Mango Fruit Punch

Tea type
Fruit Herbal Blend
Artificial Flavouring, Mango, Marigold Flowers, Orange Peel, Pineapple, Safflower, Strawberry, Tangerine
Citrus, Mango, Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Tropical, Sweet, Passion Fruit, Fruity, Sugar, Fruit Punch, Strawberry, Artificial, Orange Zest, Tart, Tangy, Bitter Melon
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Courtney
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 7 min, 0 sec 24 g 23 oz / 673 ml

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145 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Aww… Why does this have to be so darn expensive? I bought 20 grams for $2.70 and I had to use the entire packet for my small teapot. I can get a couple of whole mangos for that price! I know that...” Read full tasting note
  • “Made this as a cold brew. Brewed for about 12 hours. Cold brewed there is definitely more of a fruit punch taste, similar to the Hawaiian Tropics fruit punch drink. There is definitely a mango...” Read full tasting note
  • “i’m drinking herbal. cuz i need to get better sleep. cuz let me tell you, i went to bed early last night on the super rare occasion that i was actually tired AND could also fall asleep. and as a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Well that sucks. I got this tea as a sample with my last DT order. I understand this is a heavy tea, but dannnng at least put enough tea in the sample bag for me to make the suggested serving on...” Read full tasting note


It packs a punch

At every summer party, it’s the same. The punch bowl is where the action is. So you’ve got to serve a drink that’ll please kids and grownups alike. Something fun and fruity, yet rich and exotic. Something with big pieces of pineapple and mango, tangy slices of tangerine and orange, sweet strawberries, and pretty marigold blossoms. And we’ve got that something right here. It’s guaranteed to punch up any picnic, pool party or bar-be-cue.

Ingredients: Pineapple, mango, orange slices, tangerine, safflower, marigold, strawberry, artificial flavouring*.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

145 Tasting Notes

254 tasting notes

A sample of this came with my last order. As soon as he smelled it, my husband was excited about this one. Unfortunately the blend is so heavy with fruit that the 5g sample was only about 1-1/2 tsp – only enough to make half one of my normal mugs!

It tasted like hot pineapple juice, with only a hint of other elements, but Jake liked it so much that I think we’d be ordering it if it wasn’t so expensive.

Boiling 7 min, 0 sec

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1401 tasting notes

Yay I got the summer teas today!

Okay, so this one smells and tastes just like Mango Madness. The ingredients are almost identical as well. It’s a yummy tea, and I just put the second steep in the fridge because I think it will be much better chilled.

As far as mango taste, I’m not so sure. It has a carbonated feel to it. Regardless, it’s tasty.


Hmm. I wonder how much this will taste like “Mango ‘n’ Friends”, a tea I’ve had from different companies in the past…

Aimee Popovacki

I loved the smell of this one… I wish I could drink it lol.. honestly, it smelled like one of the better ones of the summer collection.

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709 tasting notes

Well, the name is accurate on this one. I had been referring to it as mango bubble gum but mango fruit punch works better. This is a very heavy tea that smells delicious, like something you should eat immediately. I ended up using the entire 26 gram packet for our 24 oz teapot as it was very heavy and hard to get enough to flavour up. That basically makes this 1.75 a cup. Yikes!

Steeped, it has a yellow colour and a sweet aroma. The taste matches it closely, with a POW of sweetness, some identifiable candied mango and then bubble gum/fruit punch under that. To be honest, I don’t like it. I am not keen to finish my cup and I definitely won’t buy any more. I don’t know what I expected but the smell was so amazing that I got carried away. What I would want here is to cut the sweetness and add maybe some tartness to round it out. Rare for me! I should probably have used less tea or less time, but I know how difficult it can be to get dried fruit to flavour up. Unfortunately I went the opposite direction. Not for me, but would probably be very good iced or if you’re a huge fan of sweet teas.

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226 tasting notes

I have a thing for when trying a tea for the 1st time to do it hot, or at least brew it that way, with sweetener, taste it alittle then pour it over ice cubes. Unfortunately though, before I had gotten any solid sips in it, 2 flies decided to commit suicide in my cup. GACK! (Well not truly suicide as I am sure they were just attracted to the sweetness of the tea. Poor things. At any rate, needless to say I am not inclined to finish this cup. The small sips I did take…it was ok, but didn’t seem to be up to par with Pink Passionfruit. So tempted to make another tea, (Like Tropicalia or Coconut Grove.) But if I do that I should go on fly patrol before hand and I really would rather give about 2 hours to my writing, then bed.


