13 Tasting Notes


MMMMmmmm. It tastes light, but not too subtle because the pineapple flavour still comes through nicely without the thickness you find in actual pineapple juice. I agree with the salesperson who sold it to me in the fact that it tastes more like candied pineapple than fresh pineapple, but how can I complain when I adore candied pineapple so much to begin with? This is one of my new favourite teas, and I hope it becomes permanent after August. It is fantastic iced!!!

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I feel like I’m cheating on DavidsTea, but it’s always good to check out the competition, right? Loved it.

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My DavidsTea accomplice pointed this out as one of the very few teas on the wall I hadn’t tried, so I did. I’m a fan of white tea, but perhaps I was expecting more flavour. To me, it just tasted like slightly grassy water with a refined edge to it. If I wanted something completely plain it would be an okay choice, but it was missing the lightness of Jasmine or something that I have had in other only slightly flavoured white teas. I didn’t think it tasted acidic as some other comments have stated, but I DID taste something regal about it. Perhaps I just bought in to the “true luxury” claim on the container though. Regardless, I’m still a sucker for most white teas.

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So I brought one of my best friends to the store today between classes (her first time), and ended up spending WAY to much money. But let’s look on the bright side: I’m completely stocked up and not allowing myself to walk into DavidsTea until, at least, March. Well, minus stopping in to say goodbye to the manager who is shifting stores out of the province. Sigh Shout out: Banff will think you’re awesome!!!
Now down to business. This tea is one of my absolute favourites, and completely tastes like a warm macadamia nut cookie. The leaves are so tightly wound that they unfurl into glorious flavour. MMMMMmmmm. I’m drinking it as a latte right now, but I love it both ways… the macadamia nut cookie taste is much stronger when you leave out the milk. But after busting my butt in class all day, I just want to relax with something cozy. Now on to studying for my midterm on Friday!

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drank Elf Help by DAVIDsTEA
13 tasting notes

Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to work I go….. la la la la, oh wait. Those are dwarfs, not elves. Lol. I already have a feeling today will be one of those days where there just isn’t enough time in the day. Ugh. Work, then school and copious amounts of school work. Bring on whatever help these little elves are planning to give me! I have a little bit of this tea left over from some Christmas tree ornaments I received as a gift that Davidstea was offering for a limited time around the holidays. Such a sweet birthday present they turned out to be. The verdict? It’s yummy.
The leaves look really pretty all unfolded in my handy steeper, and the tart and fruity flavour is wonderful. You can taste the berry more than anything else, but it doesn’t overpower the lightness of the green tea base. Leave it to berries to win me over to a green tea. :) I’m fine with the fact that it’s seasonal though.

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I tried this one at the store today. I think I tried it a while back too, but it wasn’t fresh in my mind. For a green tea though, this one was pretty good. It wasn’t as bitter as I usually find most green tea based ones, probably because of the pomegranate undertones, which raise the bar for it considerably. Good job DavidsTea, good job.

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MmmmMMMMMmmmm…. I have decided this one is my “treat tea”. I don’t have it all the time, but when I do, it’s perfect. After a weekend of soppy tears, tonight I have decided it will accompany me to study for my midterm later this week. It’s classy, decadent, and light. A perfect little cup (or 5) before nodding off to put this weekend behind me. With this tea I usually like milk and honey, but I’m a starving broke student at the moment, and don’t have either… so simply plain works for me. It’s decadent either way.

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Sigh Oh, memories. This tea tugs on the heartstrings a bit for me, because is like the liquid version of a person I know. Haha… and it makes me laugh. :) It’s like walking into an East Indian spice market, hands down. I really like the powdered spice taste… instead of just a chili kick. You can really taste the coriander and the fennel, which reminds me EXACTLY of those little seeds you sometimes get after many East Indian meals. I find it really works well, which is not something you might expect to taste in tea, but I like it. I don’t know if it would be one I could drink every day, but I’m a fan of the fiery little kick. Perhaps though, I may just need a holiday.

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I finally think I have found a tea that can be over-steeped. Wow, this little fantasy in a cup turns really bitter!

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drank Buttercream by DAVIDsTEA
13 tasting notes

I find this tea to be a bit of a hidden gem. It was really good! Not at ALL what I would have expected it to taste like with the subtle fruity edge, but it has a unique flavour all to it’s own. The chamomile is strongest, but with a lighter, smoother taste than normal. I didn’t add any milk to it, which I don’t usually do with most of the teas, but it didn’t need any.
I find it a nice evening tea, probably again because of the smooth camomile…. which I usually don’t drink on its own. The best word for Buttercream, according to that fact? Relaxing. It makes a nice movie-watching tea. Light, delicate, and ever so yummy. :) I’m not 100% sold on the icing theory, but that doesn’t even matter.
Attention DavidsTea fanatics: Oh, and one evening I added a tiny bit of Cranberry Pear to use up the last bit of what I had…. and it was perfect. “Cranberry Buttercream” MmmmmMMMmmmm, how I love you!

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Hello. :)
Chances are, I should probably doing homework… or working on one of a million things. Tea and fuzzy blankets are just so much better though! Oh well, here goes nothing:
My name is Victoria, and I’m currently ploughing my way through a degree in political science. I live on the west coast of Vancouver Island and absolutely love it, although I’m always off planning some massive trip to be somewhere else. I’m also one of those people who not only is always busy, but the rare times when I’m not, I make sure to force myself to be.
That’s where tea is such a wonderful thing. It’s a hobby “to go”. :)


Victoria, B.C. Canada

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