
Tea type
Black Fruit Blend
Black Tea, Blueberry, Flavor, Raspberry Leaves
Berry, Bitter, Blueberry, Earth, Fruity, Sweet
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Not available
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 30 sec 11 oz / 340 ml

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  • “So we’ve had the Almond Avalance and the Peach Pandemic seems to be winding down. I saw (I forget who you were, sorry! Suzi?) someone mention that they wouldn’t mind it if the next big trend be...” Read full tasting note
  • “Blueberry… I’m always on the hunt for a good blueberry tea. I used to think that I wanted an over the top blueberry flavor, or even blueberry muffin, but I’ve found that I like a good black tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “<3 well i havent been doing as much lurking because ive been doing research on betta fish because i have a 10gallon tank and wanted more than 1. i knew you could put females together but i read...” Read full tasting note
  • “I recently ordered a sample of this as I am always on the lookout for a good blueberry tea that I can easily obtain (because of my intense love of Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish from 52teas…). This...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

Studies are rolling in showing that one of the healthiest foods that you can eat is a blueberry. Studies on tea are pouring in as well, extolling its many health benefits. The one-of-a-kind Blueberry tea combines the best of both worlds: the great flavor of blueberry with the bright, full taste of Ceylon black tea.

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at and in many gourmet and health food stores.

59 Tasting Notes

1353 tasting notes

So we’ve had the Almond Avalance and the Peach Pandemic seems to be winding down. I saw (I forget who you were, sorry! Suzi?) someone mention that they wouldn’t mind it if the next big trend be something with blueberries. I support that. Blueberry Blitz, yes please.

I’m getting more and more fond of this one for every time I have it. I thought the first time that the blueberry was nice but subtle, completely in contrast with everybody else. I had a cold at the time. The next time I tried it I was getting better and there was much more blueberry flavour in it. Now there seems to be even more. I’m worried about what might happen if I keep drinking this. ;p

Mmmm. Good morning tea when you’re on holiday. (Now for that NaNo wordcount. cracks knuckles)

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Suzi 15 years ago

:D That was me!

If you keep drinking you’ll turn into a big blueberry ala Veruca Salt! But yes, bring on the Blueberry Blitz!

Angrboda 15 years ago

I could think of worse things to turn into. :)

Jillian 15 years ago

But…But I don’t have any blueberry teas. DX


Angrboda 15 years ago

Don’t worry Jillian, because I’m running out of mine really quickly, and I can’t really afford to shop tea this month. Maybe Blueberry Blitz would only cause me to end up in a state of deep jealousy…

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1118 tasting notes

Blueberry… I’m always on the hunt for a good blueberry tea. I used to think that I wanted an over the top blueberry flavor, or even blueberry muffin, but I’ve found that I like a good black tea with just enough blueberry flavor to make me smile. That’s what this tea delivers.

I’m not sure what base tea Adaigo uses, but I’m a fan. It’s strong enough to kick me into gear, but it’s not bitter (as long as it’s not over brewed). On top of the tea there is a blueberry flavor that’s all fruit. Not candy or jam. It’s so simple that at first I thought it wasn’t all that special, but before I knew it I was looking at the bottom of my cup and contemplating brewing up another one. It really is everything I want in a blueberry tea, tea and blueberry. :)

Angrboda 12 years ago

I believe they use some sort of Ceylon for the base.

Veronica 12 years ago


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84 tasting notes

<3 well i havent been doing as much lurking because ive been doing research on betta fish because i have a 10gallon tank and wanted more than 1. i knew you could put females together but i read that you need 4 or more in a 10 gallon so no1 gangs up on another 1 :p because i felt my brian was fried from reading about fish i wanted something good and easy for my fiancee to make me. :D this is an all time back up! i LOVE this tea i swear every time i drink it i get reminded of how much i enjoy this

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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fcmonroe 15 years ago

Love betta fish!! I relaly want another one. We haven’t had one around the house for about a year.

Jillian 15 years ago

A male betta (or Siamese Fighting Fish as the species was oh so dramatically called) was my first pet when I was small. Are you getting a male aswell or just females?

Kitch3ntools 15 years ago

i already have 2 males (in separate tanks) and now 4 females :) there was 1 other male that i liked alot at petco but we were on a mission for ladys :p ive already introduced them to the tank and 2 are trying to assert dominance but the larger one backs off last minute. they are very fun fish! my 2 males have completely different personalities and already 1 female when i look in to check on them will swim over to my face and get in my line of sight :)

Jillian 15 years ago

So are you trying to breed them?

Kitch3ntools 15 years ago

no, ive tried b4 years ago. i had a successful spawn but went to school 1 day came home and all the fry had gotten a fungus because the father was not taking care of them. i tried to salvage them but sadly they all ended up dieing. i think breeding will be eventually in the future, far in the future (my fiance is interested in doing it, we start school this week and cannot afford to be away for too long in case spawning happen) i wanted a comunity tank and i wanted more bettas lol. i didnt know how many i needed to keep the peace which was y i did so much reading.

