1024 Tasting Notes
Wow. Wow! I am a lucky girl. Last week my friend asked me via twitter about some local tea shop recs for those that stock Russian Caravan blends, as his boyfriend won’t let him buy from big bad Unilever-owned T2 any more. I mentioned Tippity and they got in touch with us and offered to send us both a pressie.
A 200g bag of Tippity’s Russian Caravan arrived for me today!!!
And it is lovely. It’s been a while since I’ve had RC, though it was my first “different” tea love after growing up on English Breakfast. I started buying RC teabags instead of EB ones when I was around 18, or maybe even younger. But with tea discoveries of the last few years, straight blacks have fallen a little by the wayside for me.
Not any more! Not with this amount of gorgeous RC in my cupboard! It’s smoky and woody and one thing I’ve found coming out the other side of my tea addiction is that it’s absolutely lovely as a plain black, too.
Definitely looking forward to drinking the rest of it, and thanks so much to Tippity for the “little pressie”, shucks!
I keep getting excited about drinking these cold brew sipdowns but then I come to type my tasting notes and find I’ve already removed them from my cupboard. Dangit.
Very grateful to have had some of this in the cupboard, it’s a really awesome white coconut blend that is just stunning as a cold brew. <3
I had another cup of the 2014 blend last night. Maybe it’s all in my head but it’s definitely lacking… what? Probably the orange. Side by side needs to be done ASAP.
Delicious watermelon tea for dessert with some chocolate after singing on stage with a wonderful music hero tonight! Excellent well.
I sure hope I sleep better tonight after last night’s awful one. I blame that big mug of black tea (and maybe nerves about today). Gotta stop doing that.
I’m smashing through Teen Wolf, too. I’m three episodes away from finishing S2 and I only started a week ago. Eep!
In other news I’m quite unhappy about this weird rash on my arm. Saw the doctor this morning and she was a little baffled by it but suspects shingles. Boo.