Blueberry Jam Organic

Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Black Currants, Cornflower Petals, Dried Blueberries, Natural Flavours, Organic Black Tea, Organic Elderberries, Stevia Leaf
Berry, Blueberry, Jam, Artificial, Stevia, Black Currant, Earth, Passion Fruit, Raspberry, Creamy, Smooth, Bitter, Tea, Fruity, Honey, Sweet, Pastries, Candy, Burnt Sugar, Berries, Wood, Musty, Powdered Sugar
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Fair Trade, Kosher, Organic, Vegan
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 4 g 12 oz / 348 ml

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368 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I brewed this up in my timolino for work today. It’s definitely a very fresh and almost watery take on blueberry, although I think my steeping parameters allow for the juiciness of the blueberries...” Read full tasting note
  • “I think I might cry. I’ve been having a really, really bad month. Anyway, last night at around midnight my laptop sort of just froze while I was in the middle of browsing Steepster and doing a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Nom nom nom. Finally a second cup of this one. It’s not quite as blueberry-y as I remember, but I think a) there was more black tea in this cup and b) I may have raised my expectations for it....” Read full tasting note
  • “Got this as an eggnog latte and yet again it did not disappoint. It was like a blueberry custard, both creamy and fruity and so tasty. I am starting to think I prefer the fruity flavored eggnog...” Read full tasting note


This fruity organic black tea is our ode to the blueberry. Long before the “superfood” era, blueberries were called “star berries” and renowned for their healing properties. Dark, sweet and plump, their juicy flavour comes through perfectly in cakes, jams – and this satisfying blend of black tea, elderberries, cornflowers and stevia. It’s the perfect companion to your morning toast.

Organic black tea, Organic black currants, OrganicRead more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

368 Tasting Notes

513 tasting notes

I brewed this up in my timolino for work today. It’s definitely a very fresh and almost watery take on blueberry, although I think my steeping parameters allow for the juiciness of the blueberries to stand out, the black base to be detected, and for the whole drink to not have a watery mouth feel. As I sipped at it, I tried to decide if it was a good work tea, although I can’t exactly describe what that would be. Certainly a good tea lends itself to travel muggage, but it’s more than that. The tea can’t remind you (or me, rather) too too much of home, because then I’ll lose my focus and just wish I was at home in my pjs, drinking that very tea. I’ll try taking it to work again a few times, I think, as it’s work probation period has only begun haha.

In other news, I’ve been unbelievably exhausted lately, and think I’m having some eye pressure issues related to my eye condition. The good news is that a lot of other people with my eye condition are reporting similar problems (wtf is that all about?), but the bad news is that a) no one seems to really know what to do about it; and b) I can’t see an ophthalmologist unless I set up camp in the ER for like five weeks because the waiting list to see one is like decades long, and although I’m really uncomfortable, I’m not quite at the point where I want to scoop my eyes out (I don’t even know if my eye is the problem!). Anyway, flu or eye problems, I’m out for the count for a little while. But tea is a constant companion and confidante, so I’m actually in pretty fine spirits. I’m off to make myself a cup now, in fact…that is if my laziness doesn’t prevail, which it likely will.

Show 14 previous comments...
Sil 11 years ago

oh man.. hope that clears up for you hug

Abby Noelle 11 years ago

Hope all is well! I actually just pulled out my cold brewed blueberry jam myself!

keychange 11 years ago

Thanks! At this point I don’t really care what’s causing it, I just need for it to go away so I don’t come across as a bad employee! LOL

Abby Noelle 11 years ago

Oh yes, exactly how I feel right now, as I type away on steepster at work!

cryptickoi 11 years ago

I hope you get it figured out…It’s good to hear you have god spirits..

caile 11 years ago

Hope all goes well!

cryptickoi 11 years ago

good spirits

keychange 11 years ago

Thanks guys! and abby, enjoy your blueberry jam! I bet this is great steeped. How much leaf and water did you use?

MissB 11 years ago

I hope you feel much better soon. :)

greenteafairy 11 years ago

I hope you’re able to figure out what’s going on soon. Feel better!

keychange 11 years ago

Thanks so much guys. You’re all so very kind.

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

Sorry to hear about that keychange…feel better, sending good vibes your way :-)

Kamyria 11 years ago

Awww… Feel better keychange!! I hope your eye troubles get figured out soon! :)

Fjellrev 11 years ago

I am so sorry you are experiencing complications with your eyes. The lists are horrendous. My mom was originally supposed to have glaucoma surgery back in 2006 but it got pushed back until now, when she is on the verge of going blind herself. It’s unfortunate there aren’t more ophthalmologists to take care of all the patients, and crack down on what is causing these symptoms.

keychange 11 years ago

Yes, definitely a shortage. Because although this isn’t technically an emergency, I think going to the eR is the only way to see one—which is kind of unfortunate, but there are probably only like three in the whole province. I hope your mother is adjusting comfortably.

