104 Tasting Notes


For some reason, the last of this tea sample was just right. I finished this off today with a little regret. It was yummy and hit the spot. Oh, if only the shipping cost of David’s Tea wasn’t so high.

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So that is smoky? At first it was kind of oily, in a “I smell petroleum jelly” way, but now I could definitely see someone calling this smoky. And woodsy, but not in a “I’m licking a block of wood way,” more like hmm, drinking by the fire. Interesting. Put in some creamer, and suddenly the smoke moves up, the woods fall back and the black tea taste comes forward.

I like this. Lots of interesting flavor.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Florence by Harney & Sons
104 tasting notes

I resteeped yesterday’s leaves with less water and a longer steeping time. I got a slightly more favorable product, but still not tasting the chocolate. The nuttiness is nice, but not what I’m expecting. I wonder if I’m doing this wrong somehow.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Florence by Harney & Sons
104 tasting notes

Again, great smelling tea, again kind of bland. I think I’m not used to Harney & Sons tea. I will definitely be increasing the steeping time next time. I thought I had put in enough for an extra large cup (~1.25 tsps), but the tea had no flavor when I drank it despite how it smelled when I strained it. Even adding creamer didn’t help.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Just got this and several other teas in the mail. Kind of plurged on tea samples this month. Anyway, the smell is amazing. However, the taste is a little bland. I think I may have used to much water and not enough tea. I wanted a nice big cup, and I think I over shot it.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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Yeah, with honey this is okay, but still not what I expect from an Earl Grey. Not that I’ll be ordering it anytime soon. Davids Tea has a rather high shipping rate for US orders, and I just don’t have that kind of cash. I guess, I’ll enjoy this while I can.

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Finished the hazelnut creamer this morning. Really good cup of tea this morning to go with the cinnamon rolls.

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drank The Earl's Garden by DAVIDsTEA
104 tasting notes

Finished up the last little bit I got from ladykittykat in trade. Definitely need to get some more. I guess it’s time to put in an order.

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drank The Earl's Garden by DAVIDsTEA
104 tasting notes

Wow, I had forgotten how good this was. A tsp of honey, and this went from blah to delicious. Definitly upping my rating.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Earl Grey Bravo by Adagio Teas
104 tasting notes

Found the envelope from the sample I bought in the bottom of the bowl. Lovely!

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Hi, I’m Brandy Hunt. I am a stay at home mom who likes to drink tea and write.





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