237 Tasting Notes
I cold brewed overnight, and probably used more water than I should have but it turned out great! Although not for the sophisticated palate this tastes exactly like little cola candies- the ones with the sugar sprinkled all over. It’s a happy tea :) quite fun.
P.S. I am back! :P
So things are pretty sad right now. I decided to come clean about something that a very close friend / colleague was planning at work and now things are tense as all hell. She tried to convince everyone to come in an hour late on the day before the supervisor was supposed to leave for vacation, and when everybody finally showed up, they would go into the CEO’s office and demand that the supervisor be fired. She wanted to do it on the day before the supervisor left for vacation because she wanted to ruin the poor girl’s vacation. The super hypocritical thing is that she would’ve been on vacation on that day, so no consequences would’ve applied to her for refusing to work. She keeps telling me that the bosses love her and that they promised her a promotion in September. There is something awfully wrong about sucking up to the bosses for a promotion and then going behind their backs to fuck with their company. At least I think so.
The whole ‘revolution’ did not end up happening because some people tried to talk some sense into her, telling her that she can’t just fuck with everyone’s minds and jobs over her own problems with management. But that whole situation kept bothering me and it was a huge weight on my shoulders. I knew it would come out eventually (as all stories in offices usually do) and I didn’t want anyone to say “Well Virginia agreed” or “Well Virginia is just as guilty because she knew and said nothing”. So I did what was right for me and I spoke up. I feel like a total piece of shit about it though. I called my colleague and told her it was me who spoke up, and needless to say she is pissed. But I choose honesty and loyalty to the ones I can trust over friendship with shady people any day.
On top of that, my baby’s father are in the process of seperating. I need to make more money for us so I decided to sell my tea, and my makeup. So now I have problems in the workplace, have become a single mother, and am forced to give up the things I love the most to be able to get through it. I’m pretty intensely down in the dumps. At least the response to my stash sale has been very positive and it’s working, so that’s good.
I wish I could get wasted and cry and throw a huge dramatic drunken scene but I have a baby to wake up for so I’m drowning my sorrows in my last few cups of tea. All this to say although I will keep logging on, you probably won’t see tasting notes for a while, since, well, I will have no tea to write about soon lol.So thank you to everybody who has helped me with my stash sale and I will be living vicariously through everyone’s tasting notes for a while, but I know things will get better and one day I will have a tea cupboard to call my own again.
To anyone who read this whole thing, thanks for caring :P
This has become my daily candy tea.I crave it constantly. Strong toffee, icing and marshmallow notes make it my substitute afternoon sugar fix. I find it really satisfying, because the flavour is very intense, and although it is a bit artificial tasting, it makes me happy.
I must be steeping this wrong, because the only flavour I get is honey. It’s good, but I feel like it could be great. Anyone have any steeping recommendations that bring out more flavour? The instructions on the package don’t do it for me. I’ve had it a few times and I think 2 cups were “ERHMAHGAWD” and the others were good, but nothing exceptional. I really want to find the sweet spot with this one.
dude. It’s not the best idea I’ve ever had. I was obnoxious. They made me go in my office and shut the door. And I’m the boss.
Sipdown (insert melodramatic tune here). Every time I drink this, it reminds me of good chocolate milk: sweet, creamy, with rich chocolate and a bit of malt. So long Golden Orchid. We will see each other soon, I swear.
Nope, but I’m sending her some, along with the tea we ordered from YS, & half of all my recent samples :)
Another one that I’ve been meaning to try but just never got around to it. I love it because it is very different: there’s some nice blueberry notes , with a big splash of cream and some oak notes as well. I love the fruitiness of this cup, because although it does taste like a lot of different fruit as the sip progresses, it’s not too intense, and the flavours develop within the sip as opposed to being like “BAM! I’M A SUPER OBVIOUS (place fruit flavour of your choice here) TEA, WHADDUP!”.
I just re read the description on Stacy’s website and nowhere does she mention blueberry notes. Lol. Maybe my taste buds are weird, but those blueberry notes are undeniable. As it cools down, they fade away, and are replaced with stonefruit flavours.
Ooosh. I don’t know about Oriental Beauty. It is very earthy. Like ear-thay. Something that could almost be something like honey at the beginning of the sip but not quite, imo. Oh no, this really is not for me. I’m sorry cup of tea, I hate to waste :( I will not rate this, because it is not BAD, but I really dislike that earthy taste.
I’m surprised by the strong melon notes of this tea. The melon is followed by a hint of grass that then transforms into hay. A nice delicate tea, with little complexity and a very smooth body. The texture of it is very soft, and it is making me happy right now :)
Welcome Back! :O :D
Yaay! Welcome back!
Welcome back. I hope everything is going better for you. <3