Lime Chiffon

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
Not available
Citrus, Cream, Creamy, Lime, Smooth, Lemon, Pineapple, Rooibos, Sweet, Custard, Tart, Lemon Zest
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Edit tea info Last updated by yappychappy
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 30 sec 3 g 12 oz / 350 ml

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151 Tasting Notes View all

From Della Terra Teas

If you love the amazing, tart desset lime chiffon, lime pie, real limes, anything lime then this tea is for you! This tea is a fantastic rooibos with the rich and delicious flavor of a chiffon and the tartness and fruity freshness of real lime, this tea will be a favorite of yours! If you also enjoy our Lemon Chiffon this is a MUST TRY!

Ingredients: Rooibos, lime flavor, cream flavor, lime pieces and bits

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151 Tasting Notes

15596 tasting notes

one more cup of this tomorrow as a cold brew and then i’m out…until cavocorax comes to visit :) i am stupidly exausted today. We had dinner and i have apple crisp cooking in the slow cooker because i’m lazy and didn’t want to babysit the oven…plus we’re also making banana tonight!


“making banana?” Is that a euphemism? ;) or was there a word left out… :)


Banana bread? muffins? or just plain banana? LOL


I figured it was a banana crisp. Although I didn’t know that was a thing until now.


I love you guys…. Banana bread….man I can’t stop laughing now


Say no more, say no more. ;)


Ha! I was also confused about the banana.. I thought, “Hm. That’s something new.”


lol I could hardly wait to check back this morning and find out what kind of banana. :-)


You guys make me laugh….so thank your for that haha

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6119 tasting notes

Oh man. Cold-brewed a huge cup of this yesterday and guzzled it within five minutes. SO DELICIOUS. I’m running low on my 2 oz… but have plenty of other honeybush blends to cold-brew so I can’t justify getting any more. Sigh. Gotta try cold-brewing Lemon Chiffon soon too – don’t have much of that one left either…

Iced 8 min or more
Lariel of Lórien

Personally, I like the lime chiffon better as a cold-brew.


I like the Lime Chiffon better overall, so suspect that will be the case for me as well – but worth a shot!

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6444 tasting notes

After the success of the cold brewed lemon chiffon yesterday, I decided to cold brew lime chiffon. The result is I prefer lime chiffon hot and lemon chiffon cold. I am not sure why but that is my finding. Though this is still very flavorful and delicious, I find the lime shines a bit more when it is hot versus the lemon of lemon chiffon which sticks out in the cold brew.

In other news, I have been spending copious amounts of time on amazon and other sites for a week now looking for a shiny new kettle to replace the ghetto one I am using currently (and I mean ghetto – it doesn’t even have an on/off switch let alone a temperature gauge). I figure for the amount of tea I drink, it is worth it for me to spend some money on a kettle that will help me enjoy it all. Plus, I spend so much money on tea anyways, I might as well brew it properly. So I am wondering what your experience/opinions/thoughts are on different kettles? Which ones are you guys happy to have and which should I avoid?

Iced 8 min or more

I love my Breville variable temp kettle to bits, but I got my mom one by Kitchen Aid that seems to work quite nicely and was much more reasonable in cost. The one we have at work, a Cuisine Art programmable, had such an irritating beep that one fellow disconnected the wire to it lol, also the controls were not as easy to use and kind of annoying. Oh and it leaks water now haha. There’s my humble variable temp kettle assessment :)


I think I was looking at the breville but it did not have a feature where you could set your own temperatures. I might be mistaken but I thought it was all preset. I will definitely be avoiding the cuisine art one.


I just got the Adagio kettle utiliTEA. So far I like it.


I have an Oster that I bought half price at Canadian Tire. It doesn’t have good review, but I’ve had no problems at all. I like that it’s not preset black, green etc. I can choose any temp I want in 5 degree increments. LOL what I don’t like is that it DOESN’T beep – when it reaches temp it just turns off. I forget, don’t notice and have to reheat water quite often. I would like the annoying beep.
It was a good price on sale, and I figured even if it did break or leak in a few months, I would have decided if I want to invest in a really good one. So far so good, I’m happy with it.


