Thai Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Herbal Blend
Black Tea, Cardamom, Cinnamon Bark, Dried Coconut, Flavouring, Ginger Root, Lemongrass
Cinnamon, Coconut, Sweet, Spices, Medicinal, Perfume, Soap, Lemongrass, Citrus, Lemon, Cardamom, Astringent, Ginger, Chicken Soup, Cloves, Lemon Zest, Plants
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 45 sec 5 g 11 oz / 332 ml

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157 Tasting Notes View all

  • “I decided to finish off my last little bit of Thai Chai in style – by making it traditional-style like I’ve been saying I will for months. I used this recipe on the website In a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Onto some more samples from CHAroma tonight as I await trick-or-treaters! I’m not sure exactly what I was expecting with this one, but I was initially quite put off by a very soapy aroma from both...” Read full tasting note
  • “In celebration of Coconut Day, I invite you, steepsterites, to join me in a rousing rendition of The Coconut Song, which I have just made up on the spot even though there are songs about coconuts...” Read full tasting note
  • “So, I still haven’t gotten around to trying this one with coconut milk, and I probably won’t. I think there’s only a cup’s worth left and I don’t think it’s worth repurchasing. On one hand, I...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

Silky sweet coconut and playful bright lemongrass highlight this seductive black tea chai blend. Let the aroma draw you in and you’ll swear you hear it beckoning…come closer, just take a sip.

We suggest two heaping teaspoons per 6 oz up, boiling water for 5 minutes, Sugar, cream or coconut milk if desired.

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

157 Tasting Notes

1908 tasting notes

I decided to finish off my last little bit of Thai Chai in style – by making it traditional-style like I’ve been saying I will for months.

I used this recipe on the website

In a pot bring to the boil 1 cup milk and one cup water.
Add 2 tsp of the chai/tea mix to the boiling liquid.
Add 2 1/2 to 3 tsp of sugar or sweetener of choice.
Simmer for two minutes and strain through a fine tea strainer.

I used skim milk so technically it isn’t old-school chai – but then lemongrass and coconut aren’t your standard chai ingredients anyway. I used wildflower honey as a sweetener.

It’s a little bit messy and more time-consuming than just brewing it in a cup with hot water but the results were worth it. It tasted like I’d added pure coconut milk to the tea – it was just sweet enough and the coconut flavour in particular was really prominent. It was smooth and creamy-tasting without the slightest hint of astringency. I’m so going to have to try other chais this way.

2 min, 30 sec
Cofftea 15 years ago

LOVE that website!

Auggy 15 years ago

Mmm, sounds tasty, especially with the coconut milk!

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6119 tasting notes

Onto some more samples from CHAroma tonight as I await trick-or-treaters!

I’m not sure exactly what I was expecting with this one, but I was initially quite put off by a very soapy aroma from both the dry and steeped tea. It dissipated after the tea sat a while, but kind of grossed me out a bit. Other than that, the aroma reminded me a lot of Zhena’s Gypsy Tea Coconut Chai; sweet and coconutty, with a hint of exotic spiciness. I think I can also smell the lemongrass.

Unfortunately, I’m getting soapiness as a flavour as well. The flavours otherwise strongly remind me of the above mentioned coconut chai, which I adore, but the soapiness is unbearable for me. I really have no idea where it’s coming from; this was sent in its original packet so I doubt there’s flavour contamination. Sometimes I wonder, though, whether old coconut goes soapy after a while…

Either way, I really want to like this tea, and I am adoring what I can taste of it and the delicious mix of lemongrass, chai spices, and coconut, but I can’t get past the soapiness. (I’m trying to!) Perhaps it would go away if I sweetened/added milk to the tea, but my hopes aren’t particularly high. I may give that a shot later, though.

Thanks for passing some of this one along, CHAroma!

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec
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Rebecca Lynn 12 years ago

Huh, I never tasted soapiness, that’s strange! I like it a lot with milk and sugar.

Buy the Stars 12 years ago

I have a sample of this that I keep forgetting to try! I was attracted to it because I loved the idea of a masala chai with lemongrass and coconut, but that’s too bad about the soapiness. Flavour contamination might have happened on Adagio’s end, maybe?

