Milk Caramel

Tea type
Green Tea
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Caramel, Toasty, Cardboard, Dust, Almond, Creamy, Roasted, Sweet, Chestnut, Grass, Dark Wood, Earth, Cream, Nutty, Nuts
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205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec 10 oz / 307 ml

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70 Tasting Notes View all

  • “The scent of the dry leaves is amazing! I can really smell the creaminess of the caramel. It reminds me very much of the popular caramel spread from Argentina called “dulce de leche”. The tea...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh…my…goodness this is good. Yummy. This tea is a must try for those who love caramel. The toasty flavor of the houjicha is a brilliant pairing with the caramel flavor, giving it a roasty depth...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thank you Doulton for passing this tea onto me. It was delicious, not sure if it was a true caramel flavor but there was a sweet roasted flavor that was very enjoyable. It is a sophisticated...” Read full tasting note
  • “This tea smells creamy, buttery, green, toasty and earthy all at once. I’m really looking forward to sipping! The scent smells so rich that it has me expecting a really thick or full mouthfeel....” Read full tasting note

From Lupicia

Sweet aroma of milk caramel brings out the comforting aroma of houjicha.

Ingredients: Roasted Green Tea, Almond Flavoring. Contains: Almonds.

(French Lupicia: Caramel au lait.)

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70 Tasting Notes

1792 tasting notes

Sipdown. You know how their Chestnut green tastes like salmon teriyaki to me? Well, this seems to have taken that route in recent times, as well. I’m starting to think that their caramel flavouring is doing that to me, and even more likely, when it’s starting to age. This did not taste like that when I first got it, so I suspect it was fresh while the Chestnut was already older when I got it.

I tried finishing this up over the past few days. Had a few cups, but after the last one, I decided to throw the remaining 12g of leaf into the garbage. Just not worth it!

Evol Ving Ness

This sounds like a good one when it is fresh. How old is it? In other words, how long does it take to turn ugly?


I could very well be the problem, but FWIW, I got this back in the spring, and have stored it in an airtight tin since. Half a year, I’d say? It was quite good fresh. Nice roasty base with subtle creamy caramel flavouring.

Evol Ving Ness

Half a year is not all that long. :(


Yeah, unless you’re going to drink it immediately, I don’t think there’s a point in getting it. Actually, I’ve found Lupicia’s stuff quite disappointing, but it seems like I’m the odd one out since they have a lot of fans.

I muchly prefer Bird Pick’s Caramel Houjicha (oh wait, so there’s another caramel tea I recommend).


Oh, Bird Pick’s Caramel Houjicha is amazing. And for Lupicia, I adore Chaud Les Marrons! and also the melon oolong… I haven’t loved many of their other teas though.


I still have an unopened package of Melon Oolong so I’m looking forward to it! Plus I do love their Golden Honeydew, although I’ve yet to write a tasting note about it.


I’m saving my unopened Melon Oolong packet. :D So many teas to drink first, and I think I prefer it iced. So it’s a bit more of a summer tea than a winter tea.


Ohhh, I’m going to try it cold brewed soon now that you mention it. :)


I didn’t like it cold brewed as much as I liked hot brewing it and dumping it on ice. But YMMV, etc. :)


Interesting! I pretty much never do it that way, mostly because I’m lazy and never have ice cubes around. But perhaps I should try both ways.

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6119 tasting notes

Woo, finally got to try some of this tea (which has been on my wish list for at least a couple years) courtesy of Sil :D

Although I certainly enjoyed drinking it, I was kind of disappointed in the flavour – nice lightly toasty houjicha, but not nearly as much creamy caramel as I was hoping for. The flavour was definitely there, just not overly strong. I’m pretty sure I’ve read other reviews with similar experiences, so I’m guessing it’s not an age or storage issue, but I’d try it again if I had the chance, if only because I think houjicha is a great base tea that’s underused (and I want to encourage its use).

Boiling 2 min, 30 sec

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836 tasting notes

Note of bitter grassy/leafy taste. Houjicha is an interesting choice for a flavoured tea. I find that it has a quite unique flavour itself and could use a complement flavouring. This tea tastes mainly like Houjicha with a very faint caramel sweetness note. I think a bit of a stronger caramel flavour would do well here. The Houjicha on its own is quite tasty with fresh roasted tones and light chestnut finish.

Thanks to Sil for sharing with me!

