Adagio Teas

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One of my favorite blends for breakfast. Very toasty and warming.

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
30 tasting notes

Along with chamomile (which I am all out of – sob), peppermint is my favorite tea to drink before bed. Helps me wind down from a busy day and gets me in the mindset for a trip to dreamland.

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drank Peppermint by Adagio Teas
30 tasting notes

Peppermint + Honey = YES PLEASE.

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This is one of my favorites when it comes to oolong. The grapefruit flavor helps to tone down the brisk smoky oolong flavor, which can be overpowering on its own. Grapefruit oolong is a great introductory oolong.

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drank Earl Grey Bravo by Adagio Teas
58 tasting notes

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drank Strawberry by Adagio Teas
58 tasting notes

Enjoying my Monday with a favorite tea. :)

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

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drank Strawberry by Adagio Teas
58 tasting notes

Steeped a big cup of this in the morning, sipped half of it hot and then put the rest over ice with lunch. :) TASTY!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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drank Strawberry by Adagio Teas
58 tasting notes

Good morning! :) Starting off with one of my faves.

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drank Strawberry by Adagio Teas
58 tasting notes

I really enjoy this tea at boiling for 4 – 4.5 minutes. Very flavorful, tastes like real strawberry and not gross flavoring. Highly recommend. :)

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Visiting an old favorite today. Had a big cuppa. :)

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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It’s been a while since I’ve had this tea and I finally ordered some from Adagio. Made a cup first thing this morning and this is STILL my all-time favorite Earl Grey. LOVE. THIS. TEA. If you like Earl Grey and haven’t tried this, you are seriously missing out. It’s just a perfectly balanced, flavorful, delightful Earl Grey. Absolute perfection, and one of my favorite teas from any company. The day Adagio stops making this tea is the day I may actually cry over a tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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This is my all-time favorite earl grey. Reviewed on STeaP for our second ever episode. What a walk down memory lane. :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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One of my all time faves! 4 minutes, boiling.

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drank Earl Grey Green by Adagio Teas
24 tasting notes

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drank Earl Grey Green by Adagio Teas
24 tasting notes

My go-to tea while at work. Keeps me going!

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