Kittenna 12 years ago

Yeah, I don’t know, it was very strongly soapy to me, and way too much to be the infuser or something (also, I usually just rinse them with water anyhow). I have enough to try again. I really wonder if it was an ingredient going off…

Arison – I got part of a sample packet from CHAroma, who didn’t seem to note any soapiness, so I’m not sure where it’s coming from. It’s pretty unpleasant though. Thankfully it reduced a bit as the tea cooled, and I got through the cup, but it wasn’t as nice as I would have liked.

bookshark 12 years ago

Having just finished off a sample packet of this, I just want to validate your soapy feeling. Yours is the only tasting note I saw that mentions this, which was odd to me since that was basically my only feeling about this tea. I tend to drink all of my tea without milk or sugar, but I added milk to this and I can confirm it helped a lot. A bit of honey helped, too.

Kittenna 12 years ago

Thanks bookshark! I think I still have some of this left, so may try that. I feel like the soapiness might be from the coconut going off; I have slowly been noticing a trend where nearly every tea that has a funky aroma/flavour, be it soapy or rancid/pungent, contains coconut. And usually with such teas, there are many people who do not notice those flavours, which makes me think that the thought that an ingredient has gone a bit off is likely.

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382 tasting notes

In celebration of Coconut Day, I invite you, steepsterites, to join me in a rousing rendition of The Coconut Song, which I have just made up on the spot even though there are songs about coconuts in existence.

O coconut, O coconut
You are so white and…nutty.
O coconut, O coconut
In tea you are just yummy

Which is weird, because normally I hate coconut but I have three (3!) teas with coconut in them, which just makes me seem like a liar. SIGH.

Well ok, I mean, coconut cream pie, that’s pie! clearly it does not count.
And in thai chai…well there’s lots of other flavors in it and clearly you NEED coconut to make something thai-y.
and coconut pouchong…that’s coconut MILK which is different.

I win!

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Cofftea 15 years ago

I detest coconut and even I think this is moderately drinkable- although I do think it’d be better w/ a green tea base.

Stephanie 15 years ago

Cute song! :)

JacquelineM 15 years ago

Oh NO! I missed Coconut Day!?!?!?

Serendipitea 15 years ago

lol yes you win :P
Maybe I’ll have a Coconut day next week when my 52 teas order arrives ..

Ewa 15 years ago

Indeed, the important thing to remember is that, in our hearts, it is ALWAYS Coconut Day. Even when it’s not.

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615 tasting notes

So, I still haven’t gotten around to trying this one with coconut milk, and I probably won’t. I think there’s only a cup’s worth left and I don’t think it’s worth repurchasing.

On one hand, I really enjoy it. The coconut is sweet and creamy, and the lemongrass is a nice lightening note. The ginger and cardamon add a nice chai spiced warming note. It’s a pretty nice coconut chai overall. On the other hand, I cannot possibly see myself drinking enough of this before the coconut goes suntan lotion flavored on me.

I did like it more this time, than last time (I think I added a touch more sugar this time; 1 tsp for 8 oz), but I’m not blown away.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
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__Morgana__ 11 years ago

I have a sample of this that I haven’t tried yet. I was thinking of making it on the stove with milk and sugar. Did you put anything in it besides sugar?

moraiwe 11 years ago

I use milk in sugar in 99% of my chai.

When I’m trying to avoid the mess on the stove, I’ll heat up 6oz of milk, add a tsp or so of sugar and make concentrated tea (2 tsp in 2oz of water in this case) then combine in my cup. So that’s what I did here.

__Morgana__ 11 years ago

Oooh, I like that idea. I shall have to try it.

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161 tasting notes

Loves it!!!

I really took the time on Saturday evening to brew this correctly. The whole process took about 30 or so minutes. I had about 1 cup of cream that I added to the mix that made it superb! Diets aside, adding the rich cream was sooo good. The whole house smelled spicy and fall-y. After my husband’s initial, “you’re going to make me drink that, aren’t you?” he decided that he loved it. (I didn’t tell him it had coconut in it.)

