Tea type
Black Tea
Black Tea, Natural Caramel Flavor
Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Malt, Smooth, Toffee, Sweet, Brown Sugar, Maple Syrup, Smoke, Tobacco, Bitter, Coffee, Mocha
Sold in
Loose Leaf, Sachet
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Michael
Average preparation
Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 3 g 11 oz / 332 ml

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95 Tasting Notes View all

  • “mmmm. This tea is saving me from finals weeks stress! I know I’ve been absent, but I appreciate everyone on here so much and all their wonderful tea notes! I have exciting news! I am going to Peru...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to a nasty canker sore, every tea I have (painfully and agonizingly) sipped this week tastes like Orajel. Finally improving to the point I can pick up a little flavor, so I decided to treat...” Read full tasting note
  • “Woohoo! Another sample done! My tea stash has gone down pretty dramatically in the last month or so. I still have a lot of small samples from the fine people of Steepster, but I’m running through...” Read full tasting note
  • “I have been holding out on having another cup of this since my sample is starting to run low, but today I caved. It was just as delicious as every other cup of this I have had. I am really...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

Depending on where you’re from, you may either say “car-a-mel” or “CAR-mel.” Any way you put it, though, this premium Ceylon black tea complemented with rich notes of caramel flavoring (that is sugar free!) is sure to have you saying, “wow! that’s good!”

About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at www.adagio.com and in many gourmet and health food stores.

95 Tasting Notes

541 tasting notes

mmmm. This tea is saving me from finals weeks stress! I know I’ve been absent, but I appreciate everyone on here so much and all their wonderful tea notes! I have exciting news! I am going to Peru for an Archaeological dig summer 2014!!! So I raise a celebratory cuppa caramel.
I purchased this over the Black Friday weekend so I got free shipping. Who could resist 3oz of tea for almost the same price as shipping?! I think I’ve mentioned this before, but price wise this is a wonderful tea. At $6/3oz it is my favorite “cheap” tea. This requires a much shorter steep time when compared to my other blacks. But when done correctly this is a creamy, sugary tasting caramel tea. When I use extra leaves the black tea notes come out a bit stronger than other caramel teas I’ve tried. This tea is great with or without milk/sugar.


congrats for the Peru – you’ll come back with wonderful memories and you’ll probably drink Peruvian blended teas to share ideas with us


Thank you!!! I will be sure to link to my photos once I get back! I’m thinking that there will be a lot of days and nights filled with coffee and tea drinking!


Ooooh!!! You are going to be right next to me (as in Ecuador and Peru share borders!) hope you enjoy!!


That’s so cool that we’ll be close! I’ve never gone out of the country before, so that part is getting me a bit nervous!


Don’t worry about it! I am sure you’ll do great! Feel free to pm me if you have any questions or need advice on anything! :)


Thank you for the encouragement! I’m so glad that I’ll be travelling with my professor because: (a) I trust him and (b) he spends tons of time there. Right now I need to figure out how to learn decent Spanish in a year.


This is delayed but where in Peru are you digging? One of my arch classmates did his secondary field school in Peru last summer near Nazca.


I’ll be in the Pomac Forest working on the Sicán project. :)

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3011 tasting notes

Thanks to a nasty canker sore, every tea I have (painfully and agonizingly) sipped this week tastes like Orajel. Finally improving to the point I can pick up a little flavor, so I decided to treat myself to a sweet breakfast tea, this one from Michelle. (Did I goof? Is this supposed to be vanilla caramel?)

Straight up with no milk, I’m getting a good, dark strong burnt sugar flavor. Enough caffeine to be trusted for morning wake-up duty. Nothing to write rhapsodies about, but a good, sweet and solid tea.


The labels on my Adagio Vanilla and Caramel have gone back and forth too many times. I think I’ve figured out by smell which is which, but there’s a possibility I was wrong… I usually mix them anyway haha.


Ever since I upped my tea drinking, I have gotten so many canker sores. I must have been burning my mouth every time. I was wondering if I was the only one. Do you think you got it from burning your mouth?


