Lemon Chiffon

Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Blend
Not available
Cake, Lemon, Lemon Zest, Meringue, Sweet, Vanilla, Butter, Cream, Frosting
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 0 sec 13 oz / 371 ml

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149 Tasting Notes View all

  • “So strangely I haven’t apparently had this since December…..which doesn’t really seem right but hey, we’ll go with it. Final tally for tonight is 230 BUT I haven’t had a chance to put the shared...” Read full tasting note
  • “I’m very close to a sipdown for this one! One, maybe 2 cups left :P I did a small boo boo with this cup, I rinsed my cups earlier with vinegar to try to remove some tea stains, must not have rinsed...” Read full tasting note
  • “I had been wanting to cold brew a rooibos tea for a while and I believe it was Sil who mentioned that this was good as a cold brew. Having tried it, I can now confidently say she was right. This...” Read full tasting note
  • “Travel-mugged this one as well. Definitely more creamy today, so I’ll really have to repeat my comparison, and add Lemon-Lime Cream Tart in there too. Quite tasty though. I think that keeping one...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

If you love lemon cake, lemon frosting, lemon pie, lemon cookies… shall I go on? You get the point! This tea is for you! This tea is a blended rooibos and honeybush. With the rich and delicious flavor of real, homemade cake and the tartness and fruity freshness of real lemon, this tea will certainly be your morning cup, or your dessert treat.

Ingredients: Lemon flavor, cream flavor, lemon pieces and bits.

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149 Tasting Notes

1764 tasting notes

Does anyone else watch Hart of Dixie? I’ve just started. So there is this character, Lemon… who I want to like, I’m waiting to like her, but she has a few thorns in her backside making her lash out at people. She is a real dixie belle, so this tea kinda reminds me of her. or atleast the name does. Chiffon and lemon, what’s more deep south than that? ahhh I heart that show!
Anyhow, I loooooove this tea. Yessum I sherley do! Thank you SO much Azzrian for sharing, you are a generous tea godmother for sending some rooibos gold to me :D
It tastes just like lemon custard/pudding. Or rather, a cross between the filling in a danish/donut and pudding. It even has that pudding factor that made me fall for Sweet Temptation from Tsaa. Texture, flavour, complexity. Oh man I am SO making an order of this. Soon as I cut down on my current stash AND get a job. Might be awhile, I hope to the tea gods it isn’t discontinued by then


I am so making a Della Terra order in the near future with a bunch of try-me packs! And I’m totally getting this one…


OH! Sweet Temptation! I totally forgot I had that tea! Gotta find it and put it in the immediate “try” pile!


gah, I wish I could afford it NOW. I want… for some reason the dessert rooibos blends really make me happy :P
I thought you’d tried it already. Yes yes you must! though it may have lost some flavour in the baggie by now. Dessert blends are prone :(


there’s nothing wrong with watching hart of dixie. lol


not with that scenery heh. and I don’t mean the trees ;P


LOL if that’s the kind of scenery you’re looking for there are a few shows around…


oh for sure, but this is the one with the best content/hottie ratio, and isn’t too heavy for those days when I need to veg. Still on the lookout for more tho!


Don’t watch hart of dixie, but I do watch Gossip Girl which comes on beforehand. My BF actually enjoys it too. Lol


ah I stream, mostly. Haven’t seen gossip girl but it sounds interesting! always nice when you have a partner to watch it with :)

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892 tasting notes

Thank you yappychappy!! I love the smell of this one. Like lemons and cream :] I am really in the mood for something sweet and this was perfect. It’s so smooth and creamy. I feel like I’m drinking a lemon cookie. YUMMMMMMM


This tea is the best, probably my favorite rooibos so far :)


I like the Lemon Lime Cream Tart :] But I like this one becuase it tastes like cookies :P


I have some of that on its way to me along with the lime chiffon too hehe so I will compare them all :D I will probably love them all and not know what ones to re-order though haha


I LOVE this stuff! Glad you did too!

Lariel of Lórien

I know, wish I had more.

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2145 tasting notes

My original tasting note said that this would never be a favorite of mine, but I think I may have lied. I’ve been drinking this every other night for the last few months. It has completely changed my opinion on lemon and rooibos. It was the first rooibos that I enjoyed and help me keep looking for others I can drink on a regular basis.

