Cocomint Cream

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Apple, Blackberry Leaves, Coconut Flakes, Natural Coconut Flavor, Peppermint, Spearmint
Creamy, Mint, Apple, Coconut, Dill, Grass, Lime, Spearmint, Dried Fruit, Peppermint, Sugar, Sweet, Toasted, Fruity, Herbs, Lemongrass, Sweet, Warm Grass, Apple Skins, Cream, Pear, Smooth, Tropical, Pineapple
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 30 sec 5 g 13 oz / 370 ml

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We don't know when or if this item will be available.

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186 Tasting Notes View all

  • “This is a great thermos tea! I didn’t have much time to make tea this morning so I threw the leaves in and left. They were in there for nearly an hour, but the tea wasn’t super strong – just hot!...” Read full tasting note
  • “small rant I don’t want to study! I really hate how my midterms are spaced out so much this term that I pretty much have 1 every week for a few months..I’m never finished them! Anyways, I have one...” Read full tasting note
  • “So I’m not a fan of mint in tea, but as is typical, couldn’t resist picking up 10g of this anyways. I figured that I could always give away the rest, as my roommate likes mint, and my ex-roommate...” Read full tasting note
  • “Hooray! it’s December 1st! My hubby shaved off the not-so-hotso moustache he was growing for Movember. :{D No more poky face :D He did manage to raise some money and awareness for a good...” Read full tasting note


Cream of the crop
Coconut and mint might not be a familiar combo, but trust us. It’s seriously addictive. As soon as you open your first tin and experience its fresh, sweet-mint aroma, you’ll understand. It’s the kind of tea you always want to have within arm’s reach. It makes a sweet little afternoon pick-me-up. Or a perfect finale to any meal. Or a midnight snack that won’t keep you up all night. Refreshing, creamy, sweet and comforting, it’sRead more

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

186 Tasting Notes

1598 tasting notes

This is a great thermos tea! I didn’t have much time to make tea this morning so I threw the leaves in and left. They were in there for nearly an hour, but the tea wasn’t super strong – just hot! So that’s a total win.

I’m starting to see why people want more than one timolino…

Show 12 previous comments...
Kittenna 12 years ago

Yes! Multiple travel mugs ftw!

Shmiracles 12 years ago

i have four! cuz i’m goddamn crazy and they are goddamn beautiful things. just last weekend i brewed them up, drove to a park, ran a slow marathon, and then when i was done and changed clothes i still had warm tea waiting for me and my sore legs in the car! that’s over 5 hrs! i can’t gush enough about them.

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Do you actually use more than one at a time? I thought they’d be useful for work – hot tea all day!

Kittenna 12 years ago

I have five! But not all Timolinos, because I don’t like to drink HOT tea, and Timolinos are freaking expensive (though gorgeous). I have 2 Timolinos (1 black, 1 cream) and 3 Contigos (silver, red, blue). And yes, I use them ALL, often! When I head to work for a full day, I make them all up, so I have a selection of tea (and enough to get me through the day). I rarely finish them all, so end up drinking the tea at night, but it’s still fine (unless it’s in the Blue Contigo. That one has something weird going on in the lid, and it makes tea taste gross if it sits.) I also brew them all up when heading to the boy’s place, because then I can sip all day/take them wherever, and don’t have to bother making tea at his place, even though his Brita is now clean and working, he has a kettle, AND I have infusers for his place.

Kittenna 12 years ago

And Shmiracles – that is awesome. I have only run a couple 10Ks as yet, but am hoping to run a very slow half marathon this year, and eventually a full marathon (or more than one!)

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Wow! That seems like it would take a while to get everything ready in the morning, but I can see how it would be convenient to have so much tea ready to go. I couldn’t see carrying 5 on the bus, but I think I’ll snag another one so I can brew two. (That’s more reasonable for me! You probably drive so 5 isn’t a big deal to carry)

I love that they are so leakproof and trap the heat. <3

Shmiracles 12 years ago

Kittenna! watchout! hah that’s how it started for me, i ran my first marathon a year ago this week, and here i am a year later with 9 marathons/ultras under my belt and 3 more next month. it’s addictive behavior for some. obviously for me. much like tea. i swear i am still a super newb and i’d love to hear all of your training & running adventures. (i could talk about it forever, much like tea.)

Shmiracles 12 years ago

yay bus riders!

Kittenna 12 years ago

It does take a while, yes. My roommate had a 1.7L kettle; I need to fill it up once + a second time part way. I do drive to my boyfriend’s place, but I actually take all 5 on the bus with me to school! 2 in the outer pockets, 3 inside. Along with my laptop and charger, and lab book. Luckily I very rarely lug around anything else.