Did a little research on the cause of the confounded things—I get them every so often—possible causes are stress, poor nutrition (low on B12), hormones. Guilty on all three counts! I’d say if you’re susceptible to them, exposure to hot liquid doesn’t help much :)

Terri HarpLady

Canker sores can be caused by several things:
– vitamin deficiencies (mainly B vit, because they are used to process things, & like it or not, caffeine has to be processed, as do artificial flavorings. C is also important here.
– viral – if you have a tendency towards oral herpes virus (don’t freak out, I’m not talking about the ‘Other’ herpes strains, although this applies to all of them), it’s important to minimize your use of chocolate & nuts, as both of these have an amino acid that feeds that virus (arginine). You can take a lysine supplement, which will fool the virus & help to put it back into remission, or eat foods high is lysine – meat, eggs, & legumes are your best sources. http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/lysine-000312.htm
– also make sure you’re drinking plenty of water! (in between cups of tea!) I have a rule for myself, which is to drink a qt of water every morning before I can start drinking tea, just to make sure I’m well hydrated because most teas have a drying effect.
– an interesting side note: Most of my vegan friends get cankers, as did I when I was one, along with an occasional bout of shingles. I good friend of mine & I were comparing notes recently, & neither of us have had any of those things since we added meat back into our diets (locally raised). I’m not trying to convert anybody, but it would make an interesting study.
Sorry to sound like a know-it-all! I’ve researched a lot of these things for years, in an effort to heal my body & feel good!

Here’s a website that also has some info on canker sores – http://www.animated-teeth.com/canker_sores/t1_canker_sores.htm


I use to get canker sores all the time. I’ve been lucky enough not to have any lately. I just googled “can tea cause canker sores” and it appears that having black tea can actually help.
“Have some tea. Several experts, among them dermatologist Jerome Z. Litt, M.D., recommend applying a wet, black tea bag to the ulcer. Black tea contains tannin, an astringent that “may pleasantly surprise you” with its pain-relieving ability, he says. There are over-the-counter medications available that contain tannin, such as Tanac."
Hope the pain goes away soon! I know how brutal they can be.


very interesting to know! canker sores aren’t the only things I’ve suffered through since I started drinking a lot of hot tea.. I also had the worst ever throat virus in my life, it was so painful I couldn’t drink tea for a week. I also have gotten yellow tongue. All that has happened this year, after my increased tea consumption. crazy! but that doesn’t stop me from drinking it haha
and I definitely believe the canker sores are stress and diet related as well, at least for me too. whenever I have tea with someone, they tell me I’m nuts because they can’t even touch their drink while I’m already sipping it. I’ve learned to wait now.

Terri HarpLady

LOL, I burn my tongue all the time. Lately I’ve been straining into a teapot, then pouring into a tiny cup, because in the little cup it cools a little quicker, so I can drink it sooner without burning myself! :D


Thanks for the info and links, y’all. I’m trying to get back on a vitamin regimen with extra B, and I knew tea wouldn’t hurt (other than the temp!) I do think these happen cyclically … my mom always said, “Well, you know your resistance is down during that time…”


After I’ve finished steeping my tea, I set my timer and walk away, then come back when the timer beeps. It has probably saved me from many a scalding.

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355 tasting notes

Woohoo! Another sample done! My tea stash has gone down pretty dramatically in the last month or so. I still have a lot of small samples from the fine people of Steepster, but I’m running through Adagio sample tins – 9 done in the last month at last count. I might do another swap/giveaway of teas that need a good home in the next week or two.

Anyway, I liked this one overall, but I don’t think I’ll reorder. The caramel taste can be too synthetic and sugary at times.


Woooo! I’m impressed with your ability to put this stuff away. I have so many Adagio samples half-finished, and no interest whatsoever in finishing them…or even starting on most of the greens. Your determination is admirable!


Agreed! It appears, sophistre, that you and I have similar Adagio attack strategies. Which is that…we don’t.


You’re the official Adagio fangirl lol


Haha good job! Keep it up. Adagio is my front line in the cupboard…. but I tend to grab something right behind them each and every day.

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392 tasting notes

I have been holding out on having another cup of this since my sample is starting to run low, but today I caved. It was just as delicious as every other cup of this I have had. I am really throughly enjoying this tea. I think I will have to get more when my sample runs out!

