on now for writing a lengthy review which mine tend to be when it comes to matcha anyway! When I get into something new I get really excited about it and tend to be more wordy. So with that said I decided on Pumpkin Pie Matcha to begin with. I have been having autumn fever lately and nothing says fall like pumpkin pie!

Here it is again: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/pumpkin-pie-matcha.html

So when I opened the package, and for those who have never received a package from Red Leaf Tea, their matcha come in pretty shiny gold foil packages but they are not self sealing, no zip lock, etc so you have to plan ahead for a container or purchase one from Red Leaf – 3.00 for a small that holds up to 45 grams or 4.00 for a large that holds up to 120 grams. I always get a small tin myself. Anyway, when I opened the package and took that initial whiff of goodness I was floored! What I was smelling was in fact fresh, creamy, pumpkin pie filling! It smelled very familiar to the stuff you buy in a can but yet there was something more complex to it. It actually smelled more like what my great grandmother used to make way back in the day. I swear I could also smell pie crust baking along with the aroma of raw pumpkin and spices wafting about. This was going to be GOOOOD! So this is the one I selected to try first among so many other wondrous smells from the four other matcha I selected.

Getting out my scoop, whisk, and bowl I was so nervous and excited. Like a kid at Christmas or ummm Thanksgiving, anticipating my pie! Could this really be THAT good? As I put the initial amount of water in the bowl to begin the paste and starter forth I was hit square in the face with the aroma of spices but clove was most predominant. I took a sip… POW nutmeg, clove, cinnamon … in that order. The clove was a bit overwhelming, a bit too intense, I did go with Robust flavoring but there was absolutely no sweetness to the flavor and the spices covered up the natural sweetness of the green tea. I was a bit bummed but since I am one to usually make milkshakes, lattes, etc anyway I went for my normal method. I added ice to a tall glass, some milk, a splash of vanilla creamer, and the tea. OMYUMNESS! This is what I was looking for! Creamy, rich, spiced, pumpkin pie love.

So yes in the natural state this tea was a little too intense for me, but lets break it down. First of all I do not normally drink my matcha straight. Second of all I did opt for Robust flavoring, and lastly, I always over scoop for some reason. I know I do this, I have no idea WHY I do this, I do this with matcha and every tea I steep. I always want a flavor to hit me in the face and most of you know that about me, so in this case I got what I asked for and then some lol.

I would like for this tea to be a bit sweeter in its straight form but again I feel like the intensity of the spices covered the natural green tea powder sweetness. Its a mixture of things but next time I will go with Distinctive perhaps and I bet it will be more to my liking. The thing is though when I add my milk and ice, and in this case the splash of vanilla creamer it is PERFECTION. I mean absolute and total BLISS!

Now I will add that when this particular flavor of matcha is in this form you do lose some of the matcha goodness – from the tea powder itself, whereas if it were in distinctive flavor I think it would taste a bit more matcha – ish. BUT it does still retain enough of the matcha flavor to be appreciated and of course matcha has its own texture which I love. Yes I use a strainer but I can feel the matcha grain still in this which is nice especially with this flavor it seems to just belong there.

So end result. I would absolutely recommend this flavor – that is if you like Pumpkin Pie. I can’t wait to make a latte for my husband when he gets home from work because Pumpkin Pie is his all time favorite dessert! I would suggest you get the robust flavor only if you plan to make lattes, shakes, smoothies etc but if you like to have your matcha straight then I would go with distinctive.

Here is what my matcha was composed of:
Size : Small
Matcha Quality: Starter (Basic Grade)
Flavor: Robust
Storage : Add Small Metal Tin Container (Holds up to 45g)

Note: I do believe that my basic starter matcha was upgraded to Royal (Premium Grade) due to them being out of starter matcha but I am not positive of this. Either way I find even the starter grade being wonderful an far better of a grade than other places I have purchased matcha from before at a supposedly superior grade!

One last time here is where to get this matcha:



DRAT! I’m going to have to get some matchas from them and soon! It’s driving me nuts! I couldn’t see it on the website is there a free shipping offer if you buy so much – your overall total, I mean?

Will Work For Tea

1,162 words – are you going for some sort of record?! J/K!

I’ve been leaning more toward Fallish-type flavors lately and your review is very tempting. I’ll probably cave and make an order today, but will most likely be for two other flavors… We’ll see how long I can hold out on the Pumpkin Pie Matcha… ;)


Free shipping I believe if you spend 75 I think. As you put things in your cart you will get a message in the upper right side that says your shipping has been adjusted.


LOL curious to see what you decide on!


For matcha, 60 grams will get you free shipping. Doesn’t have to be all 60 of the same matcha either. :)


Okay that is more what I thought based on that usually once I have two small matcha in my cart it adjusts to free shipping! Thanks!


NO prob. :) I have no idea how Red Leaf is making a profit here either. I really hope he is though!


Me too! I guess it is the cost of getting your business off the ground and truly this IS the best advertising there is! But I do hope he is not going broke!