Kittenna 12 years ago

Cavocorax – I definitely prefer my Timolinos aesthetically, and I trust them in terms of leakproofness more than the Contigos. But I have yet to have a problem with either (except for the time that I didn’t put the rubber “secret compartment” lid in my Timolino. Then, it will leak. The Contigos actually hold heat really well too, but not quite as well (they cool off a couple hours faster… soooo like in 6 instead of 8 hours, haha), and they’re also a bit bigger. + way cheaper at Costco.

Schmiracles – I’ve been following your posts with interest, I’ve gotta say! I’m currently on hiatus as I prefer running outside to the treadmill, and I just don’t have the time to focus and train properly right now. I get shin splints easily, so it takes me a lot of careful work to work up to being able to run a full 5 or 10K after not running for a while, because even if my endurance says I can run more, my shins say don’t you dare. I’m sure I’ll post about what I’m up to on here once I get back to it! :D

TeaLady441 12 years ago

Woah. That is some srsbsns!!! I guess I have no excuse not to try bussing it up with ALL THE TEA!!! (My coworkers will be surprised to see me return from mat leave with a raging tea addiction).

Also, I envy you guys and your marathon running. It takes A LOT to do something like that. And I hatehatehate running. I think that if I am running, it’s because there is something seriously wrong, which I know is a terrible attitude. I should probably do more fitnessy things, and then my fear/attitude of running may change.

OMGsrsly 12 years ago

Kittenna, try unflavoured (usually store brand, do not get the ultra minty) denture tablets for your lid. It might take 5-10 soaks, but oh wow it helps so much. My old (4+ years, used to drink coffee in it) Contigo is now usable, what with denture tablets and a nice scrubbing with some labware brushes, to get into the nooks and crannies…

Kittenna 12 years ago

OMGsrsly – that’s on my list to try! I just haven’t had the opportunity yet. I have no idea what happened; I think something must have gotten gross from the ONE time I had hot chocolate (made with milk) in the mug. It makes everything taste a bit like it has rotted, if it stays in there too long (if I drink things quickly it’s ok, but I typically don’t).

TeaLady441 12 years ago

That’s a great tip. I… need to remember that somehow!

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1186 tasting notes

small rant
I don’t want to study! I really hate how my midterms are spaced out so much this term that I pretty much have 1 every week for a few months..I’m never finished them! Anyways, I have one tomorrow in a course that is super interesting, but studying for it is brutal. Too much memorizing viewpoints and trying to interpret philosophy readings haha. But, rant aside…

So I am procrastinating by writing a tasting note on this tea. It’s so creamy and fluffy, gahh this one I can’t have too much of too often. I think my bag is lacking in the mint department too, as there is tons of coconut and apple, but not many leaves of any sort, mint or blackberry. Ah well, I am munching on salty crackers, so this is toning down that taste with its sweetness. However, I don’t think I will get anymore of this before it is out of stores for the season, but it’s nice to have every once in a while! My little bag of this will definitely get finished! See previous notes on this tea :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
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momo 12 years ago

I have TWO tomorrow, the worse of the two is open book so I’m not studying it as hard and I’m now terrified if it’s open book because it’s a trick or something…good luck on yours tomorrow!

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

I hate open book! I never have enough time to find all the answers and yeah I don’t study as much for them, mine tomorrow is not open book but it will be tricky..fill in the blank, short answer, etc. ugh, thank you for the luck! Good luck on your two tomorrow though!! :)

Courtney 12 years ago

I’m the same! I have at least one or more every week until the end of term. Gah!

Courtney 12 years ago

Not to mention all the other projects, papers, and presentations.

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Yeah it’s weird how some terms I have them all in one week, and this one is all spaced out..haha yeah I have tons of assignments and projects too, but at least I’m done in 2 months! :D

BoxerMama 12 years ago

The mint is at the bottom! At least that’s what happened to me!

mrs.stenhouse12 12 years ago

Ahh I might have to shake up my bag a bit then to try to get some at the top :D thanks for the tip!

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6119 tasting notes

So I’m not a fan of mint in tea, but as is typical, couldn’t resist picking up 10g of this anyways. I figured that I could always give away the rest, as my roommate likes mint, and my ex-roommate likes mint… (I’m pretty much the only person I know IRL who doesn’t). I’m hoping, however, that the creaminess of the coconut counteracts some of the mint ickiness so I might like this one!

