Hand Picked Spring Tieguanyin (2012)

Tea type
Oolong Tea
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Lychee, Toasty
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205 °F / 96 °C 1 min, 0 sec 10 g 4 oz / 118 ml

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From Verdant Tea

Spring 2012 New Batch!
The leaves, air shipped to us just days after picking, have an incredible aroma, like sweet cream, saffron, vanilla orchid and flaky pastry. The first steeping is a quiet introduction with juicy textures and a distinct goji berry flavor that is both dark and refined as well as tart and sweet. It is the aftertaste that truly begins to leave an impression. First, there is an intense tingling on the tongue, followed byRead more

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50 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Uh oh, first to review this one? Eep.

Dry tea smells quite vegetal. Almost overwhelmingly.

First infusion (204F/30s)
Smells floral. Smooth, light, buttery. Delicious. I think I’d prefer it to be stronger, but it is delicious.

Second infusion (204F/1min)
A bit vegetal, and there’s a bit of a sharp spicy almost astringent flavour that is quite lovely. That flavour is familiar, but not always as strong in other teas. Still somewhat floral, and an oolong aftertaste.

Third infusion (205F/1min)
Less floral, again I think I’d like it a bit stronger.

Fourth infusion (205F/1min (I think))
Losing flavour, more of a fruity, round sweetness with lingering oolong aftertaste. I think if I continue steeping I’ll bump up the infusion time. Nearly did it earlier.

Ooh, returning to the first sip, it’s definitely sweeter. Mmmmm. I take back my comment about it being too weak. Retrospectively, the second infusion is actually too strong.

Oh, this is fun. I’m sipping back and forth between my four cups, tasting them all in and out of sequence. Yum yum yum.

I think next time, I’ll go with 30, 45, 60, 120 seconds for my infusions.

I have to admit that during steeping, when smelling the wet leaf, I was very worried that this was going to be intensely vegetal, but only the second infusion was a bit.

Man. This was good. I’m going to have to compare it to the Autumn Tieguanyin, and the one from DavidsTea. I don’t know whether a “good” oolong is judged by its longevity (i.e. how many good infusions you can get), or its flavour. I’m not sure I’ve yet had a “bad” oolong. Or at least, not a bad green tieguanyin-style one or milk oolong.

I just read this over and apparently I am incredibly scattered tonight! Ah well. I was in lovely oolong land. Forgive me :P

ETA: Love how I reviewed this, and was promptly followed by two others :P I guess everyone received their orders last week and waited to try things until the weekend! Fifth infusion (203F/2min). The aroma is wonderful – I don’t know if this is because the leaves sat overnight, or what. But Yum. All oolongy and floral. The flavour is surprisingly strong for a fifth infusion. I am getting some grassy notes and astringency along with – oh, there it is, the oolong aftertaste! Nom nom nom – the rest of the deliciousness, but they’re manageable. Looks like I should be taking this to a sixth before throwing out the leaves so I can try my shu nuggets…

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec
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momo 13 years ago

I couldn’t resist anymore with people reviewing all the teas I was going to order that I finally just ordered. I want this one now!

Lucy 13 years ago

Oh jeez this post makes me even more impatient for my Verdant Tea order to show up!

Autumn Hearth 13 years ago

Must try this in the next three days, I’ve been putting it off due to migraine land. Question is do I bring this in to work to let others try, or savor at home first? Hmm.

