772 Tasting Notes

drank Cacao Mint Black by Teavana
772 tasting notes

Surprisingly, for a Teavana tea, I actually like this one, for the most part. I thought for sure I had reviewed it before, but apparently not, or Steepster has eaten the review.

This is minty but I’m not picking up much chocolate. One of the other reviews I read suggested adding some hot chocolate and I think I might do that next time if I have any on hand. It was a bit disappointing otherwise.

In other news, I spent way too much time looking through posted teas on this site for spam tea. Found a surprising amount. Highlight was the escort girl spam. I’ve run through the first 500 pages of tea now. I’ll work on the rest later.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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I will not be changing my rating because it’s my own fault, but this tea is old old old and has not aged well at all. If any of you other steepsterites still have some of this in stock, check it because mine has turned super gross.

The upfront taste is fine, if meh, but then I get an attack of BLECH face in the aftertaste so I’m tossing the rest of it, which makes me sad since I bought it at Ovation’s going out of business sale and I still have probably upwards of half a pound of it at home. Sad.


I had some of their brown sugar fig go moldy on me when I left it in the cupboard too long.


I need to check the rest of what I have of theirs. I know I have some pear and raspberry earl grey.

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This is a sipdown and I am sad about it. This is probably on my RESTOCK FOREVER list, but I have too much tea right now so it’ll have to wait.

This tea is two years old, according to the label. It was produced 4/2012, though I don’t think I’ve had it that long. Surprisingly, it has aged really well. At least in taste.

When I was scooping the last of the tea out of my container (which is one of those Teavana with the fabric on them that are so pretty but so expensive), there was a lot of golden fuzz at the bottom. I was like ‘what is that?’ but it didn’t smell like mold at all, though it sort of had that appearance. Cameron on the tea chat referred to it as ‘Golden Yunnan fairy dust’ and I think she might be right because it hasn’t made the taste bad at all.

This is possibly sweeter than it was when I first tasted it, I think. This is an incredibly sweet and malty infusion. I didn’t measure all that well for how much went into the Breville because there was obviously only room for one more pot and then I shook most of the fairy dust over the trash out of the infuser but wow, this is a tasty pot of tea.

In other news, Alestorm is now my favourite band. Scottish Pirate Metal is awesome.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

I love the golden yunnan fairy dust! It goes into the tea every time!
I also love this tea, & so many other, Gelden yunnans :)


Scottish Pirate Metal? Thud thud thud thud Arrrrgh thud thud thud thud Ye scurvy dog thud thud thud thud?


K S – check it out on youtube. You won’t be disappointed, I guarantee it.

Lariel of Lórien

They have a song called ‘Rum’ I rather like. Also, you’re welcome.


Haha, Alestorm. Some pirate metal band opened for Finntroll one year and it was quite amusing.


Babymetal is also awesome but I can’t buy their albums.

Lariel of Lórien

Oh, Finntroll is good. Korpiklaani some good songs too.

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drank Black Pearl by Mandala Tea
772 tasting notes

I got this as a sample in my last Mandala order. I don’t remember when that was, but it’s been a while. 5 pearls. I put them all in my larger mug and steeped it for 2 minutes. Took the steeper out. Then forgot about the tea. So I’m drinking it now luke-warm and I cannot say that I like it at all. I added milk and sugar and it did not improve. There is just something that’s triggering the face scrunch when I drink it. Can’t quite put my finger on it.


Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Butter Rum by 52teas
772 tasting notes

Yarr! Happy International Talk Like A Pirate Day, me mateys! I be drinkin’ this here tea because Captain Lariel suggested it as a likely pirate tea on this here auspicious day.

This tea smells very very strongly of exactly what I would think when I see “Butter Rum”. It tastes like it too. It’s been ‘curing’ in the giant box ofunopened teas since I got it and while neither Rum nor Butterscotch are my favourite flavours, I am enjoying this as well as foisting it off on many of my co-workers today.

I have been debating what pirate joke to put on the end here because I have quite a collection now. Pirate pickup lines perhaps? Or the old one about the steering wheel on the breeches? No. I’m going to go philosophical.

How do pirates know that they are pirates?
They think, therefore they ARRRR!!!!!

Flavors: Butter, Butterscotch, Rum

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 5 tsp 1000 OZ / 29573 ML

Descartes walks into a bar and orders a Cointreau. After he finishes the drink, the bartender asks if he’d like another. Descartes replies “I think not”, and disappears.

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I should have written this note earlier when I was drinking the cup of tea from this pot that actually tasted pleasant. I made this with more tea than I think I usually do since this is my first brew with a pot than a portable steeper, I think. Hard to say. Anyway.

The first cup tasted good. Sweet and light though it was a little overwhelmed by my lunch. I polled the Steepster chat and that was the best suggestion offered for a tuna fish sandwich tea pairing. Wasn’t horrible.

Second cup is after I had to go to a psychologist appointment (reason why later) and a meeting and I re-heated it in the microwave and blech, this is bad. I have one cup left and I think I’ll just drink that cold.

So yeah. One of my co-workers was murdered last night. What the fuck is wrong with people?

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec 5 tsp 34 OZ / 1000 ML

Oh no, that’s horrible!


Oh, that is terrible. I’m so sorry.

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Sitting at work at 8pm, staring at the Steepster Explore tab. Exciting.

I haven’t yet mustered up the motivation to walk to my far-away car since I’m in the overflow parking lot today and I don’t enjoy walking that far and over gravel in 3-inch heels. Bah.

This tea today, I overleafed it a bit, I think. I made it for the first time in a mug with my finium brewer and mis-judged how much leaf per water ratio. I usually make it in the pot but I didn’t have that much water because the filtered water is all the way on the other side of the building, and like my car, I didn’t want to walk that far today. This is still good, just a little bit…much.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 14 OZ / 414 ML

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Made a pot (5 cups) of this at work to spread around. Both it and the second steep of it were drunk by quite a few people around. At least 5, not including me.

Everyone thought this was quite nice. One person told me it tasted like spinach from a can (and that she liked spinach from a can, so that was okay). It tasted a bit like that to me and also soybeans.

I did enjoy this tea, but it’s been a very very long day and I am ready to be done with the world. Done done done. So very done.

Flavors: Soybean, Spinach

175 °F / 79 °C 1 min, 0 sec 5 tsp 41 OZ / 1200 ML

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Note to self: just because the flavour has gone down, does not mean add way more matcha. Then it gets gross. Bleh.

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I was sure I’d reviewed this tea recently since this is the second time I’ve had it at work in the last few weeks but apparently not.

Still good. Coconut is still good, does not taste like soap. My colleague likes it too.

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Single, vegetarian, asexual, 5 cats. Airplane Engineer. I drink most of my tea with a bit of sugar and all the ones with a black tea base with a little bit of milk too. I’m super sensitive to bitterness and spiciness so I tend to avoid those.


Renton, WA, USA

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