Laoshan Village Chai

Tea type
Black Chai Blend
Black Peppercorn, Black Tea, Cinnamon, Clove, Elderberry, Ginger, Goji Berries, Tulsi, Vanilla Bean
Creamy, Milk, Spices, Berry, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Honey, Tulsi, Wood, Ginger
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Edit tea info Last updated by petithelene
Average preparation
Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 16 oz / 465 ml

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128 Tasting Notes View all

  • “my other morning tea, though i had a bit of honey and milk in it today since sometimes you just have to do that, with chai :) still a delicious cup of yum, though i prefer the version without goji...” Read full tasting note
  • “This is great! I’m having it with milk. I decided after the last tea to make something I know (chai) so I couldn’t possibly screw it up :D okay I probably could but I didn’t :D this is AWESOME!!...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hi Everyone. I know this is not the first time I’ve reviewed this tea but I needed a good friend to comfort me tonight. This Chai is a comfort tea, one of my special Jewels in my cupboard. I knew...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown, post super bad midterm. Want to crawl in a hole ugh. This is an excellent comfort tea, even though there was not much laoshan black at the bottom of the bag. It’s still rich and smooth and...” Read full tasting note

From Verdant Tea

Chai is a wonderful thing. When the spices and tea are just right, there is something alchemical about the flavors with or without milk and honey. We set out to build a better chai, starting with the tea. We use our chocolatey, malty Laoshan Village black tea as the base, and build up from there with traditional additions like cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, and peppercorn. We found that it wasn’t quite rich enough as a simple chai, so we added burdock root for a graham cracker sweetness, fennel for a lingering aftertaste, elderberry to deepen the flavors and finally, saffron strands to make the whole concoction perfectly smooth and creamy.

Ingredients: Laoshan Black Tea, Ginger, Cinnamon, Clove, Fennel, Cardamom Seeds, Cardamom Pods, Peppercorn, Burdock, Saffron.

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128 Tasting Notes

15620 tasting notes

my other morning tea, though i had a bit of honey and milk in it today since sometimes you just have to do that, with chai :) still a delicious cup of yum, though i prefer the version without goji berries!


A chai with goji berries…I’ve never heard of that before!


verdant changes their formulation for winter/summer. it’s still tasty but not the original i fell in love with


Oh that’s right-I forgot they had summer and winter blends!


Oh yeah, I forgot they did that with this one. Mine had the goji in it, and I personally loved it. Didn’t really notice them amongst all the spice flavours!

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806 tasting notes

This is great! I’m having it with milk. I decided after the last tea to make something I know (chai) so I couldn’t possibly screw it up :D okay I probably could but I didn’t :D this is AWESOME!! thanks Verdant Tea, so happy my order came

Boiling 1 min, 0 sec
Autistic Goblin

I will try the chocolate phoenix chai tomorrow :D

Autistic Goblin

just the right amount of ginger for me like a ginger snap ;)


Yes please make a review on the chocolate chai one! I really want for order that one…

Autistic Goblin

tomorrow I swear I will try it and review it :D for now though it’s one chai before bed and this was it :D

Autistic Goblin

I think the chocolate one is at low stock right now, better at least buy a 7g sample :D


It is…saw that the other day…hoping it will hold out for a few more

Autumn Hearth

Oh Helena you corrupter you! The chocolate chai was the one tea I hadn’t ordered (partly because a friend from high school said she had ordered a bunch and would swap a bit with me, then she ran off to Florida sigh and partly because I had already spent to much and wanted to stock up on as much as my retiring shu as possible). Thank goodness for the new sample sizes, because though the husband had said no tea orders till next month, when I asked him if it was okay that I spent $7.75 on three teas he said yes. First time I have had to pay shipping, but $4 isn’t bad :)


I just ordered the chocolate chai too..because the stock is low…I hate it when it runs out!

