Tea type
Herbal Tea
Chocolate, Cocoa
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Edit tea info Last updated by TeaLady441
Average preparation
Boiling 6 min, 15 sec 11 oz / 315 ml

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From Herbal Infusions

Nourish your soul with a rich steeping of our 100% organic Cacao tea. Our chocolate tea is a chocoholic’s dream come true by containing the sweet aroma and rich taste of dark chocolate without the fat or calories.

Containing over 300 compounds including tannins, catechins, polyphenols and other antioxidant agents and theobromine (a naturally occurring stimulant), chocolate tea is a natural mood booster that helps with concentration and is a healthy alternative to coffee or hot chocolate.

5-7 mins with boiling water. It’s great with a splash of coconut or almond milk too.

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56 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

So, the verdict is that tere IS hope for this one. Mewakeling suggested I steep it for at least 20 minutes, so I left it in for 30, and it was still warm enough that my mug (colour-changing) hadn’t faded yet. Excellent!

It tasted a little ‘barky’ but still with a lot of chocolate. :D

I added a little milk to it too. Yep. This is much better. It’d almost make a hot chocolate substitute, if only I could get more chocolate in here. :P




It’s not easy to leave a tea that long! Good thing I had another to keep me occupied.


Haha I was going to say, I’d go crazy with impatience.


Talk about a good way to practice patience!


I am so glad it worked!! Time really does bring this tea a lot closer to the hot chocolate we are all looking for from it, doesn’t it. It is hard to leave that long, but really worth it in the end.

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1501 tasting notes

Had this last night, and it was a lovely treat. Think hot cocoa minus the milk, yet still creamy and delicious! I will definitely be drinking this often.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

So delicious!


I got my herbal Infusions order in the mail today. I too will be drinking Cacao soon and often. :))


Yay! Have you had the chance to try it yet, Dexter?


Yeah, Courtney had sent me a sample – LOVED IT – so I picked up some with my Cyber Monday order. It’s going to be one of my “must have” teas….

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1400 tasting notes

I decided I wanted this delightful treat, but I also needed a bit of a boost to get some histology studying done. From that came the idea of 2 parts cacao and 1 part guayusa.

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

Is this tea worth placing a Herbal Infusions order? I am trying to cut down on my tea buying but I really want to try this


I really like this one….I’ll be restocking once the orange lapacho is back in stock heh


This was actually the only thing I ordered from them and I’m quite happy with it.

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6444 tasting notes

While packing my teas, I picked a lot and read each tea name to my roommate one by one. She said yes or no and her decision was final as that was the only way I was going to avoid packing my whole stash. Anyways, when I read this tea allowed, her ears perked up and so I offered to make some for us to try now.

This will definitely be coming with me to Florida because this is great. I wanted to try this for so long that I almost made a cup at 3 am this morning while I studied. Anyways, as my first introduction to Herbal Infusions, this does not disappoint. It is hot chocolate but not the milky treat that people have around a camp fire. This is pure, unadulterated dark chocolate flavor and it is amazing!!

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

Agreed, it is amazing!!!


I am taking this one and strawberry cream cacao with me and I am debating about sneaking in the vanilla and mint ones too but I think I am already bringing 20 diff types of tea ranging from one cup to 40 g and mt dad is sending me 5 of my Black Friday orders while I am there.


LOL How long are you going for? IMHO you need a tea for all occasions/moods – do you really need 4 cacao teas?
Might be a good time to drink more iced tea…
Whatever you choose, enjoy it and have fun.


You don’t know what you’ll want, best bring the whole stash :)


I will be there until January 7. And I am glad you all can understand me and my tea needs. My mom on the other hand might think I am nuts when she opens my suitcase to find mostly shoes and tea :)


2 Suitcases. That’s the only answer.


haha don’t joke – I considered it.


(psssst told you guys this was good..neeener neeeener) lol

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16967 tasting notes

Thank you VariaTEA for the sample of this – I’ve been curious about it for a while. It’s been in my sample drawer since getting it (as opposed to sample bags stuffed in my closet), and I’ve been waiting for the right evening to try it but this morning I finally just went “Fuck it, it sounds like a good breakfast tea” – though it’s 3 PM, so not really breakfast time. Except I just got up an hour ago, and this is the first food/drink I’ve had all day – so sorta breakfast, I guess.

