the more i drink this tea, the more i come to appreciate it. and it is just perfect after a cup of dessert tea or robust black to which i normally add milk and sugar. i really get a strong flavor of pecan and oats while the dry leaf smacks of rich maple syrup (and it is a wonderful smack, by the way). for me, the maple aspect doesn’t come through so much in the flavor, but that is perhaps because it isn’t sweet like syrup and therefore i don’t recognize it. but this is still a bewitching blend of unsweetened pecan oatmeal in a cup.
for me, oolongs are something you can enjoy any time of day. they’re versatile and surprisingly light though satisfying. this particular offering from Butiki is a lot of fun.
having recently acquired Verdant Tea’s Laoshan Black, which brews up surprisingly light for a black tea, there’s something about it which reminds me of darker, roasted oolongs like Formosa, or in this case—Nilgiri Frost. could be something as simple as the color/body of the tea liquor, or perhaps it is the shared nutty nuance with regards to flavor. either way, both are really delicious.
going to have my 2nd infusion of this lovely Oolong right now!
ETA— now that i think about it, there is a gentle tang- something seemingly ‘green’ beneath the pecan nuttiness of this tea which contributes to its delicacy.
Flavors: Maple, Nuts, Pecan
Why, thank you! :)
I agree!
So glad you are digging all your samples! I sent you the very best :)