Kittenna 13 years ago

How much do you like your coworkers? :P

smartkitty 13 years ago

I’m waiting for more spring greens to arrive before I place my Verdant order and the anticipation is just KILLING me! Gotta make the last of my autumn TGY last. rocks back and forth hugging it

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1186 tasting notes

This oolong is still ridiculously awesome. On my oolong kick, so I decided to gongfu some of this tonight. Yes, it’s a bit late for caffeine, but I realized I haven’t drank this in ages and it’s already about 6 months old :( and I’ve also been crazy tired today even with caffeine so I doubt I’ll have trouble falling asleep. This tea is perfection. Tonight its silky smooth, cream, delicious, soothing. It’s helping my headache a bit too, and im currently lounging in the recliner with a pillow surrounding me and my tea and my boyfriend watching my bf work diligently on our lab. Night steepster! Oh, and see previous notes on this perfect tea. :)

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30 tasting notes

To set the scene, yesterday in Minneapolis was perfectly sunny, just hot enough to make you move a bit more slowly than usual. Humidity was hanging in the air, and the smell of grass and new flowers was wafting in the windows. The fan was on low with a soothing hum in the background. That is when the last box of our spring shipment arrived at the door, and we cut it open to see those vacuum sealed shining gold bags of Tieguanyin.

We had ordered enough Spring Tieguanyin to last a few months, or so we thought when our last batch came in. It sold out in two weeks and we had to rush ship the freshest picking of Tieguanyin in this week. The sensible side of me thought, “this batch will surely taste like the last one,” but the trained taster knew that a few weeks difference in picking time can make a huge difference in flavor. Luckily Weiwei never lets us down with Tieguanyin, so we were not nervous at all to cut open the first bag.

The aroma of creme brulee, saffron, lilac, and flaky pastry burst forth from the bag. Oh, yes, this was something different entirely. The first steeping was juicy, and had the fruity tones of goji berry. There was a tingling spearmint sweetness on the tongue. This was an exciting tea!

That is where it took a sharp turn towards rich and creamy. It really tasted like a saffron and almond laced rice pudding reduced on the stovetop for hours. It was silky and completely enveloping. If the last batch was the essence of a sunny spring day, then this is a later spring day in the afternoon right after a heavy downpour of rain with steam rising off the grass and flowers.

As soon as the orchid flavors, the sweet parsley green notes, the mango juiciness and the vanilla came in, we were in real trouble. It was the first time since college that I had an overwhelming desire to play hooky, ditch work for the day and go pick flowers along the Mississippi River. Seriously- be careful with this one. I was so close to skipping off with a bag of this tea in hand, pulling my wife from work for a “family emergency” and taking off. The tea just does that to you.

Luckily, I came back to my senses despite my strong desire not to. Why, you ask? Because I wanted to get this tea, and the new spring greens up on the site so that I can share the experience around. It wouldn’t be fair to hoard this tea ll to myself, as much as I might want to. I would rather see other people connect with the tea instead.

All the support for our Tieguanyin here on Steepster has really shaped the way that Weiwei sources it. I pass on all the compliments, and she feels more honor-bound to follow up with an even more stunning tea each season. I am not always sure why the farmers part with tea like this, but I am more than pleased to share the tasting experience.

Show 7 previous comments...
Doug F 13 years ago

Sounds wonderful. Any chance we’ll see some more of that 10-year wood-fired Tieguanyin again? That was one of the best teas I’ve ever tasted.

Angrboda 13 years ago

You should tell Weiwei (again) that she’s doing an awesome job. :)

David Duckler 13 years ago

Perhaps- I got in two samples that were really stunning. What I am holding out for is an aged Tieguanyin without a heavy roast. I had the privilege to try some non-roasted 10 and 20 year Tieguanyins with a tea friend in China, and would love to share the experience, but it might not be until autumn. I am glad you had as much fun with the Aged Tieguanyin as I have!

David Duckler 13 years ago

Thanks Angrboda! I absolutely will! Weiwei is an incredibly amazing person that I feel lucky to know. I am actually shipping out a care package to her today with some goodies from America.

Bonnie 13 years ago

David…when this gets to me tomorrow, I hope there will be a new listing to review it under. Or should it be reviewed here with the previous batch of tea?

some crazy person who loves tea 13 years ago

10 year….wood fired….tieguanyin. wow that sounds amazing o___o

Kittenna 13 years ago

Aged tieguanyins? Sounds so interesting!

