Caramel Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Matcha Powder, Natural Flavours
Butter, Caramel, Creamy, Green, Sweet, Bitter, Brown Sugar, Butterscotch, Earth, Grass, Vegetal, Cake, Pastries, Orange, Orange Zest, Cream, Sweet Potatoes
Sold in
Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by CHAroma
Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 g 20 oz / 586 ml

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269 Tasting Notes View all

From Red Leaf Tea

For those with an unrepentant and unwavering sweet tooth, there is no better tea than sweet caramel matcha. This fine tea blends the eastern traditions of matcha with the modern caramel flavor to brew a delectable tea that is sweet to take as a mid-morning snack, before lunch aperitif or after dinner relaxing drink. The toned-down caramel matcha is ideal for those who need a sweet tea without adding any extra sugar.

Caramel matcha is the perfect tea for many social occasions where people need to sample a great tasting herbal tea that lends its sweet taste to the palate. It can be taken with or without snacks because it is the ideal stand-alone tea snack. Caramel matcha brings people together who appreciate its light, buoyant, lingering taste on the palate.

It is the perfect family tea for all members of the family irrespective of their advanced age. Young adventurous kids would identify with its sweet and easy-to-drink flavor. The adults would finds its ability to bring its full-bodied appeal in night time get-togethers, very useful. This is because, caramel matcha is the drink for all seasons and can be used to bring people together in both winter and summer.

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269 Tasting Notes

15618 tasting notes

So I joined steepster a little over a month ago – I’m not even sure at this point how i even found the site. Mostly I was looking for a place to find out about “other” teas and be able to share my joy and enthusiasm with other like minded people. I never expected to pulled into things quite like this.

One of tea types that I had never tried was Matcha. And this, is where this review comes in! I’d been holding off diving into the matcha world because I’d kind have gone on a tea buying binge and wanted to try and sort out what kinda of teas I liked before delving into an entire other “genre” of tea. However, Red Leaf had the audacity to not only put CARAMEL matcha on sale, but also put forth a challenge to the community to beat Azzrian’s epic review! Since I enjoy a good challenge, especially in the name of tea, I got the OK from my other half to order and then i waited…and waited…

For those of you in Canada, it took seven business days for my order to arrive. I’ve had the joy of waiting 10+ days so I was happy with that, not to mention HELLO new tea right before the long weekend!
Tearing open the package, I discovered the tin I’d added to the order, as well as the gold foil envelope that I’d heard so much about AND a little brochure that highlighted some of the options Red Leaf offers and a handy dandy guide to making matcha! So i did what any geek would do…read through it and then checked out about 5 other places on the interwebs to make sure i had a vague clue about what i was doing. I really didn’t want to screw this up. Did i mention that this was CARAMEL matcha! Oh yeah baby!

When i finally figured it out, got all my “not so very official” gear together, I was ready to open the package. At first cut, it was an outpouring of gorgeous Caramel smell! Not that artificial sticky weird caramel, but the kind that invokes vision of melted caramel…drizzled on apples and in dessert…the kind that makes you run your finger through every last drop trying to savour the moment as long as possible.

I carefully poured the matcha into my tin and got to work preparing my matcha.

Let’s just say…there’s some work to be done there! My first attempt at whisking left me with a slightly bitter tasting match, BUT because i’d done my homework i knew this was likely because i wasn’t whisking it well enough. Also….i felt it was safe to assume that there wouldn’t be so many amazing reviews if that’s the way it tasted. So…i wisked some more!

My second taste? Well it was everything I’d hoped for in a matcha, especially from a novice like me. The caramel isn’t an in your face flavour. It doesn’t trip into your mouth, take up residence and redecorate before you’ve had a chance to swallow. Instead, it slides gently into your mouth, rolls around with your tastebuds a bit and then in tandem with the tea, says “hey, nice to meet you…i’m caramel….”
I’d really had no idea what to expect when I ordered this. I did not expect what was delivered. I’d ordered the robust flavouring because i was worried about the base of the matcha being to vegetal for me. Now that I’d have my first sampling, I’d be willing to drop a level on certain matcha. That being said, there are also a few flavours i’d bump it up grin But for my first matcha taste? This was incredible. I didn’t need any added sugar or sweetner – it was a perfect blend of tea and caramel.