On Sunday morning I awoke to the Thai Chai smell in the house again. I thought it might still be from the night before, but my husband crept into the bedroom with a breakfast tray of eggs in a pita pocket, a piece of homemade baklava, and the last rose from our garden. Oh yeah, and a huge steaming cup of Thai Chai for the both of us! He had snuck out of bed to start making the tea! He admitted that it was better with the cream added (he just used skim milk), but it tasted great to me because of all the thought he put into it.

As we lounged in bed eating breakfast and drinking our tea, he said to me, “Hey babe, I won’t give you a hard time if you order a much bigger bag of this stuff.” Yea!!! No more eye-rolling when he sees my tea orders!

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takgoti 15 years ago

That is just awesome in so many ways, not to mention jealousy inducing. When you got to the part about the baklava I may or may not have actually started salivating.

The fact that I think that chai tea is SO much better with milk that’s got fat content [I usually make it with whole, MAYBE 2% – never tried it with cream which sounds absolutely sinful] is exactly why I don’t drink it every day. But in that way it’s also a real treat when I do get a cup.

I don’t have a husband who makes me melt, but I do think I’ll be rewarding myself with a mug of chai at the end of the week. I’ll take what I can get.

Auggy 15 years ago

Anything that gets the hubby on the tea-wagon is a definite win!

Cynthia Carter 15 years ago

What aug3zimm said. Clearly you have superb husband training skills, not to mention great taste in tea.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA 15 years ago

Awww! Please help me train mine. He won’t even make my coffee, which is much simpler than tea. That is, he won’t sweeten and half & half it.

Please tell me about your Chai tea making process. I’ve only recently began trying to make it with milk on stove top and I don’t have a good process down yet.

Jillian 15 years ago

Aww, that’s so cute. Sounds like you’ve got quite a good catch. ;)

I’ve been wanting to do a traditional-style chai with this tea aswell, but I always forget or don’t have the time.

LENA 15 years ago

Thanks everyone…he is a good catch!

Here’s my traditional method: bring 2 cups water to a low boil. Add two table spoons of sugar. I like to use brown sugar with my chai teas. Stir in until sugar is totally dissolved. Add two heaping spoons of your chai…a little more or less depending on your tastes. Let everything boil for about 10 minutes…this cracks open all of the pods and spices. Add 2 cups of milk. Whole milk is ideal. I used a cup of skim milk and a cup of cream in my review above. Delish! But DO try to use a milk with fat in it. Adding the milk with halt the boiling process for a few minutes. Let the mix all start to boil again. Watch your milk and stir stir stir! I let mine all boil together for about 5 minutes. Take it off the heat and let it sit for about 10 minutes and you are good to go enjoy a fab cup. This makes about 2-3 average mugs.


CHAroma 13 years ago

This is the sweetest thing ever!!!

VeryPisces 13 years ago

Oh, boy- I’m very late to the party, but can I borrow your husband?

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985 tasting notes

I decided it was time to prepare this one made in a more traditional fashion. I used 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup water and 5 perfect teaspoons of Thai Chai (this was way too much….will try more like three next time.) Brought to a boil and simmered for about 4 or 5 minutes. Then strained and added sweetner (yes, I almost always use Splenda…mostly because I find Stevia a little bitter, and Equal gives me headaches…and real sugars are not ideal for me). It was incredibly good, and well worth the time it took to make it. I think I would even choose it over a small hot fudge sundae. Just what I needed…another pursuit in the realm of tea…..CHAI!

Does anyone know of some really good loose chais? I have bagged Indian Spice from Harney, but I am thinking loose would be better. I could probably live happily with more of this one…..

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec
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Uniquity 14 years ago

Its not helpful unless you miraculously score some but my favorite chai tp date is 52teas gingerbread chai. I went on a big chai kick at the start of the year and fell in love with that one.

SimplyJenW 14 years ago

Actually, that does help. I will try to score some of Frank’s next chai blend. I am a little apprehensive about Extra Bold Masala Chai, just because I tend to like more subtlety in spiciness.

