I find myself missing Portal Tea’s old name (Tea Chai Te). The packaging on this tea still has its old name. I’m trying to use up the samples of a bunch of their teas I have. This was a nice chai. I like that you can taste the rose but it’s not an overly floral chai either. The vanilla helps balance the rose. I’m a big fan of rose and this was nice to sip on while studying.

Boiling 2 tsp 14 OZ / 414 ML
Mastress Alita

I wasn’t happy about the name change, either.

Lexie Aleah

Glad I’m not the only one!

Tiffany :)

Aww, I went to Tea Chai Te and Jasmine Pearl Tea Co and I forget where else in person when I went to Portland in fall of 2018. I should pull out my teas I bought from there and others during that trip and work on sipping those down. haha

I saw they changed the name (I follow them on social media) but never read or heard why they changed names?

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Mastress Alita

I wasn’t happy about the name change, either.

Lexie Aleah

Glad I’m not the only one!

Tiffany :)

Aww, I went to Tea Chai Te and Jasmine Pearl Tea Co and I forget where else in person when I went to Portland in fall of 2018. I should pull out my teas I bought from there and others during that trip and work on sipping those down. haha

I saw they changed the name (I follow them on social media) but never read or heard why they changed names?

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Social Work Student
23 years old
Lover of Animals and Books~
I’ll try any tea at least once. I drink tea all day.
Message Me if interested in a Swap.

Favorite Flavors:
-Green Tea
-Tobacco type flavor
-Black Currant
-Red Fruits
- Eucalyptus
Dislikes Hibiscus heavy or, red hot cinnamon flavor

I drink tea for many reasons: For pleasure, health benefits, mindfulness, to help with anxiety, hydration because I have always struggled with drinking plain water.
My rating system is kind of a mess and I keep telling myself I’ll fix it sometime.

0-23 Rating Means I couldn’t finish the cup
50- Undecided on a rating or don’t remember enough about it to rate the tea.
90-100 Absolutely Love and would always want to keep in my cupboard

Favorite Companies:
-August Uncommon
-Dammann Freres
-Jasmine Pearl
-The Tao Of Tea
-52 Teas
-Harney & Sons
-Tea Chai Te


Near Portland, OR



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