Forever Nuts

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Almond, Apple, Artificial Flavouring, Beet Root, Cinnamon
Apple, Cinnamon, Cream, Pastries, Almond, Fruity, Nutmeg, Nuts, Nutty, Sweet, Brown Sugar, Tart, Caramel, Spicy, Roasted Nuts, Butter, Sugar, Cookie, Toasted, Walnut, Toasty, Cake, Artificial, Butterscotch, Peanut, Creamy, Spices, Apple Candy, Apple Skins, Honey, Berry, Hibiscus, Red Apple, Vanilla, Smooth, Popcorn, Pecan, Toffee, Bread, Hay, Overripe Cherries, Oats, Tangy, Anise, Clove, Cranberry, Rhubarb, Roast Nuts, Rose, Coconut, Honeydew, Stewed Fruits, Berries, Earth
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec 6 g 31 oz / 931 ml

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608 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Mmmm, I like all these “Forever Nuts” type of teas with the apple/cinnamon/nut combinations. Though, to be honest the only reason I picked this one out of the other similar ones I have right now is...” Read full tasting note
  • “I was reading tasting notes, and Christina mentioned mixing this tea with something else to change the aftertaste. She suggested Creme Caramel Rooibos, which I don’t have, so I mixed 1 tbsp this...” Read full tasting note
  • “I think it’s been decided that I prefer this over Mom’s Apple Pie. (thanks OMGsrsly) And Mulberry Magic over Pistachio Cream. And lots of teas over Sugar and Spice. And the Pumpkin Chai is lacking...” Read full tasting note
  • “Easy sip down! I enjoyed the last of it with some half-and-half (like a lighter cream). It tones down the apple and brought out the nuts and cinnamon more. Yay! I’d totally buy more in the future,...” Read full tasting note


For almond lovers

It looks all normal when it’s loose. But steep it and you’ll see that it’s nuts. Within seconds, this tempting jumble of almond slices and chunks, apple bits and cinnamon bark starts turning a crazy shade of pink. Why? Because it contains a hint of beetroot. That’s what gives this rich almond tea its earthy depth and its all-natural signature colour. Deliciously nutty, decidedly addictive. Caffeine-free.

Ingredients: Apple, almonds, cinnamon, beetroot and artificial flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

608 Tasting Notes

16992 tasting notes

Mmmm, I like all these “Forever Nuts” type of teas with the apple/cinnamon/nut combinations. Though, to be honest the only reason I picked this one out of the other similar ones I have right now is because I’ve reviewed it enough that I didn’t feel like I’d have to write as much as I would if I was trying a new one (like Brioche Free or Toasty Almond). Yup – I’m drinking this out of pure laziness, at the moment.


I think I’ll order some of Brioche Free with my next Brioche order actually. I liked this one initially, but I can only drink it rarely.

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2291 tasting notes

I was reading tasting notes, and Christina mentioned mixing this tea with something else to change the aftertaste. She suggested Creme Caramel Rooibos, which I don’t have, so I mixed 1 tbsp this with 1 tsp Sweet Temptation rooibos from Cornelia Bean.

And topped it with maple whipped cream, because when I have 1L whipping cream in the fridge I have NO resistance whatsoever. I must consume that deliciousness.

So. The tea. Yeah. That works nicely. The maple, the nougaty rooibos, the sweet nutty dessert flavour of Forever Nuts.

Just disappointed it didn’t brew up pink. Again. (I keep lol-ing at the rating. Why did I buy the 250g tin?!)

Edit: You know, sitting here sipping this, I think it’s the IDEA of the tea that I like, and so I keep drinking it hoping it will live up to my dreams. It’s OK, but it’s not ever as amazing as I hope.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

Oh, the difference between the dream and the reality…. le sigh. Though I want some of that maple whipped cream you keep talking about. I bet that’s close to dreamy.


Oh yeah! So dreamy. It’s just maple syrup (1 tsp to 2-3 tbsp, depending on tastes) and whipping cream, whipped. A tiny pinch of salt if you lean that way.


Of gosh, this just inspired me to put whipping cream on the shopping list.. :)


Just.. don’t get the 1L at Costco if you live alone. :D


lol Was planning a Costco trip actually, but at least there are two of us here. ;-)


Oooh recipe, thanks!


