Tea type
Herbal Rooibos Blend
Not available
Chamomile, Peppermint, Sweat, Vanilla, Flowers, Mint, Apple, Hay, Chocolate, Honey, Rooibos, Bitter, Herbaceous, Musty, Wood, Floral, Menthol, Pollen, Woody, Sweet
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf, Sachet
Caffeine Free
Not available
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 6 min, 0 sec 15 g 16 oz / 470 ml

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114 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Sipdown number whatever for 2013, and now I’m down to some number in my cupboard I DON’T KNOW I’m expecting tea soon so my numbering system is kinda all over the place. Good tea. Sad to see it go,...” Read full tasting note
  • “I am finally getting to the end of the tin of this, which I have now had for (mumble) months. While in Japan, since it and the almond biscotti were the only teas I brought with me, I was able to...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! I doubt I’ll be buying this again, simply because I’ve moved on from Adagio now. My next goal is actually going to be to finish up the remainder of my Adagio samples, as I seem to be...” Read full tasting note
  • “Well, it’s been a while since I had Foxtrot so I decided to have a cup last night. I have had my 4-ouncer for a while and have been supplying my father’s new found love for the stuff, too, so it...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Teas

Like the dance that inspired its name, our Foxtrot tea is an overnight success that will leave you giddy with joy. It is an herbal cocktail of Egyptian chamomile, South African rooibos (with a touch of vanilla) and fresh peppermint. A soothing blend of familiar tastes that produces a pleasantly original combination. It’s entirely caffeine-free, but you’ll still have a spring in your step from the delightful, delicately clean and sweet flavor.

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About Adagio Teas View company

Adagio Teas has become one of the most popular destinations for tea online. Its products are available online at www.adagio.com and in many gourmet and health food stores.

114 Tasting Notes

726 tasting notes

Sipdown number whatever for 2013, and now I’m down to some number in my cupboard I DON’T KNOW I’m expecting tea soon so my numbering system is kinda all over the place.

Good tea. Sad to see it go, but yeah I’ve got a whole lot of herbals to get through soooo I probably wouldn’t miss it as much oh well.

BUT LIFE UPDATES because I seem to just.. talk about life a lot.
I went to see my advisor at 5, but there was seriously a line out the door so I was like.. dude. I’ll just talk to you after class because.. yeah.
So I talk to him after class ends, and I still wait half an hour because it’s time to sign up for classes and soooo many people had questions wow. So half an hour after class ended and I finally got to ask him everything I needed to know and just I TOTALLY KEPT HIM TALKING FOR 45 MINUTES. SO yeah. We totally closed down the college and I had to wait in the lobby so he can turn the alarms on which was actually pretty cool ahha. And then he walked me to my car because I’m a wee little 20 year old (and by wee I literally mean that I’m 5’2 and I weigh like 105 pounds okay). So yeah CLOSED DOWN THE COLLEGE SOUNDS GOOD.

But during our conversation, I think he convinced me to apply for another program. Like… Oh my gosh okay. I realized that I’m definitely not graduating in 4 years because I took last quarter off to do the program. Soooo yeah. This time (if I get accepted) I’ll be working for Disney from June till January in Anaheim because that’s the only one that I can do.

And when I came home, I had dinner waiting for me on the table! My roommate actually told me to NOT make dinner because she wanted to make it tonight and I love her so much for it :)

I’ve had a massive headache for the past like 8 hours and my FoxTrot does have a whole lot of peppermint in the bottom of the bad soooo peppermint to the rescue!

And because I’m a lazy butt and I don’t want to edit THE PROGRAM. I did a 4-5 month long thing through Disney in Orlando called the Disney College Program and I had soooo much fun! I thought I was going to get units for it but I did the wrong thing so… I ended up not getting the units :( And now I’ve been convinced to do another program and I’m sending in my application soon and.. AHH DISNEY.

I’m gunna freakin scream because I sent my application in and I feel like I may have been a bit too specific about it and I’m just like oh my gosh help me please because help help help I am so nervous and i was legit just on the couch shaking when my roommate saw me and she was like Kyra what’s up with you and I was all DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM and she walked over to the kettle and turned it on and made me tea and now I am slightly calmer than usual and help me please because Disney and I am so scared that I won’t even make it to the Web interview okay like what is this help me now.

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382 tasting notes

I am finally getting to the end of the tin of this, which I have now had for (mumble) months. While in Japan, since it and the almond biscotti were the only teas I brought with me, I was able to get over my aversion to it, which is great – and I basically lived off the stuff – especially during the week that I was STRUCK DOWN by delicious greasy ramen. Omg, it was SO GOOD (this is real ramen noodle soup we are talking about, not instant noodles) but it was SO full of fat that my stomach – and the rest of me, rebelled. Then it was Foxtrot to the rescue! Honestly, between the mint and chamomile it is very nearly the perfect belly soothing tea. It just needs some ginger to round out the belly soothing herb trifecta.

Today, I had a pretty heavy meal (accompanied by pretty heavy beer :D ) for dinner and was craving some foxtrot to clean out my system a bit. Now I come to think of it, someone else was talking about using something for detox – matcha I think? I should try that. But not in the evening.

