311 Tasting Notes
I have been looking for evening decaf teas that are not always Roobios, which is iffy for me, although I seem to have plenty of blends. I generally adore most of Simpson & Vail tea, and I have had three of their standard similar black blends that are not decaffeinated – for some reason this one is WEAK. I have tried three times and it’s like weak store bag tea. Even the consistency of the leaves is almost a powder type. Very disappointing.
Hm, I see some awful reviews but they are older now so wondering if Simpson & Vail changed it.
We had last night with the new Alien Romulus movie on Hulu with all the commercials (ack). We enjoyed the tea as something different. I did expect the peppermint to be stronger and actually added more tea to it than I usually would have a little, but it was definitely not too harsh or strong with peppermint. I didn’t find any sour taste but had ordered a tin so will see if my tastes change with it.
Unfortunately as a note the day before did Mulberry Black from New Mexico Tea company and find it delicious, but it’s not in steepster catalogue and doesn’t seem to exist anymore with the company either :(
Hit the spot tonight! I made a smokey cheese ball for an event tomorrow and thought, cold night, don’t have wine, why not a boozy tea? went well with everything, especially strong goat cheese snacking. I haven’t been logging teas much sadly but I’ve been having fun drinking them :)
Will probably just toss this one, have given a few chances.
Something weird with the the blend that puckers as you keep sipping.
I will say Daybreak, on the other hand, is one of my favorite Decaf offerings ever and I’m about to order more of that stuff. Nightfall sounded like a good companion, but unfortunately not.