90 Tasting Notes
It’s back, it’s back, it’s back!!
I was pumped for this all year (can you tell?), but I remember it having a little more oomph last year. It’s like what some people were saying about this year’s Pumpkin Chai missing something (I didn’t try that one last year).
Has it really changed, or have I romanticized it and set my expectations too high?
It’s still tasty, but I’m gonna try a longer steep, or more leaf, or something…if there’s a secret to making this better, I must find it!
It’s Friday! So I get to drink lots of tea without worrying about it keeping me up at night. And I just got my Della Terra order full of cozy fall teas, which just makes it extra awesome.
Yum! This is a delicious vanilla tea. It’s creamy and rich with no additions. I think it would also make a tasty base if you felt like blending, like adding some cacao shells or chai spices or mint. Aw man, I really wish I had bought more. I’m sitting at my desk just warming myself up with a big mug of this. Mmm simple pleasures!
You know those teas where you’re like, wow this is really good! And then you go weeks or months without touching them again. This is one of those for me. I never crave it, and often forget that I have it, but I always enjoy it. The vanilla flavor in this is decadent; it’s almost ice-creamy but tastes natural (and it is! I love when I find a DavidsTea blend that doesn’t have artificial flavors)
It was nice catching up, old friend. I’ll see you again sometime.
Haha. Yeah I do that ALL THE TIME. And there are a few teas that I completely forget that I like because I don’t like the name of it or something, but then I’m always surprised when I try it again.
I’m doing a one week cleanse of sorts. Nothing too dramatic, just no salt, sugar, chemical preservatives, dairy or white rice/flour. It’s not for weight loss, just to curb junk food cravings and get back into healthy habits after a summer of indulgence (aka BBQ, fried foods, desserts, and beer). Luckily I can still drink tea, so I’m going to use this week to drink more green and white tea (the often neglected citizens of my cupboard).
I like a good rose tea once in a while, and this is a smooth, sweet cup. Thanks for the sample, Janelle. Unfortunately, it seems to be discontinued, aside from the 250g clearance web special, which I think will be way too much. But luckily Butiki just came out with a new rose tea, which sounds delicious. Ah well, when one door closes!
I’m undoubtedly a summer lover at heart. I’m the one with the bounce in my step while everyone else complains that it’s too hot. So I get a little down when the air starts to get chilly. Mostly because around here, fall (and winter and spring for that matter) = lots and lots of rain! But this will be my first fall on Steepster, so now I’m getting excited about all the yummy sounding comfort teas. Curling up with a warm cuppa listening to the rain fall is actually sounding pretty good now. So since tomorrow is the last official day of summer, this tea seemed like a good salute to the end of the season.
It’s delicately fruity and creamy, and I love that it consists mostly of tea (unlike some other companies blends where there are chunks of this, that and the other, and you get maybe 3 actual tea leaves in your cup). And yet the flavors are so natural tasting. I have a little bit left and I’m gonna save it for the days when I have the summer blues. But until then, I can readily say bring on fall!
FINALLY trying this one!! Woot! I persuaded my tea-curious coworker to come with me at lunch and we got lattes to go. I was so tempted to buy the tiny tin of this cause it’s soo cute
But I figured I should do the responsible thing and try it first (but then I bought another tea so I wasn’t that responsible after all).
This is a yummy treat! I like that the spices are present without being overwhelming, and the caramel adds a nice touch. I think it would be better steeped regularly or made on the stove; I think the latte they made in store was too milky and subdued the flavors. Now I’m regretting not buying the little tin so I could experiment!
Also, how cool would it be if they made those tiny tins in more flavors? Then you could stack em all and they would take up way less cupboard space…making room for more teas…on second thought, that could be a dangerous game!
I bought this to make iced tea but never got to it. So now I’m trying to sip down my summery teas so I can make room for fall ones. Pumpkin chai has been raved about so much that I can’t wait to try it!
This one is slightly tart but there’s a sweet creaminess at the end. It kinda reminds me of Movie Night in an apple-y playful green tea kinda way. It’s a fun pick once in a while but probably not something I’d crave often.
THIS is the nectar of the gods…
I went to the fair this weekend and indulged in some awesomely wacky treats, including a hot dog topped with poutine and maple bacon funnel cakes with whipped cream! There was supposed to be deep fried butter but sadly I couldn’t find it. Yes, I know it’s a disgusting concept but I was so curious!
So after all that madness, this tea just seemed like the right thing to do. Thanks Janelle for sending some my way. It actually tastes better than the name implies, although I wouldn’t crave it based on the taste. It’s gingery and lemony and if it weren’t for the rooibos I think it might actually taste good, but I guess it’s part of the remedy? Regardless, I think it made me feel better…even if it’s just in my head, I’ll take it!
sigh. now i want some.
Ditto JustJames
when does the whole black friday thing happen?
omigod….. stephanie! have you looked at the picture of the blend??!!!!
I’ve tasted a sample this one actually… I need to order some next time! I think officially black friday is 2 weeks from today!!! :D
I think Butiki does a pretty good black friday sale…I can’t wait…my list is huge!
james did you pick any up…if not tell me.. it’s MY blend so i can send some your way sooner rather than later… you goose.