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735 tasting notes

Over the years, I’ve grabbed a sample of this flavor several times. (Between 2005 and now.) Each time I’ve bought it, it seemed better than the last. As if they tweak it for the better with every new batch.

This time is no exception. The caramel taste is so strong it’s almost too much! I made a pot to share with my husband tonight and it made the whole apartment smell like I was baking a caramel cake! The flavor keeps the aroma’s promise, too. Sweet, smooth, sinful.

On the next chilly morning we have, I’m going to make this with one part Caramel, one part Lapsang Souchong. Smoky caramel experiment!

Flavors: Caramel

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I have a tin set out in the “to drink tomorrow morning” queue!

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96 tasting notes

I’ve been on a milk tea kick lately, so I thought I’d open up this tin and churn out a tasting note. What can I say? It tastes a whole lot like caramel, and not much like anything else. The caramel is similar in taste to homemade, slightly-burnt, caramelized sugar. The caramel flavor component is quite strong and can be easily detected by tongue, but it balances well with the black tea flavor. Luckily, the tea doesn’t taste fruity the way Adagio’s black base often tastes. It’s just a nice, solid black tea flavor that supports the caramel. It is a bit astringent (drying) but not particularly bitter. However, I would imagine that oversteeping this one would lead to a very bitter cup.

I know some teas are all smell and no flavor. Adagio’s Caramel is not one of those teas. This tastes just as much like caramel as it smells. With a little milk and sweetener, it’s almost as though someone melted a milk caramel and stirred it into some black tea.

While there’s not a lot going on in this tea, I rather like it. It’s simple, and seems like it would be great for mixing with other teas.


It’s awesome mixed with Adagio’s Cream black tea..


I was JUST thinking that! Cream is the only other Adagio black I have liked so far…I think because they don’t taste as cardboard-fruity to me, especially when made with a little cooler water.


Both of those are my adagio favorites!


Umm cream + caramel… sounds like Adagio’s Birthday Blend =P


Except no vanilla, yay! (Vanilla gives me a headache…I haven’t tried Adagio’s vanilla yet, though.)


Sounds delicious!

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15620 tasting notes

ugh… tried this one again. nope. not having it haha. Farwell adagio!

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180 tasting notes

I’m not the biggest Adagio fan… but I really like this tea. Especially in the morning, when I can trick myself into thinking that I’m having some sort of fancy/yuppie coffee drink. Like a caramel-chino-macchiato whatever. (Not gonna lie; I don’t really know what those words mean.)

So… yeah, this tea is good. Very caramelly and sweet enough not to need any additions to make it taste that way.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

No one really knows what those words mean, LOL! I tried looking it up once, and it’s basically just different ratios of milk, foam, and espresso.

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464 tasting notes

“Another Traveling Tea Box?!?!” Tea

So after I’d tried all the fruit blends yesterday from Adagio, you’d think I’d have learned my lesson.

Decent ceylon base with a light citrus note and a slight astringency. The flavoring is just off- especially the aftertaste. It reminds me off this horrible vitamin powder drink mix that my co-worker drinks from time to time. It always smells to me of burnt plastic when she mixes it up.

This tea makes me crave Butiki’s Caramel Assam, just to prove to my tastebuds that caramel is still yummy. I wish I had some at work right now.

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1015 tasting notes

Another from the quiet life! I feel so spoiled!

I’m rounding out my day of caramel with this tea (a remarkably delicious day which included Lupicia’s Cookie, Caramel Sugar Oolong, and now this Caramel Black).

I was a bit skeptical of this initially because Adagio’s tea base can be a bit strange and harsh. I really shouldn’t have worried though, this tea is really good. The tea just tastes like a plain black tea when drank plain, BUT when you add milk and sweetener which is befitting of a dessert tea, Wow. I’m pleasantly surprised.

5 min, 0 sec

I’d hold the sweetener, but yay for latTEAS!


I don’t usually put a lot of sweetener, almost not enough to even notice. I think it may be more of a habit…oh well, still a lot less sweetener than I used to put in my coffee so I guess it is an improvement.

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