drank Honey Bee by DAVIDsTEA
1764 tasting notes

Down down down the drain she goes… @
(because the “at” symbol kinda looks like a swirl, get it? yes I am a dork)
So… there was a day when I lurrrved this tea. Liquid bees, it didn’t sound all that appealing… but somehow it fit right into my cupboard.
And now? well whatever flavourings they used here are apparently don’t work for me. This is something I so did not expect!! :6
Half the cup went unfinished. Gosh that was painful to throw out!
Maybe one day I’ll be able to handle flavoured tea again. For now, it seems I must resign to either straight tea, or those with the simplest and most natural additions possible. Well, I suppose I should have known better than to even try. It’s such a shame, since I now have atleast 20g of it left in my cupboard! :/
(first come first serve to anyone who wants it! Lookin at you TO people!)


I love it but i’ve still got 100grams of it lol


I find that I have periods where I crave straight teas and anything else is just unappealing. And other times, I just want FLAVORS. So maybe one day you’ll like this tea again. :)


yup, that happens to me sometimes to!! except with my current health status, I suspect it’ll be atleast six months… and Yerba tends to lose potency quickly so I figured it might as well find a good home now :)


Erin: If you run out, let me know! though 100g is alot.


Will do :)


haha you reminded me, in Italian the @ is called a chiocciola, which means snail!


lol that makes sense, it does look like a snail!! haha


Oh man, I live for this tea, and I got my coworker addicted to it too. Anytime I makes a Davids run, it’s “What do you want?” “Honeybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” XD.

I need to put together an at-home tea kit for her, so far she only grabs cups to go on workdays.


Honey flavored tea sounds weird to me.


It doesn’t taste like honey to me. It tastes like a fuzzy bee. Ugh. I think this is one of those ones you love or hate. No middle ground.


LOL Aisling. Maybe it’s worth it just to be able to say Honeybeeeeeeeee :P

Melissa: Have you ever seen the Lush Honey I Shrunk the Kids soap? It tastes just the way that soap smells. Heavenly!! well when there are no allergies involved lol

Cattibrie: I have to agree with you there. In fact, I find most of DT blends are like that!


If no-one’s claimed it yet, I’d gladly take it off your hands. I find this is a great tea for when I’ve just arrived at school for a loooong day. I actually just ran out of the bit I did have too, so having more would be wonderful!

myspecialtea :)

if it’s still there i’m game as well…always good for a swap of course if you had another tea in mind, my cupboard is full with DT and other teas to enjoy- feel free to check my profile and message me, i’m north of TO ;)


Oh no, how did I not see these notices?? they must have been lost in the frozen notice fiasco (I still have 29 of them waiting to be read but can’t access them)
This was snapped up quick. So sorry everyone :(

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I love it but i’ve still got 100grams of it lol


I find that I have periods where I crave straight teas and anything else is just unappealing. And other times, I just want FLAVORS. So maybe one day you’ll like this tea again. :)


yup, that happens to me sometimes to!! except with my current health status, I suspect it’ll be atleast six months… and Yerba tends to lose potency quickly so I figured it might as well find a good home now :)


Erin: If you run out, let me know! though 100g is alot.


Will do :)


haha you reminded me, in Italian the @ is called a chiocciola, which means snail!


lol that makes sense, it does look like a snail!! haha


Oh man, I live for this tea, and I got my coworker addicted to it too. Anytime I makes a Davids run, it’s “What do you want?” “Honeybeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” XD.

I need to put together an at-home tea kit for her, so far she only grabs cups to go on workdays.


Honey flavored tea sounds weird to me.


It doesn’t taste like honey to me. It tastes like a fuzzy bee. Ugh. I think this is one of those ones you love or hate. No middle ground.


LOL Aisling. Maybe it’s worth it just to be able to say Honeybeeeeeeeee :P

Melissa: Have you ever seen the Lush Honey I Shrunk the Kids soap? It tastes just the way that soap smells. Heavenly!! well when there are no allergies involved lol

Cattibrie: I have to agree with you there. In fact, I find most of DT blends are like that!


If no-one’s claimed it yet, I’d gladly take it off your hands. I find this is a great tea for when I’ve just arrived at school for a loooong day. I actually just ran out of the bit I did have too, so having more would be wonderful!

myspecialtea :)

if it’s still there i’m game as well…always good for a swap of course if you had another tea in mind, my cupboard is full with DT and other teas to enjoy- feel free to check my profile and message me, i’m north of TO ;)


Oh no, how did I not see these notices?? they must have been lost in the frozen notice fiasco (I still have 29 of them waiting to be read but can’t access them)
This was snapped up quick. So sorry everyone :(

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