Almond Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
Almond, Green, Nutty, Sweet, Marzipan, Tangy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 15 sec 9 oz / 253 ml

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  • “So I am very pleased that Red Leaf included a sample of this for me to try with my last order. I have a severe peanut allergy and have avoided all other nuts as well to be safe in case of...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is such a treat for me that I’ve been holding back on indulging… not wanting to let it become less special. Maybe I need to set up a rotation schedule, so that I give all my matchas equal...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown, 120. Sil posted earlier about making a matcha milkshake and I couldn’t get it off my mind. So I used the rest of this matcha and made a strong matcha milkshake. It was perhaps too strong…...” Read full tasting note
  • “Someone stop me, please! No, don’t. I am going to sing to my matcha lattes…..if lovin’ you is wrong, I don’t wanna be right. Since almond flavor is a big favorite of mine, and one I only tried in...” Read full tasting note

From Matcha Outlet

The well recognized and much loved taste of sweet almonds can be heightened and made vibrantly unique by adding the exotic Matcha blend. Almond Matcha makes a slightly sweet treat that can be perfect for those looking for a combination of the nutty flavor combined with an interesting twist of oriental Matcha. Almond Matcha is perfect for many desserts, cakes and any other snack because of its naturally sweet taste that blends well with most snacks. This makes it a very popular treat for young kids anytime of the day or night.

Almond Matcha is a pleasant treat that leaves its many takers delighted. Almond Matcha makes a great treat for reviving flagging spirits in between meals. This is because, its sweet embrace on the palate invigorates and makes its many takers better enjoy their past times.It is also a delectable treat for those adults who want to introduce the sweet nutty flavor with exotic Matcha especially for festive ocassions when variety is the spice of life. Almond Matcha can easily hold its own in a selection of sweet treats in any setting because of its unique taste and special blend on the palate that leaves its followers wanting more of its lip-smacking goodness.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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51 Tasting Notes

1186 tasting notes

So I am very pleased that Red Leaf included a sample of this for me to try with my last order. I have a severe peanut allergy and have avoided all other nuts as well to be safe in case of contamination. However, I emailed Red Leaf to check that their teas are nut free and they told me that even their nut teas are nut free! The natural flavorings are not actually made with the nut extracts! So since I have avoided almonds all my life for fear of them being contaminated by peanuts, I finally decided to see what they taste like in the form of a safe matcha before I actually try the real thing. I still don’t think I will chance trying a peanut matcha, but I thought this would at least be a step into trying nuts that I am not allergic to without fear. And tonight, I got up my nerves to make this matcha.

So I have never had almonds before lol, except for amaretto coffee flavoring on a few rare occasions, so bear with me for this review! At first, I thought this smelled an awful lot like cherries! LOL, I asked my boyfriend to smell it and he says “no, no, it’s like that almond topping they put on cakes”. Ah, marzipan, which I have never had lol. And then I remembered that amaretto is supposed to taste like almond-y, and that’s what this smells like to me. Yummy!

As for the taste, well, I don’t have a lot to base it off of, but it is super creamy and smooth! A bit of the amaretto flavor and what I expect to be almonds in there too! This is sweet and yummy! And I finally tried something with almonds (kind of)!! I am grateful that I finally have gotten the chance to try an almond flavored item that I am not afraid of getting sick from. Once again, thank you Red Leaf Tea for allowing me to branch out in trying new foods!

ETA: This is really good. I might actually have to order some more of this! It is just so tasty and creamy! Perfect amount of sweetness for me too :)


thats awesome that they did that for you! :)


I know! I still am too afraid to brave any of the peanut ones haha but this is a pretty big step for me! Maybe I will try an actual almond soon haha then I could buy the delicious almond teas I see on here :D


My bf is allergic to nuts, and even though he knows there is no nut additive in my peanut butter matchas he is scared of trying them! I might ease him in with the hazelnut haha


Yeah I don’t know if I would really like the peanut one haha id feel so weird having it, I once had that fake peanut butter and thought I would get sick eating it! Lol just the smell would make it seem wrong haha. Hazelnut would be tasty, i might have to try that one too I’ve never had them either!

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1764 tasting notes

This is such a treat for me that I’ve been holding back on indulging… not wanting to let it become less special. Maybe I need to set up a rotation schedule, so that I give all my matchas equal love.
Also, I really like that there are no resteeps with matcha. No guilt! I mean, it’s one of those things that I really enjoy about tea, but sometimes it’s nice not to, ya know?