Uniquity 14 years ago

I bought a pouch of the Extra Bold…months ago. I still haven’t dared to try it, I’m such a wuss. It’s also so fine (he ground it) that I will need to use it in m t-Sacs, otherwise it will keep steeping until it’s unbearably bitter. Or so I assume. : )

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297 tasting notes

Backlog from the weekend
I received this in a swap, I feel it was from Alphakitty but it may be from will work for tea. I have so many teas from swaps and samples that I can’t keep track.

I’m not sure why I chose this, maybe because I love chais and its fall. I was suprised to see all the lemongrass but didn’t really notice the coconut. Hmmm this should be interesting.

This is deli ious, slightly lemony, chai like with the slightest hint of creamy coconut. This is so good. I’ve only tried a few teas from Adagio, most or all I have really like. This chai is almost tropical like.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Alphakitty 12 years ago

I don’t think this was from me, I think I sent you Adagio’s Apple Chai? It might have been this though, I have a hard time keeping track too!

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260 tasting notes

Part of me was a little frightened that I would actually like this tea enough to cause me to actually put an order through with Adagio. I’m not sure whether I’m relieved or disappointed that it wasn’t.

Chai for me has become very much a drink that reads of warmth and comfort and that is what the base of this chai said to me. However, the lemongrass was just a little too dissonant for me. Lemongrass speaks to me of spring and summer and is a refreshing, clean taste. Chai does not. I was having trouble connecting the two in my mind. Part of me feels like it shouldn’t have difficult, because chocolate and mint are kind of in the same family of combination, but maybe it’s because chocolate and mint are so ubiquitous and I’ve gotten used to them.

Anyhow, it just wasn’t gelling. And then I got some coconut shooting through the taste and that was the clincher that made me decide I wouldn’t be ordering this again. I’m learning to like coconut [I am now in love with the macaroon], but coconut milk is still something I can’t quite cope with and that’s what I was reminded of when I tasted it in the chai. I have some hanging out in the fridge, so maybe it will make more sense to me chilled.

This is all splitting hairs and everything, because really it isn’t bad. The fnal verdict is that this is a good chai, but it’s not going to knock out any of the other ones I enjoy. I can see why people like it so much.

Laura 15 years ago

omg – if you love macaroons, try this recipe:
it’s what made me face the fact that i don’t hate coconut afterall.
…hm. that was a bit off topic. sorry. um. go chai!

takgoti 15 years ago

Eeee! I will be making these. Bookmark’d! Thanks! And I don’t know how much of anything I’ve put on Steepster you have seen [that phrasing was constructed lovingly] but I am probably the reigning queen of off topic. [The Overlords must love me.] Anyway, off topic got me a recipe, so I wouldn’t care even if I did care! I WIN!

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3294 tasting notes

Second Breakfast Celebration (of finishing my taxes).
My daughter & grandson came, & we made Gingerbread almond flour pancakes, bacon, coconut whipped cream (OMG…it’s amazing!), a little drizzle of maple syrup, and it was awesome.

Ari picked this tea to go with our meal. I would have probably picked something plain & black, as a contrast to all the sweet creamy flavors, but this was pretty tasty. It is basically a coconut chai, & a tasty one at that! I didn’t get the full impact of the flavors, because I was already eating lots of coconut & spice flavors. There is enough left in the package to sample it without food next time.

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814 tasting notes

holy chunky chai. uh-oh.
it looks really pretty! but it’s intensity makes me anxious.
i wanna try everything and anything once at least. usually even 2 or 3 times. even teas i hate.
i’m very moody and who knows how i’ll feel tomorrow. :)

i loved yesterday’s chai. didn’t think i would but i did.
so today’s chai…?
i did not leaf this tea as heavy as they recommend to. i can do that on the second cup. this first cup i played it a little safe i guess. and i’m glad i did. cuz i’m liking this chai too!
i really must have just had bad chai luck in my past. too heavily spiced with no finesse or balance. but this one is bright and yummy! i still have the urge to add cream and a little sugar to the cup. but not cuz i can’t enjoy it as is. just because when i think chai i think chai latte.
i should do a soymilk stove steep.
this tea is really so very pretty.
it brings a lot to the experience.

thank you TastyBrew yet again xo

Alysha 12 years ago

Ooh yea try it with milk if you have enough left! I found it mellowed out the spice a bit and brought out the creamy coconut flavor

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