@Teabrat – What do you like about it? Do you have anything you dislike? Also Adagio has the VarieTEA kettle which I had to use a lot of willpower to resist given the name. In other news, I realized I misspelled my name but we will just go with it.

@Dexter – I think I am hoping to get a kettle that has a keep warm setting which I am guessing the Oster doesn’t have? I will definitely look into it though.


My Breville One Touch ( lets me set any temperature I want, as well as pre-sets, which makes it easy when there’s zero indication as to how to brew a tea. The only thing I can complain about is that it’s a bit tricky to clean, and I have to make at least 500mL of tea at a time. It is pricey though. I did just just a standard $50 kettle from London Drugs for a while prior until it burned out.


I have been so close to buying a one touch for months MissB. Alas, even with the amount I drink, I can’t bring myself to justify the price. My mother has offered a few times but it is just too pricey for me to feel comfortable with her buying it.


Plus I like to make multiple different teas at a time so that has also stopped my from going with a kettle that you brew the tea in.


My kettle does have keep warm….maintains set temp for up to 30 minutes. I don’t use it, but it has it.
Model Number BVSTKTVT01-033


Thanks Dexter!! I am definitely bookmarking this for later!


Mine is a T-Fal Thermovision, it has 160F, 175, 185, 195 and boil. 30 min keep warm for everything but boil (although you can set to 195, and boil, and it’ll boil then keep it at 195). I got it for $50 at Canadian Tire. It beeps. :) I don’t mind the beeping, it’s not as loud as my microwave.


I was looking at this one: It is the Hamilton Beach kettle if anyone has experience with that?


That has a lot of features for that price…I don’t have wake up hot water feature…. I don’t know anything about it, but for the price – it might be worth a try.


That’s what I thought. The only problem is when I go on Canadian sites the price goes up to about $70. I think I might give in though and just send it to my Dad in LA to send up here.


Regarding the utiliTEA, I like the fact that it’s stainless steel. It heats water up quickly but the one annoying thing is that there are no numbers on the temperature gauge, you have a setting for green tea and one for black but if you’re any good at math you can figure out what temps go in between that, lol. It has an auo shut off but doesn’t beep or anything when the water is done. Still for the price I think it’s decent.


I don’t have that particular HB kettle but I did get another for Christmas that has been working great for me (—-Stainless-Steel—-41000/L7691330,default,pd.html?start=18&q=kettles%20%26%20tea%20makers) It doesn’t have the wakeup feature but other than that they sound pretty similar (and it’s available in Canada :))

The one thing I found when looking for “programmable” kettles is that you have to watch out for the ones that are programmed I had to return the original kettle I received because I could only use the 5 “programmed” temperatures :( The box even said programmable, but it lied…


Oh! I have the same kettle as Kirlika, and I love it! It heats up nicely, it doesn’t beep or buzz (which might be bad if you want to know w hen the water is ready, but good when you want steatlh tea in the middle of the night like I do), and it has a lot of variety for setting the temperature. I think it’s about 6 different settings for F and C each (it goes up by 10’s, and if you switch between F and C you should be able to find the temperature you want).

It keeps it warm for an hour too, unless you tell it not too.


I assume mine is the same ( this says it’s the pro, but it looks similar. I grabbed it for $45 when it was on sale in December.


The Breville is pricey, and I find I end up using it more to keep water hot (for an hour), to time my steepings (because I also do several cups at a time), and auto-set temperatures. When I do want to brew say two cups of tea though, it really is amazing, and hard for me to mess up a tea that way – a big plus for me! :$

I see some really great alternatives here though, I’d try those first if price is a concern. Just make sure wherever you do get it from, you can return it if need be.

