Honey Bee

Tea type
Honeybush Rooibos Yerba maté Blend
Blue Cornflowers, Calendula Petals, Flavouring, Honeybush, Lemon Myrtle, Lemon Pieces, Rooibos
Honey, Rooibos, Artificial, Burnt Sugar, Lavender, Lemon, Medicinal, Floral, Burnt, Flowers, Perfume, Sweet, Caramel, Milk, Smooth, Vinegar, Creamy, Marshmallow, Eucalyptus, Lemon Zest, Wood
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Edit tea info Last updated by Amani
Average preparation
200 °F / 93 °C 5 min, 30 sec 10 g 13 oz / 382 ml

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Get busy

This honey-flavoured, honeybush tea is just about the sweetest energy-enhancer around. It has all the zest of real lemon and lemon myrtle, and all the smooth flavour of rooibos and green rooibos. But the real secret ingredient? Green maté. It provides a beautiful burst of energy for both mind and body. Strewn with calendula petals and cornflowers, this is the nectar of choice for busy bees.

Ingredients: Red and green rooibos, honeybush, green yerba maté, lemon peel, lemon myrtle, cornflower petals, marigold petals, natural flavouring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

146 Tasting Notes

1473 tasting notes

A wonderful start to a wonderful birthday!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Have a wonderful day of fulfillment and happiness! (Oh, if all days were like that…:D)


Happy birthday tea buddy!! :)


Hop you are having an awesome birthday!!


Happy birthday!!


Happy B-Day! :)


Happy Birthday! I hope your day was special!


Happy birthday! May you receive much tea.


Awwww, thanks guys! <3!

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709 tasting notes

Oh, wow. Dry, this smells much like Lush’s “Honey, I Washed the Kids” soap which I bought to replace my peppermint blue soap. Strong honey smell, followed by a tinge of something unusual. I’ve never had or smelled mate, so I find myself thinking it might be that. The steeped liquor is a rich amber, and the smell is magnified.

First tastes are delicious. I got a strong honey flavour, but then there is a strange after-taste/texture which I, once again, assume to be the mate. I realized after a few sips that it reminds me a lot of Joy’s Teaspoon’s Lemon Zest, only without the lemon. I think the sharp taste at the end is what echoes that lemon taste for me, but the honey sweetness is so creamy and delicious. The beau also mentioned that it reminds him of Lemon Cream Pie, but I don’t actually remember that being very creamy.

I will enjoy the rest of my sample package for now, but this might be a re-buy. However, I do have lots of the Lemon Zest, so if this is similar to it as I remember it to be, I don’t really need it. Except to learn about mate. We’ll see.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

I love Lush! Just thought I’d throw that out there. is a dork >_>


That is exactly it, it smells just like LUSH Honey Bee Bath Bomb and Honey I washed the Kids soap! Its uncanny!


I got it because it smelled so much like the Lush soap and bath bomb.I’m glad I’m not the only one to have noticed the similarity!

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1598 tasting notes

Goodbye, sample!
Today I woke up early to see my bf and his Dad off as they drive across the country with our stuff. My job is to take care of the child and the cat but I just can’t wake up.

This tea was tasty, but didn’t give me the zip I was hoping for!


You flying out here with the little one?


Yep! We arrive Thursday afternoon!

Terri HarpLady

When you girls meet up, I want photos!


She’ll be the photogenic one and ill be the one with my tongue out or my face scrunched up hahaha


I don’t know about that. I feel so awkward with photos! We’ll have to include the baby and then there will be less focus on me/us. :p


Squeeee! So exciting :D


i love your pics! you’re just so darn cute! grin Just finished splitting up the rest of the teas that i have that you and i split..not touching the ones you split with the girls. Little bag set aside ready for you to pick up whenever :)

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1764 tasting notes

Down down down the drain she goes… @
(because the “at” symbol kinda looks like a swirl, get it? yes I am a dork)
So… there was a day when I lurrrved this tea. Liquid bees, it didn’t sound all that appealing… but somehow it fit right into my cupboard.
And now? well whatever flavourings they used here are apparently don’t work for me. This is something I so did not expect!! :6
Half the cup went unfinished. Gosh that was painful to throw out!
Maybe one day I’ll be able to handle flavoured tea again. For now, it seems I must resign to either straight tea, or those with the simplest and most natural additions possible. Well, I suppose I should have known better than to even try. It’s such a shame, since I now have atleast 20g of it left in my cupboard! :/
(first come first serve to anyone who wants it! Lookin at you TO people!)


I love it but i’ve still got 100grams of it lol


I find that I have periods where I crave straight teas and anything else is just unappealing. And other times, I just want FLAVORS. So maybe one day you’ll like this tea again. :)


yup, that happens to me sometimes to!! except with my current health status, I suspect it’ll be atleast six months… and Yerba tends to lose potency quickly so I figured it might as well find a good home now :)


Erin: If you run out, let me know! though 100g is alot.