Just a side note, I managed to get both of my parents addicted to it as well. My dad just had me order 12 ounces for him, it’s his new bed-time drink.

In light of all of this, I thought I would change my rating. I can’t believe that I only rated this an 83 last time.


It’s good, but I can’t wait for my lime chiffon restock!


the first tea post-learning about steepster (which gave me the lead to DT) that i fell hard in love with. will always have a soft spot for it as a result. (:

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90 tasting notes

Sweet creamy lemony dessert goodness! Sadly it’s a sipdown. Thank you Kaylee for the sample to hold me over until I order this.

I couldn’t say goodbye right away so I threw the leftover leaves in a cold brew with some black tea leaves as an experiment; a desserty twist on lemon iced tea perhaps?

Ok I can’t believe I finished the mug in just a few minutes. I need to own this asap! But I’m trying to resist the urge to order because there are a zillion teas I want from Della Terra, and I need to sipdown some cupboard space so I can order them all at once and get to open the huge package like it’s Christmas.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec
Lariel of Lórien

Try it with extra vanilla rooibos, it’s awesome.

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343 tasting notes

Originally from the Caffeine-Free/Decaf Traveling Tea Box.

A sad sip-down! I’ve really come to love this one, though I still can’t decide whether I prefer this or the lime (haven’t tried the cream tart yet, though it’s floating around somewhere in my cupboard). I’m glad I was able to get some more without putting in an order cause I have a hard time paying for shipping and I do not need $50 more of tea (ignore the fact I just ordered from Davidstea). Annnway, lemony and creamy. Delicious with a dash of sweetener and a nice way to wind down after a crazy day. Also, I managed to get two steeps out of this batch so that makes me happy!

2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

This one just sounds soooooo gooooooood.


@Cheri: It is lovely. =)

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814 tasting notes

i love lemon teas. and Della Terra sent this sample along with my last order so i was jazzed to try it.

it didn’t do much for me. but i feel kinda certain that it was me and not the tea. or maybe i missed the shinny tartness in the lemon. or maybe i should have added milk to enhance the cakeyness. or maybe i should have used more leaf. or maybe i could have tried it iced. or waited until summer. but despite all i maybe could have done differently, for some strange reason i wasn’t interested in trying again. and i just gave it to my sister. because i love my sister. and my sister loves tea. and she needed more herbals.

Rob Rauschenberg

I liked this tea but I would have liked more tartness too.


I agree, there’s not a lot of tartness in this one. It really is more of a lemon dessert taste, rather than a lemon dessert tea – if that makes sense? :)

Rob Rauschenberg

Yes, It is more of a dessert taste in general. Maybe I just need to eat a lemon bar while drinking this one. haha.


Oooooo i love a lemon bar yum
maybe it was the honeybush. i mean, i haven’t had much honeybush so i’m not sure yet, but maybe i don’t like it.


I really like the lack of tartness in this one! Fluffy lemon dessert is what I wanted, and what I got :D

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6768 tasting notes

While Steepster was on the fritz a bit earlier I drank this one and did a full review that will be LIVE over at Sororitea Sisters after 6pm tonight… http://sororiteasisters.com/2012/08/21/lemon-chiffon-from-della-terra-teas/

I’ll give you a heads-up…I really liked it!

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564 tasting notes

My orders came in today! And man, these samples are generous. I’m actually adding them to my cupboard since there’s probably 5-10 cups in each of them.

This. Smells. Incredible. Lemon meringue pie complete with graham cracker crust—my favorite, of course. I didn’t think the taste could live up to the smell, but I am currently under the impression that I am drinking pie. I’m amazed. Not much else to say about this one other than this is my favorite rooibos ever. That is all.

I do have a bit of a problem with this and other rooiboses, though. I usually use stick, ball, or full-cup infusers (sometimes I make a pot, but since it’s just me most of the time…). No matter what I do, the rooibos always escapes! Not that I particularly mind drinking that, but if a lot escapes it gets a little gross in texture toward the bottom. What do you do to keep twigs out of your cup, steepsters?