Also, for the US shipping, there are companies just across the border that will accept packages on your behalf; all you’d need is an excursion with a friend one weekend to walk over the border and get them.


Luckily my dad lives in LA so I can ship to him and he ships it up to me. And though I can afford the Breville, I just keep thinking of how much tea I could buy if I get a cheaper kettle :P. I have seriously considered it many times though.


I have considered the Breville many times myself!


Good luck choosing! I think one thing I don’t like about the Breville is that you brew tea right in it – I don’t think I’d use that. What if I make Hot Cinnamon Spice? Will it corrupt the next few teas I make, no matter how hard I try to clean it out? Also, I don’t want to clean my kettle/teamaker. I guess I like things simple.

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1501 tasting notes

Creamy deliciousness for this morning! Hm. I should try this cold brewed like Sil suggested. One of the few things I’ll reorder from Della Terra.

Boiling 6 min, 15 sec

So many seem to like this one. Not sure I can think lime and tea together. Might be something I have to get as a sample the next time I order from them so I can see what the fuss is all about :)

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1598 tasting notes

I’m still here guys, don’t worry. I’ve just retreated into mostly-lurker mode without even realizing, partly because we’ve had company for the last week (and until next Monday), and partly because I don’t have as much free time as I’m used to.

This is a great cup. I LOVE IT. Also, I love that the baby loves it. We’re going for a walk tomorrow and I plan to put that in her cup so she has something warm to sip on.


YAY for walks!


:P Hopefully it’s not too cold. I really need to buy winterwear for myself and the kiddo. We’re still wearing hoodies, but I’ll probably break down and go shopping soon.


costco has some things..might be a cheaper option


Yeah – that would work. Was going to look at Winners and Old Navy too (if they have warm enough stuff).


Winners here at least has a lot of North Face and Merrell down in stock. You might actually have really good luck there.


Really? I’d love some Merrells! Thanks for the heads up.


And depending on your foot size, check the men’s boots. I’m about a 9 women’s, 7.5 men’s. They had more “for snow” style boots for guys. Which is ridiculous.

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1445 tasting notes

I’ve gotten to the point where I’m just drinking the same tea over and over again. I want more old friends around (in manageable amounts), as opposed to non-committing strangers (which I’ll take by the cup where I can). I’m sure I’ll change my mind and move on, but I need to get sick of some of favourites first.

This citrus-cream rooibos will forever remind me of summer, family feuds, cheap, “Motel 8-esque” style accommodation, Disneyworld, and.. Butiki’s Taiwanese Assam. Yes, this tea reminds how much I love a completely unrelated tea; it’s part of the pleasure in drinking it.

Flavors: Cream

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 30 sec

I just went through this phase. It’s always good to have the favourites. So comforting :)


I’m glad to hear others go through this. :) I feel like I need to get back to my basics.


I’m trying to get back to basics. Really. I think I’m at about 195 again, but have to go through every single tea to check.


Oh, and that number will go up even more when I bring you your Bellocq teas.. and potentially some matcha. :)


And after I order this weekend, although about half of what I’m getting will be going to my parents and brother as gifts. Still. That leaves half for me!


Basics are nice. I’m leaning more towards big quantities of great teas, and less of the risky samples. That makes it easier to restock too. :D I’m not opposed to trying new teas, but I no longer feel OMG I NEED IT TOO like I used to.

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16975 tasting notes

Afternoon tea, because I wanted Lime and Lime Gelato sounded like a really unappealing option (really didn’t like it last time). This was good! Very creamy. Half was drank hot, half cold and it was good both ways.

I’ve been playing Pokemon all day. Just finished training my Mega Kangaskhan and my Forretress – just have to do some Heartscale hunting so I can Move Tutor Stealth Rock onto it! Now begins the lengthy process of EV training my Smeargle, and catching my legendary bird (Moltres!) – then EV training her. Putting a competitive team together takes a while…

At least I have tea in the meantime!


