Adagio Teas

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drank Blueberry by Adagio Teas
33 tasting notes

I threw a sample of this on my last order simply because, c’mon, blueberry tea? I’m floored by how delicious it’s turned out to be, and I don’t know what sort of blend it is—flavor oil, actual blueberry bits, etc.—but it is amazingly fragrant as well.

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drank Dewy Cherry by Adagio Teas
735 tasting notes

Usually, I love anything cherry. But this… it was just not what I was hoping for. The cherry taste seemed way too strong and artificial. I was reminded of cherry cold medicine and never finished my sample tin.

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drank Raspberry Patch by Adagio Teas
735 tasting notes

Love it! The flavor is amazing. Very vivid and sweet. It’s almost perfect without sweeteners, and the little dried berry bits are pretty tasty by themselves. It has absolutely no bitterness and a hint of apple flavor. It’s like brewing tea out of trail mix!

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drank Passionfruit by Adagio Teas
735 tasting notes

Another favorite of mine from Adagio. It’s great hot, and has a sweet taste and scent. Almost floral, but in a good way. Whenever I place an order at the site, I always get a sample tin to keep around.

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drank Foxtrot by Adagio Teas
355 tasting notes

Didn’t like this as much as I thought I did. Not as smooth and creamy as I had remembered.

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drank Foxtrot by Adagio Teas
355 tasting notes

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drank Foxtrot by Adagio Teas
355 tasting notes

Yummy creamy minty bedtime goodness. Almost out.

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drank Mango by Adagio Teas
735 tasting notes

Mango! An old favorite. It was my first loose leaf black tea. I always get a little of this when I make an order with Adagio. However, it’s been since 2009 since I’ve had it, and that was before the big tin/pouch switchover. I just recently made my first order with the pouches, and though they’re not as aesthetically pleasing, I feel like all the teas I’ve received are a lot more fresh. Plus, they seem to smell much stronger.

I disagree with the recommended steep time, and would go with 4 minutes instead of 3. Then again, I like my black tea to have a bitter kick sometimes. Plus, the fruit flavor brightens up a bit, too.

Now, when I say fruit, I mean indistinguishable citrus. This doesn’t taste much like real mango, but it’s close. It tastes “orange” for lack of a better word. But then again, this seems to taste much better than it used to back in 2006 in my grandparents’ kitchen. Either my preparation has gotten much better, or Adagio has improved this blend.

I wonder if they’ve improved their vanilla… Maybe used the vanilla from Earl Grey Moonlight… Nah, that’s probably wishful thinking. Also, this tea reminds me a lot of flavored hookah smoke.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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drank Mango by Adagio Teas
735 tasting notes

One of my favorite Adagio teas! It was one of the first I’ve ever tried, too. The mango taste isn’t overwhelming along with the ceylon. I’ve noticed a lot of mango teas have a strong orange flavor added, but this one doesn’t. It’s just so good.

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drank Forest Berries by Adagio Teas
735 tasting notes

Wow… I thought this tea sounded like a good idea. I usually love berry flavored anything, but I couldn’t stand this stuff. It has a strange scent that turned me off before I brewed it. Couldn’t even finish my first cup. I ended up dumping it out.

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drank Gemini - duplicate by Adagio Teas
735 tasting notes

Of the few Zodiac Series teas I’ve tried, this is the one I’ve liked the most. It tastes of peach, but it’s a light flavor as compared to the taste of the tea itself. I think it’s a great tea for summer, and it’s good iced, too! I served it to a few of my friends and they enjoyed it as well. But maybe I favor it because I’m a Gemini, myself…

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drank White Blueberry by Adagio Teas
735 tasting notes

This tea is delicious! It even has little dried blueberries in it. :D I usually go with two and a half teaspoons instead of one because I like my tea to have a stronger flavor. When it comes to Adagio, I’m usually not too impressed with their white teas, but this one is great. It’s the perfect tea to get into whites if you haven’t tried any.

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drank Cream by Adagio Teas
735 tasting notes

This tea is a re-visit for me. I tried it for the first time back when Adagio was young, in 2005. Back then, I was really unimpressed. I thought it didn’t taste creamy at all. Just strange and vaguely sharp. But as I’ve mentioned many times before, Adagio has changed their recipes in the past 10 years. For most of the ones I’ve returned to, they’ve been improved immensely.