The aroma is minty. Very, very, minty. So much mint. Maybe a bit of creaminess, but mostly mint. And looking in the bag? Mostly mint. A bit of coconut, but nearly all mint. Hopes slowly being dashed.

Ok… it’s not as bad as a straight peppermint tea! Hurrah! And there’s a really nice lingering creamy aftertaste that blends with the mint. This almost reminds me of mint patties. Mint is definitely the dominant flavour, but then the coconut emerges and makes everything delicious and creamy. I’m not entirely sure that I’d go so far to say that I like this one, but I can completely, 100% understand why other people do! And it’s certainly not going to go down the drain, because I can actually drink it! The only strange thing I’m noticing is a bit of a strange after-aftertaste. Can’t quite put my finger on what it is that I don’t like, but it could just be an artifact of the mint itself.

Good job, DT, this tea is quite good! I hope it sticks around! Not quite to my liking, but I’m gathering that it’s a winner for mint lovers! My personal rating on it would be in the low 70s, but it’s probably deserving of high 80s/90s (therefore no rating from me!)

ETA: Second infusion is nearly perfect! The mint drops down a bit and the creaminess develops. SO GOOD! Actually rating this one, as I did enjoy that cup!

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec
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Plunkybug 12 years ago

I’m having a hard time picking up anything other than the mint…

Babble 12 years ago

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like mint, but I can understand since it’s such an overpowering flavor. Must be hard to buy toothpaste, though.

Kittenna 12 years ago

Heather – that’s strange, I definitely tasted coconut, particularly in the second infusion. Mint was certainly dominant, of course. Did you try a second infusion??

Rachel – I don’t dislike mint, per se. I don’t like steeped mint leaves (peppermint is worse than spearmint). It’s not the mintiness that’s a problem, but there’s an associated taste that really turns me off, especially in peppermint tea. Perhaps it’s because I don’t sweeten teas in general? However, teas containing mint and other flavours are often palatable to me if that aftertaste is covered up, which it is here! (It’s still not my first choice of ingredient though, haha.)

Babble 12 years ago

That’s how I feel about licorice and stevia. Ick ick ick.

Kittenna 12 years ago

Totally agree about licorice/anise/fennel! Stevia doesn’t seem to bother me though, although I don’t always like teas that include it.

Babble 12 years ago

I’ve tried several stevia blends and none of them have been good. DT used to put them a lot in their blends.

Plunkybug 12 years ago

Licorice and anything like it is a no no for me. Blech. As for send steep or follow up infusion, I didn’t have, buying will pay attention to the ratio of the ingredients on my next steep and will consider a second steeping as well.

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357 tasting notes

Hooray! it’s December 1st! My hubby shaved off the not-so-hotso moustache he was growing for Movember. :{D No more poky face :D He did manage to raise some money and awareness for a good cause, so it’s always worth it.

I didn’t log my tea review the first time I tried this tea because Steepster was down and my computer ate a few of the review I did on MS Word – nom nom.

I remember feeling disappointed with this one last time, and thinking it tasted a bit strange for my liking. Somehow this second time around I’m enjoying this much more. I’m not sure what changed, other than my lowered expectations. I definitely taste mint, and the coconut flavour is there, but it’s more complimentary than the mint.

Right now this one is still a like but not a love for me, but it’s growing on me.

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BoxerMama 12 years ago

I’m just going to say, maybe it’s the hipster blood flowing inside me, but I LOVE mustaches! BoxerPapa wont grow one. :( lol

canadianadia 12 years ago

I prefer the look of a goatee on my hubby, but that wasn’t permitted for movember. For some reason he let the moustache get quite unruly this time,and it stuck straight out from his face like a porcupine- not pretty, and very poky.

BoxerMama 12 years ago

LOL! A lot of men in the army here grow the curled mustaches for movember. They aren’t allowed to have a mustache past the corners of their mouths so they break out the mustache wax. Some can pull it off, some look ridiculous. lol

mynameismoe 12 years ago

I find a splash of milk helps this tea! Brings out the mintiness.

canadianadia 12 years ago

@BoxerMama – my hubby has to stay within work uniform policy also, but he hasn’t tried the mustache wax…thankfully. I don’t think it would suit him. With the mustache he had, he reminded me of Luigi from the supermario game hahaha!

@mynameismoe – I’ll have to give that a try

BoxerMama 12 years ago

LOL! That’s no good!

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292 tasting notes

I mixed this one with Coco-Lemon Thai to stick in jars in the fridge today. WIN.

I’m drinking some cold now. It’s delicious!