Geoffrey 13 years ago

@Bonnie – Hi Bonnie! I hope you’re enjoying this tea today! I just asked David… we would say just review all the spring 2012 pickings under this same listing. It’s hard to say how many distinct pickings we’ll sell through this season, and we’d rather not litter steepster with too many separate listings. Having two different listings (spring and autumn) for each year is already a bit much. This issue was discussed a bit with Jason on the “What features do you want most” thread, if you want more info on the consideration involved. In any case, hope you have a great weekend!

Bonnie 13 years ago

You too! I’m waiting for my tea to arrive today! Can’t wait! Heard you were off for a couple of days and hope you are well. Colorado is fantastic…Verdant should move here!!! Boulder is a tea Mecca for people like Ya’ll who miss small local tea houses. (Less snow too and no humid Summers!) Anyway…that’s my plug!
I appreciate all the great service and beyond that the sense that there is community in the transactions with my tea purchases, not just business.

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676 tasting notes

I’ve had this tea for awhile, unopened. I was saving it for a special occasion, which wasn’t planned, but ended up being today.

The side-effects associated with migraine and fibromyalgia take over from time to time, and there’s not much I can do about it. Sleeplessness and depression are the two symptoms that I’m glad to get over with the fastest. Physical pain is easy to handle by comparison.
Today I woke up and reached for my Kindle Fire next to the bed. My daughter had a new entry on Facebook with a link to her blog that began with this quote:

“Stand at the brink of the abyss of despair, and when you see that you cannot bear it anymore, draw back a little and have a cup of tea” ~Elder Sophrony of Essex

Then she went on to quote me (shock):
My mother reminds me often that tea has a way of keeping you in the moment. It’s not like coffee which in our society is meant to keep you always moving forward.
Tea encourages the partaker to sit down and rest a moment. It is a sort of “reset” button for the weary.
If we push ourselves beyond what we can bear for the sake of being strong, we will fall over, teacup and all, and find staring up from the darkness of the abyss… far more terrifying than standing at the brink.

(Hum, I thought…something from an Elder (Monk) and my daughter to think about in the middle of my depression, and I went about my morning…considering those words from time to time.)

At about 4PM, I couldn’t figure out where the time had gone. I felt foggy headed and the depression had closed in on me.

I remembered the quote from the Elder (Monk) and went to my tea cupboard…rummaging about until I found the one unopened SPECIAL OCCASION tea that I had left.

Standing on the edge of the cliff as I was, seemed a great time for Hand Picked Spring Tieguanyin!

Without a care for the opinion of others, I smelled the leaves. They reminded me of the many years of art classes, the sweet scent of oil paint on my brushes and canvas (and on me).

When I rinsed the leaves, I was washing the gloom away with tea liquor like a new ritual, washing my hands and face with it’s pale perfume.

Each leaf was so dark I wouldn’t imagine it had seen more than the most gentle rays of sunshine.

I drank the tea.

Beautiful, delicate orchid, cool spearmint like a pool of mountain water…honey cream…that made me sit in another moment different than the one I had been in before.

Drinking the tea, I drew back from the ledge and the sadness was interrupted.

Through cups and cups, I continued to let the tea lift my spirit.
(Not only through the way natural chemicals in tea helps the brain, but through the exceptional flavor of this particular tea.)

Time and again, tea has come to my aid when my body gets the best of me.

I’m feeling…better!

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ashmanra 12 years ago

Bonnie, I have said many times that the smell of many oolongs reminds me of paint. You expressed it much more elegantly! I even asked at a tea shop if there was a special word for what I was smelling, but they didn’t have an answer for me. Strong vanilla and paint but as a super addicting smell, that is what I get, so I just call it oolong smell now.

Crowkettle 12 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful note, Bonnie. I always have difficulty describing the oolong smell too and your description is lovely.