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985 tasting notes

I recently ordered a sample of this as I am always on the lookout for a good blueberry tea that I can easily obtain (because of my intense love of Blueberry Cream Cheese Danish from 52teas…). This one is pretty good. I think I like the Blueberry Pie version from Teas Etc. a little better, but both are just good.

Anyone else know of a good blueberry black tea with good prospects of availability?

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec
Show 8 previous comments...
gmathis 14 years ago

Trader Joe’s has a Blueberry Green that I really, really like … are you near one?

SimplyJenW 14 years ago

Yes. Not much of a green fan, though.

IllBeMother221B 14 years ago

I don’t know of a good blueberry black tea, but Blueberry Bliss from Teavana (a rooibus) is pretty good.

SimplyJenW 14 years ago

I do have a Teavana close, but I have not yet made it there. I might have to check it out at some point.

KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

Blueberry Syrup from CA Tea house is pretty good. I have some left from my sample, if you want to try, PM me. :)

SimplyJenW 14 years ago

KiTT-What I should have said: Thank you for the offer, but that one is an herbal. I really am looking for a bluberry black. I do so appreciate the offer, though!

KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

DUH – just saw the last sentence of your review! I just glossed over that part. My bad!

KeenTeaThyme 14 years ago

To make up for my earlier faux pas, I just found a decent blueberry black tea – bagged, too, surprisingly. Mlesna Tea. It was a free sample with my Culinary Teas order but it’s so yummy I’d buy it!

SimplyJenW 14 years ago

Thanks KiTT…I will look for that!

SimplyJenW 14 years ago

Oooh. Looks like it comes in loose leaf, too!

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4843 tasting notes

Thank you to TeaEqualsBliss for sending me some of this tea. This has to be the best non-custom-blended flavored black tea that I’ve tried from Adagio. Usually I get that brassy harshness from Adagio’s black tea base, but, not here. It is really quite pleasant. Brisk, not bitter, and pleasantly mellow when compared to some of the other black teas I’ve tried from Adagio.

The blueberry flavor is sweet. More sweet than tart, but there is a little tartness toward the finish. Still, I don’t get that “berry tingle” of tartness that I typically get from berry flavored teas. That’s neither good nor bad, it’s just what I’m experiencing. This is more like a candied blueberry taste than a true-to-fruit taste to me. I like it anyway!

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2037 tasting notes

Sipdown no. 171. The consumption of samples I like before they turn completely to dust continues.

I think my first note pretty much covered this one. I like it slightly more than the apricot of yesterday, mostly because I haven’t had much other blueberry tea and it’s surprising to me that there even is such a thing given the subtlety of blueberry as a flavor. That a tea can capture the aroma and flavor of blueberries without being solely a fruit mix and can do it in a way that isn’t fakey fakey is a good thing in my book.

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Emilie 9 years ago

Blueberry teas are rare, but it’s always nice when they work out. I have a jasmine blueberry green tea that I really like

__Morgana__ 9 years ago

Emilie, which is the jasmine blueberry green that you like?

Emilie 9 years ago

It’s this one
I can send you some if you’re interested in it :)

__Morgana__ 9 years ago

Thanks much — I appreciate the offer but I am drowning in tea. I’ll just keep the info for future reference.

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615 tasting notes

Tea #26 from Traveling Tea Box C

I’m actually really surprised to find I’ve never tried or picked this up before — I love blueberries!

The blueberry scent in the dry leaf is present, but not overpowering. And smells nice and natural.

I’m not huge on Adagio’s black base, because it has some astringency I don’t like, and it’s a little fickle with bitterness. But cold-steeped, it circumvents all that.

The blueberry flavor is so good. Juicy, fresh, sweet blueberries, in a strength I’m actually surprised with. I like this blueberry flavor more that DT’s.

Next summer I’ll be cold steeping this all season long. Yum!

Iced 8 min or more

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6768 tasting notes

This Blueberry is certainly my friend. My friend is going to be gone after today and will be missed. Maybe it will be reincarnated some day (another purchase). Regardless – I am going to enjoy the time we will spend together today. (See how many resteeps I can get).

Jillian 15 years ago

Alas poor Blueberry, I knew thee well…. ;)

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA 15 years ago

So how many did you get?

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828 tasting notes

Another good sample from Adagio that I somehow went through without noting once. It’s a solid black blueberry tea. I think if I were seeking out a tea in that category, I’d aim for the Bar Harbor version, but that’s only because I have strong memories associated with that particular tea.

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523 tasting notes

Second tea sampled from TTB-C

Meh. This has slightly more flavor than the Black Current tea I tried first and its lacking the cardboard flavor too, which is a plus, but it still isn’t what I am looking for in a fruity black tea.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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