Since the matcha straight went well, I thought i’d try a small latte as well to see how the flavour came across when added to milk. We only have 1% in our house, which isn’t as creamy as i’f like to try with this as i think it would be a wonderful cross of cream and caramel, but it’s what was in the house! (Note that my grocery list, now has cream on it!) So i’m no wiz when it comes to matcha or do it yourself lattes, so this was pretty much me warming some milk up in the microwave, dumping the liquid matcha into it and then using my hand blender on it to froth things up and mix it all together.

Since then, I’ve been sitting here, trying to find the words to explain how wonderful this matcha is. Added to the milk only served to enhance the flavour. My other half had a taste and even he was impressed with the Caramel delight. It’s almost as if the caramel and milk got together and balanced each other out perfectly.

Overall, my first foray into Matcha land was a success in my opinion. I don’t know how Red Leaf does it but if the Caramel flavouring is any indication, they have their flavouring down pat without coming across as artificial. I can see myself wanting to start my mornings off with a matcha latte now. Not that I don’t love my tea, but I have found myself missing the creamy milk factor that used to come with my coffee or lattes before i switched over to just drinking tea. I’m not sure if drinking this after my time at the gym and so late in the evening was necessarily a smart thing to do, but i suppose it will depend largely on how the matcha hits me. I’m hoping it will be like others have mentioned and more of an “i’m more alert” than a HOLY I HAVE ENERGY kinda of thing, so that I can actually get some sleep tonight.
Thank you Red Leaf tea for making such a wonderful Caramel flavoured matcha! I’m really looking forward to trying out many more of your flavors, especially if they are even half as wonderful as this caramel one.

My matcha was composed of the following:
Size : Small
Matcha Quality: Starter (Basic Grade)
Flavor: Robust
Storage : Add Small Metal Tin Container (Holds up to 45g)
I also recommend that you get the container – the lid screws on and off which keeps your powder safe from spillage and fresh.

Buy it here:


Oooh Caramel?? I need to order this after I figure out if I like matcha lol.


I’m telling you…you will haha especially if the other flavours at redleaf are even close to this


Very well written descriptions. Interesting!


Nice review!!! Welcome to the fray of matcha enthusiasts! Soon you can order another flavor for FREE – how cool is that!?!?! :)


Yah even though its a long weekend red leaf has already given me my credit…just in time for me to order cheesecake this weekend! Yay!

I pretty much suck at this whole matcha thing but I’ll keep on it until I learn. Just need one of your masters to show me the way haha


I’ve been wanting to try my hand at making matcha for a while now, and your review has given me that last push. Unfortunately, I still have to wait for payday…


Missmyin – on the plus side red leaf looks to be continuing their matcha sales so you may luck out with a flavour you adore being on sale near payday :)


I’m in the same boat you were in. I really want to try a matcha, but I have so many teas as it is. I’ve never tasted a matcha before, so I’m a little nervous about making this purchase. Have you had any other matchas since this experience? If so, would you recommend this flavor or another flavor for the beginning matcha drinker? I’ve read so many reviews on how there is an acquired taste to matcha, so I want my first experience to be good.


Tealover-follow me so we can pm. I’m happy to provide you with some insight, my thoughts on the subject :)


Your review is so incredible. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to dive into the world of matcha, but I can’t get this review out of my head. I want so badly to try it, but I already have so much tea ordered that hasn’t arrived yet… >>;


awe! that’s so sweet! thank you so much :) I think redleaf stopped their referral promotion but if not, i can pass you my code for 50% off your first order


I love matcha but can’t stand caramel, so I’m not sure if this tea is worth trying for me. I have to admit, I am curious though, since it’s so highly rated.

Evol Ving Ness I never expected to pulled into things quite like this.*

:) :)


haha way to resurrect my note from 3 years ago. can’t believe it’s been that long!

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806 tasting notes

matcha and marshmallows, matcha and marshmallows is there anything better?