OMGsrsly 11 years ago

Oh that sucks, keychange. I hope it works out for you and you get this resolved sooner rather than later.

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17027 tasting notes

I think I might cry. I’ve been having a really, really bad month.

Anyway, last night at around midnight my laptop sort of just froze while I was in the middle of browsing Steepster and doing a virus scan, so I force restarted it. Except, when the computer restarted it didn’t really restart… Instead what shows up is:

Reboot and Select Boot Device
or Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key

Tre says that means my hard drive has failed, and that I need to go in and have it repaired. I guess I’ve lost all my information for the last nearly two years, since it wasn’t backed up. I just can’t handle all this fucking stress – and I have no idea what the cost is going to be for a new hard drive, but it’ll probably be a fair bit and on top of all the dentist costs I have, I doubt I can afford it. Like, WHAT THE FUCK. There was no warning – what the hell caused it to crash? I really wish I was technologically inclined because I need my laptop.

Anyway, at least there wasn’t a whole lot important on my computer anyway. I didn’t have iTunes or any meaningful pictures, no downloaded games or really much of anything. The one thing that comes to mind is my resume, but I actually have that saved in my email and sent to Tre…

Thank God I have an interview tomorrow, so fingers crossed I’ll set a good impression and get hired because I could really, really use an income right now.

So anyway, I’m using Tre’s laptop for now while he’s at school – but likely am not going to have regular internet use for awhile so don’t expect me to be on Steepster as often, sadly.

I think I’ve said it a million times this month in between all the unfortunate happenings, but at least I have tea in the mean time to hold me over. Tea is reliable, and it doesn’t tend to spontaneously crash on you.

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keychange 11 years ago

My gosh. When it rains it pours. I had the exact same thing happen to my computer several months ago, and it was fixed for just under 200 dollars. And by fixed I mean that a new hard drive was installed and the computer was reformatted. Uggh. I hope the job interview goes well. Hang in there.

Rosehips 11 years ago

Aww! I’m sorry things suck right now. Best of luck on your job interview. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

Roswell Strange 11 years ago

The only two things I think I’m really worried about not having – which are actually relatively trivial, are my master spreadsheet for all my tea and then the master spreadsheet for all my Pokemon games. It’s not that they’re irreplaceable or anything, it was just a lot of hard work and time put into them. But if the interview doesn’t go well, I was using the computer to find job listing/apply places.

caile 11 years ago

Good luck tomorrow!

VariaTEA 11 years ago

That really sucks, Roswell Strange. I am so sorry to hear that. At least there was not anything TOO important lost. Hopefully everything works out in the interview tomorrow and things start turning around soon.

TeaBrat 11 years ago

yes, good luck with everything…

Veronica 11 years ago

Best of luck tomorrow! I’m sorry things have been so rotten lately. :(

TheTeaFairy 11 years ago

So sorry, fingers crossed for you. Good luck and yes, keep tea close by at all time…

boychik 11 years ago

Good luck

tigress_al 11 years ago

That sucks, the same thing happened to me not too long ago, and I lost some pictures that I didn’t have saved anywhere else yet :(
Good luck tomorrow!

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6119 tasting notes

Nom nom nom. Finally a second cup of this one. It’s not quite as blueberry-y as I remember, but I think a) there was more black tea in this cup and b) I may have raised my expectations for it. Nonetheless, it is still very deliciously blueberry, and I can taste the base tea this time. Definitely one of the better teas DT has released lately.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec
TassieTeaGirl 13 years ago

I’m glad this one is getting great reviews (including from the lovely Natalie from customer service). It’s on my next order list.

Autistic Goblin 13 years ago

I’ll be trying this later today :D

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6444 tasting notes

Got this as an eggnog latte and yet again it did not disappoint. It was like a blueberry custard, both creamy and fruity and so tasty. I am starting to think I prefer the fruity flavored eggnog lattes best because I have been quite happy with the ones I have tried (although tbh, I have been happy with all the ones I tried except Maple Sugar and Salted Caramel).