Bonnie 12 years ago

Whew! I’m not crazy! I have company!

ashmanra 12 years ago

Or we’re all crazy…..! :D

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Tea is comfort!! I’m glad you’re feeling better now, paint smell and all xo

Bonnie 12 years ago

Thank you xxoo

Kashyap 12 years ago

lovely and well spoken…seems to be a hallmark of yours…it wasn’t till you wrote it that it occurred to me the ‘paint’ aroma is terpeniod (like the scent of linseed oil and turpentine that has built up on a paint rag and imbued it)….thought the wiki notation was science nerdy and might be interesting to share :
The terpenoids (pron.: /ˈtɜrpɨnɔɪd/ TUR-pə-noyd), sometimes called isoprenoids, are a large and diverse class of naturally occurring organic chemicals similar to terpenes, derived from five-carbon isoprene units assembled and modified in thousands of ways. Most are multicyclic structures that differ from one another not only in functional groups but also in their basic carbon skeletons. These lipids can be found in all classes of living things, and are the largest group of natural products.

Plant terpenoids are used extensively for their aromatic qualities. They play a role in traditional herbal remedies and are under investigation for antibacterial, antineoplastic, and other pharmaceutical functions. Terpenoids contribute to the scent of eucalyptus, the flavors of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger, the yellow color in sunflowers, and the red color in tomatoes.1 Well-known terpenoids include citral, menthol, camphor, salvinorin A in the plant Salvia divinorum, and the cannabinoids found in Cannabis.

But yeah…I do pick that up and I guess my strong association with oil painting kept it from view until you said that…

Bonnie 12 years ago

Instinct backed up by science. How interesting and kind of you to share Kashyap! The very thing that I was describing (fibromyalgia) that makes me ill is also what has gifted me with heightened sense of taste and smell. (I’ll admit it’s annoying at times having to keep my environment balanced by temperature,noise,light,scent or I get sick which is why my adventures are well-designed). I quite like the smell of terpenoids.

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516 tasting notes

Had my birthday party last night, where I converted a few people with this tea! Yay!

Sadly, it wasn’t as tasty as it has been, simply because of the vessels I had on hand. They were plastic. Wow – it affected the flavour a LOT, but since my guests didn’t have any note of comparison, they were still quite impressed! I am happy for that :)

Today is my real birthday and it is kind of awful because I had a migraine last night as the party was winding down, and now today I feel weird and sick. Blargh.

I will have a blog post soon about the great tea gifts I received from my boyfriend, they are gorgeous and I am happy :)

Yay for tea, yay for new converts!

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Azzrian 13 years ago

Happy bday I sure hope you get feeling better. Take your time but can’t wait to see your gifties!

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

Happy Birthday! You know, my husband always looks at me weird when I comment about drinking tea out of plastic or paper cups. I tell him that it affects the flavor of the tea and he just looks at me like I’ve lost my mind.

LiberTEAS 13 years ago

Oh… and I hope the migraine goes away soon. I hate them. I am glad that I do not get them as often as I used to. I think that the increase of tea consumption has helped! :)

TheTeaFairy 13 years ago

Happy birthday! Glad your party was a success, nice recruiting work! Feel better soon and enjoy your gifts!

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Happy bday! I sometimes get headaches from parties. I suspect that it’s all the stimuli. Feel better!

Bonnie 13 years ago

HAPPY BIRTHDAY (and make sure you have caffeine for the migraine!) did you by any chance have a bunch of chocolate?
That could set you off…although with migraine people it can be anything…weather, lights, candles, crowds…yuck…
celebrate anyway!

Missy 13 years ago

Happy Birthday to you!!!

momo 13 years ago

Happy birthday!! Hope you’re feeling better soon!

softrevolution 13 years ago

Happy happy birthday! & hope you’re feeling better <3

Sil 13 years ago

WOOT! I’m so glad this went off well. Happy Birthday!

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Thanks everyone! I think what set me off was a mix of the humidity, work stress, having our first guests over and dehydration! haha today is much better, and I’m enjoying many cups of tea to combat the next one!

