Laoshan Village Chai (summer)

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Chai Tea
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205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 15 sec

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From Verdant Tea

Chai is a wonderful thing. When the spices and tea are just right, there is something alchemical about the flavors with or without milk and honey. We set out to build a better chai, starting with the tea. We use our chocolatey, malty Laoshan Village black tea as the base, and build up from there with traditional additions like cardamom, ginger, cinnamon, and peppercorn. For the summer, we take it a step further towards crisp and refreshing with coriander seed, whole vanilla bean, orange peel and saffron.

The result is a perfectly balanced, rich chai whose citrus notes and cardamom flavor balance out the ginger and cinnamon with a cooling taste. The sweetness is enhanced and drawn out by the fennel, coriander and saffron. This one is bold enough to enjoy with milk and honey, but subtle enough to drink without. Makes a great iced chai for the summer.

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11 Tasting Notes

6119 tasting notes

Drinking this delicious tea, made strong with milk and sugar, and trying to stop having panic attacks about school. The odds of me finishing up by May are slim to none, and I just found out that if I don’t convocate in the summer, I’ll be convocating in October… while my mother is on the west coast for a school reunion (so pretty much, she’d kill me if I convocated in October). Yes, world, I needed more stress. Because stress is incredibly effective in making progress on said thing that is causing the stress….

It’s probably a good thing that I haven’t picked up the two tablets of Ativan my doctor prescribed me so I can handle having my tetanus/Hep A immunizations in the near future… because I think I’d pop one now in an attempt to calm myself down.

Any calming tea suggestions, guys? I’m guessing chamomile would be a good option; I probably don’t have much else that’s good for that sort of thing as I seem to dislike such tea ingredients (e.g. mints, etc.) :/

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Chamomile, lavendar, or mint is all I can think of off the top of my head for calming. I have some lavendar chamomile, but I guess it’s what you have around.


I find that anything I considered a favorite helps. Just as soon as it has water poured over it, I feel better.


Lavender… I’m so regretting pawning off all my DT’s Jessie’s Tea on my ex-boyfriend right now. I’m not sure I have anything else with lavender in it…

(It just occurred to me that I have some 52teas’ Tulsi Rama from LiberTEAS upstairs…. maybe a good time to try it?)

momo – That’s a good suggestion. Part of the reason I went for a chai and the Taiwanese Assam (I’m out of Laoshan Black), even though it’s rather late at night. My stomach is feeling a bit off though (probably also stress!) and so every favourite I’ve thought of so far makes me go “bleh”. Maybe I need to take a quick jaunt through my cupboard on here, because I’m probably forgetting one that will hit the spot…


I’d say something herbal, caffeine generally worsens anxiety, for me anyways. I agree with the lavender suggestion, or something cozy and comforting, maybe a sweet one. Don’t stress too much, it will all work out in the end!


Tulsi, for sure. hugs
Deep breaths!! can’t get through it without oxygen to the brain lol


I’ll add my vote to the tulsi camp. It’s the only herbal steep that has a noticeable effect on me.


Definitely something comforting. I prefer herbal teas when I’m getting anxious about school, especially since caffeine can make me more anxious. I have a “medicinal” tisane that has chamomile, lavender, st john’s wort, valerian, etc in it that I drink sometimes. Just need to be careful of the st john’s wort as it can interact with medications, AND it makes ones skin more sensitive to the sun. Best of luck!

Kasumi no Chajin

I have a lavender tulsi blend I can send you some of, if interested…

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289 tasting notes

Just slurped down the rest of my cold brewed tea that’s been in the fridge for several days. I added a little milk; let’s just say it was worth the wait.


Yummy, I like it in the frig..or hot…or any kinda way. How about ice cream.


It would make amazing ice cream!

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3294 tasting notes

I’ve reviewed this tea before & it is delicious. As a chai, I especially like that it leans a little heavy to the ginger side, rather than to the cinnamon end of things. My sister, MsWhatsit, reviewed a chai yesterday, commenting on how cinnamon tends to take over the show in most chai formulas, & I’m in agreement with her.

This was steeped in a 2 part process. First I filled my mug about 2/3 full of hot water with a double portion of tea. Then I heated enough coconut milk (from the can, not the carton) to finish filling the cup, dropped the tea in there to resteep, & strained in back into the cup, adding a little stevia. It’s a VERY creamy chai latte!

It’s bubble bath time!


That’s a good way to drink this chai, about the cinnamon…I think some companies use inferior cinnamon too that can be bitter. Really good cinnamon is sweet and light without bitterness and you don’t have to use so much. The other thing that I don’t like in my chai is overuse of cardamom and overuse of cloves and black pepper. They can take over too.

Terri HarpLady

I agree with everything you just said, Bonnie!


Oh yum…. the coconut milk sounds divine!

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807 tasting notes

I am finally getting around to trying this sample and WOW I was not expecting this especially from Verdant! It is SO sweet!
Its like a creamy sweet honey with lovely spices!
I can’t imagine adding milk and honey to it – I love my sweets but I would think that would be over kill – yet if I had more I would certainly give it a try!
This is a goodie!
Love the ginger in this blend!

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148 tasting notes

I finally got around to brewing up my sample of this, and Rayn and I each had a cup with lunch. It was so delicious! We both loved the creaminess and heavy ginger flavor (especially since our soup had fresh ginger in it). Our only regret was not having more of this tea to make with coconut milk.
Rayn has really fallen for the Chocolate Phoenix Chai as well, and I asked him which he would like to get more of if I put in another order. He said hmmm…both? What a helper. ;)

195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

oh yeah, I love this with coconut milk!


I used a whole bunch for the boys yesterday then watched ninja cartoons.

Autistic Goblin

with coconut milk it would be coconut ginger snaps :D I love my ginger snap tea :D

Terri HarpLady

I just realized I only have about 1 T of this left! I feel another verdant order coming on!

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141 tasting notes

This has definitely been my summer tea, and it has been an absolute pleasure in its company. I really enjoy the change in spices too (so much coriander and ginger :D) This is the perfect chai for me. No need for milk or sweetner. And thankfully there is more of this tea on its way in the mail!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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93 tasting notes

Disambiguating the blend since summer and winter types are noticeably different.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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