Yuck. I’d have dumped the whole thing.


I did end up dumping it. Not sure whether I’d even want to try again with this tea. Been tempted to order the Pink Passionfruit whatever their smallest size is, though maybe I should stick with the iced tea package, at least that is cheaper. Thought if I order that I should order 1 or 2 others. MAYBE. We’ll see how tasting Tropicalia and Coconut Grove will go. Both Pink Flamingo and Citron Oolong look really tasty. LOL…so much for my tea hiatus!

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180 tasting notes

Cold-brewed for about 10 hours. Unfortunately, due to the chunks of fruit, the 25g packet in the summer collection was barely enough for one pitcher’s worth.
Interestingly, the bits of dried fruit pretty much disintegrated fully during the cold steep, leaving lots of little “particles” in the finished product.
Tastes pretty good though. Very sweet, almost like a thin, tropical fruit juice. Good for an outdoor summer get-together, but not something that I’m likely to re-purchase.

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54 tasting notes

Backlogging from yesterday, which was a hot one, filled with lots of iced tea.

I made this with about 10-12 tsps of “tea” in the 2 L DT takeya, hot water, then ice, then put the infuser back in the coolish pitcher while it sits for a while in the fridge. Also added in some frozen mango.

Yum!! Wish I didnt like this so much as it is heavy and expensive! But, it was so nice and mango-ey! I had ordered some herbal mango from H&S (still waiting) after trying their sampler and I think this is better than theirs (H&S was abit bitter, but still very tasty, as I ordered a tin).

I am liking many of the Davids’s fruit herbals for iced tea! And, just many iced teas….trying to decide what I need to re-buy from DT…..tropicalia, mango fruit punch, pink passionfruit, and possibly strawberry rhubarb parfait, which is chilling in the fridge for later today….I like them all….luckily, I have lots left, but….finally warm and sunny days, perfect for fruity iced tea…..

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81 tasting notes

Bought two ounces – made two teapots. This tastes great cold. I guess you can make this yourself using dried oranges and mangos. This is “fancy bug juice”. I bought this tea because it “smelled good” and can be used as an air freshener.

7/3/13 I visited a new DavidsTea on 23rd and 6th Ave in NYC and had a cup of this. I compare this to Starbucks new Valencia Orange VIA tea.
I like DavidsTea more than the Tang-flavored Starbucks orange flavor.

Hey David’s Tea.. Why is a cup of tea now $4 in NYC while everywhere else is $3?
Eh, not cool, Canadian bros!

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1186 tasting notes

SIPDOWN! I thought I reviewed this when I made it iced, but I guess I didn’t. The sipdown tonight was when it was hot, but the bf and I have been drinking a pitcher of it iced for the past few days.

The dry smell is very fruity, reminded me of pom tango a bit, but sweeter. Steeped, it is sweet and orange and kinda overwhelmingly so, when hot at least lol.

I must say, this one does MUCH better iced. It was tangy and orangey and mango yum iced, or just cold in the pitcher, as I like to drink it. Hot, it was a very cloying sweet flavor, ack! I didn’t like it very much. When it cooled off, it was more bearable, but still a bit too sweet for my liking, a weird sweet too. So this one is a toss up, as iced, it was delicious, and the boyfriend loved it too, but hot, not a win. I’ll rate it somewhere in the middle as a result. Oh, and I doubt I will pick up more, it is too heavy of a tea and my 25 g bag only lasted one pitcher and one hot cup lol. But it was nice to try it, and very tasty iced, but I will stick with Midsummer Night’s dream as my go to orange tea.

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464 tasting notes

The name is exactly what it tastes like: Mango fruit punch. It’s a delicious fruit punch and would be great iced in the summer, but not more remarkable than that.

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606 tasting notes

If you haven’t tried this one as an iced latte yet, run don’t walk to make one! It is SO good. The orange and mango play off each other so well and when you add milk to it, it’s like drinking a creamsicle. It’s just heaven.
Wish this one wasn’t so heavy, but that’s ok. I’m going to keep this one in the cupboard regardless because everyone in my house loves it.


I just had one with very similar ingredients but didn’t think to add milk to it. I love the idea of a creamsicle tea though! It didn’t curdle with the citrus?


Ooh, that sounds good!


@Shae Nope, but I usually make sure my tea is really cold before adding the milk, which I think helps a bit too

Lexie Aleah

Agreed this is in my top several teas from DT but I always assumed it would curdle. Sounds like a potential experiment when I open my last bag of this.

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