Jillian 13 years ago

Happy belated birthday :)

inguna 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Fjellrev 13 years ago

Happy belated birthday, Daisy!

Autistic Goblin 13 years ago

Happy belated Birthday!

tigress_al 13 years ago

Happy belated birthday! Hopefully you feel better today and celebrated with some birthday tea!

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Thanks you guys! You’re the best :D

summit 13 years ago

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62 tasting notes

Azz this sample is being drank with great appreciation towards you. I’m also glad that I did not make the mistake to totally dismiss this tea, for I had made a small amount of a Spring Tieguanyin and found it to be bitter, problem is it was earlier on and I very well may have messed it up. I don’t think I messed it up this time…
A jolly little drink to be sure. Flavors jumped out at me too fast to pen with the first few sips, so I will try to get what I can out of it.
I followed the well written and informative directions to a TEA (yukyuk). At first I noticed a creamy/buttery mouthfeel that was saturated with a floral sweetness. We had honeysuckle growing thickly on a fence so I feel informed enough to agree with the description as to this part. I tasted the orchid note as well.
As the drink cooled the green flavors started to surface, though with such a faint astringency that I, AWM (see comments on Bananas Foster), was able to overlook it. The grassiness was not super strong either.
I’m on the third steep now and surprised at how strong this is still going. It’s changed without deminishing. There’s some kind of mouthfeel that reminds me of chicken noodle soup, though clean and not oily at all. I guess it’s the overall presence being bold, yet light, that impressions me with soup broth/stock.
The quality of this tea is obvious. I would definitely suggest this to others.

205 °F / 96 °C 0 min, 30 sec
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ashmanra 12 years ago

I think you should program a shortcut into your computer so that when you type AWM it types out “Astringency Weenie Man.” I know you can do this because youngest programmed our desktop to change her sister’s name to “Booger.” Sigh. Discovered this on the first day of our homeschool year last year when I was trying to type schedules and I didn’t know how to undo it.

Mercuryhime 12 years ago

Oh man, Ashmanra, your little guy sounds hilarious! Kids are getting so technologically advanced with their pranks. :D

Invader Zim 12 years ago

Ashmanra I love your kids sense of humor! That’s just too funny!

ashmanra 12 years ago

Hey, Zim! I didn’t know your username was a from a cartoon until I just about gave everyone a stroke when they were going through Netflix. I screamed, “WAIT! GO BACK! That’s my friend in Steepster!” So we watched an episode. Heehee!

Invader Zim 12 years ago

Lol, yes it is! It’s a nickname someone, who liked the show, gave me because of my last name. It is a pretty good cartoon show too, although I do prefer Gir. :)

Insence&Tea 12 years ago

Mmmmm, this is such an amazing tea. It’s a shame I was only able to purchase an ounce. I may have to go steep some up right now….

Donna A 12 years ago

I like this one-it was one of the 1st that I ever ordered from Verdant-that and the Autumn from last fall.

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59 tasting notes

This was my birthday tea on Friday. It was the tea I woke up with, and it seemed to be the theme of the day. My husband called tieguanyin my “birth tea” (like a birth stone, only tea!), and I find it’s more and more appropriate as time goes by. He’s certainly right, if only for the fact that the time of year lines up perfectly: the past couple of days, the big lilac bush has bloomed and it literally hits on in the head with that delicious smell every time we walk in the kitchen door, leaving us craving Guanyin’s nectar..

I woke up with this tea. My husband woke up before me (to decorate the living room with streamers! and also herding our cats so they didn’t /eat/ the streamers) and he brought up our raku tea bowls filled with this beautiful spring tieguanyin. Drinking it was like coming alive. At first, I could only smell. Opening sips were warmth soothing my throat and, gradually (as my sense continued to adjust to the waking world), that gorgeous creamy texture. Aahhh.. spring. Finally, around sips ten or so, my tongue came fully online and started sending me information about all of the lovely tastes. Definitely a great way to wake up to your birthday day off in the spring time: coming alive again with this tea, sense by sense.

