A Toasted Marshmallow Tea

Tea type
Black Oolong Blend
Black Tea, Lapsang Souchong, Natural Creme Flavor, Natural Vanilla Flavor, Oolong Tea
Campfire, Pine, Smoke, Vanilla
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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From Adagio Custom Blends

This blend is cozy and comforting, like a campfire. Smoky lapsang souchong blends with creamy black tea and vanilla oolong to create a taste just like a toasted marshmallow from a campfire.

I created this blend at home and loved it, so I hope this blend from Adagio works out too. The smoky taste should be subtle (10 percent) with the marshmallow cream taste (20 percent black cream and 50 percent vanilla oolong) overpowering it. NOTE: I updatedRead more

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33 Tasting Notes

576 tasting notes

This is so comforting to me, on a rainy and gray day like today. No rating as this is my blend. Please see other notes. And lemme know if you wanna try it!

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IllBeMother221B 14 years ago

I wouldn’t mind trying this. Always looking for something new and different and I’d never heard of the tea used here.

QueenOfTarts 14 years ago

I’d love to try this, too! It sounds interesting!

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 14 years ago

She has some on sale here… http://teatra.de/marketplace/ it really is worth a try. Just page thru the list and you will find it.

KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

Thanks Rachel! :)

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 14 years ago

You’re welcome :-)

KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

Thanks Jackie! :) There’s a note on the Adagio page; I was blending at home and originally tried it at 30% lapsang, but decided it was too much. 10% is just the right amount. Can’t wait to see what you pair with it! :)

Jenn 14 years ago

This tea sounds utterly fantastic!

t-e-ardis 11 years ago

I would love to try this! :)

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1015 tasting notes

Mmmm! Rat lunch with this tea – so perfect and delicious! I think I’ll be having rat lunch more often!

teawing 14 years ago

3 Cheers for Rat Lunch!

ashmanra 14 years ago

Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!

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553 tasting notes

Oh my gosh. I feel like I’m 10 again sitting by the fire listening to my dad tell ghost stories. . .sorry for the flashback there.

This one is such a fantastic blend! Its smoky and creamy all at the same time. It seriously smells like a campfire. That alone is fantastic, then the more you drink it (or devour it like I am right now) all of the flavors mingle perfectly. Very savory! Love it!

Thanks KeenTeaThyme for the sample of it. I’m loving it!!

KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

So glad you like it! :) I thought of the whole ghost-stories-around-the-campfire anecdote too. Of course. :)

Nichole/CuppaGeek 14 years ago

Of course you did!! :) (hahaha)

Steeping up another cup- Wow, still soo good and sooo smoky/creamy. Love it! I think I need a bag of my own ;)

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558 tasting notes

I was a bit leery of this blend as it contained lapsang tea, which always throws me with its smoky scent and flavor, but in this blend,it really makes a difference.

The tea smells incredibly smoky and sweetly creamy upon brewing. I was a little hesitant to take a sip as the smoke was in the lead for the aroma. There is a bit of smoky flavor in the taste, but the vanilla and cream really tone it down and make it very enjoyable. I can almost taste that golden brown marshmallow (I learned how to be patient with my marsmallows so they wouldn’t end up charred around the time I graduated college). This is a delicous tea and I would recommend to anyone who is a bit hesitant to try smoky teas. This would be a great introductory tea to enjoy.

Thanks KeenTeaTime for the sample!

Boiling 3 min, 15 sec
KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

Glad you enjoyed it! :)

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297 tasting notes

I’m not sure who this came from.

ick, this is terrible. I only got a hint of what tasted like it was suppose to be Graham cracker. No smoke, no cream, just black and that slight almost spice taste.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Tabby 9 years ago

Sounds like yours might have been stale.

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120 tasting notes

Been slammed at work lately, no time to log but I have taken plenty of time for tea. I am thankful to my many friends I have met here for introducing me to new and exciting teas.
This is becoming a favorite, I really think it should be marketed! Thanks to KiTT and her Blog, I won a wad of this (southern measurement term) and some other samples.
I will log them later, but I love the slightly smoky, creamy, vanilla flavors and this is the honest truth, you can close your eyes with a cup of this and you are at a campfire…well, as long as you don’t spill any of it!

KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

You are so sweet! I’m glad you like it. I too can’t get enough…but may be slightly biased! :)

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735 tasting notes

So… My sample of this got contaminated by a minty tea it was shipped with. And to add insult to injury, I used too much water for the sample size.

This is me right now: http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6q03rGnWq1qbob5to1_500.jpg

Next time I shop at Adagio, I’ll just get myself a tin.
No rating until I try it fresh and unadulterated.

Boiling 5 min, 15 sec

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193 tasting notes

Thanks to KeenTeaThyme for allowing me to try this blend! I am not a big lapsang fan but I was so intrigued by the name of this tea that I wanted to try it despite the lapsang issues I have. I love the marshmallow and wish there was more of it! It was very nice to try and for those who enjoy lapsang I would recommend this blend!

QuiltGuppy 14 years ago

I have to admit, the more I hear about this tea, the more I’m tempted to buy some to try! :)

KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

I normally dislike lapsang too – but I needed to make amends with it in order to make this work. It took some blending, but less (lapsang) is best. ;)

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431 tasting notes

Thank you “KeenTeaThyme” for sending me such a generous sample of this deliciously creative tea. I was surprised to get a taste of toasted marshmallow. I tasted a hint towards the end of the sip. Overall, I wish it was a bit stronger in flavor but I will say it is smooth and just the right amount of smokiness. Yum!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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280 tasting notes

Recently got a sample of this tea, and one of my favorite parts was that the dry leaf has a very nice roasted vanilla aroma to it.

As for the actual tea, I slightly detected marshmallow, but not really the smokiness. (Many seem to have detected it the other way around!).

I wouldn’t actually go for this to have a ‘Toasted Marshmallow’ tea, but instead a really smooth, enjoyable black tea. The Oolong definitely comes through and adds a well-rounded, nice aftertaste.
It didn’t put up well to a resteep, however (though… I may not have brewed it long enough).

I’m glad to have been able to try this, it was very enjoyable!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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