I get it once a month or so, and am overloaded for a couple weeks… but I keep buying it. Because cream is so delicious. :)


Do you just whip some up as you need (want) it, or do you make a batch to last for a couple days?


I make it as needed usually. Whipped cream gets watery if left in the fridge. You can just pour the water out and stir it a bit, but it’s less nice. :) I have a stick blender with a whisk attachment, so I’ll whip up a couple tbsp cream with 1 tsp maple syrup. If I make more, I end up eating it all with a spoon. :D


Making fresh as needed sounds like the way to go. Smiles.. I want to eat it with a spoon! :)

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1598 tasting notes

I think it’s been decided that I prefer this over Mom’s Apple Pie. (thanks OMGsrsly)

And Mulberry Magic over Pistachio Cream.
And lots of teas over Sugar and Spice.
And the Pumpkin Chai is lacking depth of flavour.
But Cocoberry is a win!

I’m watching Season 3, Episode 1 of Downton Abbey. God, it’s getting so soapy but I adore it.


Downtown Abbey is great!


I absolutely ADORE Downton Abbey!!!!

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1792 tasting notes

Easy sip down! I enjoyed the last of it with some half-and-half (like a lighter cream). It tones down the apple and brought out the nuts and cinnamon more. Yay! I’d totally buy more in the future, but as usual, if I can just slow it down and finish off some others first.


How did this compare to Mom’s Apple Pie?


Mom’s Apple Pie is like crisp, fresh green apple while this seems more like poached apples or something. The apple is definitely stronger in Mom’s Apple Pie.


Cool – thanks for letting me know.

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525 tasting notes

I’ve been super boring and just drinking familiar old teas lately. I’ve been so busy and tired the past few weeks that I don’t have time to really taste and appreciate a new tea and I really don’t want to waste the experience. However, I miss my Steepster friends so I’m just logging this tea for the sake of checking in. :) It’s the same apple walnut cake flavor as I experienced before. Pretty pink color. Very nice and caffeine free. Which is important because I have barely slept in the last 36 hours. I think I passed out on the way home today and may have drooped onto fellow train passengers. eep.

This weekend, I flew to California for a surprise birthday party for my step father in law. It was fun, but I didn’t return home until this morning. Landed at JFK airport at 5:40 AM. Then I changed into my work clothes in the airport bathroom and went straight to my first day as a permanent employee at my new job. Did I mention that I absolutely cannot sleep on airplanes? Most exhausting day ever. I am also operating in a sort of dreamy haze. I hope I retain all the info they threw at me today. I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. I hope it’s only because I’m so sleep deprived.

Good news is, my new group and I went for lunch together and had some ice breaker conversations. We were each supposed to tell a little known fact about ourselves. I mentioned that I’m really into tea of all sorts. More than half my new colleagues said something along the lines of “me too!” I’m hoping to have tea time with my new colleagues! One of them said he would bring in his variable temp kettle. yaay.

I do find my two bosses kind of intimidating, but I hope that will wear off. I think it’s because they seem to demand such a high standard that I’m afraid I won’t measure up.

Anyway, this is a nice tea to end the night. I’m off to bed. Hope you’re all well. :)

I’m also raising the rating because even though it doesn’t taste as expected, it’s still quite nice.


You’ve been missed! :) Happy to hear that everything is going well! Busy is good!


Welcome back!!


yay for new tea peeps! see if you can get them on Steepster :)
Good luck gettin over your jet lag!


Welcome back and keep us posted. You are the new Fall line-up. Like the new series on Steepster!


Thank you all! You’re very sweet. :)


I think I may like to try this one someday. Your description of what it did for you makes me think it might be a nice one to fall back on when I need something to, well, fall back on. :)

