drank Lemon Chiffon by Della Terra Teas
15596 tasting notes

So strangely I haven’t apparently had this since December…..which doesn’t really seem right but hey, we’ll go with it. Final tally for tonight is 230 BUT I haven’t had a chance to put the shared order that Terri and I have that’s at my house. That’s another 8 teas or so but ill worry about those when I get some time on the weekend since I suspect I may have to manually enter them all.

Release is apparently finally going in this weekend which normally would mean lots of tea drinking Saturday night but they’re forcing us to go to the centre, rather than test from home since its been a shit show the past few releases soooooo it basically means no tea for most of Saturday and Sunday. Which sucks. Which means ill be struggling to get to 200 before I go on vacation but maybe I can get enough teas to 1 cup status to bring a new cup of tea for me to drink every day I’m on vacation for sipdowns lol.

This tea? Well see previous notes. It’s lemon, its creamy and I think? I prefer the lime and the orange over it, but not by much…they’re all a pretty close margin :)


Is that supposed to be 230 or did you just gain 100 teas while I wasn’t looking? :)


haha yeah 230 lol


230! That sucks that you’re going to be so busy on the weekend though. Don’t you ever get days off?


Days off…..lol sometimes. Usually I should have my weekends off always but it’s been a bit of a mess with releases the past few months. On the plus side, if this keeps up ill have like 3 months of vacation racked up since time in lieu is 1.5 hours for every 1 hour you worked lol


Ah, there’s that familiar word “release” that I thought I wouldn’t see for a while. Hahaha.


nxtdoor – they’re talking one every month until november now…to catch up bwahahaha so you’ll be hearing it lots! :)

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Is that supposed to be 230 or did you just gain 100 teas while I wasn’t looking? :)


haha yeah 230 lol


230! That sucks that you’re going to be so busy on the weekend though. Don’t you ever get days off?


Days off…..lol sometimes. Usually I should have my weekends off always but it’s been a bit of a mess with releases the past few months. On the plus side, if this keeps up ill have like 3 months of vacation racked up since time in lieu is 1.5 hours for every 1 hour you worked lol


Ah, there’s that familiar word “release” that I thought I wouldn’t see for a while. Hahaha.


nxtdoor – they’re talking one every month until november now…to catch up bwahahaha so you’ll be hearing it lots! :)

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So no real clue what to write about myself here. A friend got me into drinking loose tea and it’s something I thoroughly enjoy though I have nowhere near the experience that many folks on the boards seem to have.

My other interests are cycling, reading, board games, disney cruises, world of warcraft and dancing – in no particular order. I love travelling as well!

Most of that is on hold these days though, including tea drinking like I used to as I have a new little one who eats up all my spare time.


Toronto, ON

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