Red Velvet Cake

Tea type
Black Tea
Artificial Flavouring, Beet Root Pieces, Black Tea, Chocolate Bits, Natural Flavours, Sprinkles, White Chocolate
Cake, Chocolate, Vanilla, Butter, Caramel, White Chocolate, Dark Bittersweet, Bitter, Creamy, Tea, Dark Chocolate, Cream, Maple, Marshmallow, Molasses, Sweet, Artificial, Tannic, Brown Sugar, Milk, Toffee, Alcohol, Malt, Powdered Sugar, Maple Syrup, Red Fruits, Frosting, Sugar
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 45 sec 2 g 20 oz / 595 ml

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271 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Whoops! Looks like someone caved and got the special edition tin. I don’t even care for chocolate/Red Velvet cake, but there’s something about Red Velvet-flavoured or -scented stuff that draws me...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! Ok, I confess… this tea has grown on me and now I really like it, hahahahaha. I thought it would be a great candidate for a sipdown while thesis-writing… yum, I was right. The sickly sweet...” Read full tasting note
  • “I thought I was going to love you forever. What happened, Red Velvet Cake? Maybe I have less of a sweet tooth now so I don’t enjoy it as much as I used to. Or maybe I’m just having an off day. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Well. Keep this in your cupboard for too long and it turns quite disappointing. Too thin and watery (even when following parameters. Even when you add milk) and there’s a really cloying note in...” Read full tasting note


Just dessert

What’s not to love about a red velvet cake? It’s chocolaty, it’s rich, and it’s bright red. We’re the first to admit it’s a pretty flashy dessert. If other cakes are birds of a feather, the red velvet is the peacock – which is exactly why we love it so much. And this sweet, lightly creamy black tea blend perfectly captures our favourite dessert. With semi-sweet and white chocolate chips, beetroot powder and little red sprinkles, it’s rich, delicious and a whole lot of fun.

Ingredients: Black tea, semi-sweet chocolate bits, white chocolate bits, beetroot powder, sprinkles, natural and artificial flavouring*.

Allergens: Soy and dairy

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

271 Tasting Notes

218 tasting notes

What a week. Ever had one of those weeks where you’re so tired you just keep doing stupid things? Like major brain fuzz so normal connections and thought processes just don’t happen. That’s been my week. I’m glad it’s Australia Day long weekend this weekend so I can have 3 days of hibernation and tea drinking.

This is one of the first teas I’ve had all week (yep, brainfuzz to the point I’ve forgotten to make tea. It’s that bad!), the other half made it for me when he was making his morning art of tea vanilla. Hmmmmm……..


What is Australia Day? Is it a bit like Independence Day in the US?


Kind of I guess. January 26 was the day the First Fleet (English) arrived in Botany Bay, Sydney and officially claimed the continent for the Empire. Though some people call it Invasion Day to represent the not very nice things done to the indigenous populations since then (murder, rape, disease, forced assimilation etc). Its all we have as we didn’t technically have a war to start our country (with the locals, but of course that doesn’t count).

Miss Starfish

Ugh, I’m having one of those weeks too, so my sympathies. I hope you have a relaxing weekend across the ditch.

Aussie aussie aussie!


Well, Tassie, sounds about like how the Native Americans were treated, too. Cruelty has no borders, but fortunately, LOVE also has no borders!


Yes, there are some quite questionable things to do with the settlement of Australia that I think we’d all prefer didn’t happen, but I quite like that our constitution came about from a series of summits and research trips to nick the best ideas from everywhere else, not a revolt or war. That, and our continued relationship with the British means we’ve got Doctor Who on free to air tv.

Miss Starfish – cyberhugs!

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836 tasting notes

Caramel-butterscotch-tasting sweetness. Does not have any unpleasant trailing after-taste. The black tea taste is blended well with the other flavours. Hint of chocolate near the end of the sip. Definite mellow-maltiness coming from the black tea and the chocolate. Tasting more like cake as it cools, especially in the after-taste. I am definitely tasting cake frosting as well. Creaminess as the cup cools.

