Lime Chiffon

Tea type
Fruit Rooibos Blend
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Citrus, Cream, Creamy, Lime, Smooth, Lemon, Pineapple, Rooibos, Sweet, Custard, Tart, Lemon Zest
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Edit tea info Last updated by yappychappy
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 5 min, 30 sec 3 g 12 oz / 350 ml

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From Della Terra Teas

If you love the amazing, tart desset lime chiffon, lime pie, real limes, anything lime then this tea is for you! This tea is a fantastic rooibos with the rich and delicious flavor of a chiffon and the tartness and fruity freshness of real lime, this tea will be a favorite of yours! If you also enjoy our Lemon Chiffon this is a MUST TRY!

Ingredients: Rooibos, lime flavor, cream flavor, lime pieces and bits

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151 Tasting Notes

358 tasting notes

OhMyGoodness, this one smells so good. The aroma from just opening the bag smells just like a rich key lime pie. The tea itself smells very softly of fresh limes. Without adding sweetener, the flavor is mostly rooibos with just a hint of lime. Adding sweetener brings out more of the sweet lime flavor with a note of the creamy chiffon. Adding milk adds a little creaminess, but not much. This really is a wonderful cup, especially right before bed. I love lime flavored things, and am so happy that this one lived up to my high hopes. It may be a little lighter in the lime flavor and less tart than I wanted, but it’s a nice, mellow cup. I’m just happy that the rooibos isn’t too strong!

-Dry blend has small pieces of red rooibos and long pieces of lemongrass with pieces of lime peel.
-Dry leaves smell like sweet key lime pie. Tea liquor aroma is lightly of fresh lime.
-Tea liquor is a clear medium reddish orange color.
-Rooibos flavor and finish with a hint of lime and creamy chiffon. Light rooibos aftertaste.
-Best with sweetener. Milk optional.
-Good tea. Mellow and light creamy lime flavor. Little rooibos noticeable.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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2291 tasting notes


This tea smells super rooibos-y when I just sniff it, but if you can get past that and actually take a sip, it’s lime all the way. Wow! It definitely reminds me of pie.

I don’t have much to say. I spent the afternoon at work lifting heavy things when I shouldn’t be lifting things, came home and had a cola with rum to make up for that terrible Cherry Cola tea. But I think it might actually be time to sleep, not time to drink more tea.


Haha. Great minds think alike? Good tea!


It is! I’m loving the flavoured stuff from Della Terra. The only one I don’t love is the chocolate strawberry, and I think that’s because I don’t care for “chocolate flavour”. I’d rather just have chocolate pieces or cocoa nibs.

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1220 tasting notes

Thankfully this is rooibos because I completely forgot it was steeping!

Beforehand, I smelled the lemon lime cream tart tea and this one, I definitely like the cream tart one more because of the lemon. That addition is just toooooo good.

This isn’t bad though. I thought maybe with my way too long steep it would have been heavy on the cream too but it really wasn’t. Also I don’t really like the lime flavor too much. It actually tastes too much like lemon to me. I suppose the really long steep may not have helped.

I was expecting this to be really tart so I’m glad it isn’t. But I’ll have to pay attention next time and see if I like it better.

Aimee Popovacki

that sounds nice… I think i’d like it better than the lime gelato that david’s has. I have tried to like the lime gelato hot, and i’m not sure if its because its a green tea or because its lime taste is quite artificial but it just has this bite about it that doesn’t sit well with me. I got the lemon lime kampai from teavana and although the flavour was quite artificial, the rooibos helped to tone down the bite of the lime flavour…. I don’t know.. it might just be something about lime teas.. I love lime when it comes to foods and other things but I think it might be something i’m not so found of as a tea.


Yeah, I was feeling the same way. I love eating stuff with lime but maybe it just is really different overall in tea. I like lime gelato a lot better cold, it’s definitely weird hot.

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286 tasting notes

This has been in my cupboard for a couple of months. I was leaving it to get through the tea’s from my swaps, but I have mostly black tea’s, and since I was having trouble sleeping last night, I went for this instead.

The dry leaf aroma reminds me of margarita’s. Right now I wish it was a margarita or at least tasted like it, but no. That’s ok. Is still really delicious.

Sweet lime cream. That’s what it tastes like. Surprisingly not tart, which I prefer. Have to try a cold brew for this one.

Very tasty. Yum, yum.

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513 tasting notes

I liked this tea, but I did find the rooibos base to be a little strong for my tastes. I have such a love hate with rooibos, I like it, but it needs to have a good strong flavour other than the rooibos base. I think next time I am going to try this with a pinch of sugar and see if that coaxes out the lime a little more.


How long did you steep this for? I find if you stay closer to 2 min, the rooibos is more toned down.


