Apple Cinnamon Yogurt

Tea type
Rooibos Tea
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Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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28 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This time around the apple and yogurt has come out more than my first cup. It is not bad but I don’t think this will be a restock as the combination is just not for me. I have one cup left though...” Read full tasting note
  • “It’s too late to be up with an angry teething baby. :| Nights like this make me wish I had to get up at 6 for work, instead of being off on maternity leave. /0\ (go to sleep baby, I’m sorry baby,...” Read full tasting note
  • “So apparently all this tea is making me soooo sleepy. I can’t sleep yet since i’m still on call but man, i could sleep. So it looks like i’m going through phases tonight…some caramel teas…then the...” Read full tasting note
  • “I used to drink a tea like this all the time from the Tea Centre on Vancouver Island. They were the first company (many years ago) to introduce me to yogurt in my tea, and how it created a creamy...” Read full tasting note

From Della Terra Teas

Wait just a second, YOGURT… tea? C’mon Della Terra what are you thinking?! Well, it’s a good thing we sometimes have crazy ideas because we just ended up with an absolutely amazing tea! The yogurt adds a slight spice added with the cinnamon spice, and a creamy note that blends so well with the apples that it’s almost unreal! Just have a taste, if you love apples, cinnamon and yogurt, you are in for a treat with this one!

Ingredients: rooibos, apple bits, cinnamon and yogurt bits, apple/cinnamon flavoring

Caffeine free

Suggested brewing tips:

Serving Size: 1 level tsp./6oz serving

Water Temp: 210°F

Steep Time: 2- 5 minutes

About Della Terra Teas View company

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28 Tasting Notes

6444 tasting notes

This time around the apple and yogurt has come out more than my first cup. It is not bad but I don’t think this will be a restock as the combination is just not for me. I have one cup left though and maybe that will change my mind.


psst…i’m coming to get you missus 133….


You are impressively close given how many you started the weekend with. I keep thinking that I will get sipdowns but then the packages end up having an extra tsp or two. Plus my tea drinking was pretty subpar today.

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1598 tasting notes

It’s too late to be up with an angry teething baby. :| Nights like this make me wish I had to get up at 6 for work, instead of being off on maternity leave. /0\ (go to sleep baby, I’m sorry baby, I’m doing everything I can for you, stop being sad…)

Not even tea can fix this. :| Not even apple cinnamon tea.

Maybe I’ll just go to bed and cuddle her and that’ll calm her down. FIrst I need to calm down. Sip that tea down!

(Speaking of sipdowns, I’ve been sipping down like crazy! I think I’m at 85 teas or something? So I might eventually get down to that fabled 50. Just ignore the 9 I’ve got coming from Della Terra, and a few incoming swaps, and I’ll ignore the email from Zen Tea about 20-40% off teas… At least I’m making room? No more going over 100?)


perks up at zen tea sale o__o

50 sounds like a pipe dream, dude.

sorry baby’s having such a rough time of it. :( my child’s ability to completely ignore his body and it’s trivial goings-on was a blessing, i guess – he just seemed to drool buckets. and buckets. and buckets.

Josie Jade

Poor little baby, hope everything is better this morning!!

Terri HarpLady

Hang in there cavo! It’s frustrating, but it will pass. Meanwhile, there’s a little homeopathic remedy made by Hyland’s called ‘teething tablets’. It works wonders! I used them with all 4 of my kids, who have also used them with their 3 kids. They are cheap, they are harmless, & babies love them (they dissolve instantly & have a sweet taste). I used to have to buy them at the health food store, but now many drugstores carry them. Many mothers have sworn by Hylands (of course, many moms have also sworn by whiskey, but I don’t recommend that). Here’s a link, if you’re interested:


Thanks guys! She seems much happier today, and she doesn’t feel so hot either.

Terri- I’ll look into those tablets!

Ozli- I think the coupon code is Spring, but you can’t tell which teas are 20% or 40%. And aren’t you under 50 teas?


Oh, I should have said it sounds like a pipe dream FOR YOU :P :P :P I probably am, yeah, but maybe not if I write up all the samples from you? I only add them as tasting notes, usually. Unless there’s LOTS.


Fair enough! Some people count samples, others don’t. It’s easier if you don’t if people want to use your cupboard for trades, but I like knowing how many I have. Also, it makes me feel like I’m drinking it all because I get MOAR sipdowns. :P


Ehehehehe. It aaaaall boils down to laziness with me. :P


Laziness, or just the fact that you are BUSY with all the other sites you’re on too. :P (I basically dropped fb because of Steepster, but there are other places I am neglecting too.)


Hahahaha GUILTY /o\

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15588 tasting notes

So apparently all this tea is making me soooo sleepy. I can’t sleep yet since i’m still on call but man, i could sleep. So it looks like i’m going through phases tonight…some caramel teas…then the pumpkin one, which was kind of like apples…so here i am now. SIPDOWN!

haha thanks to Kittenna for this one. This tea smells like some other tea that i can’t place. It’s like a creamy-ish kind of generic rooibos smell.

