
Tea type
Green Tea
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Smooth, Sweet, Toasted Rice, Popcorn
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Average preparation
170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec 18 oz / 532 ml

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Finally having some more of this. It smells so much like burned popcorn that it often puts me off, but as I’ve been ripping through the green tea lately (especially as I try to avoid a cold), I...” Read full tasting note
  • “I got a free sample of this with my last TeaSource order. Not sure if it’s the way this tea normally is or just my sample, but the ratio of rice to tea seemed to be 2 parts rice to 1 part tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “This was gifted me by a friend. I was surprised to like this as much. I’d had Genmaicha before at TeaLeaf. That one tasted way too brothy for me, while this one was more a toasty flavored—well,...” Read full tasting note
  • “who drinks this? i have had a genmaicha with matcha in it that was tolerable, but in general, i just don’t understand this tea blend. why are we putting toasted rice in here, is it to absorb...” Read full tasting note

From TeaSource

A refreshing blend of a high grade Sencha green tea, toasted brown rice, and puffed rice, producing a more full bodied green tea with slightly toasty undertones. Delicious.

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6 Tasting Notes

98 tasting notes

Finally having some more of this. It smells so much like burned popcorn that it often puts me off, but as I’ve been ripping through the green tea lately (especially as I try to avoid a cold), I wanted to come around to this again. I love Popped Rooibos, and it’s been compared to this sometimes (what with the toasted rice and all). Anyway…

Oh holy yum. It’s toasty and has that tasty sencha flavor that I now like. Almost a bit sweet from the rice, but more toasted than anything. Carries that popcorny taste. I don’t really like popcorn because I don’t like how it makes my mouth feel (dry, salty, kernel hulls stuck in my mouth), but I like this. Mmm.

165 °F / 73 °C 4 min, 0 sec
SunnyinNY 13 years ago

I love Genmaicha tea! I am particularly fond of the Adagio Teas version. I will have to look into TeaSource.

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1013 tasting notes

I got a free sample of this with my last TeaSource order. Not sure if it’s the way this tea normally is or just my sample, but the ratio of rice to tea seemed to be 2 parts rice to 1 part tea leaves. I was a bit dubious about how it would taste, but it was actually quite delicious: smooth and silky with a nice toasty flavor and a slightly sweet aftertaste. Genmaicha isn’t my favorite type of tea, so I probably won’t be re-purchasing. But I’ll gladly finish this sample!

Flavors: Smooth, Sweet, Toasted Rice

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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108 tasting notes

This was gifted me by a friend. I was surprised to like this as much. I’d had Genmaicha before at TeaLeaf. That one tasted way too brothy for me, while this one was more a toasty flavored—well, Green tea. One I could enjoy—I’ll be keeping and enjoying this. The only reason I’m rating it relatively low is because there are so many teas, even green ones, even green flavored ones I like a lot more from TeaSource: Green Pomegranate, Tai Ping Hou, Clouds and Mists, Houjicha among the greens, not to mention lots of oolongs and blacks. So I don’t see myself ordering this with so many other alternatives.

Flavors: Popcorn

175 °F / 79 °C 4 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 28 OZ / 828 ML

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52 tasting notes

who drinks this? i have had a genmaicha with matcha in it that was tolerable, but in general, i just don’t understand this tea blend. why are we putting toasted rice in here, is it to absorb toxins when you have a hangover? is it to provide substinance when you’re fasting? i just can’t see drinking genmaicha for enjoyment. in my limited enjoyment of genmaicha, this one is as bad as any of the others that i’ve tried. some genmaicas taste like you are drinking the water that you used to rinse the popcorn bowl. this one tastes more like you put toast crumbs in your green tea. smells like rice krispies. smells like green tea. tastes like watery toast. so take it for what it’s worth — that’s where i come from and there you go.

175 °F / 79 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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13 tasting notes

This is one of the two teas I drink on a daily basis. I brew it at 170 degrees F for 2.5 minutes on the first brew and 5 minutes on the second.

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