Yeah, I sometimes will pick a lower quality tea that I know I can only get 1-2 steeps out over a finer one. I have tried storing them for later, but it never tastes as good.


exactly!! no easy answers to that dilemma lol


Are you being a tea control freak Ms. Bloom?! Not special? Tea is always special. You are so funny!


It’s all in the mind Bonnie! I must (and do) perceive it as such!:P


Unfortunately it is not available today :(

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2201 tasting notes

Sipdown, 120. Sil posted earlier about making a matcha milkshake and I couldn’t get it off my mind. So I used the rest of this matcha and made a strong matcha milkshake. It was perhaps too strong… The almond flavor in this is already excessive (the highest level), and I put a lot in (it didn’t look green enough, haha!). So there’s just a hint of almost alcoholic flavoring compound to this that doesn’t usually show up when a reasonable amount of matcha is used. Still, I slurped it down quickly. Mmmm.


sooo good! haha

BrewTEAlly Sweet


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3508 tasting notes

Someone stop me, please! No, don’t. I am going to sing to my matcha lattes…..if lovin’ you is wrong, I don’t wanna be right.

Since almond flavor is a big favorite of mine, and one I only tried in recent years, not having been brought up around it, I decided tonight’s flavored matcha latte would be almond. While it was DELISH, I think I am starting to prefer unflavored matcha. GASP! (We knew this day was coming, didn’t we?? I plan to try an unflavored and a Bavarian Cream Latte tomorrow. I have high hopes for the Bavarian Cream one. It is so fresh and lemony, I think it will be scrumptious served cold.)

Now I want to try the three highest grades of unflavored matcha that Red Leaf sells and see which one makes the very best latte! I am hoping i can use one of the not quite so expensive ones successfully!

I am really loving these with honey instead of the raw cane sugar I was using. That is totally unexpected to me. I really like my raw cane sugar and thought the honey would add too much of its own flavor to the drink, but instead it really enhances it.


No, I don’t think I will stop you from your yummy matcha lattes. Mostly because I get to live through you and try to write a list of which ones I want to try first. Lol!

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807 tasting notes

Almond Matcha

Stunning flavor! Accurate to the core on how almond tastes only in a sweeter version! Close to amaretto but there is a difference and I do love both! I am glad I got both as well because I contemplated if they would be too similar and not worth the cost of both however as much as I love both flavors, I had to do it and I have no regrets!

This Almond matcha is sweet and nutty. The aroma is captivating!! My daughter was in the process of making macrons and decided she will add some almond matcha to them. Unfortunately we had to stop because we were out of parchment paper – can’t use waxed …. so anyway off to the store we shall run and I am going to pick up more sparkling water because I want to make an Italian Creme Soda with this almond matcha which will be AMAZING! Frothed up lovely even in milk.

I love that Red Leaf uses natural flavors!

I got back having paused in my review here and have made my almond matcha into a lovely Italian Cream Soda! DELICIOUS! I recommend trying nearly all of the matcha flavors this way.

My matcha was composed of Basic grade matcha powder and I got the Robust flavoring – this is one that you could easily go delicate and still have enough flavor. It is that strong and that good but I am glad I did get Robust just because that is what I generally prefer but next time I may just go a level lower because it does cover up a lot of the matcha base flavor and I enjoy that very much as well. I also always get the tin, even if I have to order them later I always end up going back and getting them. They are so handy and some of the best tins I have ever come across – I love that they screw on! Easy to clean as well for your next matcha flavor.

Here is where to get yours:

Autistic Goblin

mmmm… almonds.. I don’t know if it can take the place of Butiki’s Almond Cookie but I will have to try this one. Maybe if I mixed it with cinnamon matcha…..


Mmmmmm now that sounds really YUMMY! :)


Awesome, I have been waiting for someone to try both the almond and the amaretto matchas. Any chance you could say a few more words about how they taste different from each other? Also, since I make fizzy water at home (and am addicted to fizz), this “Italian cream soda” idea is most intriguing. Would you be kind enough to share with us how you make this? Do you just add fizzy water to the prepared/whisked matcha concoction? Is there milk involved (the “cream” in cream soda)?

Thanks, Azz!


I don’t really measure very much but what I do is make my matcha with milk instead of water. Then I add more milk and creamer (sweet cream non dairy coffee creamer) over ice in a glass. Then I add a couple splashes of the sparkling water! Its sort of a “to taste” thing – depending on how many scoops of matcha I use. I like mine creamier than watery even using the sparkling water – I just add enough to give it the fizz.
Just play around with it – you really can’t mess it up unless you use far too much milk creamer or fizz that you can’t taste the matcha anymore. :)


Thanks for the hints. =)


My pleasure! :)

Donna A

Almost got this one, but instead I’m awaiting Macadamia Nut and Black Cherry. So next time I’m getting almond. Wonder how Almond Matcha would be in a chilled latte with almond milk or coconut milk?