Pokemon! I haven’t played in years.

Roswell Strange

I adore Pokemon! I actually started a discussion topic on Pokemon today :) You should get back into it! What’s the last game you played?


Uhh haha, on a gameboy I would say at least 10 years ago, gah probably more. How do you play it now? On the computer?

Roswell Strange

Nintendo 2DS/3DS. The most recent games are ‘X’ and ‘Y’, and definitely far more updated/different than 10 years ago. Come to think of it, 10 years ago is probably pretty close to when I first started playing…


Haha! I named my cat Pokemon, cause when she was little, she was bouncing from wall to wall like one!


Hell yeah, Pokemon on.


Okay, okay. I’m not too far behind. I’ve played all the ones up to and including Crystal.

…yeah nevermind. I just Googled it, and I’m pretty far behind haha. And now I feel old.

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1186 tasting notes

So today I am trying a bunch of new teas that I have had sitting here since earlier this week and just haven’t had time to get to! So here’s another Della Terra one I am trying today :) earlier this week I tried the Lemon Lime Cream tart and was quite impressed, I didn’t log a note on it though. Maybe I will try it after this one to compare these two, and maybe my Lemon Chiffon while I’m at it!

This one smells sooo limey and good in the bag. Definitely key lime pie. Not much lime bitterness either. I steeped for 4 minutes. The steeped smell is not quite as lime and a bit more of the cream (yay cream!) but the lime is definitely there. There isn’t a strong rooibos smell in this one either.

Ooh, this is another really good rooibos. Lemon Chiffon definitely has some competition! This is smooth and very much natural lime tasting, with the lovely cream to tone it down and make for a sweeter aftertaste. I will definitely have to brew up some Lemon Lime Cream Tart to see how the lime tastes compare. This is delicious and pie-like, while Lemon Chiffon was more cake like to me. Maybe because there’s more lime pies than cakes? Lol, all these creamy, delicious teas are making me sleepy! Might have to have a little nap, as I am finally relaxing from the week. Anyways, back on track here…

Overall, another stellar rooibos from Della Terra. I’m not sure which of the three lemon/lime rooibos’ (sp?) is my favorite, but after a few more steeps of each of them, maybe I will have come to a decision about which one will be the one to keep in stock. Or I’ll just keep them all in stock. :D

Oh, and as this tastes like lime pie, Happy Pi Day!!!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Yay for Pi Day!


Haha yeppers! I didn’t have any pie today though :( ah well, it’s not good for me anyways


Yeah, me neither. We can just pretend with our tea. :)


Haha that works for me!

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1764 tasting notes

I thought I’d adore this!! but somehow… I don’t :(
Now, it does fill a gap in my tea cupboard so I’m not complaining. Much.
Bare, it reminds me alot of that blueberry green tea I tried the other day. I wonder if it was contaminated? I had them in the same carrier bag for a few days. Hrm.
Anyhow. With some sugar, I can pick out alot more of the lime note. And with some milk, it tastes just like key lime pie filling! with some Senna on the side, which is what I disliked about the tea which may have contaminated this one. Not bad, really, just not what I was expecting considering my love for Lemon Chiffon.


Boo :( I hope it’s not contaminated… but definitely sounds like it is.


mine tastes juuuust fine. So possibly contaminated :( separate and air out?


It’s in a separate storage space now. Fingers crossed!!

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3294 tasting notes

Sipdown Sample from Sil. Thanks again!
This was tasty enough, but Pineapple upside down cake is definitely the best tea I’ve had from Della Terra so far.

Lariel of Lórien

Have you tried it iced?

Terri HarpLady

…sigh…no…& now I’m out of it
Is it tasty iced?

Lariel of Lórien

It’s fantabulousssssss! (Or try it with vanilla rooibos.)


Lol it’s not like I can’t send you more later Terri :)

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