125 Tasting Notes


Let me tell you, Frank got my idea spot on. I think this is up there as one of my favorite teas of all time. Its great iced, its great as a latte, its great straight. Its smooth and sweet. I love it so much I am ordering a second pouch :) Because I couldn’t bear it if he ran out.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 30 sec
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ashmanra 11 years ago

Hooray! I am so glad you like it! It is great, isn’t it? :)

Southern Boy Teas 11 years ago

So happy you are enjoying it. Thanks for the idea!

Sweet Canadian 11 years ago

No problem Frank! I just put in an order for more because I was worried you’d sell out before I could get my hands on some. And I also ordered a ton of Southern Boy Iced teas, two of which I will be sending to my best friend in Australia :)

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Tea pop seems to be all the rage right now (or so Davids tells me) and while I’ve been doing this for a long long time (adding carbonation to iced tea…and gin…so I guess they came up with not adding gin….) it has inspired me to do it more. This was my first of two tea pops today (the other is steeping as we speak.

STEP ONE, I could brewed this mofo over night in my takaya pitcher. STEP 2, I put it in my travel mug.

SIDE NOTE: So I love love love the leak proof mug davids has come out with this summer, but frigola I have had the worst luck with them. My first one split in the bottom for no reason, so I returned it, and as I was walking out with a new one I saw it had a scratch on it!!! So I had to go back again, and felt like a complete B. Then my dog knocked #3 over when it was on the ground and it cracked. So I have on tumbler #4………. luckily davids has a great return policy and if they ever change it I will cry.

Anyways on to step THREE! Add ice. Step FOUR add club soda that has been sitting around for almost two weeks but is still kinda carbonated. STEP FIVE MARSHMALLOW STRAWBERRY TROPICAL MAGIC TIMES!!!! I honestly was not impressed when I first had this one but DAMN something happened today and it was oh so delightful.

Iced 8 min or more
canadianadia 12 years ago

I’ll have to try teapopping this one. Sounds yummy!

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If Davids ever discontinues this I will be devastated. It is simply the best pick me up for mornings where I am too tired to continue. They are fewer now, but they do exist and this cup is so comforting and delicious. I need to try more roasted yerba mate blends since I like this one so much better than any of the green mate ones. Any suggestions?

PatchworkSheep 12 years ago

If you don’t mind Teavana, their My Morning Mate is pretty good and tastes roasty and delicious. Chocolate Rocket is better, IMO, but My Morning Mate might be worth trying if you have a Teavana nearby.

daisyjetsfoeva 11 years ago

I am a total Chocolate Rocket addict. Looking to expand the mate blends I took a cup of Jumpy Monkey to go to see if I liked it. So glad I did because I didn’t like it at all. It was like a Mate/Coffee mix it wasn’t good, IMO. But Chocolate Rocket, how I love thee.

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I had this one today iced in my iced tea travel mug! Excitement ensued. The delicious berry flavor here really pairs well with the smooth oolong flavor. I tried adding tonic water to it because I was out of club soda, but without gin it wasn’t very good.

I know Frank has a sale on this blend right now. I think it has aged better since everyone initially tried it, and you can get lots of subsequent steeps out of a few leaves. So if you like berry, and you like oolongs, you would probably enjoy this one, and could even get it 335 off! It is available here:http://www.zoomdweebies.com/VIT-Cranberry-Ti-Kwan-Yin_p_287.html
This is a nice flavored oolong for all the year long!

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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This is my favorite pumpkin tea, and that is saying a lot because fall flavors are my fav and I love DavidsTeas pumpkin chai. If it was more readily available I would drink it more. It makes a fantastic morning latte, and is the perfect pumpkin tea for all year long sipping.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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This is another 52 Teas winner in my book that I have yet to pay homage to. Normally, I don’t go for banana teas. I hate fake banana taste, and I want my banana to have something special with it. I love that this tea combines the creamy, vanilla flavor that I love to pair latte making with a delicious, fresh banana flavor. And there is a hint of coconut in there which takes it from great to outstanding. When Frank announced this tea I knew I had to pick some up, and I hope he will continue making delicious, creamy, fruity blends for me to enjoy each morning.