I made some for hubby a little while ago. I usually put it in a mug, but I had it in a glass and held it out to him, he frowned and asked what it was and when I told him it was his matcha latte he grabbed that glass so fast! LOL! He is getting spoiled with the caramel matcha.

Autistic Goblin

If I hadn’t ordered other matcha, quite a bit of it I would’ve ordered more of this :D


@ashmanra, LOL! What a man. Classic. :)


I am so in a marshmallow craze at the moment too. ahh I want to try everything with marshmallows!

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2201 tasting notes

The last few times I went to exercise, I switched my usual water with some cold matcha. I read that matcha can boost calorie burning during a workout, and also that it can provide more energy during the workout (which is kind of a well duh since it has pretty energizing properties anyway). I figured, why not? Just a half a teaspoon in my one liter of water is flavorful and really tasty. I’ve done it with my Sea Buckthorn Matcha, Black Currant Matcha, and today with this Caramel Matcha.

The first time I didn’t think it really made any difference in my energy level, but then again that class was with an instructor that I don’t really like anyway. Yesterday was my second time with it at spin class and I didn’t really think it made a ton of difference at the time, but today my regular instructor (who I love) came up to me before class and asked “Did you drink a Red Bull before class yesterday? You were going so fast!”

So I guess it must be doing something! Haha. Also, for what it’s worth, I have tried to exercise to lose weight before, and though I often come out feeling stronger it never seems like I lose pounds or inches. There is probably a lot of stuff at work this time, but I actually do see quite a difference during this latest exercise kick, and this time I have been drinking matcha in the morning during the entire time. Yay matcha.


Congrats on your working out! I myself am trying to get back into it after being out for over a year! Yoga kicked my butt today.

Oolong Owl

I too found matcha before working out helps out a lot – and it’s low calorie so you aren’t wasting the workout!


good idea! I’ll try this once I get my caramel matcha (in the mail!)


I’ll have to give this a try. I usually stick to good ol’ water, too.


Interesting idea!


I love the amount of energy it gives me, when I go a day or two without Matcha I can really feel the difference, I can feel my energy levels droop. But if I get on a routine where I’m drinking at least a bowl of Matcha a day, after about a week, I can really tell the difference in my energy levels. It’s great stuff.


Liberteas – Do you normally drink straight matcha or flavored matcha on a daily basis?


I love reading stuff like this even though I ended up taking a deep nap when I drank a nice matcha latte. I bet if I had it regularly I would notice a difference in energy levels though. My body has a processing time to any new thing it comes across.

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3513 tasting notes

I don’t remember who said they did this, but someone said they put their matcha in a water bottle, added a little cold water and swirled it around really hard, then added a lot more cold water and drank it. I had read this to my eldest daughter and she said it was probably a health food nut and that was why they liked it. LOL!

Well, I decided to try it myself with my caramel matcha. Wow! It isn’t bitter at all, and if you want some flavor and a caffeine boost, this is too easy for words! It really is good! I didn’t sift, didn’t whisk, didn’t add sugar.

Up to now, I have not wanted to order any fruit flavored matcha. That just changed, because I think this would be awesome done with a fruity tasting one!


might be good if you can get a bottle with one of those protein shake balls in it. I don’t have one but I heard it’s supposed to break up clumps!


Indigo: the cool thing was that I didn’t get any clumps! Whoever posted it said to put in your matcha and just a little water and swirl like mad. Then add the rest of the way and shake. Thing is….I had the wrong measuring spoon and now I am so caffeinated I can’t think straight, LOL!

Daisy Chubb

lol I did that and I’m not a health food nut at all :D Quite the opposite… guilty of pizza for breakfast this morning. Oops! But yeah the only reason I tried this method was to break up the clumps. Clumps be gone :D


LOL! The kids don’t always trust me when I tell them something tastes good because they don’t like as many things as I do, except for the eldest. She was sure it was someone who eats pine cones for breakfast! I will set her straight, plus it was so tasty that now I want to try it with a fruit flavored matcha. It is a good thing the Black Cherry is on sale this weekend! I just ordered the large ju st so I can use the DaisyChubb method on it! Patent pending, all rights reserved.