Will do :)


haha you reminded me, in Italian the @ is called a chiocciola, which means snail!


lol that makes sense, it does look like a snail!! haha


Oh man, I live for this tea, and I got my coworker addicted to it too. Anytime I makes a Davids run, it’s “What do you want?” “Honeybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” XD.

I need to put together an at-home tea kit for her, so far she only grabs cups to go on workdays.


Honey flavored tea sounds weird to me.


It doesn’t taste like honey to me. It tastes like a fuzzy bee. Ugh. I think this is one of those ones you love or hate. No middle ground.


LOL Aisling. Maybe it’s worth it just to be able to say Honeybeeeeeeeee :P

Melissa: Have you ever seen the Lush Honey I Shrunk the Kids soap? It tastes just the way that soap smells. Heavenly!! well when there are no allergies involved lol

Cattibrie: I have to agree with you there. In fact, I find most of DT blends are like that!


If no-one’s claimed it yet, I’d gladly take it off your hands. I find this is a great tea for when I’ve just arrived at school for a loooong day. I actually just ran out of the bit I did have too, so having more would be wonderful!

myspecialtea :)

if it’s still there i’m game as well…always good for a swap of course if you had another tea in mind, my cupboard is full with DT and other teas to enjoy- feel free to check my profile and message me, i’m north of TO ;)


Oh no, how did I not see these notices?? they must have been lost in the frozen notice fiasco (I still have 29 of them waiting to be read but can’t access them)
This was snapped up quick. So sorry everyone :(

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17027 tasting notes

Cold Brew! Total of nine hours, and so close to a sipdown! Woot!

I drank this while I was at work today, and it was a very lovely, sweet drink that was refreshing. When I think of this one the word “Ambrosia”, as in the nectar of the Gods, comes to mind. I enjoyed it right until the end of the shift!

My shift was great today, by the way. I was completely surprised because all the other keyholders/supervisors bought me a cake to celebrate which was so cool and so unexpected, especially since I’ve only been there for four days, and that’s not even going to be my permanent location; I only have a week longer there…

So, it was a great birthday shift!


Sounds like a most excellent birthday. Happy birthday!

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1220 tasting notes

Yesterday when I was driving up to my parents’ house, I passed a pick-up truck with a trailer. There was a sign on the back of the trailer that said “You’d be REAL STUPID to tailgate me! HONEYBEES” and I could not stop laughing for a good half mile.

I need something like mate this morning. My parents were leaving for a shuttle to the airport in Atlanta at 4am (they live 2 hours north of me, so it just seems funny I came up here and now they’re going down there) and it woke me up, and some bug was in my room and as I was trying to fall back asleep it like flew right at my ear.

And I have to take care of the dog and I’m sure he wants to go outside before a time I normally want to wake up, so now I’ve just stayed up.

This smells a lot like honey but it kind of weirds me out that there’s not actually any in here? Once it’s steeped it just seems very apparent that it’s just flavoring because it just doesn’t have the real complexities of honey. I didn’t like it while it was still pretty hot, as it’s cooled it’s gotten better.

I want to add honey but I feel that might make it taste too sweet for me. There’s just something slightly weird about how it tastes, but I’ll probably finish what I have and just consider it something I tried.


Fun story! I was up early too with lightning and thunder 4:30 a.m.
Isn’t the honey flavor supposed to be honeybush?


I don’t think there’s enough in the blend to make any sort of difference, but it’s more of a real honey flavor than I get from honeybush (so like I guess between honeybush and real honey, haha), and definitely from something added.


I find it tastes like pollen.


OK Krystaleyn, do you regularly eat pollen?


lol, I actually can see how it tastes like that. And I do regularly eat pollen when the trees bloom because there’s no way out. One day it was over 9,000 particles per cubic meter of air! Everything tasted like pollen.


I do!! bee pollen is nature’s vitamin :P
—and it does have a similar flavour!


Hahahahaha! I can see that any plant-related comment could get me in trouble :P I honestly am not certain that I’ve ever deliberately eaten pollen, but perhaps it associates with the smell of a very fragrant flower for me. My roommate and I actually had the same discussion about how we thought it tasted like pollen but weren’t sure exactly why we thought that.

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2291 tasting notes

Thanks, Heather, this one is pretty good! I live err, love honey, so it’s not surprising that I like this tea.

It is really honey scented, and flavored. There’s a depth behind the honey that has to be the rooibos and mate, but the flavour definitely isn’t rooibos or medicinal.

Hmm. As it has mate in it, it’s more of a morning/lunch tea for me. Unfortunately this makes it’s application limited, as I really prefer a black tea in the morning.

So this is a tea I’ll probably have around occasionally, but I won’t need to keep stocked in my cupboard.

(I’m drinking this tea while kitten-sitting. They’ve been going 100% since I got here and gave them food, and kitten-mama is trying to hide from them and get pets. So adorable, all of them.)


I do like this, but I do agree…I like my morning tea to be black or a dark oolong. This is good on some days off though. I got it so I could see what hubby thought since he misses the Arizona Iced TEa Herbal Tonic he got in the states earlier this year.