Donna A

The way you described using a little sparkling water, just enough to give some fizz sounds great too.


It would be AMAZING however between this and Macadamia Nut – although a close call I would say you made the right choice! Both are amazing but macadamia nut is just mouthwatering!


Why thank you! It is good that way !

Donna A

Azzrian, I so far, I haven’t ordered a matcha without checking what you have to say first! I can’t afford to buy them all, and your reviews are very helpful!


Awweee thanks Donna! If you have any specific questions feel free to PM me! :)

Donna A

I forget about PM. Thanks!

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4843 tasting notes

OMG – this is SO good. Thank you Azzrian for sending me some of it! I love this … this is actually one that I’ll be adding to my stash at some point because I’m really loving it.

Sweet and nutty – the two elements play with one another so well, both are sweet and creamy, and they seem to accent each other in such a beautiful way. Dinosaura likened this to liquid marzipan, and I agree… it is so good, like a dessert! Loving this!

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4343 tasting notes

This is the only matcha I ordered a while ago with my super-sale caramel matchaccinos. I had to try this one, as it seems it’s the highest rated here on Steepster. It’s a good start anyway! Also, I just received some lovely samples from Red Leaf, so I thought it was time to write this tasting note!

Cup #1 – Hot latte
The dry matcha has a heavenly fragrance of marzipan.. which I guess makes sense… that is certainly more fragrant than plain almonds. Microwaved warmed milk slowly poured from measuring cup to a mug with matcha in the bottom. I have no idea how much to use, so I went with half a teaspoon. It is very delicious – tastes just like the scent, though the milk does mellow it a bit. But the flavor is definitely like marzipan, creamy and sweet. But this is why I’m glad tea is so hot – this cup was gone QUICK. If I drank all cups of tea this cooled and not risked burning my mouth, I would have to drink even more tea. To taste the flavor better, I’ll move on to…

Cup #2 – steeped like a usual cup of tea
I waited for the water to cool around 40 minutes to not burn the matcha. ( Forty minutes is probably not necessary, but it just happened.) I learned that a serving is half a TEASPOON and matchaccino is a whole TABLESPOON… unless the matchaccino bag is wrong. The flavor is lovely.. more to the front than if it was a cup of milk. Just marzipan! These cups are gone quick though. :D


you should add the link to the page and submit this for a reviewer’s discount. It is a good way to make more matcha affordable.


Ah, forgot to do that, thanks!


This is one I want to try some day!

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814 tasting notes

my first matcha!

i started timidly. 1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk. 1 teaspoon matcha. 1 teaspoon agave syrup (cuz the milk is unsweetened). and a little hot water to mix with the matcha.

i loved it. and i know i could make it better too!
i loved it.


Yay! I actually only use 1/2 tsp of matcha for 6oz of liquid, so a little goes a long way. Some people like theirs stronger though, so definitely experiment with different amounts.


first i will buy proper matcha equipment.
then i will try less matcha per cup. (and also less agave.)
and then i will keep trying! and experimenting! it’s gonna be great.
and then i will place too many orders for matcha! and will be poor and will have to drink my matcha alone to survive!


what do you use to prep your matcha? i know everyone’s different…


Woo! I just bought a matcha measuring spoon. I figure that’s one step in the right direction to improving my matcha skills.

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38 tasting notes

This is my very first time making matcha. I couldn’t pass up the deal Red Leaf had on Black Friday. Sure, I don’t have all the fancy tools for proper matcha. I made do with a mug, strainer & little wire whisk. It turned out excellent!

When I first opened the gold pouch a really strong smell of almond hit me. At this point I was glad I started with the basic. I was afraid this was going to be super overpowering. It wasn’t an overpowering almond taste at all. It was pretty subtle. I could really taste the vegetal notes of this, which is ok by me. I’m so glad I ordered this!

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106 tasting notes

Oh yum! I love almonds and almond flavored anything so I was pretty sure I would love this. This is a definite winner! I did the basic grade with distinctive flavoring and love that it’s more of a sweet almond flavoring. I added a little almond milk to it to make it more of a latte and it made it taste even better. So much almond I love it! :-)

185 °F / 85 °C

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