Flavors: Chestnut, Grass, Roasted, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 30 sec 3 tsp 13 OZ / 375 ML

Oh nuts, I ordered this one and was looking forward to an ultra caramel flavour. Too bad about the bitterness too.


It might be because I didn’t drink this quickly enough or all the delicious flavour bits sank to the bottom. I would definitely be willing to give this one another shot (I still have some sample left too!). The Houjicha in this one was quite nice and carries the tea even with a milder flavour.


Hmm I would have thought those two would work great together!

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391 tasting notes

I am so happy with this tea, it’s got a yummy smell and taste. It’s got that roasted taste like barley/houjicha that I really like. Very comforting on a stormy not so good night… now where’s my cookies…

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1118 tasting notes

From the SanTEA Claus TTB

This is alright, but I don’t love it. It taste like a roasted butterscotch to me, and, while I didn’t have a problem finishing my cup, it’s not something I’d want to purchase.

190 °F / 87 °C 2 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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38 tasting notes

Really enjoying this tea this morning. It’s so good with almond milk.Makes it supper creamy….yum!

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15588 tasting notes

As a reward for working on my cupboard so well, i figured it was time to open up one of the few teas i have that i haven’t managed to try yet. I’ve actually been trying to spend more time on not just working through my older teas, but getting around to trying all my teas on hand so that i know what i want to keep around or restock. I was intrigued enough by this one to buy it, since i’ve had some positive experiences with hojicha, and well, i love caramel :)

My initial few sips of this one made me feel like it wasn’t what i expected it to be. i was looking for more caramel…more..just more. However, i realised shortly after that, that my cup was empty lol. This isn’t deep rich velvety milk caramel, but it is sweet and delicious. I’m a little curious how this would fare as a latte, since it might add to the creaminess. Overall, i’m quite happy with this and i’m going to have fun playing with the rest of my bag! :)

Cameron B.

I wanted more caramel, too! :P


if there’s room i’ll send you a sample of the tea G caramel…. i haven’t had a chance to get envelopes for your swap heh

Cameron B.

Well, if you insist! ;)

Sakura Sushi

I’ve had the English Caramel from Lupicia in the past and found it to be pretty caramel-y. Never actually tried the Milk Caramel to compare the two.


If English is the black base version…then I think I’ve tried it and found it a little lacking too…but then I adore the caramel from tea g. Heh


By any chance do you have a package with ingredients on it? I e-mailed Lupicia for a list but they haven’t gotten back to me :(


cookies – i do! however all it says is roasted green tea, almond flavours. contains: almonds


Thanks a ton, Sil!


If I give you puppy eyes could I snag a sample of this if you have enough? puppy eyes

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4330 tasting notes

Back to Lupicia! This sample came from Starfevre, thanks dear! I haven’t been the biggest fan of houjicha so far, but I figured a caramel-flavored one might suit me better. The dry leaf is a large variety of sizes, and unbroken and broken leaves. They’re a medium warm brown in color, and there are a couple tiny pieces of brittle or something mixed in. The dry scent is light, sweet caramel with a milky creamy smell.

The steeped aroma is quite roasty and toasty with a lovely sweet creamy caramel smell. The flavor is actually much lighter than I expected, I wonder if I should have steeped it longer. There’s a light roasted flavor along with an even lighter sweet caramel note and a touch of cream. I did add a touch of raw sugar to help being out the caramel even more. Overall, it’s pretty good, but I may use more tea or steep longer next time.

Flavors: Caramel, Cream, Roasted, Sweet

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Lariel of Lórien

I made my for 3 minutes and it turned out good.


This just sounds so good, but I’ve been trending away from flavored teas….

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688 tasting notes

This is one of the teas my classmate sent when she went back to the store.

Such an interesting sounding tea, so I had to try. There is a nice roasted, sweet scent, slightly nutty scent. The caramel came out more in the flavour, it made for a very different tasting pairing with the houjicha. I was surprised how much I liked it, and it made me think of dessert. Perhaps a dessert I need to make. (Now I want to try other flavoured houjicha.)

Flavors: Caramel, Nutty, Roasted, Sweet

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1113 tasting notes

Thank you so much Tealizzy for this bonus swap sample!

I LOVE the idea of a caramel flavored houjicah. How brilliant! This one is strong on the caramel scent, but light on the caramel flavor. The houjicha has a lovely roasty taste though, so I am really enjoying this. YAY!!!!


Bird Pick has a caramel houjicha too that I really like! It is a good combo. I’ll have to try Lupicia’s version some day.

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