379 Tasting Notes

drank Forever Nuts by DAVIDsTEA
379 tasting notes

Free sample. Prepared as the package suggests. 1 package in 16 ounces, boiling water, 7 minutes steep.

Almond, butter, cinnamon, sugar notes. In a nutshell (no pun intended lol), it tastes like a candied apple with almonds. It has a pretty pink liquor due to the beetroot.

My nephew loved it. lol :) I got apple notes, my nephew didn’t. He wants me to buy more of it. o.O

Flavors: Almond, Apple, Butter, Cinnamon, Nuts, Nutty, Sugar

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec 16 OZ / 473 ML

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First impressions from the first cup. I usually always do gong-fu but my schedule has drastically changed since having my nephew around. :) I prepared it with 1 heaping tablespoon, 212F, 3 min steep in 16 ozs water. The second cup for 5 min. infusion.

Soft, silky mouthfeel. A very warm, comforting spice that I can not name, not quite cinnamon but cinnamony-like. Oats, apple, berries, spices… It reminded me kind of a cinnamon-oatmeal-apple pie but in liquid form. Cream notes, barley notes, naturally but delicately honey-raisin sweet. Unique and wonderful flavors throughout the two infusions. The second infusion not as delicious as the first as it seemed that the oats/barley notes were more subdued. Am looking forward to a gongfu session with this to see where all these splendid notes come in and come out.

Highly recommended.

Flavors: Apple, Apple Skins, Berries, Cinnamon, Cream, Creamy, Honey, Oats, Raisins, Roasted Barley, Smooth, Spices

Boiling 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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So… Why the flavored teas lately, some may wonder. Well, my nephew has been staying with me (family crisis) and he likes flavored teas.

We both enjoyed this one. As one noted, it was very bready. It was creamy, vanilla and caramel notes, bread pudding-like taste. Not overly sweet. Recommended dessert tea.

Flavors: Berry, Bread, Caramel, Toast, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

Sorry to hear there is a crisis. You are awesome for making this time a nice memory for your nephew.


@ashmanra Thank you <3, sweety so much. I am pretty much a loner except for my mother and siblings (My dad, my hero, died a few years ago) so there is nothing I wouldn’t do for them… And that is a wonderful way to look at the situation, I will continue to make it a nice memory for him!

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369 tasting notes on this already. I’m always late for the party hehe.

So some quick notes: After a rinse to wash off some stevia, it is a very nice berry tea. Lots of blueberries, hints of raspberry perhaps some passion fruit, black current. I noticed a wee little bit of earthiness in it. Recommended if you like berries. :)

Flavors: Black Currant, Blueberry, Earth, Passion Fruit, Raspberry

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 16 OZ / 473 ML

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drank Decadence! by 52teas
379 tasting notes

The dried leaves had an aroma of a yummy dark chocolate bar. One of the strongest I’ve ever smelled. I wondered if it would transfer to taste because so often the chocolate falls flat or gets lost. Well, at least with the ones I’ve tried. It didn’t. The dark chocolate notes were on the forefront, along with some milky/creamy notes. Not really bittersweet either but definitely not milk chocolate. The sweetness is of caramel not honey and unlike the stevia overload of some flavored teas, this was just right for me. I believe the sweetness is coming from the cacao nibs. Not sure. I don’t see stevia listed in the ingredients. The golden bi luo chun notes were there as well: Sweet potatoes, brown sugar, bread, malt. Super soft mouth feeling, nice aftertaste. Highly recommended. It is a very nice dessert tea.

Flavors: Bread, Caramel, Cream, Creamy, Dark Chocolate, Malt, Smooth, Sweet

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

I never put stevia in my teas. I hate the stuff.


@52Teas Me too… And that’s great news. ^^


That’s good to hear. I bought a tea once that had stevia in it and ended up with a three day stomach ache. I was so bloated. I thought it surely could not have been the tea, so I tried the tea again a week or two later. It was the tea, and stevia was the only ingredient I hadn’t had before.