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6119 tasting notes

YES! A sipdown! From last year’s advent calendar, no less! I told my roomie that we should try and finish off all of our advent calendar teas before Christmas, as they’re getting a bit old… Luckily, I didn’t start buying a lot of tea until Jan/Feb (and even then, it was mostly DT, and not really a “lot” in comparison to a month or so later…)

Like any rooibos blend, this one really requires a fine filter. Unfortunately, I’m at work, and the only options here are a teaball with large-ish holes, a fine mesh teaball that would be great except for the fact that it has gaps between the two halves, and paper filters. I wasn’t thinking, and used option B instead of C, so am left with a cup full of tea bits. Oh well.

I like this one today better than I recall liking it last time. For whatever reason, it’s a little bitter (mate??), but definitely honey-sweet in aroma, and with a sweet-ish flavour that makes me think pollen. Also, there’s a hint of lemony citrus flavour, but just a hint. I don’t think I’ve ever tried pollen, so why I’m compelled to say it tastes like pollen, I have no idea. The honey/pollen flavour also remains after swallowing as a rather pleasant aftertaste. So, this blend is tasty enough, and I could see maybe dosing other blends with some of it, but I doubt I’d pick any more up (and no longer have any left).

I’d start an ‘advent calendar tea sipdown’ countdown, but I don’t know how many we’ve already finished! Hmmm, I should find that out. We’re probably done aproximately 1/3 of the tins, but some, like David’s Organic Breakfast, and the Japanese Sencha, are still very full, as we only drank them once…. More things to do with all that time I don’t have!

ETA: Second infusion was pretty unremarkable. Not bad, but not a great deal of flavour. Worth it if there’s no other tea around, but that’s probably it.

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470 tasting notes

I got this in my swap with Amanda—it’s one of those blends I’ve wanted to try for a while, but the rooibos scared me off from getting a whole bag. In the bag this smells amazing, like pure honey. Of course there’s no crystallized honey or anything IN there, so it’s just flavoring, but it smells very authentic and I was worried it would be too sweet.

Steeped, though, it’s pretty mellow. The honey comes in at the end of the sip and fills your mouth with wonderful honey notes that linger. It tastes very much like real honey, perhaps a bit less complex but not flat-tasting. The rooibos actually works for me here, it’s the first blend that hasn’t had that icky medicinal taste for me. Probably because there’s so little of it. The mate, green rooibos and rooibos meld perfectly together for an earthy but light blend that really gives you a burst of energy. And it adds an almost honeycomb taste: woody and sweet. Definitely going to restock this one!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

This sounds really interesting. I’m going to add it to my list!

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150 tasting notes

First, back off vegan police! There’s is no honey in Honeybee, so you can put your judgement down and back away. Bunch of judgy McJudgersons…

Second, I don’t know if I dig this tea. I have an entire tin of it because the 50g bag wasn’t available when I placed my uber DAVIDs order. Maybe I’ll give it a go iced and see if I like the flavor more that way. I’ll reserve my numerical rating until I give it one more chance. Also, Honeybee didn’t give me the jolt of energy I’ve come to expect from DAVID’s matés. Tea problems, man!


This one took a couple attempts for me, but I came to really like it. Hopefully it’ll grow on you!


I tired it about 4 times and I really don’t like it. So much that I left my bag at my aunts house. She offered it to me when I was there today and I drank tea out of her Keurig instead that’s how much I didn’t like it. LOL.

Daisy Chubb

Have you tried it iced? Maybe it’s no longer iced tea season, but I looooved it iced. Maybe, just maybe?

Daisy Chubb

Oh I just read the part in your comment about trying it iced >_> anyways yeah… try that. haha!


I adore this tea! It is my go to tea when I need some energy for work. A lot of people warn about letting it steep too long, could that be part of the problem?


Also, if that vegan police comment is a reference to Scott Pilgrim, you’re my new BFFE.

Michelle Butler Hallett

It’s not just mate in the blend; there’s a lot of honeybush, too. It hasn’t ot the same punch as Jumpy Monkey.

Michelle Butler Hallett

Sorry … got the same punch …

Michelle Butler Hallett

Sorry … got the same punch …


Cattibrie Ha! I drank Keurig tea the other night and it was terrible. I think that my host may have neglected to rise the machine before she brewed my tea :/

DaisyCubb I miss you! Yes, I will try it iced because it was 100 degrees in LA just the other day. It’s almost always iced tea weather up in here :)

ailing of tea I have a new BFFE!!!! My vegan police reference is indeed a Scott Pligrim reference, but they exists in a less hilarious real life form too. They’re watching us right now…

Michelle Butler Hallet I can’t drink the Jumpy Monkey, but I am a shameless Jungle Ju Ju and CHOCOLATE ROCKET fan. Do I need to stop comparing my maté kidlets and start loving them individually? I’ll do my best :)

Daisy Chubb

I miss you too!
haha I am craving iced tea weather even though I had a few months of it. I’m such a cold wimp, why do I live in Saskatchewan? D:


Come here for a visit! We are whining because our toes were cold in the morning, then it hit 85 degrees F.

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