Autistic Goblin

(insert evil grin here) I’ll be trying the chocolate chai when I get home tonight and I’ll post a review as I do :D

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676 tasting notes

Hi Everyone.
I know this is not the first time I’ve reviewed this tea but I needed a good friend to comfort me tonight.
This Chai is a comfort tea, one of my special Jewels in my cupboard.

I knew that writing a review would be difficult tonight.
I’m so upset about the fires raging in Colorado. There’s a new fire in Boulder close to Steepster Chadao. There’s a big fire with 32,000 evacuations tonight in Colorado Springs where Steepster Jason works. The fire here in my County is 65% contained after burning 85,000 acres and 260 homes. There are 16 fires in all!!! Plus 5 days of heat over 100 degrees.
Please remember your fellow steepsters and the people fighting these fires. I have friends in the path of this newest fire.
(While writing this a message came across my Facebook from friends in Colorado Springs. Just one word ….evacuating!)

I can always count on this particular Chai to comfort me with a blanket of warmth from cinnamon, fennel (love it) and burdock. The additional hint of saffron is such a special treat. Who else does that?

Another thing I love is the restraint in blending clove, cardamon and peppercorn. It irritates me to no end when I take a sip of Chai and a spice bomb goes off in my mouth that tastes like a bag of mulling spice mix full strength….blech…spit it oout! You’ll never get an awful vulgar spice bomb from Verdant! This tea is smooth. Mellow. Restrained, yet with enough oomph to stand up to sweetening and cream if you want additions.
The star of the show…the best of the best…is the Laoshan Black Tea base. Cocoa, thick and juicy tea that stands on it’s own as absolutely spectacular. It’s a treat to have this incredable tea used for Chai. Did someone make a mistake? Shouldn’t Verdant have used another black tea of lesser quality? Not happening! That’s not the way Verdant operates and I’m soooo glad. I benefit! We all benefit and can enjoy the best available tea and blended tea’s without denegration of quality.

My time with this Chai (one of my Jewels) was good for me tonight, relaxing and uplifting. Comforting.

I hope you will join me in sending good thoughts if that’s what you do, or prayers if you are one who prays for the people fighting the fires here in Colorado and those who are in danger and have lost their homes.



Bonnie – positive affirmations coming your way love. Hang in there and stay safe. ((Virtual Huggs))


I’m ok…just all the news for weeks and the being shut in and now 2 more cities on fire. All the news is homes on fire. It’s awful!The Airforce Acadamy was just evacuated. I haven’t heard from Jason…he works there. Chadoo lives in Boulder and theres a fire there. Eeks!


Im glad your holding up Bonnie please keep us posted on how you are. I figure as long as you are tea logging your okay. Don’t disappear on us!


I won’t but I’m just upset…having a hard time doing reviews. I need to gather myself together!


:( I’ve been reading about the fires on news websites, and it sounds quite bad. Keep safe and keep us updated as best as possible. Hugs.


2 Hrs ago friends evacuated with just minutes to gather photos and leave!
They posted their pictures …so sad!


Oh Bonnie, this breaks my heart! for so many reasons. All those lost houses, and the forest animals to… I’m with Kristaleyn, keep us updated!


We’re thinking of you, Bonnie, and all of those affected by this terrible summer! Please stay safe.

Daisy Chubb

Bonnie, you are in our thoughts. And everyone in the surrounding area – I hope for their safety and strength to stick together and support eachother through the fires.


Does anyone know how the fires started?


Lightening! It’s been over 100 degrees too. This afternoon we’re expecting lightening again and the winds come up to 30-50 miles per hour. You can imagine…fire and wind. There was a beetle kill of trees in the mountains last year so that’s dead wood tinder and the monsoon season is yet to come so the forests are super dry. Everything is going up in smoke super fast. The fire by me is the biggest ever in State History. The others are new…just began.


Wow. How close are the fires to you? Hopefully many many miles! :(

David Duckler

Dear Bonnie, we are thinking of you here, and send all of our wishes to you and everyone affected. While there is little I can think of to make things better from Minneapolis, I do hope that you, like me, find joy and strength in tea, and in the community built around it.