How much leaf do the people who really enjoy this normally use? I used 1 1/2 tsp. of leaf in 10 oz. of boiling water, steeped for 8 minutes and the result was pretty tasty but incredibly weak. Now, I’m sure part of that is because I used 10 oz. – but just wondering? It also weirded me out a little but that this steeped up practically clear? I was expecting at least a little colour.

Anyway maybe I just had steep expectations? Hah, get it? I’m punny. Don’t judge me – it’s 3 PM and I practically just got up. But yeah, it’s not like it was a bad cup or anything…


I’m determined I’m gonna try this tea one day :P


I’m curious what people will say! I was impressed with it at first, but now it’s just the smell of it really that carries the cup. The cup itself is a tad weak and disappointing. So, input is welcome! I think I used a SUPER HEAPING perfect teaspoon in my 16 oz mug, but I do put lots in there to compensate for the oz.

Also I love that your fuck-it-this-is-breakfast cup was at 3PM.


I’ve never tried this kind of tea — but reading up on it, it sounds like the cacao shell used to make this tisane is a denser woody part of the plant, rather than a leaf. Woody parts usually require decocting to get the best flavour out of them. Try keeping it over the heat at a gentle simmer for the same 8 minutes, and seeing how that works — as if you were cooking chai. Also, if you have a mortar and pestle around, bruising the herb before decocting it will help the taste too.


I also oversteep this one, and use a heaping teaspoon for my 16 oz. mug. I do find the flavour comes out much more as it cools.


I also like the Strawberry Cream version, though I wasn’t crazy about the Mint or Vanilla versions.

Roswell Strange

I have a sample of the Strawberry Cream as well, so maybe I’ll try that one today for comparison.


When I first had this I fell in love but now, like Forever Nuts, the smell is offputting to me. I want so badly to like it but it just hasn’t been appealing as of recently. I am keeping it around, as well as the flavored versions, in hopes that that will change one day.

I am sorry it was not what you were expecting. The good thing about this is you can let it steep forever and it won’t get bitter. In fact, I think the longer you steep, the more flavorful it is.

Also, my “morning” starts at 1 most days and my bedtime is around 4 am so I am all for breakfast at 3 pm.

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513 tasting notes

This was amazing tonight!! I steeped it for ages and threw in a little raspberry agave. It was like a dark, raspberry chocolate truffle. So good!! I will need to try this with vanilla and hazelnut agave. It was such a great cup for the evening!


Wow – that sounds absolutely incredible. Great idea!


How did you prepare it? I always find mine tasting flat lately, but it smells divine!


I boil my water to a good boil, over leaf just a pinch and toss in some sweetener, then cover my cup and forget about it for as long as I can stand. I find that it always smells amazing, but the longer it steeps the better it tastes. I also find it flat if I pull the leaves to early, so I steep for at least fifteen minutes.


15 minutes eh? Ok, I will try to let it steep for a long, long time. I thought 10 was pushing it. :P


(and thanks!)


No problem! I hope it works for you! They are the only things I let steep for that long. I learned to let them go because I took them to work in a travel tumbler a few times and the brew just got better and better as the day wore on.

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1040 tasting notes

This is really nice. High quality milk chocolate melted into steamed milk – that’s what it’s like.
Thanks Courtney for sending me a sample of this.


oh good you got a sample heh. I haven’t ordered yet..waiting on other teas to be posted


LOL Yeah and I really like it, wish I had added it to my order.

Terri HarpLady

One of the local tea companies sells their version of this. I haven’t tried it yet.


It’s pretty much “real” hot chocolate – not the powdery fake stuff, but if you melt chocolate and add mild to it.


terri, when i end up buying some, i’ll send you a sample heh

Terri HarpLady

and I’ll drink it!
Or maybe I’ll buy some & send a sample to you! ;)


haha no buying tea! lol Thankfully herbal infusions haven’t yet added the one tea i want to try again to see if i still love it…so i’ve been able to withold buying anything…

Terri HarpLady

I haven’t bought a thing…


Hmmmm. Somehow I didn’t see this note but I think I NEED a sample of this one. And I did a mock order and saw the shipping was $5. I approve!

