491 Tasting Notes


Part of Happy Luckys matcha madness bracket this year, it’s a strong contender. Chocolate and earthy with a touch of vanilla. The chicory comes through at the end so you know it’s not actually a dark chocolate bar you are tasting. I might be tempted to buy more of this!

Flavors: Chicory, Chocolate, Earthy, Vanilla


Ha! I thought this Chocolate Aire would go a ways through the bracket, but it was beat by Kheer Chai in the first round. Clove beats chicory?

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Lavender creme, mmmm. I can’t believe I haven’t written a note for this tea, somehow it got sipped down from my cupboard, but now its back. I don’t like many lavender teas, but this one is yummy, and smells great too.

Flavors: Creamy, Lavender, Rooibos, Vanilla

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drank Good Morning Oolong by Maya Tea
491 tasting notes

Such a bright and happy tea! Gonna up my rating of this one as its entirely too drinkable, as in it disappears quickly from my cup.

Flavors: Citrus, Lemon, Metallic, Sharp, Woody

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Sipdown! I overleafed the last cup I had of this as I was wondering if it would bring out the pumpkin flavor. Seems that it did the trick, but it is a bit heavy on the clove too. Not my favorite from OBTC but I’m glad I got to try. I do like the honeybush base, but not enough for a future purchase.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Clove, Pumpkin, Sweet, Vanilla

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I debated about adding this to my recent OBT order, but I still have half a tin of each (which makes a full tin combined), it was difficult to leave this out but OBThas so many good blends! Not too coconuty and not too vanilla, just the right amount of each. Hopefully a cupboard staple for me.

Flavors: Coconut, Marshmallow, Vanilla

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From Martin, thanks! This is clove and more clove, but it is cold in Chicago so I’m not minding the clove as it warms me up. It is a very one note tea, I can’t tell if there is green tea here or the goji berries. It was very smooth, and not astringent. Glad I got to try!

Flavors: Clove

Martin Bednář

You’re welcome! Yes, it’s definitely clove tea :)

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drank Jolly Fig Green by Plum Deluxe
491 tasting notes

Advent Tea! Not sure what makes this Jolly or Fig, but the green is smooth. Mostly cinnamon, but some sweet fruity notes here too. Glad I got to try, but I like my cinnamon with other flavors.

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From tea-sipper, thanks! Not sure this one is for me, I don’t mind the citrus taste, but there is a strange aftertaste I don’t like. They all can’t be winners.

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Advent tea! My cup it too big this morning so this brewed kinda weak, but this is a nice black tea to start the day. The citrus note at the end is very subtle, similar to a bergamot note, but not so sharp. Don’t like it enough to purchase, but it was nice to try.

Flavors: Astringent, Chocolate, Citrus, Malt

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Another one from tea-sipper, thanks! This one is nice and smooth, does well with a long steep. I like the second steep better than the first as it has more of the pumpkin flavor. Interesting tea, not a whole lot of clove you would expect in the pumpkin chai variety, more like pumpkin/cinnamon/nutmeg.

Flavors: Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Pumpkin, Sweet

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I started drinking more tea about 10 years ago when I found that even my half -caf coffee was making me jittery and then sleepy after the caffeine wore off. While I started out with mostly Teavana, but soon expanded my tea cupboard to include lapsang souchon, pu-erh, Assam, and other strong black teas. I do enjoy oolongs, green, and other teas, as well as a nice tisane for an evening cuppa.
I’m not fond of jasmine or bergamont teas, though I’ll try anything once.
I am an avid traveler, hiker, soccer player/watcher.
I love trying new tea in new places, if you see something in my cupboard you want to try, hit me up for a swap!


Powell, WY

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