However, more exciting than eggnog lattes, my very first christmas gift arrived today from the greatest tea twin EVER, Roswell Strange!!! Now before you get worried, it’s only my first Christmas gift because I am Jewish so I have gotten hannukah presents in the past but still this is very exciting nonetheless. Even my mom was excited as she could barely wait for me to snap a pic before she started pulling everything out of the box to finally reveal ALL the elements of an “assemble your own Xmas gift”. She included everything from the bag and presents right down to the tape! Honestly, it’s amazing!!! Just look:

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Cameron B. 10 years ago

Cute snowman stickers! :D

Daddyselephant 10 years ago

Yay! We’re going to be near a Davids on the 18th and we are already planning out our eggnog lattes. I was leaning towards this one and you just cemented that decision for me, thank you!

Roswell Strange 10 years ago

So happy it arrived!

Cheri 10 years ago

That’s amazing!

VariaTEA 10 years ago

Aisling, I hope you enjoy it! I look forward to your tasting note.

OMGsrsly 10 years ago

Ok, I’m going to have to try Blueberry Rooibos now. Here’s hoping the hibiscus doesn’t curdle the milk!

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516 tasting notes

Wow this is blueberry!
Out of all the teas I picked up today, this one smells the strongest and most true to it’s flavour. Opening the bag filled the room with delicious sweet blueberry!
I made it iced in our new children’s leakproof togo cup… what? My boyfriend spills a lot. haha! It’s super cute though. Sadly they were out of the stickers :(

Oops got off track. Okay this tea was pretty good iced (awesome sweet blueberry flavour, no crazy stevia aftertaste. Honestly when blended right I consider stevia the same as any other additive like chamomile or mint leaves, and this is blended perfectly) BUT – it is just screaming at me to be an iced latte.

I’m a sucker for milk with a black base. So next time – latte it is :)

Edit: Oh yeah – the reason we went on a mini Davids shopping spree?
I got the job. :D
I am now secretary to the Education dept! Not the highest of jobs, but I should be promoted within the year so… yay!

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Bonnie 13 years ago

Hooray! Hooray for you!!! Got the job buy the tea!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

yaaaaay!!! Congratulations! And you’re working for education! A noble calling. :) Will you be seeing kiddies or is this one of those administrative buildings far removed from an actual school?

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Thank you! Ah this is far away from any school sadly. Apparently my coworkers are quite awesome though – so that should keep things interesting I hope!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Coworkers can definitely make or break a job. :)

Skulleigh 13 years ago

Congrats on the new job!

TeaBrat 13 years ago


Invader Zim 13 years ago


Tina S. 13 years ago

Congrats on the job!

Dylan Oxford 13 years ago

Woo hoo!

IllBeMother221B 13 years ago

Congrats! The tea sounds yummy too!

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

ThankyouThankyou everyone! First thing will be training, second will be assessing the dimensions of tea-making possibilities.

Dinosara 13 years ago

Congrats on the job! Yay for tea sprees!

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

Congrats on the promotion! yippee!!!

Indigobloom 13 years ago

Yay!! congrats, mucho congrats!!!!

SimpliciTEA 13 years ago

Congratulations! Awesome! We now both work in the same field!

The secretaries are some of the most respected positions in Education because, well, when it comes down to it, they are the ones who really know what going on in a building; it’s like the famous line from that song, “I’VE GOT THE POWER!”
(btw, Bonnie inspired me to look up that song on YouTube).

Angrboda 13 years ago


Missy 13 years ago

Yay for you!

Plunkybug 13 years ago

I really want to try this tea! And I totally want the kids tumbler even if it costs a little more. I want leakproof and well…gosh darn it, it is soooo cute!

Oreole 13 years ago

Congrats for the job! :)

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Thanks! It’s truly SimpliciTEA – I’ve worked a job like this before – you need to know the answer to every question and most people don’t even know how to photocopy their own stuff haha! That’s where we come in ;)

As for the tumbler – it’s seriously 100% leafproof! The lid is super unique but I tested it in my purse and shook it around like a madman – no leaks.

CHAroma 13 years ago

Woot!! Congratulations!!! :D

tigress_al 13 years ago

Certainly a great way to celebrate! Congrats

DAVIDsTEA 13 years ago

Thanks for the wonderful review and congrats on the new job!

Plunkybug 13 years ago

I got the tumbler today and have some Tropicalia in it (iced of course). Tried the Blueberry Jam tea today, hot with milk and sugar, and it was quite pleasing. I can see how it would be good iced, and I may end up getting a bag to do some cold steeping of this in my new tumbler.

Fjellrev 13 years ago

Holy wow, congratulations!

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1220 tasting notes

Yum, I still need to try this hot. I made a cup iced and let my mom have a sip and she asked me if I had anymore. Thankfully I still had enough to make one more cup iced for her with me.

It’s so blueberry flavored, and I love how there are so many little berries in it. And it definitely has all the flavor of jam without the super sweetness.
I accidentally steeped mine for only 3 minutes but it still turned out great. I prefer a long steep though.