Breakfast continued on the theme with perfectly ripe cantelope melon, apples dipped in local MN honey..so floral and wonderful.. and a selection of light cheeses from the Seward Coop. Yummm. We didn’t eat these with the tea, but the textures and particularly the melon/honey/apple flavors synergized extremely well with what the tea has already laid out. Home-made (did I luck out or what??) lunch included an incredible piece of salmon, marinated in soysauce-wasabi, cooked up just so with cilantro and ginger.. the texture- it just fell apart in your mouth! So sweet and mouthwatering, with a real feeling of nectar.. you wouldn’t think it would be so, but it still fell very in line with my tieguanyin day.

We continued drinking tieguanyin throughout the afternoon, and we could do so freely, because my birthday present included 8oz of this spring picking!! It makes me feel free to indulge and have the good stuff more often. Instead of saving it for a special night, we will have it and make the night special as a result. Open the windows, let the lilac pour in, drink it up from the thimble cups.

This tea makes me think of many things. With the fan running on low, it makes me want to play hooky all day and lay out in the freshly cut sweet grasses. It makes me feel like I’m in a spa, and I want to light candles and run a lilac bubble bath with intense moisturizers. It is so fine fine fine.. a classy lady that’s just gorgeous /and/ sweet. Dessert. The creamy flavors, the smooth and lovely textures that feel like you’re being wrapped up and taken care of… It could only taste better if I were drinking it in Hawaii.. on the rainy side of Kawaii, looking out over ocean cliffs, plumeria in the air.

It’s decadant nd fine, but it’s not blowing loud and brassy horns in your ear. Instead, the flavors are all soft (yet strong and impossible to ignore), full and bouyant: melons, creamy whipped florals, exotic melon-berry nectars (juice is too thin and tangy a word). It’s downright sensual. Be careful- you might have to resist the urge to kiss whoever’s drinking with you.

Spring spring spring. How lovely. How do these TGY’s keep being so good? It’s ridiculous. As chadao wrote a little while ago, these tieguanyin’s feels scandalous- like you’ve been slipped a sample of something that should have cost a fortune and is instead just under the price of Rishi’s Citron Oolong (in a tea shop… $10). I think I’ll always prefer autumn TGY’s secretly, just because they feel a little more complex, but not in this particular situation. It has all the oomph and depth I would want from Autumn, but wrapped in the lovely honey-soft touch of spring. Ridiculous. I am so lucky to be able to drink this whenever I want, plus I still have several ounces of Autumn left.

Show 11 previous comments...
Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Wow, amazing review! And an amazing birthday celebration. I have to go make a cup of this right now.

Doug F 13 years ago

Too bad my wife doesn’t drink tea.

TeaBrat 13 years ago

Happy birthday!

gmathis 13 years ago

Sounds like a wonderful day. Decorations and decadent tea :)

Charles Thomas Draper 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!!

Bonnie 13 years ago

Happy Birthday! Triumph, I understand what you are saying! This is a prelude to…at least a kiss one would hope. What a marvelous day! And Hawaii, well I could imagine the Northern rainy end of Kauai with numerous full waterfalls plunging down from prehistoric volcanic peaks all jagged and so tall, after a rain. You must read this to that fine husband of yours if you haven’t already. He should be pleased!

Lucy 13 years ago

Happy Birthday! Great idea to have amazing TGY and a wonderful person to share it with on such a special day.

Invader Zim 13 years ago

Happy Birthday!

Angrboda 13 years ago

Happy birthday! I was thinking about trying the sample of this that you sent me today actually. :)

Angrboda 13 years ago

Well, the autumnal equivalent, really, but you know what I mean.

Spoonvonstup 13 years ago

Thanks all!