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158 tasting notes

Another memory flashback prompted by tea! Thanks so much to Jenn for her generous package of tea samples! I went through and took a whiff of every sample and this one immediately made me smile and almost tear up, so I definitely knew I had to try this one first.
I’m always amazed at how much scents can bring memories rushing back. The minute I opened the bag of this I was immediately transported back to my youth. This smells like back to school clothes shopping with my mom at the mall 40 minutes away. My eyes bugged out, my eyebrows shot up and I couldn’t believe that my brain had taken note of the exact scent of that mall when we’d back to school shop and stored it away to later be recalled to a tee by this tea. It really is NUTS. Also, the hue of this tea was my favorite color when I was younger – a gorgeous hot pink. I have to say that this tea was made for me.
I just could not stop smelling the dry tisane. My mom and I would take off at 8 in the morning and wouldn’t leave until the mall closed. I adored shopping; I was a girlie girl. And the memories my mom and I made together were irreplaceable. It was mother daughter day. We’d get Chinese at lunch in the food court and pig out. This is making me tear up just typing it! Sigh…
So as I said it steeps up a beautiful hue of hot pink. I really can’t figure out why this smells like the mall but it’s a sort of oatmeal cookie, apple, just really homey, comforting fragrance. The taste? Hits you first with apples! Next you notice the yummy oatmeal cookies and spices, especially after you swallow; it really lingers on your tongue and makes you smile. That’s my favorite part of this tea, the aftertaste of a perfectly spiced oatmeal cookie. It’s also starting to make me remember my dad’s love of homemade oatmeal cookies. Ahh, waterworks! It’s a hard thing growing up.
My rating for this tea is probably a bit biased due to the memories it’s conjuring up. But of course I love it. It takes me back to a time I was filled with glee and excitement and love. Even if it didn’t bring back said memories I’d still give this a high rating. It’s very enjoyable. Thanks so much to Davids Tea for unconsciously creating a tea that means so much to me. I will definitely be purchasing this soon. Thanks again, Jenn!

I must add that I drank the most of this without sweetener, and that’s a rarity for me when it comes to flavored teas. There was a natural sweetness that balanced out the tartness of the apple. When I later added sugar I kind of regretted it (mostly because I was out of my german rock sugar and had to use regular white sugar.. which is kind of gross to me mainly because it imparts a not so good flavor instead of just enhancing the tea’s flavors) Note to self: Order more expensive german rock sugar. It’s worth it.

205 °F / 96 °C 7 min, 0 sec

Cheers to being Forever Nuts :))….. I’ve never tried this tea, but I totally agree with your comment about rock sugar.

Ashley Bain

lol cheers to that indeed!

Jenn I love this tisane as well! The scent reminds me of shopping for the holidays :)
Ashley Bain

I saw you quite enjoyed this one as well! We have similar tastes. :)

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125 tasting notes

Aaaahhh… Forever Nuts is always a pleasant cup. Since I’m sick, I’m adding chamomile to anything that I can to see what works and what doesn’t. Forever Nuts works so good with chamomile. Yummy!


Yum yum! Hopefully it helped you with some cold relief :)

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150 tasting notes

Where has Forever Nuts been all of my life? I’ve read a few reviews that complain about this it not even being a proper tea. Well, that’s true because it’s a tisane. This doesn’t bother me in the sightest because I have room in my heart for everything from black tea, to oolong, to honeybush, and beyond.

I love this yummy cup of warmth for what it is, a sweet, delicious, caffeine free treat. Forever nuts smells and tastes like candied almonds! I don’t taste marzipan, and I think that may be what some people are looking for when they see almond featured as a predominate flavor. Candied almonds are a favorite treat of mine, so I’m happy and Forever Nuts is a keeper. Yum!

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357 tasting notes

I’m just finishing off the last of this tea today. I really didn’t care much for it when I first tried it, but the more I drink it, the more it grows on me. It’s a perfect tisane for Fall, and when I sip it I’m reminded of apple cinnamon muffins baking it the oven. Mmm…I could go for that right about now.

Many of my other tisanes are tart, but this one has no tartness, and instead leans more towards tasting spiced. This isn’t one that I would care for year round, but it’ll be a seasonal Fall repurchase…hmmm…possibly Winter also.

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218 tasting notes

I can’t believe I haven’t rated this one before!

My fist cup was in September last year, from the tin I got in the Sweet indulgence set, and I got another sample tin in the Advent Calendar. I quite enjoy this one. Its not what I would call overly nutty, to me it tastes like apple crumble, which is one of my favourite winter dessert. I find it really tasty, and satisfies a cold weather, comfort food, snuggly tea craving. I quite like the bright pink colour, adds a bit of intrigue!

Today I’m having it as a Friday afternoon treat.

Yet to have a iced cup, will re-review later in the year when I’m on an iced tea kick.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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