Butiki Teas

Bonnie-You are in my thoughts. I hope things start getting better soon. So sorry to hear about this.


Thanks everyone! I’m ok really. The danger to my home is over (looks ok now), just more storms and smoke which makes me ill. It’s the others still in danger and friends, even Steepster friends in harms way. People I know being evacuated. Weeks of this type of tension behind my house, smoke like fog, lack of sleep, migraines, high heat and now new fires just made me spew here on Steepster! I have no other voice! Sorry everyone, and thanks! Hope for those fighting these blazes!


I’m sorry… I hope you get some relief soon

Invader Zim

Stay safe and prayers sent to all.


I hope all the fires get under control soon! So sorry that you and yours are going through this!

Joshua Smith

I’ve actually been really worried about you, but I’ll keep the others in my prayers as well. Stay safe!


Oh…don’t worry. I know who has my life in His hands! I care more about the others. I’m really fine. I just stress and can’t rest.


You and all those close to fires are in my thoughts. Get some rest friend. Some times relaxation exercises help me, maybe they will work for you.


Bonnie, also sending good thoughts your way…

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1186 tasting notes

Sipdown, post super bad midterm. Want to crawl in a hole ugh. This is an excellent comfort tea, even though there was not much laoshan black at the bottom of the bag. It’s still rich and smooth and warming. Thank you tea, for making bad days a bit better. See previous notes on this excellent tea.


I’m sorry your midterm was super bad!!!!!


:( me too lol but hoping for very low class average.. Ah well at least I have my tea and steepsters!


Fingers crossed for you! I totally know how you feel, although I’ve been told my class isn’t going to be scaled. :/


That sucks! Fingers crossed for you too! Yeah this one, I just tried to find the notes on the questions, they aren’t even in the notes. I am quite upset, and even worse, I can’t drop the course or else I don’t graduate. Le sigh. Ah well I guess that’s school :(


Yikes! You should be able to bring it up to the Prof. Maybe email, or visit during office hours and ask for clarification on the points, see what they say? Sometimes it’s a mistake and they will drop the question for the entire class.


Yeah it’s definitely a problem for the whole class, might just have to tough it out though, I’ll see how the mark is and then maybe talk to him about how things can be improved.

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1792 tasting notes

400th tasting note! I’ve had this for a few months now so it’s about time I try it out. As many know, I’m quite picky about my chai, so it takes a rich, complex chai to truly impress me.

The dry leaf smells predominantly of fennel, ginger, and cardamom, then backed up by the warmth of the cinnamon and clove.

I tried the stove top method. I was generous and added nearly four tsp of the tea to my pot, poured in 1½ cups of water, and let it come to a boil. It took about five minutes or so. Then I added three tsp of brown sugar, stirred it for a while, and after a few minutes, added around 1 cup of soy milk. And a splash of vanilla extract. I let that simmer for another ten minutes or so.

What I’m left with is probably one of the best homemade chais I’ve ever had. I can taste the ginger. I can taste the fennel. The cardamom, the clove, the peppercorn, etc. It’s not just cinnamon milk like many of the chai blends, both in cafés/restaurants and any you can brew at home, tend to yield.

Maybe I’ll cut back on the brown sugar next time because I swear my lips are feeling a little sticky from it. Granted, I rarely use sweetener to begin with, but chai is an exception.

Surprisingly well-balanced blend and the rest of my bag will get the same treatment on the stove top. Well done, Verdant.


400 notes WOO! Also this tea sounds awesome :)


Congrats on 400!!!


This is my favorite chai! Will have to try the stovetop with it. :)


Congratulations on reaching 400!!! :D


Congrats on 400! :)



Lily Duckler

Thank you, Incendiare! If you were anywhere near the Twin Cities, MN I’d love to have you try the chai we brew with this tea blend for our tasting room and coffee shops and restaurants across the area. I think you would really enjoy!