In fact, I think I have finally come up with a great tea idea that may have never been done before to submit as an idea for a future 52teas. Pavlova tea! Pavlova is a delicious meringue dessert with whipping cream and fresh fruit on it that I like to enjoy in the spring/summer. We usually put strawberries and kiwi on it, but I picture this tea being light like whipping cream, smooth and creamy with meringue, and fruity with tropical flavours like they use in Australia for this delicious dessert. What does everyone think? If others like this idea I will submit it on the site :)

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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I got this one yesterday because one of my DavidsTea loving friends on here seems to be in love with it atm, and I’m always looking for new latte flavors. I have to say though I need to learn my lesson and stay away from teas that share the same or similar profile to any of my 52teas blends, because this one disappointed me as I already have the perfect black blueberry tea. In comparison to Frank’s Blueberry Danish, this falls flat. The blueberry is not as fresh, the tea not as creamy, and while it is a decent blueberry tea for those who maybe haven’t experienced the wonders of blueberry danish, if you are really looking for an amazing blueberry tea, it has to be 52teas. I enjoyed my cup this morning, but I will probably not be repurchasing.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Nxtdoor 12 years ago

Cold steep this one, it might change your mind a little. I too was very disappointed and then I cold steeped as I had nothing to lose. pow!

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So I’m going to put it out there and say this is a 12 days of Christmas worthy blend. Frank wasn’t lying when he said this was going to be a major crowd pleaser. I think the lemon pairs perfectly with the chai, and this blend could be drinkable on any sunny day at any time of year.

The black base is rich, and the spices mingle well with it. And then, mid-sip, you get a shot of light, delicious, sunny lemon. Which really is highlighted by the cardamom in the tea. I’m sure those who missed out of this one (because it went fast!) will be disappointed because it is one of the best new black 52teas blends that has been released in a while. All the more reason for a reblend in the future.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
Aimee Popovacki 12 years ago

this one sounds so interesting… i’m pretty picky about my lemon teas, but it sounds so cool! …. 52 teas is always hit or miss for me lol, they have some really cool sounding blends but the couple I have had from there really came up short!

Fiddling 12 years ago

I wish I could have gotten my hands on a package of this. It sounds so heavenly!

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drank Raspberry Cream by 52teas
125 tasting notes

Considering how Frank is my go to online tea source, and my go to source for unique black teas that make amazing lattes, I don’t give him enough credit on steepster by providing amazing reviews of his products which I consume many times each week.

This morning I was looking for something to make an amazing latte out of to accompany my scone. I decided to reach for this tea because it is creamy, fruity, and I figured I’d go double raspberry because I always have raspberry jam. It did not disappoint! The thing I love about 52 Teas blends is that the fruit flavor is always so authentic and not artificial tasting. This one tastes like a sweet, crisp raspberry, with a touch of creaminess added. Like raspberries with a bit of ice cream on top. And who doesn’t love raspberries and ice cream? Definitely one of the best fruit blends I’ve encountered.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Pink Lemonade by DAVIDsTEA
125 tasting notes

I had a to go cup of this while I was refilling some of my summer favorites in the tins I have successfully emptied over the last month. I wanted to like this one because it is a rooibos, but the stevia destroys this blend for me. It has this vodka-y aftertaste that I can’t get out of my mouth, and while I enjoyed the one cup I had, its not one I’ll be picking up a whole lot of in the future. Like Razzmatazz the stevia just off puts the flavor. But I do get a nice shot of pink lemonade flavor now and then :)

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec
Aimee Popovacki 12 years ago

haha it makes me sound like a brat.. but i’m glad its not one of their better teas, since I can’t have it because of the mago lol… I HATED razzmatazz.. I don’t even know why I hated it so much.. I had one cup of it and gagged, and had to return it.. it was one of the worst one of theirs for me..

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My love affair with tea began in 2008 when I was living abroad in France. I have since collected teas from all over the world, and enjoy a nice cuppa in the morning. I enjoy mate, black, and herbal tea the best. I am adventuring out a bit into oolong and white teas. Tea is one of my favorite things in the world, and I hope my posts reflect my lighthearted approach to life.

I am a grad student in Ontario where I live with my husband. I study Canadian-American relations and examine Canadian identity through this lens.



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