Matcha Outlet

Thank you for the review. :-)
Here are some of our comments:
1. To promote our new line of flavored matcha, instead of paying Google for advertising, we decided that word of mouth will be a lot better strategy. We get reviews + links and our reviewers get some free matcha. Win – win situation. At some point we’ll have to stop this promo, but we’ll let you know in advance.
2. After lowering the prices at the beginning of the year, we could not offer free shipping for all matcha teas, but still wanted to make it available somehow, so we decided to make it offer for larger purchase. Any purchase of matcha (only matcha) for amount larger than $47 will qualify for free shipping.


So – if I bought – say $50 or more of numerous/various sizes and flavors of matcha’s I would get free shipping? As long as it was over $47 and Matcha’s ONLY, right? Just wanted to know for sure! Thanks :)


Excellent thank you for the clarification :)


From my experience you CAN also get regular teas but your MATCHA total has to be 47 or more before the other teas are added into the total.


COOL. When/If I do place that order I have been wanting to place it will ALL be matcha! Bwahahahahah! MATCHA….ahhhhhhhh!


Speaking of which – Red Leaf Tea – I posted a note for you in the Vegan or Not Vegan Thread in Discussions :)


I think I’m going to order again today too. I know I shouldn’t, but, I want to get the boysenberry matcha while it is still on sale.

Matcha Outlet

TeaEqualsBliss: Yes you are correct, you can buy many different matcha teas and if the total is over $47, the shipping will be free. That’s the promo right now. Not guaranteed it will not change in the future for some other variation.
Azzrian: If you but Matcha and some other teas, your total needs to be at least $75 to get free shipping. If it’s not, it will have to be adjusted.


Oh no. Sorry to misinform people on that. Thats too bad because it kind of dissuades people from buying other teas then unless they plan to spend 75 anyway. Its nice that you offer to adjust it though!


Here’s how their free matcha program works: Azzrian, you almost single-handedly have made me decide to order from Red Leaf TODAY! Thanks for all the great reviews, now I just have to make the hard decision of what to get.


sigh I did it again. I bought more matcha just now. Bad me. Bad bad bad me. (shakes head) I’m very bad.


Check out the Orders thread and see what I just got for 47 cents!
LOL LiberTEAS once you see how much you can get in return if you get your reviews up fast before the special promo ends you will have made money!

devyleys – its a hard decision but you can’t go wrong they are all really really great!

James R

That sounds really good…I might mix it with some almond milk to make a latte. I haven’t tried Red Leaf but the program sounds intriguing.


@Azzrian: I know. The deal is too amazing to not take advantage of, seriously. I’ve already been taking advantage of it. :)


yeah hehe you do already know about it :)

Daisy Chubb

Ohh I’m holding out for autumn for this matcha, but it sounds SO good! I’ll probably get the gingerbread one too :)


That is another one I considered but decided to wait until autumn or until it goes on sale.


I need this tea!

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2201 tasting notes

Made this one with 4oz of hot water and 4oz of warm almond milk (original, non-vanilla), with a pinch of sugar.

This matcha really shines as a latte. The thing about pumpkin pie is that it’s creamy and sweet, so adding more creamy and sweet elements really brings out the pumpkin pie flavor. It’s perfomance as a latte brings this one up into the high 80s in the ratings, and I will definitely really enjoy drinking it this way this fall.


You’re reeeaaaally making me crave for a cup of matcha with these joyful updates, you know. Oh you.


Haha, sorry! :D Discovering a new type of tea is always fun.


Indeed it is, and keep on posting these! They are delightful to read!

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6768 tasting notes

Azzrian thanks for this one, too!

Upon adding the water and whisking the aroma is pretty intense and it doesn’t really diminish much during/throughout the matcha experience…which I appreciate!

It smells a little more like Potpourri than just straight-up Pumpkin Pie but that’s doesn’t bother me.

It has a nice spicy-combo from start sip to end-sip! Neat! There is that little bit of creamy-pumpkin filling type taste in there somewhere and the PIE part completely makes sense after that.

This is true and tempting! I do like this, too!


I’m gonna have to try a matcha one of these days. It sounds interesting and I do like to play with my whisk.


You betcha Sis!

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160 tasting notes

Thanksgiving is coming! :) Even though I am in Ecuador, my Mom is American and we have grown up loving and celebrating Thanksgiving as the beginning of the holiday season. I love everything about it! The food (except the turkey… Being vegetarian, I miss out on that bit of it!) and especially the Pumpkin Pie!!! My mom makes it fresh since here in Ecuador there is no way to buy canned pumpkin! So, pumpkin matcha!?! From Red Leaf Tea? An absolute must have! I bought it and saved it for a moment when I felt Thanksgiving was near enough! The time has come! Now, for the tea review…

I opened the golden package (yes, it is really golden! :) ) and was flooded with pumpkin pie spices! It smelled deliciously festive! There is something about cinnamon and nutmeg that immediately kick starts me into the Holidays. This was just right!