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1186 tasting notes

Wooo! My Herbal Infusions order came! Hehe, I managed to get a bag of that wonderful marshmallow EG, I had it in a travel mug for my course tonight and it was SO GOOD. But I will save that first note for when I can truly do the tea justice in a cup at home. So I got home and made a cup of this, I also ordered the mint cacao and they threw in a sample of the vanilla! So excited to try them all!

So this tea, tisane, whatever you would call cacao shells..man oh man, smells like decadent hot chocolate in the bag. I steeped this for 5 and a half minutes with boiling water, and it smells like hot chocolate!! Off to a good start!

As for the flavor, yes, this is quite good. Very true chocolate, a tiny bit watery, but it is a tea lol so that is forgiveable. If my lactose intolerance wasn’t acting up so bad lately, I would probably have added some milk, but we will take a break from that for a while lol. This is pretty darn tasty sans additives anyways. So far, a delicious start to Herbal Infusions teas, and always exciting trying teas from new companies!!

Boiling 5 min, 30 sec

I neeeeeed to buy some of this! Just wish I had money lol


I steeped mine for 20 or so minutes last night. It just gets better. Maybe that will help the watery-ness?


I drink this with coconut milk when I want more creaminess, and it’s still divine.


Yvonne – just think of the list you’ll have for your first paycheck when you get back to work lol i swear i keep ordering things and my list never gets smaller sigh


That’s exactly it, Sil. My list never gets smaller, while my budget and tea drinking capacities never get larger. :)


Nope. That’s what Steepster does- introduces you to so many companies you would NEVER have heard of, and then all of a sudden you really want to try them too. LIke that TeaGreswhatchamacallit co.
(those guys need an easier name. I wouldn’t want to google that)


@Yvonne – I have the same problem lol, I need to not buy anymore tea..I still have one order on the way and some free samples haha, I’m also running out of space!

@OMG – Hmm I will have to try that, hopefully I won’t get too much of a chocolate buzz :P I noticed it a bit last night lol

@MissB – I need to get coconut milk! Especially for chais and lattes, other milk substitutes that I’ve tried have been a no go lol.

So many new companies and so little space/money. Ah well, always more time later to try new teas! Unless they are limited editions lol


Definitely looking forward to an eventual fourth first paycheck again, haha! Won’t be for a while though, but it’s in my future :) It’ll be blown 100% on tea. That’s for sure.

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97 tasting notes

You guys are 100% right – the longer you let this steep, the more decadent it becomes.

At first I steeped it for 6 minutes – the colour was an extremely light tint of brown, with very little cacao flavouring. It was there, but it was extremely underwhelming and left a weird chalky feeling in the back of my throat. Then I decided to put the steeper back in and let it sit for another 10 minutes…and it turned HEAVENLY. Deliciously rich and cacaoy with zero chalk. It was like drinking hot chocolate without additives.

Truly a delectable treat and something I’ll be ordering in the future.
Thank you so much Courtney for sharing this with me!

Boiling 8 min or more

Glad you also had success with the longer steep!


I found this loses more flavour over time. I just use a little more leaf! :)

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1764 tasting notes

I have only a sample of this, given to me by the gracious owner of Herbal Infusions. He gave a presentation to our group all about his shop, and tea of the month club (actually that part is under a separate company. We learned all about cacao and how the supplier is fair trade etc, which I think is awesome.
Anyhow, now that I’ve tried it, well his evil genius plan seems to have worked. I must buy some. Right Now!! oh wait, it’s 9:40p and he won’t be open. Right. Darn.
There is one more serving left, so that will have to do for now. Until then, I am going to be spinning in circles, waiting waiting waiting…
because I loooove dark hot chocolate. And this? this tastes just like it! only there is a fraction of the caffeine and all the antioxidants. I won’t ever have to feel guilty for drinking cocoa again!! ever! yeeeehaaaww!
I wonder what this’d be like with milk? or in a smoothie! Yummmm.


The only tea I have tasted that is like that is Della Terra’s Dubbele Chocolade. I look forward to comparing this to that. Added to the shopping list. =)


if I ever manage to grab some I’ll send a few bags over! :P

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