I’m the same way with rooibos, and recently discovered with a honeybush blend that half and half covers a lot of the base up and brings the flavours out more.


Thanks guys, I will definitely give a short steep time a shot. I let this one steep for ages this morning, but I have a few more rooibos’ to play with this afternoon and I will try them on a short steep. Do you keep the water at a full boil or brew at a lower temp? I have issues with dairy, but I may try tossing in a bit of soy and see if that gets me somewhere! :)


I usually let it cool for a minute or so before pouring the water but not sure if it makes a difference. Also, it sounds bizarre, but I’ve heard/read plenty of Steepsterites suggest the opposite, steeping rooibos for a really long time to get the flavours out more,but yet it apparently somehow the base is harnessed and doesn’t get any stronger at a certain point? I’ve tried it a couples times, like leaving it for 10 minutes or so, but I really don’t seem to notice the difference.


Yep, longer steep on this one = strong rooibos flavor that I also find offputting. Under five minutes and a bit of a lower temperature, and it’s delicious. Well, with a touch of sweetener too. For me, anyway.


Thanks for the advice, I tossed in some Lemon Chiffon with a bit of sweetener and watched the steep time carefully, and it was so much better! Now I can understand why people love these blends, the rooibos was nowhere near as dominant and overpowering.

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618 tasting notes

I first had this tea as a nice sample from jessiwrites (Thank you!) I enjoyed the sample so much that I jumped online and ordered 4 oz. When I first sipped this blend, I was thinking of all of those yummy citrus desserts. Lemon meringue/chiffon/cream pie teas are some of my favorites.. but I had never tried a LIME tea.

Once this tea hit my tongue, I was thrilled! It was lime and rooibos hugged with a very light, sugary cream. What I love about this tea is that even though it smells like artificial lime Skittles, that it tastes like authentic lime. Ever since I’ve purchased a big pouch, I have noticed that the cups I brew are a bit inconsistent. Sometimes I taste mostly lime with something artificial. Other times, I taste that creamy citrusy cup that I adored from the start!

If each cup could taste like the first, this tea would be one of my favorites. Quite tasty otherwise, though.

Lariel of Lórien

You should try it with the Lemon Chiffon… it’s awesome.


Will have to give that a try! Sounds yummy!

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4337 tasting notes

This is the first of many teas I will be reviewing for the three DT try-me packs I had to buy! 30% off sale that included the try-me packs this time! I bought three try-me packs a while ago but they are always introducing new blends that I have to try! They all sound amazing and usually taste amazing too. I wanted to try the lime chiffon first since I heard it isn’t as good as the lemon (I think I got samples of ALL the lime/lemon teas.. they made up a whole try-me pack! Also… they sent me a blackberry cream that isn’t even on the site, so that must be a new one!) But WOW, this one is so good! Equal parts lime and cream. I love that the tanginess of the lime is amazing with the sweet cream. The rooibos is hardly noticeable, for those who don’t love rooibos. It’s kind of a shame since DT’s rooibos base is delicious on its own… I think I like their rooibos base better than their black tea base. But with these flavors, I’m not complaining! It kind of reminds me of the flavor of some of 52Teas blends for some reason. Lime meringue pie! Can’t wait to try the others if this is supposedly the worst one?!?


Welcome to the Della Terra Teas addiction. You’re in good company here. :)

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106 tasting notes

The new Chiffon offering is amazing! If you have had the Lemon Chiffon and loved it (which everyone does.. check the reviews) you have to try the lime! I’m not a big fan of lemon but loved the lemon chiffon and frequently have it as a night time wind down tea. The Lemon Chiffon has been replaced by Lime Chiffon! So refreshing. So limey. Amazing tea that lights up my night time cup. And I used 2 min steeping so I could have multiple infusions.

15 minutes after finishing the cup – I STILL taste the lime. It is completely coating my mouth in this amazing lime goodness.

2nd steep (3 mins) – The tea retained most of its ridiculously strong lime taste. Is absolutely amazing. Loving this tea.

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec

I need to get this!


I need to get MORE of this. I KNEW I should have ordered more of it but only ordered a try me size. I’m now hoping someone will not like the lime and want to swap some for some of the lemon. This post does not convey how strong the lime is. I finished it 15 minutes ago and my mouth is still COATED in lime taste.


Woah that’s crazy! I might have to place an order soon.. It sounds soo tasty.

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694 tasting notes

I received a sample of this from MissB. Thank you!

This was pretty tasty. I get lime a a bit of vanilla/creamy. This make my throat a bit scratchy though. Not sure if that is the tea or if it is my need to drink some water. For this type of tea, I definitely like the Lemon Meringue Rooibos by Tealish a bit better.

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1040 tasting notes

I don’t like this at all. It’s just way to artificial for me. The lime and the rooibos are just competing/fighting for attention. Ugggg, no thank you.

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