I just have never really liked stevia. It doesn’t affect me adversely except that I’m adverse to the flavor of it – it has a really funky sweetness to it that doesn’t taste like sugar to me. The only real sweeteners I’ve ever had in teas are the occasional candy sprinkles (and really, they don’t add a lot of sweetness at all) or if I happen to use candied ginger (for things like gingerbread) or candy cane or something like that – and I have used candied pineapple once or twice – but it’s all usually what constitutes a very small amount of sugar in each cup – I am a strong believer that people should decide whether or not they want to sweeten their own cup!


I agree, 52teas! I just had a tea with monkfruit. I gave the rest away, it was weirdly funky.


stevia sucks so bad. the taste is just gross

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I’ve been working on sipdowns still and not buying a lot of new teas. I got a few… 4, I think, from David’s Tea for the first time order because Chase offered a big rebate for a short time. The clock was ticking. How could I resist that? :P Bleh. lol I also got a few free samples, which is nice.

I think this one is my favorite so far. The only thing is that it’s far too sweet for me (stevia leaf) but luckily after a good rinse, it worked out for me.

It’s very cinnamony but in a good way because it really goes well with the cardamon. It has a toast-like flavor and it tastes like French toast. Bready, creamy, cinnamony is the way I would describe it. Some nutmeg and others notes as well. I think the other reviews covered this tea well. I kind of see it the way Daylon wrote about it that it probably deserves a higher rating. For me, it’s because I do not have a lot of experience with flavored teas until recently (I blame Cameron and tea-sipper for their great tea care packages lol) so I still have problems determining a rating system for flavored teas.

Flavors: Bread, Butter, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Maple, Nutmeg, Spices, Toast

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I started off with a sample and ended up buying a big bag of it. It has a dual purpose for me as a tea and cereal. I really love this. The aroma of the dried grains is of buckwheat, nuts, peanuts, a little sweetness of honey. There is a distinct peanut butter aroma, taste. It has a yummy rich nutty roasted-toasted flavor. It’ll be part of my stash for a long time coming. Very comforting and well, it’s healthy too so that’s a plus.

Flavors: Bread, Nuts, Nutty, Peanut, Toast, Toasty, Wheat

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 3 g 8 OZ / 250 ML

You eat it like a… cereal?!?!


Yup hehe. Can make hot cereal out of it. There are porridge recipes with it on the net. Sometimes I just sprinkle it in yogurt or in kefir.


Interesting! I haven’t tried to eat this one yet.. but I agree this is a cupboard staple.

Mastress Alita

I love soba (buckwheat) added to sencha… it tastes like a roasted peanut genmaicha to me!


Ooooo, that sounds interesting! I have had buckwheat tea but never ate it!


@tea-sipper and @ashmanra
I first got the idea from TeaVivre’s site where is says edible hehe. After that, I googled buckwheat recipes… Etc.

@Mastress Alita I have never tried it in sencha. I will now. :)

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This tea is “palace-grade” where they sift the shoot tips (the ‘golden buds’) for the tea after the pile fermentation step. Unlike other palace-grade tea, according to TeaVivre it is 100% pure palace-grade with no additives or substitutes, not a mixture. Sounds good to me. lol

The dry tea consisted of golden brown and dark leaves with not much of an aroma, to be honest. The liquor begins as a light red but becomes a very dark, bright red color. The taste is a very pleasant, clean, mild Puerh, with nutty, woody and smoke notes. There are sticky rice notes throughout the infusions, some cream. As usual with Menghai, there are the classic earth and mushroom notes in both aroma and flavor. Some slight bark notes, and sweetness developed somewhere in the middle. Many reviews said it wasn’t quite smooth enough for them. Maybe because they were from years ago but the one I tried was very smooth with no bitterness, mellow. Lots of notes of roasted nuts, mainly of chestnuts and walnuts. The sweetness was more like caramel, not honey. There is a thick slickness feeling on the tongue. Buttery almost. Maybe a little sticky. At the end of the sip, there is almost a mint or cooling feeling on the tongue. I enjoyed it. I think it’d be good for beginners because it has a very clean taste to it, not heavy on fermentation notes.