The taste? It’s apple…and cinnamon and rooibos? I really wish i could place what this tea is reminding me of, and…. holy distracted tasting note batman. Mostly…this is REAAAAALLLLLYYYY reminding me of another tea that I can’t seem to figure out and it’s distracting me to the point of not being able to articulate my thoughts on this one… plus? tired Sil + on call with technology = say whaaaaa?

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1501 tasting notes

I used to drink a tea like this all the time from the Tea Centre on Vancouver Island. They were the first company (many years ago) to introduce me to yogurt in my tea, and how it created a creamy tang that really added depth to some teas. Although far from a ‘purist’ perspective, I really enjoyed it.

This tea has the exact same name as that tea, and so I had to try it. The differences between the two however are immediately noticed; this has cornflowers (I think) in it, and it smells little of anything other than rooibos to me.

Steeped, it’s okay. I don’t get much apple or cinnamon other than lightly with both, however some Truvia did sweeten them up and bring them out nicely. An okay tea, probably one I’ll not re-order though in the future.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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6119 tasting notes

Oops, this was another tea I brewed up the other day and didn’t get around to drinking. What a waste! So I started with some fresh tea today to give it another shot.

The dry tea smells kind of appley with a bit of a rooibos aroma. Not bad but not terribly enticing either. Brewed, same deal. Mostly appley, but that rooibos aroma pokes through and makes things a little iffy.

The flavour is definitely a bit different though. The first thing I noticed was a fair bit of creaminess, which isn’t apparent at all in the aroma! I suppose this is the yogurt. The apple then appears, along with a bit of cinnamon, and those flavours linger into the aftertaste a bit. I don’t really tasty any funky rooibos flavours, which is relieving.

Overall, it’s not too bad, and I like the way the creaminess works in here to smooth everything out, but I just don’t think apple teas are ever going to be a favourite of mine. Unless someone comes out with a granny smith apple white or something. That could be delicious.

Boiling 8 min or more
Lady 0f Spaydes

Mmm… granny smith apple white would be AWESOME.

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4337 tasting notes

Mastress Alita’s sipdown challenge – April Tea #10: A woody tea

YEAH finished all ten prompts and all ten were true sipdowns.  Now, I definitely loved this tea when I first tried it, and the flavors are still on point.  I would definitely buy this again!  I think it’s my favorite cinnamon apple rooibos.  And of course, I associate rooibos with being little pieces of wood.  This blend is a great balance of cinnamon, apple, and those little yogurt pieces.  This is actually quite the high quality rooibos that isn’t too woody after all. I forgot I had rated this rooibos tea a 97 – whoa. What a nice end to this tea… two excellent steeps. This pouch is gone but I have another one around here somewhere.
2022 sipdowns:  57


Looking forward to May’s prompts. :D


Impressive accomplishment :)

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292 tasting notes

So, I have a bizarre smell association with this tea. It reminds me of a My Little Pony I had as a kid. I had over 300 ponies, and some of them were scented. Weird, yes. But that’s what this tea smells like – a delicious My Little Pony.

Anyway, it tastes like a creamy apple cider. No medicinal rooibos flavor, just delicious cinnamon-y apple. I really enjoyed this, but it just tastes like it would be better in the fall.

Thanks for sharing, Courtney!

4 min, 0 sec

I’ve found that some teas also smell like scented plastic toys I had when I was younger! Glad I’m not the only one!


Hah, thank you! I was feeling like a weirdo.

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652 tasting notes

I ended up receiving samples of this from three different people, lol! So thanks very much to Courtney, Cavocorax and Jackie T!

I tried some for the first time today, made it in my Contigo travel mug to take to the theatre when we went to see Iron Man 3. (Awesome, in case you were wondering!)

I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about this given that I didn’t love the Vanilla Cream rooibos I had the other day, but it smelled decent.

I was pleasantly surprised that the rooibos took a back seat. It was true to its name, apple cinnamon; the yogurt wasn’t super noticeable but i am sure it added a bit of a creamy note and probably toned down the spiciness, which i appreciated.

Luckily I still have a few cups worth left so it will make a nice caffeine free option for a little while! Maybe I will order an oz at some point.

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2145 tasting notes

Tea #9 from the Here’s Hoping TTB

I’ve been eyeing this tea up for awhile now, but still haven’t gotten around to ordering it. I haven’t really been a fan of Della Terra’s apple teas, but boy have I been missing out! First of all, this tea smells amazing while steeping, almost like apple pie since it has the blend of apples and cinnamon. I have to admit, I couldn’t wait for it to cool down and I burned my mouth, trying to sip on it.

The yogurt gives this a creamy texture, I’m not normally a fan of yogurt in my tea, but it works really well here. It almost lends the feeling of ice cream on top of the apple pie while a little sweetness to the mix that I think this tea really needs. Overall, another great rooibos blend from Della Terra, I’m glad I was finally able to try it.

This tea won’t be continuing on, I finished off the last little bit.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

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1400 tasting notes

I’m much more impressed with Della Terra’s rooibos teas than their black teas.

Ah the first couple sips are so comforting. There’s an ever so subtle hint of rooibos taste in the background but it isn’t bothering me. A lovely apple and cinnamon balance. The yogurt must be what gives it the slight creaminess.

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