Honey Bee Beautiful

Tea type
Herbal Rooibos Blend
Not available
Green, Honey, Floral, Smooth, Sweet, Wood, Drying, Rooibos
Sold in
Bulk, Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 3 g 94 oz / 2783 ml

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  • “I’m not usually a big drinker of Rooibos but have been looking for more bedtime teas as all that has been in my cupboard recently is chamomile based teas (I love chamomile, but a boy needs a bit of...” Read full tasting note
  • “where do i start with this tea, well it was a horrible experiance for me speacialy for a Rooibos tea, i mean i do like honey and i think everything is better with honey (sorry lili xD) so i kinda...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is the second time I’ve had this and I cannot taste honey. This tastes like chamomile and rooibos. Not overwhelming rooibos. There is maybe a bit of honey in the aftertaste if I stretch my...” Read full tasting note
  • “Continuing working through my old B&B packets. This looks to have no flavoring added, so I think the honey part is meant to come from the chamomile. I do enjoy chamomile, luckily. I really...” Read full tasting note

From Bird & Blend Tea Co.

Excellent exfoliating skin elixir with delicious notes of honey!

Have you ever considered the work it must take to make a queen bee? Their beauty regime is extensive and their mums are very pushy! Someone really should tell them that our Honey Bee Beautiful tea with not only tastes amazing but its skin elixir properties helps you be beautiful too.

Rooibos, Honeybush, Chamomile, Nettle leaves, Cornflowers.

You know those pushy mums who put their 4 year old beauty queens in high heels and lipstick? Well have you ever considered the work it must take to make a queen bee? Their beauty regime is even more extensive and their mums twice as pushy! Someone really should tell them that this amazing honey rooibos not only tastes beautiful but its skin elixir properties could help you be beautiful too.


About Bird & Blend Tea Co. View company

Company description not available.

11 Tasting Notes

5 tasting notes

I’m not usually a big drinker of Rooibos but have been looking for more bedtime teas as all that has been in my cupboard recently is chamomile based teas (I love chamomile, but a boy needs a bit of variety!)

I was also intrigued to try out some teas from new British company Bluebird Tea Co and, having gotten home late – the Rooibos was the only bedtime offer in my selection – so Honey Bee Beautiful got chosen.

The smell of this tea was very fragrant and the honey smell instantly hits – at first making me worry this tea was going to be too sweet for me. I did not let this stop me from making the first cup!

Brew Method – Breville Tea Kettle
Temp – 100C
Water – 750ml
Tea – 2.5 tsp
Time – 4 mins

The colour of the tea is a beautiful red Rooibos and when bringing the cup to the mouth again it is the honey that comes through. However, when tasting the tea the Rooibos isn’t lost – so it’s a beautifully balanced Rooibos hit before the honey kicks in. I found it to be more of a Manuka honey taste and much less sweet than I expected from the smell. The minor herbal notes of nettle and chamomile come through subtley – but they do come through after the honey has passed. The lingering taste was certainly of a sweet honey.

I enjoyed it immensely – partly as it’s like nothing else in my tea collection, but also because I seemed to hit on the exact steep settings first go!

I might have turned up my nose at Rooibos before, but I will be giving some more a shot after this!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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7 tasting notes

where do i start with this tea, well it was a horrible experiance for me speacialy for a Rooibos tea, i mean i do like honey and i think everything is better with honey (sorry lili xD) so i kinda expected this tea to be amazing and relaxing, you get the point. so to make it easy my disappointment is immeasurable and my day was ruined. i donk wanna tell people to not try it ofc some would like it, but for me it’s a big no.

Flavors: Green, Honey

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 2 g 8 OZ / 250 ML

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1404 tasting notes

This is the second time I’ve had this and I cannot taste honey. This tastes like chamomile and rooibos. Not overwhelming rooibos. There is maybe a bit of honey in the aftertaste if I stretch my imagination. A tells me all she can taste is honey!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 3 g 14 OZ / 414 ML
Cameron B.

I still need to try this one, I have a 20g packet somewhere.

Cameron B.

Oh nevermind, it’s “Breakfast’s Ready, Honey” that I have…

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4342 tasting notes

Continuing working through my old B&B packets. This looks to have no flavoring added, so I think the honey part is meant to come from the chamomile. I do enjoy chamomile, luckily.

I really should have used a disposable tea bag for this… Chamomile is the only thing that gets stuck in my Finum brew basket, and it’s such a pain to clean out. Oh well, lessons learned.

This is fine and pleasant enough, but nothing special. I mostly taste the chamomile, then a little bit of honeybush and rooibos. Really, I would prefer to just drink plain chamomile as I don’t feel the base adds much here. As far as the nettle, I have no idea what that tastes like so can’t comment on its effect.

Pleasant, but definitely not something I need.

Flavors: Floral, Honey, Smooth, Sweet, Wood

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Cameron B.

Luckily I have a little stockpile, because they always send them in Sips By boxes and sometimes Bird & Blend as well. I never use them but I keep them in my tea accessory drawer. :P


Haha, there you go!

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1968 tasting notes

Just finished up a 20g bag of this, and I liked it the first couple times I drank it more than the last couple. I’ve had it for about a year, so not sure if the flavors dissipated, but the sweet, honey flavor that previously covered up the rooibos is no more. It’s pretty much a straight rooibos, with barely a hint of the honey bush or flavoring.

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1379 tasting notes

My morning tea, chosen to go with my replacement adagio teapot which I didn’t think I would miss but ended up being devastated by it’s destruction.

The raw blend smells thickly of honey but it’s so sweet and thick it also reminds me of manure. Not the nicest smell I’ve had in my kitchen…

Once steeped the blend is a lot less like manure and more like pure honey, though also the rooibos is thickly behind it. In fact the rooibos may be the manure type smell.

Flavour is fairly mild with some sweetness though it doesn’t taste as much like honey as it smells. It does however, taste of rooibos rather strongly. The rooibos dies down to leave the honey flavour on the tongue in the after taste, though over time it becomes dry.

Overall I don’t think this tea is balanced particularly well, the rooibos dominates the honey in flavour and the honey that does remain becomes dry and unpleasant. This from a woman that adores honey and dislikes rooibos. At least I can drink it which says something.

Flavors: Drying, Honey, Rooibos

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 20 OZ / 600 ML

I totally get the manure from this one. I haven’t even tried mine yet because the smell worries me so much.


Yikes, glad the manure didn’t show up in the flavour!


I decided to try it cold steeped which should be ready in a few hours, hopefully the manure will be erased from it!


Any news?


It was still manure like though it did tone it down a little.

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4 tasting notes

Smells so much honey. Tastes like rooibos with honey in it, which is nice.

Flavors: Honey, Rooibos

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 500 OZ / 14786 ML

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2238 tasting notes

This was my last cup of the evening yesterday. It’s one of the few unopened Bluebird samples I currently have sitting around, so I thought I’d give it a chance to shine. The dry leaf smells so much like a freshly opened pot of runny honey, I actually had a hard time believing it was tea. As scents go, it’s just spot on. I was expecting the rooibos to take over the the flavour, but fortunately it didn’t. The same headily sweet, delicious honey note carries through, with subtle hints of chamomile. Chamomile often tastes a little honey-like to me, so I’m not surprised it seems to enhance the flavour here.

While it’s a genuinely lovely caffiene free cup, it probably lends itself best to drinking in small doses. It’s quite sweet and rich, almost like eating honey straight out of the jar. For that reason, it becomes slightly overpowering and really a bit much by the end of the cup. It’s a very enjoyable treat, though, and one of the best honey teas I’ve had the pleasure of trying.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec 1 tsp

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