Thanks everyone, and Lily, I’m sure it’s heavenly, and I wish I were close enough to drop by. Maybe I should make a trip to the runestone museum in Alexandria someday, then head your way for a cozy cup of chai. :)

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1764 tasting notes

THIS is a great chai. Spicy and rich in all the right ways. Reminds me of that Guayasa chai I tried from Davids awhile back. Good to know I have a place to get some since I’ve ditched that Teavana wannabe :)
(and I mean no offense by that, really! I’m just saying DT has become a place that no longer captures my attention the way it once did, for reasons most of you know)
Anyhow, big thanks to BONNIE for sharing this delightful blend with me.
Without milk, it held up really well. Naturally sweet and as the description says… graham crackers!? coolio!
With the addition of some dairy, it became a bit more spicy and less sweet. Actually, it was more of a good quality common chai that way. Next time, I hope I remember not to add any milk.
Thanks again Bonnie xx


Welcome! Hope you had a nice vacation!


I did! thanks Bonnie

Daniel Scott

LOL. For whatever it’s faults, I’d say that DT would be taking a serious step down to “aspire” to be Teavana (based on my experience with Teavana thus far).

Autistic Goblin

I don’t want DT to be Teavana…. I like it the way it is (at my store anyway) Grant park shopping centre Winnipeg, Manitoba :D


I would fully agree too if DT would ever ‘aspire’ to be Teavana… also based on my experience with Teavana.


From what I have heard so far…Teavana should have the customer service of DT and Teavana and DT should get together and improve both of their tea selections which have serious issues in quality because of the quantity problems. They’ve become candy store tea shops instead of quality tea stores.


Daniel Scott: I so agree with you there! but as the days go by I am finding more and more similarities between the two :(
Helena: oh heck no, I don’t want it either! eeek!!
Lynne-tea: Oh I do hope they never team up. that would be disastrous…
Bonnie: SO agreed on that front. DT is a fantastic gateway tea house though. I crave a little candy sometimes! but not often.

Daniel Scott

Bonnie – what do you mean by “quantity problems”? I know that DT always seems to be out of the one I want, but I don’t know if that’s what you mean.


I know I think they have a Q problem… in that they bring out far too many at once, and then discontinue them so fast that I sometimes don’t even get to try them…


Q-Quantity Sometimes I think DT cranks out too many new flavors. There are a couple of companies that do flavors each week or ‘many’ each season. My opinion (just mine) is that quality often suffers creating combinations that are a bit bizarre or blends with little bit of tea and lots of cheap fillers. There are some older tea’s from DT that I liked better but now many of the flavors taste dull or sour. Verdant uses lots of real tea in the blends like the one here. I’m sure other companies do the same and use real flavoring (Butiki). Like I said, my opinion. Teavana… I’m not a fan of their marketing enough to want to try the flavors any more (the few I tried were cardboard). When I walked into a shop it was wierd and the person who waited on me told me the tea wasn’t good (creepy)!

Daniel Scott

Oh, yeah, okay, I know what you mean. I’m not super-impressed with the release of innumerable flavours either, I do think some teas suffered that way as they’re clearly rushed out. The spring collection is a prime example; those were mostly all “meh.” I personally liked Daydreamer a lot, but I know a lot of people felt it was lacking.


I wasn’t going to say it, but I so agree! they’ve become substandard simply because there are too many teas. I wish they would focus on quality not quantity


Hope i will have such a chai soon


Akshaya, I’d send you some to try if I had any left!


Hi bloom!


My Bonnie!! Missed you. I haven’t been around here much.

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818 tasting notes

Sipdown of my sample. I must get more of this! YUM YUM YUMMY! Best chai ever. Even my coworker wants me to get her some of this and she hasn’t had any yet! I’m just very persuasive. ;)


I love this too. Sooo good. I think I got like 5 steeps out of this last time by just leaving the leaves soaking for 30 minutes at a time or so.