The scent of this tea makes me think I was right to give it another chance. It smells just like Thai tea! Oh, hell yes. I am such a sucker for Thai tea. Bottled, canned, powdered, boba, I don’t care, I love it.

The flavor lives up to the scent’s promise. It comes out looking like a regular black tea, no cloudiness from actual dairy. The creamy flavor is definitely there, though! It’s sort of like half and half, or non-vanilla whipped cream. That’s one thing I’ve seen a lot in teas like this — tea companies using the word “cream” when they mean “vanilla”. This is not vanilla.

After a few sips, I realized that this would be so perfect with a splash of milk. And I was right. Upping my rating SIGNIFICANTLY because this is not what I remembered at all. I’m going to make it double-strong next and try to make Thai tea out of it. Mmm.

Flavors: Cream, Creamy, Sweet

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

Sounds good!


Haven’t had it in ages, but you’re a good observer—it’s really cream and not vanilla.


It does smell like Thai tea. I hadn’t noticed. I prefer Royal Milk Tea, but I have a lot of cream tea left, so maybe I could try making Thai tea as well.

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drank Cream by Adagio Teas
735 tasting notes

There’s just something about this tea that I don’t like. It has a great, strong black tea taste, but at the same time, I couldn’t really taste the cream. There was a sort of sour flavor, like cream that maybe sat out a little too long. I know this is a favorite to others, but it just didn’t strike a chord with me.

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drank Ti Kuan Yin by Adagio Teas
11 tasting notes

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drank Caramel by Adagio Teas
355 tasting notes

Woohoo! Another sample done! My tea stash has gone down pretty dramatically in the last month or so. I still have a lot of small samples from the fine people of Steepster, but I’m running through Adagio sample tins – 9 done in the last month at last count. I might do another swap/giveaway of teas that need a good home in the next week or two.

Anyway, I liked this one overall, but I don’t think I’ll reorder. The caramel taste can be too synthetic and sugary at times.


Woooo! I’m impressed with your ability to put this stuff away. I have so many Adagio samples half-finished, and no interest whatsoever in finishing them…or even starting on most of the greens. Your determination is admirable!


Agreed! It appears, sophistre, that you and I have similar Adagio attack strategies. Which is that…we don’t.


You’re the official Adagio fangirl lol


Haha good job! Keep it up. Adagio is my front line in the cupboard…. but I tend to grab something right behind them each and every day.

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drank Caramel by Adagio Teas
355 tasting notes

This tea and I have a love-hate relationship. I love it because it truly does taste like a caramel chew; even makes my teeth hurt sometimes it’s so sweet. I hate it because of that stupid Adagio Ceylon base. But today the love side is winning.


Have you tried Botanical Indulgence’s Creme Caramel Oolong? It is, by far the most caramely tea I’ve ever had.

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drank Caramel by Adagio Teas
355 tasting notes

This taste more and more caramelly every time I drink it. Could I be hallucinating caramel where there is no caramel tastes? Seriously, this is now tasting like biting into a pure caramel candy to me. It’s almost making my teeth hurt it’s so sweet. Maybe I’m just going insane.

By the way, once again, I must praise Adagio’s customer service. Best in the tea biz. With a simple e-mail, they let my mom transfer the Frequent Cups points she earned when she bought my utiliTEA to my account. And they replied and did it in under an hour. Awesome.

Now I have $13 to spend at Adagio! Have no clue what I’m going to get.


Their customer service is pretty kick ass. $13 of free money is sweet!


Wow, they told me I couldn’t do that.


Try again!

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drank Caramel by Adagio Teas
355 tasting notes

This tastes WAY more caramelly today, and I have no clue why. But it’s an upgrade.

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drank Caramel by Adagio Teas
355 tasting notes

The caramel taste is SO subtle, but I can definitely taste it long after my last sip is gone. Just wish it was stronger.


I’m spoiled w/ my Caramel Creme oolong. Aside from a caramel green, I don’t think I’ll try anything else.

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drank Caramel by Adagio Teas
355 tasting notes

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drank Caramel by Adagio Teas
355 tasting notes

Hated this at first – something about the taste was very synthetic. But maybe I just steeped incorrectly or something, because I’m really enjoying it lately. Very sweet, burnt sugar taste without being cloying.

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One of my favorites. Down to my very last cup! I’ll definitely be reordering this tea in large quantities, as soon as possible.

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
18 tasting notes

Very easy tea to make at work. I don’t really need to be concerned about the water being too hot. Also wonderful with honey when sick. tastes like candy canes!

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