Remedy Teas in Seattle, Washington
2 years ago
Lexie Aleah rated this place
and said 2 years ago

Sad that this place closed. They had delicious food and some great teas. I remember enjoying some Japanese greens there, flavored teas, herbals, and lapsang souchong.

Tea Chai Té in Portland, Oregon
2 years ago
Lexie Aleah rated this place
and said 2 years ago

I’m giving this one four stars since I’ve only been to this location once and had a bad experience. The vibe was just not Portland and not positive. The staff were gossiping and saying a lot of judgemental rude things and there were people talking loudly on their phones and sitting down complaining about little things. I ordered a hot cup of tea and a bunch of tea to take home and try and it went ok until I got outside and realized they had overcharged me. Not sure if this was a one time experience at this specific location or not but I will report back at some point. Their teas are tasty!

Lexie Aleah rated this place
and said 2 years ago

This place had a great atmosphere very relaxing. The customer service was amazing as well. Basically, you sit down and order and they keep refilling your teacup until the tea has no more steeps left. It was around $10 for puerh and $8 for oolongs or blacks etc. You pay before you leave. The staff is very knowledgeable. I went there for a tea meetup and they made it work by pushing small tables together but it is kind of small. They have a garage door that they open during the day and in summer sometimes. It’s located down this little alley in the Mississippi area of Portland. The whole place you can tell was designed to be a cozy relaxing spot to drink tea. There’s a pretty wooden bar area upstairs but I would say the chairs for the bar aren’t very comfortable to sit at for a long time.

DAVIDsTEA in Whistler, BC
3 years ago
Lexie Aleah rated this place
and said 3 years ago

Lexie Aleah hasn't written a review for this place yet.

Lexie Aleah rated this place
and said 3 years ago

Lexie Aleah hasn't written a review for this place yet.

Tao of Tea in Portland, Oregon
3 years ago
Lexie Aleah rated this place
and said 3 years ago

Lexie Aleah hasn't written a review for this place yet.

Lexie Aleah rated this place
and said 3 years ago

Lexie Aleah hasn't written a review for this place yet.

Lexie Aleah rated this place
and said 3 years ago

Lexie Aleah hasn't written a review for this place yet.

Pix Patisserie in Portland, Oregon
3 years ago
Lexie Aleah rated this place
and said 3 years ago

Lexie Aleah hasn't written a review for this place yet.

Lexie Aleah rated this place
and said 3 years ago

The shop is really cute and has a nice back room as well. Customer service was great as well as the tea. Prices were also reasonable.



Social Work Student
23 years old
Lover of Animals and Books~
I’ll try any tea at least once. I drink tea all day.
Message Me if interested in a Swap.

Favorite Flavors:
-Green Tea
-Tobacco type flavor
-Black Currant
-Red Fruits
- Eucalyptus
Dislikes Hibiscus heavy or, red hot cinnamon flavor

I drink tea for many reasons: For pleasure, health benefits, mindfulness, to help with anxiety, hydration because I have always struggled with drinking plain water.
My rating system is kind of a mess and I keep telling myself I’ll fix it sometime.

0-23 Rating Means I couldn’t finish the cup
50- Undecided on a rating or don’t remember enough about it to rate the tea.
90-100 Absolutely Love and would always want to keep in my cupboard

Favorite Companies:
-August Uncommon
-Dammann Freres
-Jasmine Pearl
-The Tao Of Tea
-52 Teas
-Harney & Sons
-Tea Chai Te


Near Portland, OR


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