Cocoa Raspberry Mate

Tea type
Yerba maté Tea
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Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 30 sec

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12 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Additional notes: This one is older but still tastes amazing! Better than I remember actually… I love the sweetness from the raspberry and chocolate paired with the earthiness, slight tanginess...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you for this sample, Fusion Tea Room! As I was walking with my mug back to catch the last half hour of the American Le Mans race at Long Beach, it suddenly really smelled like hot cocoa. I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Backlog from this morning! Many thanks to Fusion Tea Room for sending me this! Oh. My. God. This is actually amazing. I would bathe in this if possible. The mate is nice and robust and the...” Read full tasting note
  • “OVERSTEEPED IN A TRAVEL MUG FOR 2 HOURS MODE! I’m at the in-laws working on wedding invites at 7am. I’m not sure why so early. Technically, I’m already married, but it was one of those immigration...” Read full tasting note

From Fusion Teas

Rich Argentinean roasted yerba mate with a cocoa raspberry twist. While both of these flavors are wonderful by themselves we just had to try them together to blast your taste buds. One cup just isn’t enough with this fusion blend. Once you have this in the morning, you will never have to rely on your coffee pick me up again. Throw in a splash of milk or creamer and you have got yourself one irresistible cup of mate.

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12 Tasting Notes

4336 tasting notes

Additional notes: This one is older but still tastes amazing! Better than I remember actually… I love the sweetness from the raspberry and chocolate paired with the earthiness, slight tanginess from the yerba mate. Just many ingredients that mingle together to get this creamy delicious cup. I feel like I’ve been describing every tea as creamy lately. I was pleased that on an episode of Parks & Rec I had been saying “yerba mate” correctly… the dad from the Prancer movie said it!


They mentioned Yerba mate on parks and rec? How did I miss that?!?


It was Ron Swanson’s doppelganger!


Or nemesis.

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1220 tasting notes

Thank you for this sample, Fusion Tea Room!

As I was walking with my mug back to catch the last half hour of the American Le Mans race at Long Beach, it suddenly really smelled like hot cocoa. I almost couldn’t wait for it to finish steeping.

Since I have another race to watch that doesn’t start till 3am, maté time it is.

So this is my first maté by itself and I can taste it this time. I’m not used to it so it’s kind of throwing me off. It also tastes kind of minty? I can smell a bit of raspberry in the dry leaf but I’m not getting it in the cup. It does taste like it’s sweet like a berry but I can’t taste it. I might try steeping it longer next time, though I think I did for about 8 minutes.

As it’s cooling though I can kind of start getting a raspberry flavor, so maybe my taste buds are just being rebellious.

It is sweet and chocolatey, and I imagine that this is perfect for a introduction to maté. The earthy maté taste blends well with the chocolate, making it easier to get used to the taste of it.

My boyfriend just came in because I freaked out over my favorite car passing for a podium position and said it smelled good. So I let him taste it, and he said it was pretty good. This comes after he told me he doesn’t like tea.


Ooh, wish I’d requested this!

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119 tasting notes

Backlog from this morning! Many thanks to Fusion Tea Room for sending me this!


This is actually amazing. I would bathe in this if possible. The mate is nice and robust and the sweetness of the raspberry and chocolate really compliments it nicely. This really does taste legitimately like a chocolate raspberry truffle! This will definitely be a part of a purchase from Fusion! Thanks again guys!

185 °F / 85 °C 7 min, 30 sec

WANT! :)


I would of included some had I known it would be this delicious! Next time!


Oooooh! Can’t wait for my samples to arrive (although don’t think I requested this one, sadly.)

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1271 tasting notes


I’m at the in-laws working on wedding invites at 7am. I’m not sure why so early. Technically, I’m already married, but it was one of those immigration “you need to get married in 90 days” things, so wasn’t any time to plan anything – so a party 6 months later, wooot!

I needed a mate to keep me going, and scooping tea at 6am I knew I’d make some accidents, I did knock over my canister of mate, uggg. I put this in my libre tea glass (that I think I got to stop leaking) and just left the leaves in.

Overall, pretty good tea that held up flavor for an hour and a half of roasted, raspberry yummyness. I just hit the 2 hour mark on the dredges and it’s now on the bitter, dirty grassy side.

Lesson learned: drink up tea in less than 2 hours. Or remove tea leaves.

185 °F / 85 °C 8 min or more

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6768 tasting notes

I received an awesome package from Fusion Tea today and this is the first one I am going to try. I’m just about finished with the infusion…

The post infusion liquid is much like a black tea…dark brown!

The aroma pre-infusion is wonderful! It was a combo of chocolate, raspberry, nuts, herbs, and a hint of floral. After infusing it smells like a Raspberry Chocolate Danish type aroma.

The taste is amazing! This may be my FAVORITE Yerba Mate YET!!!!

It’s creamy with sweet notes, chocolate notes, chewy additions, and delightful raspberry flavors (yet the raspberry isn’t overwhelming), as well as an interesting but pleasant aftertaste!

This is really wonderful!!! WOW!


Sounds like a good package! : )

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4843 tasting notes

This is incredibly yummy! The raspberry takes a few sips to develop, but once it does, it lingers so nicely on the palate, like eating a fresh, ripe raspberry. YUM! The chocolate is rich and delicious. It is a full-flavored, well-rounded cup that is smooth, not bitter, and just plain WOW!

So good. Full-length review of this coming soon to the SororiTea Sisters blog!

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69 tasting notes

Yum! Fusion does marvelous things with mates, and this is one of their best. The roasted flavor of the mate is still pretty strong, but over it there’s a flavorful haze of raspberry and chocolate, leaving behind a sort of cake-y aftertaste that I’m really into, like you just finished a chocolate cupcake with raspberry frosting. A delightful way to start the day!

205 °F / 96 °C 8 min or more

I had some of this yesterday, and it is really fantastic.

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139 tasting notes

I’m not going to give this a numerical rating because I don’t often like fruity teas, nor do I usually like green mate, and so I feel unqualified to rate.

I got this tea as part of my huge sample order at Fusion and as one of many attempts to try teas I don’t usually like. There have been surprises before, Fusion’s Blueberry Rooibos, for example, where I didn’t expect to like a tea but ended up LOVING it.

But alas, not this time. The mate and the raspberry were quite dominant, and I didn’t get much of the cocoa. If you like mate and raspberry, this tea is for you.

I’m not giving up on this yet. I will now try it iced. Hmm…can you ice mate?

Fusion Teas

We love your openness to try new things. Mate is very unique and can be an acquired taste to some. Keep in mind, you want to use water no hotter than 180 and only steeped for 5 minutes or so. You don’t want a bitter cup. Sweetener can help mask any bitterness.
Mate can absolutely be iced but I would only drink roasted mate as an iced latte. Good Luck :)

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2 tasting notes

It has a flavor that is the herbal parallel to black tea. When I cannot tolerate caffeine or do not want to drink a caffeinated tea, then I choose raspberry leaf tea.

195 °F / 90 °C 7 min, 15 sec

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21 tasting notes

I received this as a sample from Fusion Tea Room (thank you!!!).
This smells delicious and rich dry – and the same steeped. It steeps to a rich brown colour and tastes wonderfully rich as well – cocoa and raspberries. Great with a bit of milk!

Boiling 6 min, 30 sec

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