Haha patent pending! awesome.
I did this when I went camping a few years ago and it turned out ok now that I think back!!

Daisy Chubb

Ohh it will be SO GOOD with Black Cherry! I have some on the way too :D Black Cherry soda is one of my other bubbly pleasures. No worries everyone, Creative Commons license! Experiment away! lol


That may have been me, a couple weeks back with cheesecake matcha :) I got the method from someone else though

Given how many of us are playing with flavored matchas now, we could probably use a discussion thread on favorite (and least favorite, ha) prep methods…

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772 tasting notes

I think if I get this again (and I probably will, though I think I have 1 or 2 servings left of the green stuff here) I will choose a stronger flavouring because this matcha is great. I was eating it with a strongly flavoured lunch so it wasn’t as good as it could have been but it was still great.

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1764 tasting notes

Well this is not what I expected. Nope not one bit. It IS however… deeeeelisio!
Made cold, I like it best, as seems to be the case with all the matcha I make. Trouble is, I prefer hot drinks over cold.
I wonder what would happen if I made this via shaken bottle and then warmed it up? shrugs
In any case, I just had a cuppa this one with a dash of agave and milk. I quite like it! oh yes, it really hits the spot. Warm, it’s a simple caramel sweetness, but cold, it takes on a buttery fresh feel that makes me swoon.
I think it’d go really well as a latte, perhaps using almond milk? Hmmm yes that would be perfect. I think it would really pick up on the sugary note.
I mixed this with strawberry as well and it was ok, I just prefer them when made separately. Or atleast with the caramel. Waiting to see what this does with Cheesecake!
So for this one I got Basic grade, Robust flavouring, and a small package. Next time, I think I’ll go with Royal grade as the basic is a little musty for my liking. Still awesome of course!
If you want some of your own, get it here:

Autistic Goblin

I prefer hot drinks to cold especially with tea! although I only drink the cola matcha cold (preferably with ice) to get that Pop/Soda feeling :D (also great with pizza, hot dogs, etc..)


ohhh yah that sounds amazing.
Have you tried it with fizzy water?

Autistic Goblin

Nope but then I’ve never tried fizzy water at all :D however if you drink it cold it tastes like the water has been carbonated (fizzified) even though it hasn’t don’t ask me how they do it but it’s cool :D No flat pop taste here which is more than I can say for other pop type teas :D

Daniel Scott

I’m SO into almond milk recently! I drink practically all my matcha now with almond milk, especially VANILLA almond! That allows me to get away with half the sweetener I would normally use, too!


I keep meaning to pick some up but keep forgetting!!


Helena, that sounds amazing. Ugh so many matchas to buy!!

Donna A

I use almond milk too, but the unsweetened kind. It does work well. I also found some unsweetned coconut milk I’m going to try tomorrow.


I have to order an extra tin of this one. Hubby LOVES it!


I’ve been dreaming about it all weekend! I found a cheap frother in the cupboard and decided to give it a go. Unfortunately, 1% milk was too much and left barely any butterscotch flavour. Maybe I need to double the strength in a latte?

Ashmanra, it is SO good! next time, I m getting a large :P

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1445 tasting notes

The Caramel Matcha experience began with the ceremonial “opening of the packet”. Upon completion of this holy act the entire basement in which this vessel dwells was flooded with a divine overpowering scent. Mere mortals were never meant to be privy to such a force. Ever.

Usually my roommate thinks I’m cheesy and overdramatic but she’s with me on this one, guys. She asked me if a cake exploded in the kitchen. I never thought robust would be so… robust.

The aroma makes me think a little of alcohol and the richest caramel laced dessert known to man. No big deal. I have no experience in preparing matcha with milk but I decided to experiment this evening a whisked some warm milk in. It tastes like the stuff of lattes. Very sweet and creamy.

My roommate suggested I use some Hazelnut Bailey’s and then dumped in a “lid” amount in (maybe too much). It sure accentuates the caramel and doubles the sweetness.

