Day 6 of 24 Days of Tea
SUSHI TEA! I will fondly always refer to this as sushi tea, because that is where I was first exposed to Genmaicha. Back then I didn’t know the name of the tea, I just know I loved the toasted taste when I ordered my sushi. I would always ask the servers what kind of tea it was, but only to be answered “green tea.” Then it left me thinking “Well Duh!”
At first sniff: You smell toasted rice. Let’s not try to get deep here, it’s green tea leaves and toasted rice. I’ve always wanted to try Davids variation of it though. I usually buy this stuff at the Asian specialty stores for dirt cheap, but can never seem to brew it the same way I have it in sushi restaurants. I think I’m over thinking it. I think they just keep dumping in hot water (boiling water that is) and continue to serve it. I guess I like it more burnt?
At first steep: Wow, very delicate instructions. 75C at 2-3 mins. I was ballsy and did it for 3 mins. It’s very light/delicate and one thing I always like about green tea is you can usually start drinking it right away, no need to wait. The first sip makes me realize I need to clean out my tea maker this weekend. I can taste what I think is Stormy Night, unless I’m just dreaming and they put coconut in this one too?!?!? This is definitely a go to morning tea for me. It wakes me up without sugar or milk. I usually buy a box of tea bags from the Asian grocer. I notice that there is a lack of tea leaves in the blend, and a lot of rice. Are we extra poor Japanese folks at DavidsTea??
I don’t think I will be buying this from Davids when I’m out. Their price is expensive when I can go to a Japanese market and get it there for far less. None the less, this is my favourite type of green tea.
I have yet to try DT’s version of genmaicha. I feel, though, that I’d be better off buying a genmaicha from an asian grocery as it would be way cheaper. (However, before my roomie finishes my tin of random asian grocery genmaicha, perhaps I should buy a sample of this one…)
It’s actually not that expensive at David’s, thought it might be cheaper at the Asian market.