The second infusion is noticeably weaker but still quite pleasant. The black tea taste is more apparent with only a light sweetness from the sugary ingredients. I doubt that this tea would do well past the second infusion.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

That’s coming in the mail shortly..thanks fort he positive review makes me more excited!


I am super excited for you to try these new teas!! I really hope that you love them as much as I do!

Daniel Scott

Oh my lord, I forgot I even bought this one! I gotta go try it, LOL.


Quick! Do it now! I’m excited to see what you think!! :)

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284 tasting notes

I’m running terribly low on Florence and SoHo Blend but I can’t place another tea order for a while. So tonight I remembered I had this one, a pretty close second to those teas if done right. And the beauty of this tea is that it is so easy to replenish just by walking into the store. No shipping, no nothing.

It is a good chocolate tea. Not astringent but a little on the weak side if you get stingy with your leaves. I go slightly over the recommended about of 1.5 tsp / 8 oz . I do sweeten it but only because it is my dessert and I am going for sweet and decadent. It is plenty sweet on its own, as everyone who had it has already noted. Maybe one day DAVID’s will make a good chocolate tea but without all the sprinkles… This looks really gross if you let it cool in your cup or pot. I mean, a good ring of sludge sets in. Other than that, no complaints.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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1184 tasting notes

Backlogging from the weekend.

First of all, I have never tried red velvet cake. So I am not too sure what I am supposed to be tasting.

It is sweet and a bit chocolatey. It is nice and smooth. But I am not loving it. It is a little artificial tasting, I guess from all those sprinkles. I enjoyed chocolate cake much better than this one. I certainly wouldn’t turn down a cuppa!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

I find real red velvet to be artificial tasting as well, I attributed it to all the red dye. I found it to be one of those flavours that grows on you. I would never turn down a cupcake, but at first had a hard time eating my red velvet one and then learned to love it.
Can’t wait to try this one.


on a random other note… the colour in red velvet cake used to NOT be from food colouring.. it was the reaction of the vinegar and buttermilk that brought out the red colour from the cocoa. yeah i’m a dork.


Thanks for the info laadies. I will have to seek out red velvet cake for real and give it a taste!


That is interesting. You learn something new everyday.


And food coloring only started getting used because this extract/food coloring guy was losing business, so he started marketing the red coloring to women for use in red velvet cake and it got out of control. Everyone had to one up each other on the red!


Back in the day of the dinosaurs, my college room mate’s mother made a red velvet cake for us. Her first. She used like the whole bottle of coloring. A day or two later it had an interesting side effect. We were too embarrassed to ask the other about it at first. Until it got so bad we were afraid we suffering some horrible malady. Sorry it that is TMI but I think about it everytime red velvet gets mentioned. I still love the stuff.


Wow, I never knew red velvet cake had such a history! I will definitely seek this out sometime.

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60 tasting notes

This is one of my top 3 teas, I think. It’s just SO GOOD.

Kasumi no Chajin

It’s always a joy to discover your top teas.


I love Red Velvet cake!

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251 tasting notes

Felt like something sweet this morning and this was my original go-to tea for a dessert kick. I forgot how weird it looks in the cup though- very oily and cloudy with a red froth on top. If I didn’t know that is just how it brews up, I probably would have been worried, lol. I added a dash of whole milk to give it more creaminess and it tastes pretty good. It is lacking in the chocolate department, but still has that maple-y background and the sweetness from the sprinkles and chips.

In other news, it is supposed to snow today, so I need to pack a tea stash and survival bag for work in case I get stuck. Here in Georgia, if there is a raindrop, sometimes it seems like everyone immediately swerves on the interstate to crash into one another. If there are snowflakes, we are doomed! Last time we didn’t even have the actual snowflake (or any ice) and they closed schools. Hopefully someone will show up in the morning to take my patient assignment since I am supposed to be back Thursday and Friday already. I don’t relish the idea of living at the hospital until Saturday, ya know?