4 min, 0 sec
Shmiracles 12 years ago

brilliant! omg yum

jessiwrites 12 years ago

It was seriously brilliant. One of the most fantastic pairings ever. I am so pleased with myself, haha!

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1220 tasting notes

blahblah tl;dr
So…I completely failed at donating blood, and was given a reminder as to why I haven’t tried in years. I should have known there was going to be a problem when I woke up in a panic half an hour after I went to bed. I just get my heart racing so fast, and apparently they all have a 3 tries policy…but they wouldn’t give me enough time to calm myself down. It was incredibly rude too because NOBODY else was there and I’m trying to donate double red blood cells from my O- blood. Like SERIOUSLY give me a chance.
So instead I got to feel bad because I wanted to donate SO BADLY, and then I was made to feel like there’s something wrong with me, and I drove in the most ridiculous rain I’ve dealt with in the longest time to be able to do nothing for people.

And instead of going home to sulk in bed, which was my plan, since I drove past the mall I ended up in Sephora and spent $90. I can’t get over a stupid brush being $32 but whatever, hopefully I’ll never need one again.

So even now, it’s been like 5 hours since I left and I’m all pretty, and I’m still really angry. I just have no idea what I’m supposed to do cause “just calm down” is the least helpful thing you could tell someone?? Yeah.

So I avoided drinking actual tea for a couple days, getting caffeine withdrawal headaches, for no reason and now I don’t even want it.

I guess if I can bring myself to try again I’m not going back to them.

Okay finally this tea. It is comforting, all I wanted was something minty and sweet.

I’m glad when I kept repeatedly ordering from Davids they kept giving me samples of this, so I have enough for the time being.

It’s such a refreshing, awesome mix. The apple kind of ends up tasting like apple instead of just being sweet, but it actually does work with coconut and mint (though I think apple would be good w/either by itself, altogether can seem a bit worrying).

And it’s even so good cold! I might actually like it better cold.

And maybe eventually I will feel better. I’m going to plant stuff in my garden plot tomorrow so there’s that.

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tattooed_tea 12 years ago

I won’t even attempt to donate blood, because my nerves & anxiety get the best of me. And I’m also O-. I was the recipient of a blood transfusion last April & eternaly grateful.
At least you tried. There are people who don’t have the anxiety around it & won’t donate.

Novi 12 years ago

Been there, sort of… had a panic attack when my old dentist was trying to novocaine me, and instead of waiting for my lips to stop shaking, he stuck the needle in my bottom lip and numbed my face. Haven’t been back since, and I agree that if that particular place didn’t suit you, but you still want to donate, try somewhere else. Because a bad experience in a place like that won’t go away in your mind, and you’ll likely feel just as anxious there next time.

Gardening always helps, doesn’t it? Jealous that you can start already.

Fuzzy_Peachkin 12 years ago

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. With donating blood, the staff really does make a difference. Hopefully if you try again, you can find a place with a more supportive staff. I really need to schedule my next platelet donation for after I finish my next running race.

Oh and the tea sounds yummy! :-)

Terri HarpLady 12 years ago

Me & 3 of my 4 kids are O-. The boys donate blood regularly. I haven’t for awhile, as every time I did I passed out half way through the process. Not because of nervousness or anything like that, I actually find most medical procedures fascinating to watch. I also have trouble giving blood because my veins are hard to hit, so I end up leaving as a pincushion every time.

momo 12 years ago

Thank you guys. I thought the first girl was nice then I guess she really didn’t want to bother with me and handed me over to someone else and just ugh. I don’t think the right thing to tell someone with anxiety is “it’s mental.” Preeeeetty sure we know that. So I think when/if I try again I’ll go to the Red Cross instead.

I’m hoping everything I have outside right now is going to be fine, it just randomly got cold!

Indigobloom 12 years ago

Where did you go? I didn’t know there were places besides the red cross where you could donate.
I take Rescue Remedy for situations like that. Had to have some yesterday actually.

momo 12 years ago

Different areas have other donation centers, the one I went to is like AL/GA/FL but only around Atlanta in GA, kind of weird. Up where my parents live the Red Cross chapter doesn’t even do blood donations.

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171 tasting notes

Decided to have a cup of this tonight, which means Miss Rally Rims also needed a cup. I love it, but it always gives me a headache. I have no idea why.

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1445 tasting notes

Here’s another mini sipdown brought to you from the future! It’s also a backlog from the past! I’m totally time jumping, everyone.