There samples really are rather large. Also this is definitely one of the better rooibos blends. Glad you enjoyed it!


I may have slipped a sample of a Della Terra rooibos into your package so hopefully that is as well received as this one.


Oh, thank you! New teas are always appreciated, so I’m sure I’ll love it. :) As far as the company goes, I do tend to love dessert types, so if they are consistently this good Della Terra might become a favorite of mine. Especially if they have other liquid pies/cakes!


You and I would definitely get a long. I am all over dessert teas. And honestly, for me personally, no one quite makes cake rooibos teas like Della Terra. They are loaded with a bunch of crap which people tend to not like but it goes a long way in satisfying sweet tooth cravings.


I agree. Lately it seems like all I want is sweet, fruity, or just straight tea. A lot of the tasting notes I see from you look like things I would drink!

Cake rooibos sounds delicious! Next time I do a sampler or two from them I’ll have to check out their cake blends.


A lot of their cake blends taste similar so you don’t need to stalk up. I personally really liked their carrot cake when I first tried it (hence why I sent some to you :P) but I had the Red Velvet Delight last night and that was quite great.

Also, if you like this, you should definitely try Lime Chiffon. I actually prefer it though both are quite delicious. I can probably slip some of both Lime Chiffon and Red Velvet Delight into the package (in addition to the carrot cake that is already in there) if you like.


Red velvet cake is my favorite cake! I did have an herbal a while back that was supposed to be red velvet but it was just a little off for me…(it was RoT). It had the smell down but there wasn’t enough chocolate to it. I’ve never liked carrot cake much as far as cakes go, but I can give it a try sometime.

If you don’t mind, I would love that. Small samples of things are perfect for me, as I then add my favorites to a huge mental list of things to buy when I can.


OMG! I had the RoT Red Velvet and I had one sip, spilled out the cup and sold the rest. Blech… The Della Terra one is so much better. I will definitely throw in a sample.

By the way, have you ever tried DAVIDs Red Velvet Cake tea? Many people don’t like it but personally I don’t mind it. I can send a bit of that to you as well.


Haha, really? I didn’t think it was so bad, but I actually had to superheat the water to get it to taste right. I’ve found that with several of RoT’s herbal blends, actually. It’s kind of weird.

I haven’t gotten the chance to try a lot of DAVIDs yet since they’re so far away (shipping is higher than U.S. companies, takes longer, etc.), but it’s definitely on my list! Gosh, you’re going to have me rolling in samples.


I looked at the comments here to find pout what others use for rooibos as I’m much like bluebell and use a ball infuser. Need to invest in something better, but haven’t yet.

Thinking of placing an order at Della Terra and came across this posting. I was considering some rooibos from them, currently have their Winter Nog and love it. Glad to see the responses here & how much you recommend their rooibos blends.

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1598 tasting notes

Sipdown, and thank you to Courtney!

I’m happy I was able to try this because I tried Lime Chiffon and Lemon Lime Tart but not the original. I have to say that the Lime Chiffon is by far my favourite. I’m just a bigger fan. The Lemon IS good though, and I can see why people enjoy it. Now I no longer have to wonder about it!


I still need to get around to doing my comparison of the three! I think Lime Chiffon will win out for me (I also have the most of it, so that would be good!)


Lime Chiffon won for me too. My fiance preferred the Lime so now we have both in the cupboard. Win, win.


Yessss, agreed. I need to get more of that. I have 1 cup from you left & I keep forgetting to drink it before it goes stale!! (Same with the cantaloupe, augh, I don’t want it to enddddddd.)

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2816 tasting notes

Lemon-y goodness, yum!

I picked this as another thing to try from Della Terra recently. Rooibos & Honeybush blends can be very “iffy” but I do tend to like lemon flavored things.

I steeped this for around 5 minutes and added soymilk, perhaps I am weird but I drink practically all my rooibos and honeybush tisanes this way. This really reminds me of a lemon bar, it’s slightly sweet, lemony and tart and with a nice “creamy” quality which is certainly helped along by the soymilk. I’m actually puckering up a bit… ha ha

This is good, I’m enjoying it! It’s better than I thought it would be and will probably help me kill some after lunch/dinner dessert cravings. Another nice offering from Della Terra.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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