62 Tasting Notes

drank Strawberry Matcha by Matcha Outlet
62 tasting notes

My grandma bought me a magic bullet for christmas so I could make matcha smoothies :) I made a strawberry one today with some milk and ice. Gosh it was sooo good. It kinda reminded me of that strawberry sugar syrup you put in milk as a kid. This matcha is one of my favorites its such a delicious strawberry. To me its not a real strawberry taste but its not to fake that I don’t like it. It more of a candy strawberry which is just fine and yummy for me.

Denise @ Nature's Tea Leaf 12 years ago

I never thought of using my magic bullet for this purpose…hmm…index finger tapping head in a contemplating sort of way.

Cedes 12 years ago

It works so well. And if you don’t add a lot of ice you get so much foam!

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drank Santa's Secret by DAVIDsTEA
62 tasting notes

Nomnom! This tea is yummy. It sweet but not too sweet and pepperminty but just the right amount. Had this instead of my morning coffee its a perfect substitute. Delicious!

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Yum so good! Sitting looking out the window knitting a sweater, drinking this tea. Today is a perfect day :)

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I liked this one. I’m not one for chocolate teas but I thought id give it a try. Out of all the chocolate teas I have this one is my fav. I don’t get a lot of cherry but its a nice sweet but not too sweet chocoalte tea.

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drank Red Velvet Cake by DAVIDsTEA
62 tasting notes

Just sitting down after eating christmas dinner, I made mexican pizza yum. Too stuffed to have real cake so I grabbed this. Its so smooth ans sweet and delicious. Merry christmas everyone :)

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drank Winter Nog by Della Terra Teas
62 tasting notes

Yum yum, this is the first tea I grabbed from my order that came yesterday. I wouldn’t say this is super eggnog but its a sweet lightly spiced tea. But jeeze. It good: )

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drank Red Velvet Cake by DAVIDsTEA
62 tasting notes

Today is a great day! I got my licence yay! So i’m not spouse to have any tea on my diet but i’m treating myself to this delicious chocolaty goodness tea as a congrats to myself yay!

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Ysaurella 12 years ago

Congratulations !

Cedes 12 years ago

Thanks :)

Daniel Scott 12 years ago

A diet that doesn’t let you drink tea?! What kind of diet is that?

Cedes 12 years ago

Its a cleansing diet. I’m aloud plain green teas, or any herbals that don’t have any sugar.

Nik 12 years ago


Cedes 12 years ago

Thanks :)

Shmiracles 12 years ago

yes super congratulations!

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drank Cheesecake Matcha by Matcha Outlet
62 tasting notes

I started doing a cleansing diet, so no tea for me except green tea. So I mad this into a smoothies yesterday with frozen peaches and strawberry’s. GAH! its was amazing!!! I usually make my matcha with milk but smoothies are the way to go! So delicious!

Babble 12 years ago

I’m doing a “cleansing” diet of sorts, too, but I’m supposed to lay off the caffeine completely.. so it’s just been herbals teas for me for a couple days. You can’t keep this tea drinker down.

I was also about to say you are brave for going on a cleansing diet before Thanksgiving, but then I remembered you are Canadian, LOL ;)

Cedes 12 years ago

Yeah thanksgiving here has already passed thank goodness! Now its to tackle Christmas!

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drank Ice Cream Cake by DAVIDsTEA
62 tasting notes

Is not a very happy camper right now. So I saw this tea and wanted to try it. Now I read some reviews that people said it had stevia in it. And I hate! stevia I don’t know just doesn’t settle well with me. So I tripple checked the ingredient list on there website to make sure it didnt. And it had no stevia in the ingredient list, so i thought they must have changed the ingredients so yay no stevia.

So couple days later the tea arrives I get all excited try this first. And what do I taste stevia! Look on the ingredients on the package and its different then the website! Its has stevia in it. I’m not going to rate this tea yet cause I dont know how I feel about it.

Its kinda sweet tea, but I get that stevia taste that I hated! in southern bell tea. Gah Ill try this again sometime soon but for now Darn you wrong ingredient list!!

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Sil 12 years ago

write a strongly worded note on the website :) But in all seriousness, I’d at least say something. Worries me a little when things like that are wrong since it would leave me skeptical about what other things that might have “missed” as an ingredient. thankfully i have no allergies/hatreds yet..

Cedes 12 years ago

It worries me too because I do have allergies/ sensitivities. I sent them a email saying they should properly advertise what is in there tea and I wouldn’t have gotten this if I knew what was in it. Its just so frustrating!

Fjellrev 12 years ago

Blech, this was one way too sweet to me. Too bad you ended up having to order a full pouch of it.

Cedes 12 years ago

Yeah it sucks but I tried it with a splash of milk and its more drinkable now :)

Shmiracles 12 years ago

i haven’t tried ice cream cake, but birthday cake seems to have a strange ‘film’ issue that makes me feel like i’m drinking a slight bit of liquid plastic.. which i probably am. i mean, i know it’s the sprinkles that are making that happen, but i’m kinda surprised davidstea would think that was a good idea.
i keep trying to drink what i have but it’s taking a long time, i always drink the creme caramel first.

CHAroma 12 years ago

Try doing a quick 30 second steep with boiling water and throwing it out. The second steep will be much more drinkable.

Cedes 12 years ago

Oh good idea I’ll try that thanks

barbaraann 12 years ago

I’m super interested in trying Ice Cream Cake and Southern Belle. If they don’t work out for you I’d love to trade or something.

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This was really good! Its sweet and creamy and delicious! It reminds me a lot of DT red velvet cake but not as sweet. Yum its so good.

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Gosh I’m so horrible at these things. So my name is Cedes. I just recently started drinking tea. I pretty much like all the tea that I’ve tried.

I have 2 dogs that are rescued. I am a very big animal person.

My favorite tea at this very second would be dt banana nutbread. I like more fruity teas then plain teas. I’m not one for just regular tea.

The only tea place I’ve tried so far is davids tea. But hoping to try some new tea brands. My new thing is trying matcha. Got some coming in the mail. So yay to trying new tea!



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