I drink my matcha unsweetened and without milk. So that is how this one got prepared. I drank half a cup of it and realized that this tea needed to be drunk sweetened and as a latte. Imagine unsweetened pumpkin pie… not really something that sounds delicious. So I added milk and sweetener and I got a perfect matcha pumpkin pie latte! It really tasted like liquid pumpkin pie with a bit of green tea flavor added for extra tastiness! It is absolutely delicious! Super tasty! I love how rich and creamy it is, even though I added skim milk.

So, to sum it up, if you want a pumpkin pie tea that will make the best latte ever, this is most definitely it! If you like Pumpkin Pie, you need to try this matcha. You can find it here: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/pumpkin-pie-matcha.html .

Autistic Goblin

oh god it is really yummy!! I’m out but that means I get try the pumpkin pie black based matcha from Red Leaf Tea (in my cupboard) so I’m excited to do that :D


I spent a Christmas in Lima and remember how odd it seemed for it to be so warm. I hope you have a very lovely Thanksgiving there in Ecuador.


It is pretty warm here, but it is the rainy season, so I am hoping it cools down just a bit for it to remind me of winter…. I miss snow and cold!


You know, I wonder how this would translate into actual pumpkin pie. Like, if drinking pumpkin pie flavored matcha is good, then what would happen if you added a pinch of cooking matcha to a pumpkin pie? >_>

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4843 tasting notes

I like pumpkin pie. It’s not my favorite dessert, but I like it, and no Thanksgiving is really complete without it. (I also make it for our Christmas feast as well, because my family loves pumpkin pie, and I really only make it these two times a year)

This flavored Matcha from Red Leaf Tea – http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/pumpkin-pie-matcha.html – has managed to capture the essence of pumpkin pie so well. It tastes as though someone has liquified the pumpkin pie and added it to a bowl of Matcha! So rich and creamy and deliciously pumpkin!

I can taste the rich and savory taste of the pumpkin, the sweetness of it, and the accent flavors of cinnamon as well as the hint of buttery pastry. If I could change anything about this, I would like a bit more pumpkin flavor here, but I wouldn’t want to sacrifice any of the other flavors to add the pumpkin flavor, so as it is, I like it just fine. So yummy! I made this into a latte (using a 1:1 ratio of hot water to warmed milk) because I wanted to accent the creaminess a bit more, and I think that this Matcha really benefits from being served this way. It tastes good prepared traditionally using only hot water, but it tastes REALLY GOOD when prepared as a latte.

The Matcha flavor is not overwhelmed with my specifications of classic Matcha with distinctive pumpkin pie flavoring, however, if you want more Matcha flavor, go with the delicate flavoring level. I don’t think I need more of the pumpkin pie flavor, I think that as it is with the distinctive level, there is a really good amount of flavor, with the flavor of the pumpkin pie just a little stronger than the Matcha, but the sweet, smooth, vegetative taste of the Matcha coming through in a nice way.

I really like this one, and I look forward to also trying this with the Cheesecake Matcha for a Pumpkin Pie Cheesecake Matcha! Mmm!

This Pumpkin Pie Matcha is available here: http://www.redleaftea.com/matcha-tea/pumpkin-pie-matcha.html and you really should get some before Thanksgiving … I’m looking forward to enjoying this on Turkey day!


I have to get around to ordering this.


I had to laugh when I read your last paragraph. For us Canadians, Thanksgiving is tomorrow! Aside from that, I should really look into getting some of this matcha; it sounds great :)


I keep thinking sea weeds and pumpkin pie; not a mix really. would you sit at the beach smelling the freshly/fishy seaweed smell and have pumpkin pie while sitting there? I am sorry, please don’t punch me in the face or anything. It is something to consider. Algae vs. pumpkin pie? why vs. why not combine it says those mixing the brews…I suppose.


I do agree that the other flavors came more over the pumpkin pie, but it’s still enjoyable.

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1598 tasting notes

This is great! The flavouring on this is distinctive and that’s exactly the right choice. I mixed hot water with the matcha to blend it up a bit, then added a ton of milk and frothed it right up.

The result is very pumpkiny and creamy and super satisfying. I can taste the cinnamon/nutmeg/other pumpkin pie spices quite clearly. I’ll have to try it hot too, but I wanted the easy way first. #lazy


Love the hashtag haha!


This is so good as a latte.

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2816 tasting notes

I didn’t sleep too well last night so I’m kind of glad I have some of this matcha to perk me up today.

Hmm, I added one scoop into around 6 oz. of soymilk and heated it up in the microwave. I can see the only issue with making these matcha soymilk drinks all day would be the calories! This smells very yummy and tastes pretty good. I am getting a lot of nutmeg here and the pumpkin pie spice. I think this might be kind of nasty if you just prepared it plain but it’s definitely good with something creamy. I think I prefer the macadamia nut matcha slightly, but this is a really good treat for this time of year.

Matcha – wake me up! :D

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 30 sec

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