Le Digestif (Organic)

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Not available
Fennel, Ginger, Mint, Anise, Vanilla, Peppermint, Orange, Smooth, Citrus
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Edit tea info Last updated by bree
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 15 sec 2 g 12 oz / 346 ml

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67 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This tea is delicious and does exactly what it promises. I’ve had stomach troubles for as long as I can remember, and I’m a funny sort of lactose intolerant. I frequently forget that the main...” Read full tasting note
  • “The wonderful Little Mew Brew sent this to me ages ago, but I need it this morning as my tummy has been killing me. As I’ve said before it’s not something I could drink everyday, but I love how it...” Read full tasting note
  • “Well, this isn’t exactly how I thought I’d be spending the evening. I had anticipated sipping away at my new Butiki blends, but instead I’m hunched over a bowl throwing up scrambled eggs. I don’t...” Read full tasting note
  • “So when I woke up this morning, my stomach felt really weird. I decided that meant I should stick to teas that would soothe my stomach. Consequently, I brewed this and North African Mint. Then I...” Read full tasting note


Stop suffering
The Ancient Greeks swore by peppermint to relieve stomachaches and (OK, let’s be frank) gas. The Romans used catnip. In India, they’re into fennel seed. In China, ginger has worked for 2000 years. Other traditional remedies include sweet stevia, which reduces stomach acid, and orange peel for bloating. This smooth blend has them all. Try it. It just might do the trick. Caffeine-free.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

67 Tasting Notes

1473 tasting notes

This tea is delicious and does exactly what it promises. I’ve had stomach troubles for as long as I can remember, and I’m a funny sort of lactose intolerant. I frequently forget that the main ingredient in sour cream or alfredo sauce or whipped cream, is, well, cream, and then I spend the rest of the night sick. Today I forgot about sour cream, but I’m nursing a cup of this and my stomach is calming quicker than I’ve ever seen. This is an absolute must-have for my cupboard.

Also, due to the catnip, the cats are going crazy sniffing it….be warned!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

good to know, maybe I will pick some up. I’ve been relying on mint tea but it only goes so far to soothe my stomach. Anything with Carnation milk or that fake orange cheese will make me need that tea!


This is one of the few from the new Wellness line I was intereted in. I’ll have to pop round a David’s and give it a sniff.


Indigobloom, give it a try, it’s great! Just don’t let it get cold, it gets..weird.

Uniquity, I wasn’t that interested in the Wellness line at first, but now I have five of the six. Oops! XD The ones I’ve tried so far have been really tasty!


I’ve ordered some of this as I have yet to find a tea that really helps my tummy problems. Fingers crossed this one is “the one”!


Good luck! I love this one so far, I hope it helps you too!

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576 tasting notes

The wonderful Little Mew Brew sent this to me ages ago, but I need it this morning as my tummy has been killing me. As I’ve said before it’s not something I could drink everyday, but I love how it soothes tummy trouble without tasting (too) much like medicine.

I’m really starting to dig these David’s Teas…


How are you doing KTT? It has been a while!


Feel better! and DavidsTea is the best!


Yes, David’s Tea is rockin’! I’m doing better, just one day at a time. I’m learning to cope with daily pain but it’s still royally unfun.

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17027 tasting notes

Well, this isn’t exactly how I thought I’d be spending the evening. I had anticipated sipping away at my new Butiki blends, but instead I’m hunched over a bowl throwing up scrambled eggs. I don’t know what happened – I was perfectly fine and then not half an hour after finishing my eggs I felt violently ill. I really hope I feel better tomorrow so I can enjoy my time off for Christmas!

Anyway, I received this as part of a “herbal sampler” from VariaTEA and it seems like an appropriate tea to be drinking now. I’m hoping it might help tame or at least temper my illness.

For preparation, I’m using 2 tsp. of leaf (a little strong) for 8 oz. of boiling water, steeped for seven minutes. The smell is partially minty, partially orange, a bit ginger like, and a whole lot of catnip and fennel.

Taste wise – this is all fennel, catnip, and ugh… ginger! Bleck. It tastes pretty gross, but then again I’m not exactly drinking it right now for the taste, am I? If it does it’s job, I’ll be keeping it around for that reason – and that reason alone. It’s a shame though, I really do like fennel. But catnip? It tastes really grassy and sorta sour? And it’s a known fact that I’m not a fan of ginger.

I’ll edit in if this helped settled my stomach a little later, after I’ve given this a chance to “work its magic”.

EDIT: Nope, that didn’t sit well either. Ended up throwing up the whole mug. Yuck. I think I’m done with tea for the night…


Oh no! I hope you feel better soon and I am really sorry the tea did not help.


Gross. Throwing up sucks. Feel better soon!


Yup, throwing up is nasty. Feel better!


Hope you feel better!


Feel better!!!

Roswell Strange

Thanks, all of you! I’m feeling significantly better today – though taking it easy on food and tea, for now. Merry Christmas!

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6444 tasting notes

So when I woke up this morning, my stomach felt really weird. I decided that meant I should stick to teas that would soothe my stomach. Consequently, I brewed this and North African Mint. Then I threw in a cup of Kusmi’s Boost for good measure (although I am not sure how soothing that would be although it sounded like it had potential :P). Anyways, while the teas brewed, I decided to have my breakfast and I ended up choosing iced cinnamon rolls. Probably not the best idea when your stomach is off. However, once I ate the 2 rolls, I felt better so turns out I was just hungry. I felt dumb. Haha.

