10 Tasting Notes


Very good! Liked it better this time than the first time. I think the first time I put bowling water and it was too hot, and maybe I put too much leafs in. Really better with fewer leaf and lower temp (170F).

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Yvonne 11 years ago

I’d love to be able to try this some day. It sounds delicious!

Sil 11 years ago

bienvenue! J’aime toujours les nouveau amis du Quebec :)

Satsuma 11 years ago

Merci ! C’est plaisant de voir un commentaire en français!

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drank Creamy Eggnog by Butiki Teas
10 tasting notes

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drank Carrot Cake by Della Terra Teas
10 tasting notes

Very good! Strong cake flavor, with carrots and spices, but not overwelming. An excellent dessert tea!

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I’m not sure what happened to that one…the first time I had it, a month ago, it was from a sample from Davids and I really enjoyed it. And I was so happy to find some (tanks Nxtdoor!), since it’s discontinued and I can’t find it anymore. But when I received it in the post, I opened the bag and smelled it…ewh…strange odor. I steeped it, hoping the taste to be better…but no. There is a strange flavor that I cannot identify. Is it possible that my taste changed so fast? Or are they from two different batchs? I had keep the sample bag and smelled it to find if there is any difference…and I think the first one dont have this strange odor. I just smell cinamon and chocolate in the first one.

Nxtdoor 11 years ago

mmyeah… sorry. I believe the word you are looking for is rancid :) yuck. my feelings won’t be hurt if you ditch it.

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drank Vanilla Orchid by DAVIDsTEA
10 tasting notes

Very good..All vanilla and very light tea flavor. Steeped three times, the last one is a little weak but still enjoy it.

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Very chocolaty, but I would have like it a little more spicy.

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It’s just too much for me. I like cinnamon, but I wasn’t able tout finish my cup… Maybe I made it too strong? I will try it again but will go down on the quantity or maybe will mix it with another chai like chocolate chili chai…

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drank Alpine Punch by DAVIDsTEA
10 tasting notes

I love this tea!!! It smell like amaretto, but once steeped it’s even better. The best flavored tea I tried. I will order more soon, before it will go away!

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I’m really new to the world of tea. I was a coffee drinker until I tried recently a sampler of David’tea…and I discovered my new passion! I like dessert teas.

I’m french canadien, so my english is not very good and my description/reviews won’t be long or elaborate. Sorry for the mistakes I’m certain I did…


Québec, Canada

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