97 Tasting Notes
As a latte with frothed vanilla almond milk and sugarfree Torani vanilla syrup. So heavenly.
So hi!
I had my 3rd relapse not long after getting out of the hospital in May. In September, a few weeks after walking out of my job (due to horrible managerial abuse), I fainted on my kitchen floor and was forced back to emergency. I was 65 pounds, again. Since it was so soon after my discharge they refused to let me back into IP, told me I was anemic, and sent me home. I realized that I now had two choices: recover on my own, or die. I came to the conclusion that I really don’t want to waste my life like this.
So I’ve been recovering at home ever since and making huge progress while following the guidelines of a wonderful website I’ve been reading. I’ve learned more about my illness than I ever have before and my attitude towards food has never been better. I’ve been seeing a therapist on an outpatient basis and he seems to think that this time I’m going into permanent remission.
I just had my first cuppa in quite a while and remembered how much I love the stuff. So it brought me back here for a visit. <3
I tried this tea at the mall when going for a job interview on the weekend. I absolutely loved it! So nutty and creamy and chocolatey…reminds me a lot of Choconut Oolong actually.
I did end up landing the job, by the way. I now work at a chocolaterie and I love every minute. However, after work yesterday stupid me went into my local Davids and bought this on a whim without really looking at what was in it. The fact that there’s sugar in this really pisses me off. Is there really any need to pre-add sugar into their teas? What the hell?
Thus, why it gets a 50. I don’t appreciate being tricked into consuming sugar.
I wouldn’t doubt it. I hate it when companies try to cram things down your throat. I hope this isn’t a trend for DT.
Thanks guys :)
So, where the hell have I been, you may ask?
I’ve been on a general psych ward as an inpatient for the last 3 months due to my eating disorder nearly killing me off (again). I’m 5’4 and at 60 pounds, the doctors couldn’t believe how I hadn’t dropped dead. It’s not my first admission, and I’ve been dealing with that shit for pretty much all of my teenage and young adult life, but hopefully this was my last time on the ward. Although I’ve met some wonderful people in treatment, it’s also a really fucking scary place to be. I know I’ve said this years ago, but never again. I mean it this time.
I’d like to thank anybody who sent teas to me during my period of being extremely nutritionally deprived in every way. It made me happy at a time where I was so sick and depressed that nothing else would. My brain wasn’t functioning correctly due to the extreme malnutrition and I was acting fairly loopy – I’m not normally one to accept charity like that. But thank you guys for your incredible generosity. You guys are wonderful. :) I now have a drawer of enough tea to last several lifetimes.
Yesterday my sweet mom decided to get me a little Valentine’s Day present – the new design Perfect Mug from Davids. :) She also treated me to a small sample of this tea and Cherry Blossom. I just love my mom to death despite everything.
As for this tea…not bad, I don’t mind it. Reminds me of a very sweet and woody After Eight chocolate mint. Unfortunately my stomach isn’t really agreeing with it right now – I feel a little queasy. :(
Gotta run though – longer review to follow with my next tasting.
It’s the pink one with the birds! I have the Christmas red one with the birds as well so it’s perfect :)
Eh…first off, white tea and green tea don’t usually get along with me. So I took a real big chance trying this – I figured maybe I won’t like it.
The tea is super flowery tasting, and I can definitely taste cherry. It’s not cloying at first but I still find it hard to keep drinking my cup. The entire time I was drinking, I kept feeling the tea just wasn’t for me.
Added to my swap pile.
I don’t know if you still have this for swap, but I missed out on this one and would love to try it :) Check out my cupboard if there’s anything you want in there!
Alysia, her account has been inactive for about two months now. You might have better luck posting in the swap board: http://steepster.com/discuss/5156-us-and-can-tea-swaps-for-us-and-canadian-folks-north-america?page=1
This is absolutely PERFECT. PERFECT.
Exactly the vanilla I was craving. To a tee. Down to the very last drop. Oh my god, this was just divine. So smooth, so creamy…
This is a purchase for me in the future. Undoubtedly. But thank you so much, keychange, for giving me the generous sample!
Thank you so much Courtney for a sample of this! :)
Hm, this wasn’t bad! I could definitely taste carrot, although the vanilla notes didn’t shine through as much as I’d have liked them to. It was still very sweet but not exactly what I would call “frosted” much like what I got with Della Terra’s Carrot Cake. But this was rather enjoyable regardless and did subtly remind me of a carrot cake.
Props to Butiki for being vegan and using natural flavours – that gets a thumbs up in my book.
You guys are 100% right – the longer you let this steep, the more decadent it becomes.
At first I steeped it for 6 minutes – the colour was an extremely light tint of brown, with very little cacao flavouring. It was there, but it was extremely underwhelming and left a weird chalky feeling in the back of my throat. Then I decided to put the steeper back in and let it sit for another 10 minutes…and it turned HEAVENLY. Deliciously rich and cacaoy with zero chalk. It was like drinking hot chocolate without additives.
Truly a delectable treat and something I’ll be ordering in the future.
Thank you so much Courtney for sharing this with me!
All I can really say about this tea is “eh”.
I wanted more chocolate and less gritty nutty taste. :( It didn’t really taste like much of anything but grainy almonds, which I don’t mind, but it’s not what I was expecting. Almost grassy. I don’t want to be drinking grass. I detected no chocolate or even coffee for that matter.
Yah, I totally expected banana in this one because I kept thinking of chunky monkey from Ben and Jerry’s (ice cream, not tea). Anyway… It was a no go for me
This one comes to me from the wonderful Missb! Thank you :D
This tastes wonderfully malty and grainy, almost, with a dark dark chocolate undertone. Almost reminds me of licorice – and in a way, the maltyness comes out in a way in the aftertaste that reminds me of eating rice.
I have a feeling I may have underleafed this however – so tired this afternoon. :P So a rereview is coming in the future, definitely!
Welcome back! Glad you’re feeling better. :) <3
welcome back Yvonne. Hope you’ll get better soon and leave your illness behind for ever.
Welcome back! Glad to hear that despite some bumps in the road you seem to be doing well currently.