76 Tasting Notes


Continuing on my green tea kick… I honestly can’t tell this is a darjeeling. It’s just another green tea to me. Not bad. Not great.

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This is one of the better moroccan mints I’ve had. I love it when there’s jasmine in a mint tea.

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I’m just in a green tea mood.

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Just getting ready for some of the great Oolongs that I have in the mail! This tightly rolled Taiwanese oolong has some of the savory notes of a dong ding but unfolds into the floral excellence that I love in a green high mountain oolong. Tangy and complex! Gonna sit with this one for a while.

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I got more of a smokey flavor this morning that I haven’t noticed as much in the two years I’ve been drinking this tea. I usually catch wine noted from this. Hmmm…

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It’s like a koala bear farted a rainbow into my brain.

CHAroma 12 years ago


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Woah! A new tea experience! I’m very tea drunk right now. I was gonna write a proper review here but I can’t. I’m slurring my words. Reminds me of raw honeysuckle tea. It has a bunch of flavors and textures and stuff but um, I’ll tell you about them maybe some other time. I’m just gonna melt into my couch now.

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LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS TEA! I always have, always will. Until it’s gone or I can find a replacement. It’s a yunnan golden buds tea with jasmine. I have yet to find a replacement for this since Teavana discontinued it. I’m almost out too :(

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My roommate, who is not a tea drinker, notified me that in his opinion this lavender chamomile smells like cat food and breakfast cereal. I told him that he’s probably high and that there was an exceedingly good chance that his soul is complete dog shit. This is one of the best chamomile blends I’ve ever had in my life. I’m very happy that I purchased it. Chamomile has a flavor, believe it or not. I was unaware of this while growing up because we had chamomile in tea bags which were like drinking liquid rice cakes. I would recommend this tea to my mother, my grandmother, her mailman, the pope, every contestant on The Price Is Right, and Emily the girl on the “ramen noodle a day” budget from the Allstate commercial.

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Drinking puerh at 2 AM means I’ve pretty much given up on “tomorrow”. I’ll be up all night with this awesome fruity leather tea. I’m on like steep #8 and still going. Sa da tey my dammies.

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I’m a professional musician. I tour the country and shake my ass to pay for my tea habit.

I tried a cup of some very good Tieguanyin in 2009. That was it. Tea became my thing.

I love pure teas. I love oolongs with natural orchid aroma, winey keemuns, and most things jasmine. I dislike things that taste artificial.

My tea rating system is mostly arbitrary.

There’s a tea for every occasion and I hate having occasions missing from my tea stash.


Atlanta, GA

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