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2238 tasting notes

Sipdown! I doubt I’ll be buying this again, simply because I’ve moved on from Adagio now. My next goal is actually going to be to finish up the remainder of my Adagio samples, as I seem to be acquiring new teas at a pretty scary rate. Trying to ban myself doesn’t work. Anyway, this turned out to be a pretty tasty tea, despite my initial reservations. Clearly sometimes it is worth judging a tea by its name!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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6768 tasting notes

Well, it’s been a while since I had Foxtrot so I decided to have a cup last night. I have had my 4-ouncer for a while and have been supplying my father’s new found love for the stuff, too, so it has been used, but I am beginning to wonder if the actual storage life isn’t as strong to stand on as other teas can be. It tasted a little off last night…for some reason…a little funky…not sure…maybe it was just human error…totally possible considering I was the human who prepared it! LOL – anyhow…it wasn’t bad, just not as good as it usually is. I am backlogging this from last night – but I wanted to make sure I logged this finding for my own records…

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Rabs 15 years ago

You’ve inspired me to keep trying with this blend. At first I thought this was interesting in a good way, but then the last few times I’ve had it “funky” would be the right term for how it seemed. I’ll let ya know if my opinion shifts at all after some experimentation :)

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Yes, indeed, Froxtrot is one of those teas that is different nearly each time I try it! LOL

gmathis 15 years ago

Have you ever tried it iced? (I like it that way and it’s a little more error-resistant that way—just brew it good and strong.)

TeaEqualsBliss 15 years ago

Yup! It’s good iced, too!
And to think I wasn’t even going to try it when I first bought from Adagio! It’s only one of the 2 teas I have re-ordered so far!

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814 tasting notes

this is a tea bag that was sent to me from Scheherazade!
i’ve been actually enjoying my chamomile lately, who would have thunk!
i mean, this is just a big old reminder to me to not be too opinionated.
but really, sure i’m an enthusiastic person, but opinionated is probably not a word that most people would use to describe me. so i think i’m safe.

a crazy thing is happening. i’m getting my own office!
i’m gonna have a mega tea set up happening in there. and look-out cuz if anyone comes in and shows even a little bit of interest i will probably make them smell my teas. MAKE them smell!
i’m gonna have to buy a few cactuses for the window.

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248 tasting notes

All out of this. :( Threw in some extra chamomile. Really tasty, need to buy more!

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265 tasting notes

I’m leaving the rest of this with my friend when I move on to the next part of my holiday tomorrow, so I thought I’d better have some more while I could. I’ve belatedly remembered that I used to really like Twinings’ chamomile and spearmint, and Foxtrot is very reminiscent of that. Just, you know, better. I hate to say it, but I think that’s because of the rooibos.

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Jillian 15 years ago

Something to remember for the next order from Adagio? ;)

Luthien 15 years ago

Alas, I can’t usually order from Adagio because I live in Australia and they won’t ship there because of customs issues with importing tea. My current trip to the States is a tea tour on top of everything else. g

Jillian 15 years ago

I’ve found that a lot of otherwise good tea places (thankfully not Adagio) charge an insane amout of money to ship to Canada. If I ever go south of the border the first thing I’ll do is go nuts buying all the tea I couldn’t get at home. ;D

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790 tasting notes

I hardly know where to start. I don’t like rooibos. I am not hugely fond of mints unless they are black mints.

This sounded intriguing in the swap though (sorry, I have lost track of who sent what, it was all a flurry for a week or so there).

This is a wonderful tea. Refreshing, crisp, light. Very springy and yet would not be out of place at a holiday table either, after a cranberry dessert, possibly. Before bed to calm the tummy after all that bounty of food. :)

I can taste all of the flavors – mint, chamomile, vanilla.. It reminds me a lot of Boston Tea Company’s Lemon Honey Chamomile Rooibos – which I also like a lot. I think, though, that on balance, I like this one better. The mint adds just a bit more deliciousness.

This one is going on the shopping list to make sure I keep it in the cupboard!

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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902 tasting notes

Meghann sent me the best box of tea ever today!! I can’t believe how much was tucked into it, and I could barely decide what to try first (and, yes, I did the happy, new tea dance whilst I was opening and going through the box). Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Finally decided on this one to have first. It’s my first Adagio (that I can remember having, at least), and it’s decaf. I’ve never had a blend with chamomile and rooibos before, either, so this is an extra-special treat.

Normally I brew chamomiles for 5 minutes, and rooibos blends for 10. So we’re going to go with 5 to start, and take it from there. I also completely ignored the “2 tsps to 8 oz water” instructions on the pack and went with just 1 heaping tsp.

Love the smell…all chamomile and mint. I don’t taste much of the rooibos, but there’s this hint of it at the very beginning and very end of the sip, and I think it gives this tea a robustness that it would lack otherwise. Taste is very similar to Celestial Seasoning’s Vanilla Sleepytime tea, though this one is much stronger on the mint. I think that this could become really overpoweringly minty if steeped for much longer than 5 minutes. As it is, my tongue is tingling rather nicely, and I can feel it warming me up from the inside out. This one will be great for those icky winter nights when you want something warm and soothing. Love it!!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Meghann M 14 years ago

Yay, I’m glad it was there for you today. Have fun going through it. I had fun packing up the box of tea!

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2145 tasting notes

After being away for two weeks traveling I have really missed my evening cup of herbal tea. This was the last thing that came in before I left so I knew that I had to start with it first when I got home. After two weeks of road tripping with a toddler (who was very well behaved) I needed a nice cup to relax with as soon as I stepped throught the door.

I wasn’t sure how well this was going to work together, rooibos and chamomile are just so far apart taste wise and I really haven’t developed a taste for rooibos yet. I was surprised by how much I ejoyed it. You can certainly taste the peppermint and chamomile in this blend and the rooibos adds a flavor that is necessary to balance it all out. I don’t think I would have liked it nearly as much without it.

If you try this I would suggest shaking it up first, the chamomile was all at the top and the peppermint and rooibos had managed to sink to the bottom of my package.

Boiling 8 min or more

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