30 minutes?


Yep! I had to go do things for the kids and just kept resteeping for ridiculous periods of time! I’d add water to the pot, bring it to a boil and then cover it an turn off the heat and walk away. Did it over and over!


Wow! That’s pretty neat! Good to know!


Hehe, I’ll have to try that too when I get mine! :) So excited for it to get here. I love Laoshan Black, and I love chais, so it stands to reason that I’d love a laoshan black chai too :D

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3294 tasting notes

little terri’s experiment worked!!!
We put a quart of vanilla almond milk into my little 1 qt crockpot, added 4 T of chai, & left it on for awhile (2 or 3 hours?), & it is delicious! It’s perfect, in fact! I shared small cups of it with various students this afternoon, & everybody loves it. The only problem is we ran out, & I’m also out of almond milk now. I just opened a can of coconut milk & dumped it in there, but it will be a few hours before it’s ready.
Tomorrow I’ll do a half & half of almond milk & coconut milk, which I already know will be amazing & decadent.
I predict that I’ll be going through almond & coconut milk like they are going out of style from now on! And Chai!


I think Little Terri has earned herself a piece of candy today!


Did you just simmer it or let it just sit in cold milk?



Terri HarpLady

Darby, that little crockpot doesn’t have any settings, so if you plug it in, it’s on. I put cold almond milk in it, added the tea, plugged it in, & walked away for at least a couple of hours…maybe 3 or 4 now that I think of it. Right before I strained out my first cup, I stirred in a little stevia (sweet leaf). And by the way, don’t try to strain this with a finnum, hahaha, because it will take FOREVER! I have a little more of a loose strainer that I use for chai. Alternately, I guess you could tie the tea into a little steeping bag, but I didn’t do that. I like to let the leaves float free, :)

Terri HarpLady

Regarding the coconut milk version, it was extremely rich. Next time I would definitely try for half almond milk, half coconut milk.

Terri HarpLady

Another comment regarding coconut milk, after being in the crock pot for awhile, a skin developed across the top. That didn’t happen with the almond milk at all.


Awesome! Thx! I’ll have to try that in my smaller crock


This sounds really good. Now I want to try it.

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1040 tasting notes

Tea three in my chai adventure today. Last time I wrote about this, I thought this WAY to spicy. It’s either mellowed with age or I got a different distribution this time. Having said that, I still don’t really like it, I still don’t like the balance of spice and there is just something wrong with covering LB with these spices – especially when they don’t really work for me… Sorry Verdant.


you might? like the chai that redblossom does…

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284 tasting notes

I’m reading “the secret daughter” by Shilpi Somaya Gowda and oh my gosh, they’re in India and well, it’s chai this and chai that until I couldn’t take it anymore and went to the stash from Dexter3657 and killed the sample! I must do two things a) buy more of this and b) try other companies’ chai to see what’s out there. Although, why look for better when you have the best, right?

Although, note to self, this doesn’t go very well with the raw shallots from my quinoa Greek salad. I have to have a few tiny sips to cleanse the palate.

Great chai, the best I’ve had so far. I still need to buy almond milk.


this version is slightly different from previous versions. I personally like verdant’s previous version to this slightly better :)


Are you trying to burst my happy bubble? :)


@sil, what was the previous version? Just different LB or different recipe?


never nxtdoor! tasty – not sure…but website says: New winter formulation with tulsi, thai ginger, clove, and more. helpful i know…


You can always buy just the chai spice mix and add the black tea you prefer. I happen to love the winter winter ginger blend and add black tea (usually laoshan black) to it.


Sorry…dumb Kindle…1 Winter!


Wow. I never thought of adding things to the dry leaf, certainly had no idea one could buy spice mixes. Thanks. I probably won’t do it but it’s good information to have!


In time. I love to eventually as I became more comfortable with tea I began to experiment. I cook with tea sometimes too.

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