Likely hood of addiction to this is staggeringly high. The smell reminds me of Christmas for some reason (although that doesn’t say much as lots of things remind CrowKettle of Christmas).

Thank you Sil for helping me make my first Red Leaf purchase!

175 °F / 79 °C

Yay, I’m glad you got your order! Last fall, I was obsessed with mixing Biscotti-flavoured Bailey’s with this and the French Vanilla.


I’m glad I finally got to try this too, although I think I’d go with “delicate” next time. I’ve yet to try Biscotti Bailey’s but I’ll have to fix that soon.


Well I’m so glad that you finally got to try this out!


Oh I totally agree! That little packet you gave me went into the baggie with the stuff from OMGsrsly by accident, instead of the one your stuff was in, and when I opened the baggie to catalogue the contents, all I could smell was the caramel matcha. I look forward to making some!


Thank you again, Sil! I can’t say that enough. It’s hard to resist drinking this stuff all day.

I hope it didn’t explode everywhere! Next time I swap matcha I’ll put it in the little sample tins.


Haha. Oops! I’m excited to try this tomorrow! Thanks so much for sharing the matcha. :)


Anytime :)


Well I’m glad you also encouraged others to try some haha

You can get little craft plastic tins at the dollar store that seem to work….picked some up yesterday and used them to share matcha with the girls here :) little cheaper than actual tins


Ah.. plastic tins! I should never ignore the wonders of the dollar store. :)


Sounds so good! I’m expecting my matcha latte samples from red leaf this week – it’ll be my first foray into the mysteries of matcha!

Can’t wait.


Also, I was just at the dollar store and I totally forgot to get craft bags. :/


I’m extremely curious about your matcha latte samples and hope it goes well!

I want to get proper bags before swapping with anyone again but I keep forgetting, or when I do remember the dollar store is closed.

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63 tasting notes

Yep, Spring’s here, so I’m having a smoothie! How best to start the Smoothie Season? With my first ever matcha smoothie! Thank you, Sil, for your caramel peach matcha smoothie that got me thinking caramel banana matcha smoothie! About a cup of milk, one frozen banana, 2 scoops caramel matcha (and a little Splenda—sue me, it’s my afternoon treat!), and BAM! I’m an instant genius. Ok, I know there’s nothing earth shattering here, but just let me have my moment. I’ve only recently discovered the wonders of Red Leaf Tea’s flavored matcha, and now I can pair it with one of my favourite warm weather things, the frozen banana smoothie. Not to mention the fact it’s matcha: I’m buzzed and in a good mood!


WOOT! Glad you got to try this. If you cut up the banana and freeze it overnight, it helps make the smoothie extra thick and cold if you like yours that way :)


Ail: thanks for the tip! I need to try it!


Ash… so good..and this is just one matcha flavour! Think of how amazing and crazy these will be with multiple matcha flavours

mocha caramel peach cheesecake anyone? ha


Yes, it’s really great. Frozen bananas make just about any smoothie perfect in my mind, though! And I just had an epiphany: chocolate and peanut butter matcha smoothie (with said frozen banana, of course)! Peanut butter is one of the new matchas Red Leaf is bringing out, and that combination is one of my all-time faves. I could potentially have that without all the fat!

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3294 tasting notes

It seems that no matter what I do with this stuff, I just don’t really care for it. I tried the latte, I tried the smoothie (tolerable, but not something I crave), so today, as one final attempt, I just whisked it in a bowl until it was frothy to drink it like a Matcha is suppose to be enjoyed. One sip, ick. I tried adding stevia…ick. I tried passing it on to either of my sons, & they didn’t care for it either.

I realize I’m the only person on this site who doesn’t think this stuff is the greatest invention ever. Sorry, Red Leaf, I don’t like flavored Matcha. In my opinion, it’s a sacrilege to the wonders of the leaf. I love Matcha because it is pure, because it’s the greenest of the green, because it tastes wonderful. I’ll pass on the rest of the flavored stuff, & stick with plain. I’m forwarding this to my tea drinking sister, MsWhatsit, who actually is my REAL sister, LOL! Enjoy!