Gaiwan, 10g, 212℉, 110ml, 11 steeps: rinse, 10s, 10s, 10s, 10s, 10s, 20s, 30s, 40s, 60s, 90s, 120s

Flavors: Bark, Chestnut, Earth, Mushrooms, Smoke, Walnut

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 10 g 4 OZ / 110 ML

This is one of my favorites from Teavivre. I should revisit it soon!

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Not sure if I wrote a review on this. I’ve had this a couple of times and will order it again in the future. Maybe I passed since it has lots of reviews already. Don’t remember. I’m getting old. :)

Preparation: Gaiwan, 5g, 185℉, 110 ml, 6 steeps: rinse, 5s, 10s, 10s, 15s, 20s, 30s.

Dark and gold twisted strips. Smelled of cherries, yams, lightly floral, maybe some sweet tobacco pipe aroma. The liquor was a beautiful bright, clear, orange-reddish color and on the subsequent infusions, it became more of a bronze color and had the aroma of yams, fruit. The wet leaf smelled of caramel, hay and dried fruit.

Malty, fruity, sweet yams, a bit of dark cocoa, and toasted caramel notes. Somewhere in the middle, I got some roasted nuts, honey. It’s a light, smooth cup of tea but the aftertaste is powerful. The lingering sweetness, the desert feeling of satisfaction. Baked bread, a wee bit of smoke as some others mentioned, molasses and raisins.

I’ll probably put it back on my wishlist to remind me to get more and write about it again lol (forgetting if I wrote about it or not hehe).

Hope you’re all having a great Sunday. <3

Flavors: Bread, Caramel, Dark Chocolate, Dried Fruit, Honey, Molasses, Overripe Cherries, Smoke, Smooth, Tobacco, Yams

185 °F / 85 °C 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 4 OZ / 110 ML

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drank Boost by Kusmi Tea
379 tasting notes

Part 2 of my mini tin gift pack that I received last Christmas or so. It came with Spicy Chocolate, Anatasia and Boost. Weird combo, I know lol.

So… I liked this one. I had my doubts after reading some of the reviews. If you don’t like strong ginger or cinnamon, this will be your nightmare. The label says a blend of maté, green tea, cinnamon bark, and ginger. It’s a robust, full taste, unlike the Spicy Chocolate. It’s a smooth tea, and I can still taste the ginger and cinnamon well after finishing the sip.

I drank it hot. 2 tsp in 10 oz, 175°F. Steeped for 3 min. Says it is good iced but today was the first time trying it. I have like 20g to go so maybe I’ll try it iced next time.

It’s 16:07 here, and felt a little tired before I drank it. I definitely feel the anti-fatigue effects. So, that’s good. :) I recommend it if you like ginger.

Flavors: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Ginger

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Longtime casual tea drinker. In the past, mainly Matcha, Gyokuro, Sencha, Genmaicha… Etc. I like all teas: Green, oolong, black & pu’erh (prefer ripe over raw).

Chanoyu (for matcha prep) and Gongfu cha (for other types of tea) are the main ways I prepare my tea (Gaiwan, Yixing teapot, Kyusu). I drink all tea… Usually unflavored. This past year, I’ve tried many flavored now because of all of you lol. As long as there aren’t artificial sweeteners, it’s all good.

Favorite stores: TeaVivre, What-Cha, Mandala Tea, 52Teas, Whispering Pines, Bird & Blend, Yunnan sourcing, White2Tea, Lupicia.

The flavors I dislike: Artificial sweetener, lavender, violet, any strong floral-perfumey tea; cantaloupe, papaya, honeydew, rose, licorice, anise, jasmine, any mints, leather.

Favorite flavors: Citrus fruits (especially grapefruit & tangerines), granny smith apple, bananas, guava, mango, tamarind, watermelon, stonefruits, chocolate, caramel, vanilla, milk, cinnamon, creme, bread/pastry, nuts, toasted, roasted.

I generally don’t add anything to my teas unless they are flavored, then I may add a splash of milk.

As I explore, my ratings may shift. 90+ generally means I’ll keep it on my shelf.





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