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec

Good luck! Hopefully it won’t snow too much, but at least you’ll be prepared.

Terri HarpLady

It snows in Georgia?


Thanks! It snows today. Started about 11AM- heard it will go to 8-11PM. They just closed the public schools, lol.

Terri HarpLady

Ah, the drama!

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289 tasting notes

Dry Leaf Nose: smells like cake! Rich, with a sweet background.

Liquor: deep brown colour – like a spice cake. Slightly cloudy.

Flavour: sweet cake flavour. Hints of chocolate and definite cream.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec
Oolong Owl

OOoh that sounds amazing!


When does this one come out??


@TheKesser: Today!


Sweet!! I’m heading to a store tomorrow afternoon!

Cassie Eng

Can’t wait to try it and pick it up in the Harvest Tin. It sounds wonderful.

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709 tasting notes

Finishing up my sample, apparently I haven’t done a tasting note yet. Out of the bag the aroma is very sweet, far more than I would prefer. It almost has a licorice smell which is not appealing to me at all. I get sickenly sweet icing from the aroma rather than red velvet cake. With some trepidation I steeped it for about three minutes. The steeped aroma is nearly as sweet as the dry and not really my cup of tea. I would like to be pleasantly surprised by this one but my expectations are not very high.

The tea steeps up a dusty rose and smells of buttercream icing, rich and sweet. I don’t like icing at the best of timea so smelling it in my tea is actually bad news. First sips yield moee white chocolate than icing and for this I am grateful. It is still quite sweet bur not as much as the smell suggests. I can taste the bkack tea occasionally but it is easily overwhelmed by the additives. Much too sweet for my taastes but woukd be good for someone craving a strong dessert tea.

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1764 tasting notes

I don’t see any separate entries for the chocolate bars, people seem to be adding them to the tea itself. Odd.
Anyhow, I bought this on a whim the other day and shared it with my Goddaughter and family. Ugh. Kindof nasty, I gotta say! Both my GD and her sister gave theirs away after having a nibble and I almost didn’t bother finishing mine.
It tasted rather iffy for “chocolate” and there were little bits of twig within the bar which I presume was meant to be the tea part?
That wasn’t the worst part though! Nothing about the taste was red velvet like.
Overall, I’d rate this a 60, since if I was in one of those desperate for chocolate moods this would be a make do situation.
I actually don’t mind the tea, it’s a nice dessert cuppa despite the artificial ingredients(many of the DT ones make me feel like ick), so I won’t touch the ratings bar this time.


I don’t really understand the chunks of tea in chocolate thing they seem to have going on… :/


Yes, this seems to be the case with most of their bars. I don’t ever want to chomp down on a chunk of actual tea. Uggh.


OMGsrsly, same here. I was intrigued to see that they got into chocolate but now I’m just glad it’s another thing I don’t need to spend money on :)


Keychange, it’s not a good feeling that’s for sure! blech


I had a feeling this one would be weird as a chocolate bar. Sorry for the bad experience. Now I know to definitely not waste my money, or calorie consumption, on this.


Fjellrev, me too, but I had naively high hopes anyhow. Definitely not worth it!

Roswell Strange

Now I’m nervous; I’ve got the Birthday Cake and Red Velvet Bars hanging out in my pantry to review on SororiTEA Sisters at some point. I HATED the tea version of RVC so I’m super nervous about the bar :/


Roswell Strange, I personally found that the red velvet chocolate bar didn’t taste anything like red velvet and just milk chocolate, so you might be in the clear.


I agree with Kristal, it tastes a bit different but nothing like red velvet! You should be good. Just beware of the tea bits


Yeah, the bigger tea chunks I didn’t care for. It was still good, though :)

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615 tasting notes

This misses the mark so hard as red velvet. But it’s a nice butterscotch ice cream topping flavored tea.

I bet this would make an awesome flavored pancake syrup.

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