NO! YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY person who doesn’t fall all over themself in praise for this product! I got completely reamed for disliking it, so you are dfininitly not alone :) I feel better knowing I’m not alone in disliking it and in not fawning all over it


If everyone liked the same stuff, this site would be boring as hell.


very true, thank you, Momo :)


Aweee you by no means have to like it Terri. Don’t even worry about that! Diversity is what makes us wonderful!
Fleurdelily so yours arrived and you got to try it? Im sorry you still didn’t care for it. I thought you just didn’t care for how long it took to get to you I have been away for a day or two ill so didn’t see your note on the tea itself. Bummer.


I agree with @momo – this site and the world would be a very boring place if everyone liked the same thing. And, it would be a very unhappy place too … because as my grampa used to say, “if everyone liked the same thing, then every man would want to be married to the same woman”

Not every tea is going to be for every person. But at least now you know, right? And you don’t have to wonder if you would like it.


Terri, thank you for being honest and for giving it a try (every which way you could!). fleurdelily, reamed? Really? That’s as bad as judging someone for adding milk and/or sweetener to every tea. How silly. You like what you like and that’s that. =)

Terri HarpLady

Thanks for everyone’s responses, & I agree. We are each entitled to & allowed to express our own opinions, in matters of tea, food, spirituality, etc. There is no right or wrong answers here, just preferences. So I still love all of you, regardless, or perhaps because of, our differences of opinion! Fleurdelily, thank you for sharing, it’s nice to know I’m not alone in my tastes!

Matcha Outlet

You’d be glad to know that besides flavored matcha we also offer 5 quality levels (soon 6) of green unflavored matcha for all the hard to satisfy matcha lovers :-)

Terri HarpLady

Oh Good! Next time I order from you it will be the plain matcha, for sure! :D Sorry to be such a purist!

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2291 tasting notes

Robust sample from Sil.

I decided to try this cold, just shaken up with unsweetened almond milk and ice. A+! Wow, that’s good! I’d probably get Distinctive if I decide to order, but the Robust is good too.

Mmm, creamy frosty caramel.


Yes! I love the creamy matchas cold better than hot even.


Maybe I’ll get brave and try the bubblegum this way tomorrow…


The sound of that one always terrified me. Drinking bubblegum? Not so sure about that.


Roswell Strange had the bubblegum in milk and said it reminded her of a bubblegum milkshake. Though that still sounded weird to me, I realized that I like bubblegum ice cream and I feel as though one is not a far stretch from the other. It is worth trying at least.


Ooh, I haven’t had bubblegum ice cream in ages. Actually, I wonder how the matcha would be if I made a custard or tapioca pudding and stirred in some sifted matcha. Hmm.


I would love to hear how that works out if you do that. You always talk about such tasty homemade goods.


Since I’m gluten free, I cook for myself about 90% of the time. :) Thankfully it’s something I love to do!


My roommate is trying to eat gluten free so usually about once a week we make a gluten free loaf. I am always impressed at how incredibly tasty they are and often super healthy because they use like 3/4 cup coconut flour and minimal sugars/sweetners. Once she made a gluten free carrot cake that was absolutely AMAZING!


Ooh. Recipe? :) I love baking gluten free, but I’m trying to move away from always using starches instead of flours with fibre in them. I haven’t tried many recipes based on coconut flour, but I have a bunch I want to use!


I can ask her but she is someone who finds a recipe but then uses it as a guide and then ends up not really paying attention. And then everything works out awesomely. For instance, I know for the carrot cake she ended up screwing up and like doubling the quantity of carrots in the mix. I will look into it though.


Typically my role is to just do what I am told. That is usually mashing the bananas and measuring out dry ingredients.


:D Awesome. I tend to do that as well. Doubling the veg in a cake and halving the sugar right at the start. :) I actually just made tapioca pudding (without matcha) because I wanted to try using mashed dates instead of sugar, and coconut milk (from a can). The mashed dates worked great, but it is definitely a coconut pudding! Next time I’ll try it with almond breeze and vanilla matcha.

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