I have 11:30-9:00 classes on Wednesdays so that’s the day where my Timolino Travel Mug proves it’s worth (or not..)! Usually I go for something strong, simple, and caffeinated (Glitter & Gold is my favourite here) but I felt like finishing this off and experimenting a little (my experiments usually have awful results).

Results to be posted here: Dun, dun, dun..

and it was…Moderately Successful! Er, a little too much stevia-like sweetness and apple with not enough cream but it worked ok!

I’ve done some funky things with this tisane (like mixing it with pure coconut milk) but it’s always come out on top. I like mint, and coconut, and cream- which is exactly what this is in that order.

I didn’t fully appreciate the Cocomint until my aunt, who I’ve got hooked on David’s Tea, made a pot up after our Christmas Day dinner. Best, most delicious thing after shoving too many things in a stomach!

I hope they bring this, or some version of this, back next year; it may be herbal (actually, that’s a factor in it’s impressiveness) but it’s one of the meager few of the newer blends from David’s I’ve actually enjoyed. Definitely a candied “texture” though.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
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K S 12 years ago

Your so Marty Mcfly!

Crowkettle 12 years ago

Haha! I need to work on my skateboarding though..

Fjellrev 12 years ago

Brutal schedule! Bet you’re really hoping for the next two months to go by quickly.

Damn, I was just at DT yesterday and smelled this, but wasn’t sure how the coconut mint combo would taste.

Crowkettle 12 years ago

Wednesdays are a bit extreme but I can’t complain too much, as I have Fridays off.

I was skeptical of the combination too but it is worth the try, especially if you enjoy mint and want a different spin on it.

Fjellrev 12 years ago

When you put it that way, I can imagine it must be good, like a creamy mint.

GiggleGoddess 12 years ago

Candy like for sure since it looks like it has sugar put in it’s mixture. I wonder how many grams of sugar it would make it? Hopefully not much, lol!

Kittenna 12 years ago

I don’t think there’s any sugar in this tea; DT doesn’t often do that. None of their teas are over 15cal/cup or something like that (most are under 5 IIRC, the cake ones with sprinkles area bit higher, e.g. 10-15).

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299 tasting notes

Then I made some of this tea when I thought I was probably past the worst of it and FELL ASLEEP WHILE IT WAS BREWING which is UNCOOL, as it is my favourite. :/ I hate being sick.

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TeaLady441 12 years ago

Awww… :( Do you use your microwave timer when you’re brewing? Maybe that would wake you up?

Hope you’re feeling better soon!!!!

TeaLady441 12 years ago

I don’t think J and I are doing Xmas presents this year, so I’m tempted to buy a tin of this for myself and wrap that up.:)

Ozli 12 years ago

Well, if my phone is near to hand I’ll use that timer, but a lot lately I’ve just been winging it. :/ Space case.

That sounds like a really good xmas plan! :D

TeaLady441 12 years ago

:( I am too. That’s why I HAVE to use the microwave timer. It’s easier than setting my phone at least: #lazy #OrOCD?

(My Xmas plan may include one of DavidsTea perfect mugs – I want a big mug and my old steeping basket sometimes opens up as I’m lifting it out of the tea, ruining everything!)

Ozli 12 years ago

We don’t have a microwave and I can’t figure out how to make the stove clock fall back, so let’s not even go there :P :P :P My phone IS really easy though.

Eeeee! Nice! Which one??

TeaLady441 12 years ago

I’m undecided. I like this heat-sensitive one: but this Nordic style is pretty nice and holds more:

And not having a microwave is a great excuse. No one wants to mess with the clock stove!

Ozli 12 years ago

Lol, I felt like such a dumbass after I posted about the stove that I got all >:[ and FIGURED IT OUT. \o/?

Oooh. Those are so pretty. I’d go for the first one, if it were meeeee, I like the shape of them.

TeaLady441 12 years ago


And I like the shape of the first one better too. Maybe I’ll luck out and they’ll still have the bigger size in the fall print when I go to the store …

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615 tasting notes

I was perplexed by this tea last time I had it, because I didn’t think there was enough mint to balance out the buttery feeling of the coconut, but I definitely managed to get more in this time.

Now this tea is so creamy and buttery and balanced is almost unreal. It has a slightly cooling minty feeling. There’s also a lot of natural sweetness. It tastes just like melted buttermints.

I dont think I could drink this everyday. It feels too decadent and rich, and I prefer my peppermint bright and refreshing. But definitely enjoyable.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec
Courtney 11 years ago

S&V’s version is tasty too. I find I prefer it slightly with the unsweetened coconut.

Yvonne 11 years ago

I wish this was still available!

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