Milk Caramel

Tea type
Green Tea
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Caramel, Toasty, Cardboard, Dust, Almond, Creamy, Roasted, Sweet, Chestnut, Grass, Dark Wood, Earth, Cream, Nutty, Nuts
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 307 ml

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70 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The scent of the dry leaves is amazing! I can really smell the creaminess of the caramel. It reminds me very much of the popular caramel spread from Argentina called “dulce de leche”. The tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh…my…goodness this is good. Yummy. This tea is a must try for those who love caramel. The toasty flavor of the houjicha is a brilliant pairing with the caramel flavor, giving it a roasty depth...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Doulton for passing this tea onto me. It was delicious, not sure if it was a true caramel flavor but there was a sweet roasted flavor that was very enjoyable. It is a sophisticated...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea smells creamy, buttery, green, toasty and earthy all at once. I’m really looking forward to sipping! The scent smells so rich that it has me expecting a really thick or full mouthfeel....” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

Sweet aroma of milk caramel brings out the comforting aroma of houjicha.

Ingredients: Roasted Green Tea, Almond Flavoring. Contains: Almonds.

(French Lupicia: Caramel au lait.)

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70 Tasting Notes

314 tasting notes

The scent of the dry leaves is amazing! I can really smell the creaminess of the caramel. It reminds me very much of the popular caramel spread from Argentina called “dulce de leche”. The tea brews up quite dark—like a roasted oolong. The taste is toasty and sweet like a sugary Genmaicha!

I’m really really enjoying this—it’s sweet, toasty, creamy comfort in a cup.

(While the aroma is deliciously rich, the flavor is actually really mellow and smooth—no bitterness and no astringency)

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

Whhattt!?!? Milk caramel houjicha!??! Sounds heavenly! I wish Lupicia’s website was easier to browse.


Yeah, Lupicia’s site is kind of “messy”. But I love their free s/h after $35 and free monthly samples!


Woo. I’m pretty sure my samples of this are coming this Wednesday…I can’t wait. It sounds so good!

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4843 tasting notes

Oh…my…goodness this is good. Yummy.

This tea is a must try for those who love caramel. The toasty flavor of the houjicha is a brilliant pairing with the caramel flavor, giving it a roasty depth that I don’t think I’ve ever tasted in a caramel tea before. I love caramel tea (I think my Sweet Caramel O’Mine Tea … for those of you who have tried it… speaks for itself, no?) and this one is amazing. Maybe not as good as my Sweet Caramel O’Mine, but, I like how this tea is so light and yet offers such a deep, rich flavor.

Amazing, amazing, AMAZING! Love this!


Sounds delish! I admit I have a sweet tooth in teas. I favor the dessert ones a lot. :)

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431 tasting notes

Thank you Doulton for passing this tea onto me.

It was delicious, not sure if it was a true caramel flavor but there was a sweet roasted flavor that was very enjoyable. It is a sophisticated flavor that I believe I will continue to enjoy the more I drink it.

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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618 tasting notes

This tea smells creamy, buttery, green, toasty and earthy all at once. I’m really looking forward to sipping!

The scent smells so rich that it has me expecting a really thick or full mouthfeel. This tea is surprisingly light and clean. There isn’t as much caramel as I would have liked, but it is still rather toasty and sweet.

It is smooth and actually becomes a little bit more creamy as the cup cools. Very tasty & satisfying! Thank you, ToiToi for a sample of this tea!

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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361 tasting notes

I have been wanting to try this tea for months. It has taken every ounce if willpower to not order it sooner. I love hojicha teas. And I think it’s a great base tea for flavors that go well with roastiness. And I love caramel. So I finally caved and ordered some.

I think they sent me the wrong tea. I hope anyway. This has zero caramel flavor. Even when I close my eyes and think only caramely thoughts, I get no caramel. There aren’t any caramel or almond chunks as seen in the picture either. Gotta be the wrong tea, right?

Or is this just bad? I mean its a good hojicha. But that’s not what I wanted. I wanted a buttery roasty hojicha with a little bit of burnt sugar flavor, or creamy caramel, I don’t really care which. Just something! Boo!


Awe :(

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99 tasting notes

Out of the 6 teas I ordered, this one smelled the best. Veeeeery sweet and caramely! And I like that it’s a green tea. I love my blacks, but I like to mix it up sometimes. :P

When brewed, the toastiness of the houjicha comes out, but there’s definitely still some sweet caramel in there.

It tastes toasty right up front. It’s an interesting flavor, the toasty green tea combined with caramel. But not in a bad way, just in a unique way. I’m really liking it! Lupicia knows how to do caramel, that’s for sure! But I think between this one and Caramele, I like Caramele a bit more. But only a tiny bit more. :P The caramel flavor comes through a bit more in Caramele, and it’s more of a hint in this one.

I would say that, if you aren’t a fan of toasty, this probably isn’t for you. But if you like toasty, and you like your flavors to be less in-your-face, you should definitely try this one!

Boiling 2 min, 0 sec

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132 tasting notes

Yummm this is SO good, thank you Ricky for sending this one to me. I had this hot and then I had it at room temp. and it was great both times. The milky taste came out a bit more as it cooled, but none the less it was still amazing! Caramel with a milky smoothness and a toasty finish to it…YUM!

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149 tasting notes

I’m not much of a green tea drinker and I’ve never had houjicha before, so this tea was a bit of an experience for me. It definitely had a toasty flavor, which I am not normally a big fan of. The caramel flavor is a bit subtle for me, I prefer the flavors in my tea to be strong. I did enjoy this tea, but it isn’t something I would normally drink. Thank you Rachel for sending me this one to sample! Prepared with stevia.

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1404 tasting notes

My friend sent this one along and it’s lovely. It has a subtle genmaicha thing going on, plus a strong caramel flavour. I can see why some would think this similar to Japon, but in my experience, the tastes are a bit different.


Can’t wait for the order!!

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772 tasting notes

This is a little something from my first trade with ToiToi from a while ago. I finally got my trades organized yesterday so there will be a little more variety from here until I’m finished with them. I brought a big old bag of trades into work because that’s where I drink most of them. Anyway.

I’m a little bit skeptical of liking this because it is a green tea and I’m not really partial to those. It smells quite interesting, but definitely green. I don’t think I’ve ever had a houjicha before. At least not one identified as such. Also my first Lupicia tea.

Well, it’s certainly toasty. I think that’s the first time I’ve ever said that about a tea. Toasty. It’s an interesting flavour. I’m not picking up much caramel at all, but I did let it cool down to room temperature while I was avoiding drinking it for fear that I wouldn’t like it. I don’t know why I do that. It’s counterproductive. Now I need to drink this cup and the next cup and 2 cups of matcha in the next hour and a half in order to make the vanpool and I’m probably going to have to pee all the way home and that will suck.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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