Anyways, I made the tea so might as well drink it. This is not one I would usually reach for unless I needed it but drinking it now, it is not all together unpleasant. It is actually a very smooth cup. I always worry that herbals will be very over the top and bold with their flavors and yet they always seem to be more mellowed out than I anticipate. However, at the end of the day, this tastes more like natural medicine than a delightful drink, hence why it is not a typical choice.Also, the use of catnip in this still weirds me out. I think next time, rather than getting this, I will pick up some Super Ginger.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

I was debating on getting a sample of this and brewing it for my cat. I saw in Japan there is catnip tea for cats. :D


Haha. Tea for cats. That is adorable.

My dogs like tea. I learned that when I took a box of tea with me when I went back home for a weekend and later found the box destroyed and the dogs in the midst of the mess munching on some tea leaves. One of them went straight for my DAVIDs Cookie Dough (which I actually brought home for a friend) and the other was happily snacking on Verdant’s Laoshan Black.

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160 tasting notes

Got this in a swap from whatshesaid, thank you :)

I know this has a ton of mixed reviews, like it smells ok then tastes awful but works well. Well…I think it smells and tastes great and I don’t think it’s made its way through my system yet so I can’t say if it works or not. It tastes a LOT like the Aveda Calming Tea to me. It has this natural sweetness so even people who like sugar in their tea would find that they don’t with this one. I think this is relaxing and soothing, I would love this on a bleak day when my tummy is iffy…like today!

I can absolutely see myself stocking this in my collection regularly, and with the tea club promo from the Steeper I probably will do so.


glad you liked it! believe me I was happy to get rid of it :)

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652 tasting notes

I don’t know if it’s the catnip or the fennel but I can’t handle the smell of these leaves. The brewed liquor isn’t much better. I bought and drink this for one reason and one reason only – IBS. I don’t enjoy it, but it seems to help.

It’s just not my cuppa tea! I definitely don’t drink it willingly. My friend loved it though, and it’s rated surprisingly well for something that grosses me out!

I had it in a pretty Davidstea tin that I decided to use for something else…. It took forever to get the stench of this out of it. But I will keep drinking it, so long as it keeps making me feel better.

I am not going to bother with a rating as I’m not sure whether to rate it on taste or functionality!


I wonder if there is any other tea you can blend it with to hide the flavors you don’t like?


There’s already so much in it… Maybe some honey? It’s bearable… Barely :)


I like chewing on candied or roasted fennel seeds, or making fennel tea (for some things) or drinking a tea I like that has peppermint in it (for other things). I just need to be careful with peppermint because my BFF is severely allergic. If you can deal with the flavours separately, I highly recommend it. Otherwise, good luck getting this one down when you need it! :)

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107 tasting notes

1) I just had an old tasting note jump to the top of my feed. What?
2) My stomach is giving me crap for the pizza I ate tonight, and so I am having this. And it just does not work as well as New Delhi Delight, which makes me sad. I will have to pick up the other soon.
3) No other comments because I had booze at a party tonight and I don’t want to have to erase shit in the morning.


If someone edits, corrects a typo, anything, it jumps back to the top!

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421 tasting notes

Trying this for the first time this morning after many tummy troubles this weekend. It smelled pretty good while infusing. Right now the smell before I sip makes me not want to at all. I’m not sure what that smell is….just something not getting on well with my nose. However, that aside the taste is pretty darn yummy and the rating naturally is based on that. It’s very smooth and I really hope this does the trick. Has anyone ever tried this iced? I imagine that would be pretty good.


I’ve had it cold, and while I like it hot, love it hot, when it gets cold, it gets weird on me.


Good to know. Thanks for the heads up. I think it helped do the trick of sort of calming my stomach down a bit.

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1186 tasting notes

Sipdown #2 of the day! I have had a little bit of this tea kicking around for ages, oh and thank you charchar for the sample of this wayyy back. I have had a few cups but not logged them. The dry smell is predominantly fennel, with catnip haha. Oh that reminds me, before this cup is done I should let my kitty smell it :) The taste is definitely a lot of fennel, and while it is supposed to help with stomach pains, I still find my ginger teas to do a much better job than this one. But it’s ok every once in a while, but for a tummy tea, I’ll stick with ginger, I like the flavor more too haha. A nice one to try though!

ETA – So as to not spam the boards with too many notes, I will log both of the teas I am drinking (caffeinated and non-caffeinated) in the same note. I paired this with Movie night, which I only have enough left of for about 1 cup.

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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440 tasting notes

This is not a tea for me to drink while at the computer apparently, since my cat won’t leave me alone and is consistently trying to get onto the desk!

I’m honestly at a loss with this one for a description. Or a decision if I like it or not. I want to like it. I love the smell of it dry, and even brewed it smells lovely. But as I sip it, there’s something there that turns me off, and turns my stomach. I’ve been trying to figure out what it is, and I’m thinking it’s the stevia. I’ve had bad reactions to it before and more and more I’m thinking I’ll have to avoid the teas that have it. Which is sad since Davids seems to be using it more and more. (Hint, if you’re reading this DT, please please stop this trend!)

My mouth is also having an aftertaste of the fennel slightly. Which strangely I’m not minding. So yes, I’m confused!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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