@Triumph- I know what you mean. But things are prone to change..
@Bonnie- :)
@Ang- hope you enjoy it when you do have it. I find that while this texture is a billowy creamy soothing layer of blankets .. comfort and coddling, the autumn is more of a gripping, edge of your seat feeling, and the textures take control of your mouth. Spring and autumn are certainly different creatures, but they’re a lovely pair of sisters to be sure.

Spoonvonstup 13 years ago

@ DaisyChubb- I just noticed while reading your blog that you and I were probably drinking this at the same time!

Daisy Chubb 13 years ago

Love it! Spring must have been in the air that day ;)

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1184 tasting notes

Quick rinse

Wow, the fresh smell of the dried leaves is just dreamy. They look so beautiful, green and rolled. They look and taste of supreme quality.

5 seconds
Steepings 1-4: Creamy, sweet, floral. So smooth with a slight vegetal note. This takes me back to when I was a kid, drinking hot milk when I couldn’t sleep. This tea (same as the hot milk) gives you the feeling of comfort and safety.

5 seconds
Steepings 5-8: Less vegetal with a creamy, buttery, vanilla sweetness. I do notice some tingling on the tongue as well. For sure, my favourite group of steepings.

8 seconds
Steepings 9-12: Still sweet, but less buttery and creamy. I am picking up some fruity notes now.

The leaves are now almost filling my entire gongfu pot. They are so pretty. This tea could probably handle more steepings but I have some errands to run , then I want to try the Laoshan White.


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6768 tasting notes

This is really nice! Definition of SPRING for sure! It’s creamy, green and springy, hints of berry and gentle floral notes, but incredible clean and pure! I’m LOVING this the more i drink it and will do multiple infusions. Thanks David! This is a treat!

Currently pairing this infusion with All Along The Watchtower ~ Jimi Hendrix

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Tamm 13 years ago

awesome song pairing! :D

Relmaster 13 years ago

is there any discussions on song-pairings and Tea drinking? I would like to create one if there isn’t ;) ..I think it would be interesting to see what people listen to while imbibing in their favorite beverage ;)

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

Relmaster – I randomly declare Tea/Music Pairing Days and just note within my tasting notes…but…next time I might put them in the forums :)

Relmaster 13 years ago

Ok ..that would be cool if you could set that up as a forum.. I think a lot of people would like that ;) Would you mind if I included song-pairings with my tasting notes? ;)

TeaEqualsBliss 13 years ago

Heck no! I’d LOVE to see them!!! I’m a music freak, too! LOL :) It’s makes it doubly FUN!

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525 tasting notes

Oh my. oh my oh my. I am somewhat speechless. This is … wow. I feel like I’m drinking the soul of lilacs, young grass, ripe juicy peach and plum. It is the bounty of Mother Earth coming to life even as the last patches of snow are melting away. The taste lingering on your tongue is exquisite. I don’t know if I want to keep drinking this tea or just savor that peachy flavor in my mouth. There’s also something like apple.

I’ve been drinking Tieguanyin all my life, but this is different from any other I’ve had. Is is fair to put this tea in the same category? I suppose this is the freshest tieguanyin I’ve ever had. Picked this very season! I wonder what the leaves tastes like fresh off the plant?

The leaves are much greener than other tieguanyin as well. The smell of the tea was so vegetal at first I was a bit put off. But the flavor of the tea really takes a few sips to unfold. Then you slowly realize what a treasure you have in your cup.


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TeaBrat 13 years ago

Gah! I’ve been trying to resist buying any more green oolongs until I finish the ones I have, this sounds lovely though. :)

Mercuryhime 13 years ago

Steepster is the place you go to aggravate your addiction. :) I only got a sample from when I ordered from their clearance otherwise I’d totally send you some!

TeaBrat 13 years ago

That’s ok. :)

Kashyap 13 years ago

love the poetry in your words

CHAroma 13 years ago

“Steepster is the place you go to aggravate your addiction.”
Love it! :)

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