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TassieTeaGirl 13 years ago

3mins works? ok, I’ll give that a go. My 5-ish mins was a bit bitter for my liking. Even with added sugar.

momo 13 years ago

The steep I did for my mom was 4 minutes, and I liked it better. There was a bit more body to it, but 3 wasn’t bad.

TassieTeaGirl 13 years ago

Cool, thanks for the advice!

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807 tasting notes

A big Thank YOU to Kittenna for this sample!
Well I am a self proclaimed Not a DT fan but this is just darn fine!
I did add a little german rock sugar from Butiki to my tea.
Its perfectly sweet, tastes like blueberry jam and not one little bit tart which is one thing I do love about this tea! Sometimes blueberry can be a tad too tart for me.
I got a nice sample with tons of blueberries in it! Either Kit was very generous or this tea is riddled with lovely little blueberries!
Seemed to be an equal ratio of blueberries to tea!
As good as the blueberry is a nice simply black base comes through.
Not very complex of a tea but really does take care of the sweet tooth craving!
Thank you Kit and I do hope one day to place a DT order. Its funny that I have managed not to as of yet.

Boiling 6 min, 30 sec
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Kittenna 13 years ago

The tea is jam-packed with blueberries! Or at least the sample I got was. So no special treatment from me :) Glad it was another hit!

Azzrian 13 years ago

well its AWESOME!
Thanks again !!

TheTeaFairy 13 years ago

I just received my order of this, Kittena my pouch is as loaded with blueberries as yours was, DT did an amazing job with this one!

Kittenna 13 years ago

Did you eat the blueberries after? They were still super tasty :D

Azzrian 13 years ago

HA you know it!

momo 13 years ago

I will fully admit I made blueberry jam today because of this tea.

Azzrian 13 years ago

No shame in that! :)

TheTeaFairy 13 years ago

Of course, how to resist? cute mini blueberries taste like candies! And the fact that there are no artificial flavor in this one makes them taste even better to me:)

Kittenna 13 years ago

There is stevia in the tea though, sadly. I did notice more sweetness than expected, but only when comparing it to 52teas Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish (that I got from Azzrian, of course)!

Azzrian 13 years ago

I need to place an order with them

tigress_al 13 years ago

Yep, my pouch is full of blueberries too! This one is so good

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1764 tasting notes

Hum, I am impressed! for the first time in ages, I am truly marveling at a David’s creation.
With just an added drop or two of agave (as opposed to my usual three haha) it really tasted like preserves!!! nummy. Perhaps it’s the organic factor that makes it so tasty.
A little fake for my liking, and I would have loooooved to see this in a strawberry version instead. Then again, I’ve always found blueberry dessert things to taste fake. (Especially yogurt, for some reason)

teataku 13 years ago

Interesting. I feel the same way about cherry desserts. Don’t know what it is… :/

Indigobloom 13 years ago

Odd isn’t it? I love cherry pie/tarts. Funny how we are opposite like that!

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709 tasting notes

If you steep this less time it really improves it. The stevia doesn’t have a chance to get so powerful and the base doesn’t have time to get bitter. Smells and tastes like big juicy blueberries. Improved over time…Mmm!!

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TheKesser 12 years ago

How long did you steep it for?

Uniquity 12 years ago

Maybe 3 minutes. That’s about how I do all my blacks but this one in particular needs to be watched, I find.

TheKesser 12 years ago

Good to know. Thanks :)

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357 tasting notes

My Dad and Step-mom came over this morning to make Christmas wreaths. I made this tea and left it brewing while I went downstairs to help organize the ornaments. I accidentally forgot the tea brewing and completely oversteeped it. Despite having a cold, as I walked up the stairs I could smell the blueberries as if I was baking a blueberry pie in the oven. As I sniffed at the air and realized what I did, I sprinted up the stairs as if those last few seconds were crucial and could really make or break the tea. Completely illogical, but I always do stuff like that.

Miraculously there was no bitterness and my Step-mom and Dad kept commenting on the tasty tea. Sadly, that was the last little bit of this one, but hopefully Davids will have more available the next time I go shopping for tea. It seems to be a FAMily favorite.

Happy Thanksgiving for all of you who celebrate Thanksgiving today – I am thankful for all my steepster friends

ne14t 12 years ago

This is a good tea, I am almost out of my supply of Blueberry Jam as as well, it was a total random purchase based solely on the smell of the tea, a tsp or two of sugar and its like some Smuckers jam.

canadianadia 12 years ago

I don’t think I ever tried it with sugar, but I can see how that might bring out the jamminess

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